MS04 T Code Entering point of error.

Hi Experts,
            When i am entering the MS04 T Code point fill all the requirement data and press enter of that this error happen  "you do not have necessary authorization for this function" where this is problem
Plz share with me my issue....
Thanks and Regards

This the problem with authorization object please consult to the Basis Person and Check what are the other authorisations roles the user has.
Start transaction st01 and enable the trace for "authority check".
Start your programm Then choose analysis and all the checks will be displayed.

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  • E-Recruiting: change reference code entered by error

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    There is the Workflow 51800042 (ERCAdjEntry) but I don't know how to trigger it...
    Thanks in advance for any help and kind regards

    Hi Gabriel,
    I have never seen this workflow running in any system and i think there is noone who can tell what it is for.
    In general there is no function in the application which allows to change the relations of candidacy and application to requisition / posting / publication. Of course you could change on database but you would have to rewrite all related records in IT5132, 5135-5145, IT1001. There is high risk to mess things up and of course no recruiter can do this by hand.
    Possible solutions would be reassigning the candidate to another requisition by and reject the original used one. Only problem would be that the candidate can see the wrong assignment in the application list in his start page.
    Other way would be the administrator function to delete / deregister the candidate to get completely rid of the wrong entry and enter the candidate again using the correct reference code.
    Best Regards
    Roman Weise

  • Why am I receiving Null pointer Exception Error.

    why am I receiving Null pointer Exception Error.
    Hi I am developing a code for login screen. There is no syntex error as such ut I am receving the aove mentioned error. Can some one please help me ??
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Main implements ActionListener
    Frame mainf;
    MenuBar mb;
    MenuItem List,admitform,inquiry,exit,helpn;
    Menu newm,update,help;
    Inquiry iq;
    Admit ad;
    // HosHelp hp;
    Howuse hu;
    Register reg;
    mainf=new Frame(" Engg College V/S Mumbai University ");
         mb=new MenuBar();
         newm=new Menu(" New ");
         update=new Menu(" Update ");
         help=new Menu(" Help ");
         List=new MenuItem("List");
         admitform=new MenuItem("Admit");
         inquiry=new MenuItem("Inquiry");
         exit=new MenuItem("Exit");
         helpn=new MenuItem("How to Use?");
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    if (ae.getSource()==List)
              reg=new Register();
         iq=new Inquiry();
         ad=new Admit();
              hu=new Howuse();
    public static void main(String args[])
              new Main();
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Register implements ActionListener//,ItemListener
    Label id,name,login,pass,repass;
    Button ok,newu,cancel,check;
    Button vok,iok,lok,mok,sok; //buttons for dialog boxes
    TextField idf,namef,loginf,passf,repassf;
    Dialog valid,invlog,less,mismat,acucreat;
    Frame regis;
    Checkbox admin,limit;
    CheckboxGroup type;
    DBconnect db;
         db=new DBconnect();
    regis=new Frame("Registeration Form");
              type=new CheckboxGroup();
              admin=new Checkbox("Administrator",type,true);
              limit=new Checkbox("Limited",type,false);
              id=new Label("ID :");
    name=new Label("Name :");
         login=new Label("Login :");
         pass=new Label("Password :");
         repass=new Label("Retype :");
    idf =new TextField(20); idf.setEnabled(false);
         namef=new TextField(30); namef.setEnabled(false);
    loginf=new TextField(30); loginf.setEnabled(false);
         passf=new TextField(30); passf.setEnabled(false);
         repassf=new TextField(30); repassf.setEnabled(false);
    ok=new Button("OK"); ok.setEnabled(false);
         newu=new Button("NEW");
    cancel=new Button("Cancel");
         check=new Button("Check Login"); check.setEnabled(false);
    vok=new Button("OK");
         iok=new Button("OK");
              lok=new Button("OK");
              mok=new Button("OK");
              sok=new Button("OK");
    valid=new Dialog(regis,"Login name is valid !");
         invlog=new Dialog(regis,"Login name already exist!");
         less=new Dialog(regis,"Password is less than six characters !");
    mismat=new Dialog(regis,"password & retyped are not matching !");
    acucreat=new Dialog(regis,"You have registered successfully !");
    //     regis.setBackground(;
    valid.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         invlog.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         less.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         mismat.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    acucreat.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    id.setBounds(35,50,80,25); //(left,top,width,hight)
         // limit.addItemListener(this);
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                   String s2=loginf.getText();
    ResultSet rs=db.s.executeQuery("select* from List");
    //                    invlog.setBackground(;
                        //     valid.setBackground(;
                        }catch(Exception e)
              ResultSet rs=db.s.executeQuery("select max(ID) from List");
    String s1=rs.getString(1).trim();
                   int i=Integer.parseInt(s1);
                   String s2=""+i;
                   namef.setText(""); namef.setEnabled(true);
              loginf.setText(""); loginf.setEnabled(true);
              passf.setText(""); passf.setEnabled(true);
              repassf.setText(""); repassf.setEnabled(true);
                   }catch(Exception e)
              String s1=idf.getText();
              String s2=loginf.getText();
              String s3=passf.getText();
         String s4=repassf.getText();
         int x=Integer.parseInt(s1);
         int t;
    ResultSet rs=db.s1.executeQuery("select* from List");
                        if (s3.length()<6)
    else if(!(s3.equals(s4)))
    db.s1.execute("insert into User values("+x+",'"+s2+"','"+s3+"',"+t+")");
                   } //try
              catch(Exception e1)
              // e1.printStackTrace();
              if (ae.getSource()==cancel)
              if (ae.getSource()==vok)
              if (ae.getSource()==iok)
              if (ae.getSource()==lok)
              if (ae.getSource()==mok)
    if (ae.getSource()==sok)
         public static void main(String args[])
         new Register();
    import java.sql.*;
    public class DBconnect
    Statement s,s1;
    Connection c;
    public DBconnect()
         catch(Exception e)
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Login implements ActionListener
    Frame log;
    Label login,pass;
    TextField loginf,passf;
    Button ok,cancel;
    Dialog invalid;
    Button iok;
    Register reg;
    DBconnect db;
    Main m;
    db=new DBconnect();
         log=new Frame();
         login=new Label("Login :");
    pass=new Label("Password :");
         loginf=new TextField(20);
         passf=new TextField(20);
         ok=new Button("OK");
         // newu=new Button("New User");
         cancel=new Button("CANCEL");
         iok=new Button(" OK ");
    invalid=new Dialog(log,"Invalid User!");
         // iok.setBackground(Color.gray);
         invalid.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         login.setBounds(35,50,70,25); //(left,top,width,hight)
    // newu.setBounds(85,120,80,25);
    // log.add(newu);
    // newu.addActionListener(this);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a)
              String l=loginf.getText();
              String p=passf.getText();
              ResultSet rs=db.s.executeQuery("select * from List");
              if(l.equals(rs.getString(2).trim())&& p.equals(rs.getString(3).trim()))
                        String tp=rs.getString(4).trim();
                             int tp1=Integer.parseInt(tp);
                             m=new Main();
                        // m.List.setEnabled(true);
                             m=new Main();
                   }catch(Exception e1)
         if (a.getSource()==cancel)
         if (a.getSource()==iok)
         public static void main(String[] args)
         new Login();
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Inquiry implements ActionListener
    Frame inqry;
    Label name,addr;
    TextField namef,addrf;
    Button ok,cancel,dok;
    Dialog invalid;
    Frame result; //Result of the inquiry....
    Label lrname,lraddr,lward,lrdate,lcdate;
    TextField rname,raddr,ward,rdate,cdate;
    Date d;
    DateFormat df;
    Button rok,rcancel;
    Dialog success;
    Button rdok;
    DBconnect db;
              db=new DBconnect();
              inqry=new Frame("Inquiry Form");
              name=new Label(" NAME ");
              addr=new Label("ADDRESS");
              namef=new TextField(20);
              addrf=new TextField(20);
              ok=new Button("OK");
              cancel=new Button("CANCEL");
              dok=new Button("OK");
              invalid=new Dialog(inqry,"Invalid Name or Address !");
              invalid.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    result=new Frame(" INQUIRY RESULT "); //Result Window......
    lcdate=new Label(" DATE ");
         lrname=new Label(" NAME ");
    lraddr=new Label(" ADDRESS ");
         lward=new Label(" WARD ");
         lrdate=new Label(" ADMIT-DATE ");
    cdate=new TextField(10);
         rname=new TextField(20);
         raddr=new TextField(20);
         ward=new TextField(20);
         rdate=new TextField(10);
         cdate=new TextField(20);
         d=new Date();
    rok=new Button(" OK ");
         rcancel=new Button("CANCEL");
              lcdate.setBounds(200,50,60,25); //Result Window......
         result.add(lcdate); //Result Window......
    rok.addActionListener(this); //Result Window......
              result.setSize(400,280); //Result Window......
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                             String nm=namef.getText();
                             String ad=addrf.getText();
                             ResultSet rs=db.s.executeQuery("select * from Billinformation");
                                  String nm1=rs.getString(2).trim();
                                  String ad1=rs.getString(3).trim();
                                  int k=0;
                             String adm=rs.getString(5).trim();
                             String wr=rs.getString(6).trim();
                             String bd=rs.getString(8).trim();
                                  String wrb=wr+"-"+bd;
                             else if(k==1)
                             catch(Exception e)
                        } //getsource ==ok
                        if(ae.getSource()==rok) //Result Window......
         public static void main(String args[])
              new Inquiry();
    PLease Help me !!
    I need this urgently.

    can you explain what your program tries to do... and
    at where it went wrong..Sir,
    We are trying to make an project where we can make a person register in our data base & after which he/she can search for other user.
    The logged in user can modify his/her own data but can view other ppl's data.
    We are in a phase of registering the user & that's where we are stuck. The problem is that after the login screen when we hit register (OK- button) the data are not getting entered in the data base.
    Can u please help me??
    I am using "jdk1.3' - studnet's edition.
    I am waiting for your reply.
    Thanks in advance & yr interest.

  • Null Point Exception Error

    Hi All
            I have to add an input field which will accept email Id from users. This field has to be kept mandatory. I have kept a check on the value entered. If the user does not enter any value, an error message should be displayed. Below is the code that I have written. Whenever, the user keeps this field blank and submits the form, null point exception error is displayed.
    Please help how to overcome this problem
    email = wdContext.currentContextElement().getEmail_Id();     
              if (wdContext.currentContextElement().getEmail_Id().equals("") )
                   IWDMessageManager msg = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getMessageManager();
                   msg.reportMessage(IMessageTender_ResignationComp.PERSONAL_EMAIL_ID,new Object[]{"Please enter correct Email Id"},true);

    Change the following code to
    email = wdContext.currentContextElement().getEmail_Id();
    if (wdContext.currentContextElement().getEmail_Id().equals("") )
    IWDMessageManager msg = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getMessageManager();
    msg.reportMessage(IMessageTender_ResignationComp.PERSONAL_EMAIL_ID,new Object[]{"Please enter correct Email Id"},true);
    if (wdContext.currentContextElement() != null)
        email = wdContext.currentContextElement().getEmail_Id();
    if ( email.equals("") )
    IWDMessageManager msg = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getMessageManager();
    msg.reportMessage(IMessageTender_ResignationComp.PERSONAL_EMAIL_ID,new Object[]{"Please enter correct Email Id"},true);

  • The tax code entered is not defined in the company code country.

    Dear sap guru's
    I am facing a problem while doing invoice or while cancelling the invoice or even during Subsequent Credit/Debit
    Tax code V0 in procedure  is invalid
       Message no. FF704
       The tax code entered is not defined in the company code country.
    System Response
       Check and, if necessary, correct the entry.
    Procedure for System Administration
       If it is not an input error, check and possibly change the system
       To do this, choose Maintain entries (F5).
       1.  Check whether the required tax procedure has been allocated to the
           company code country. The Procedure field is on the detailed screen.
       2.  If you need a new tax code, you can create one yourself.
    For this i have checked the assignment of company code and tax code V0 in Tcode (OBCL)
    In FTXP the tax code is created in country IN, for the same tax procedure and the tax is a input tax.
    please suggest what could be the exact problem

    Hi Sujit,
    1.Go to FTXP and create tax code V0 for country IN and procedure ZAXINN.
    2.In Txn: FV11, For the condition type- XXXX (You will get this in Txn: FTXP, against the tax type, you get the condition type OR in the PO-Item details- Invoice tab, next to field: Tax code, see the Tab-Taxes, click on it and will get the condition type) , maintain the country-IN, Tax code-V0 and the rate.
    3.Also things to be checked
    1> assign country to company code
    2> assign company code to tax code
    3> create tax code for country IN
    4.Under the following menu path, pls check if you have assigned your tax code to Company Code
    IMG>Logistics (General)>Tax on Goods Movement>India>Basic Settings>Determination of Excise Duty>Condition Based Excise Determination>Assign Tax Codes to Company Code
    Hope it clears,

  • Received HTTP response code 500 : Internal Server Error using connection Fi

    Hi everybody,
    I have configured a file-webservice-file without BPM explained by Bhavesh in the following thread:
    File - RFC - File without a BPM - Possible from SP 19.
    I have used a soap adapter (for webservice) instead of rfc .My input file sends the date as request message and gets the sales order details from the webservice and then creates a file at my sender side.
    I monitored the channels in the Runtime work bench and the error is in the sender ftp channel.The other 2 channel status is "not used" in RWB.
    1 sender ftp channel
    1 receiver soap channel
    1 receiver ftp channel.
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information Send binary file "b.xml" from ftp server "", size 194 bytes with QoS EO
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information MP: entering1
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information MP: processing local module localejbs/AF_Modules/RequestResponseBean
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information RRB: entering RequestResponseBean
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information RRB: suspending the transaction
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information RRB: passing through ...
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information RRB: leaving RequestResponseBean
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information MP: processing local module localejbs/CallSapAdapter
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information The application tries to send an XI message synchronously using connection File_
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information Trying to put the message into the call queue.
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information Message successfully put into the queue.
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information The message was successfully retrieved from the call queue.
    2009-12-16 15:02:00 Information The message status was set to DLNG.
    2009-12-16 15:02:02 Error The message was successfully transmitted to endpoint Received HTTP response code 500 : Internal Server Error using connection File_
    2009-12-16 15:02:02 Error The message status was set to FAIL.
    Please help.
    thanks a lot

    Hi Suraj,
    You are right.The webservice is not invoked.I see the same error in the sender channel and the receiver soap channel status is "never used".
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information Send binary file  "b.xml" from ftp server "", size 194 bytes with QoS BE
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information MP: entering1
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information MP: processing local module localejbs/CallSapAdapter
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information The application tries to send an XI message synchronously using connection File_
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information Trying to put the message into the call queue.
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information Message successfully put into the queue.
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information The message was successfully retrieved from the call queue.
    2009-12-16 15:52:25 Information The message status was set to DLNG.
    2009-12-16 15:52:27 Error The message was successfully transmitted to endpoint Received HTTP response code 500 : Internal Server Error using connection File_
    2009-12-16 15:52:27 Error The message status was set to FAIL.
    what can I do about this?

  • Reporting Point Backflush Error

    Hi Friends,
    I have a specific question. I am using a material in which Batch Mangement is active. Now when I use MF42N as collective backflush, I enter following data
    Scene 1: Input Data in MF42N Screen
    Posting Data & Document Date (Current Date)
    backflush Qty
    Reporting Point
    When I enter this data System posts it without asking me Batch Number though Batch Management is active in Material Master.
    Scene 2: Input Data in MF42N Screen
    Posting Data & Document Date (Current Date)
    backflush Qty
    When I enter this data (No Reporting Point), then System gives me error as Enter Batch (Which is correct as Batch Management is Active in Material Master)
    Please tell me why system is not giving error in Scene 1 where I am not entering Batch details.
    Please let me know if you want any more details on this.

    Dear Nilesh,
    In this case I feel may be by debugging we may be able to identify why the system is allowing you to post the material along
    with batch without mentioning the reporting point without error.
    Logically it should look for both the objects like reporting point as well as batch number(provided if you have assigned a REM
    profile with reporting point and activated the batch management for the product).Is the REM profile containing the reporting point
    as mandatory or optional?

  • The tax code entered is not defined in the country for this company code

    HI ALL
    when we relase billing document to finance i am getting this below error
        The tax code entered is not defined in the country for this
        company code.
    System Response
        Check and, if necessary, correct the entry.
    Procedure for System Administration
        If it is not an input error, check and possibly change the
        system settings.
        To do this, choose Maintain entries (F5).
        1.  Check whether the required tax determination procedure
            is assigned to the relevant country. the Procedure
            field is in the detail screen.
        2.  Create a new tax code if required.
    Thanks & Regards

    You can define the tax code for your country using the following menupath in customizing:
    IMG>Financial Accounting>Financial Accounting Global Settings>Tax on Sales and Purchases>Calculation-->Define tax codes ........... in the next screen enter your country and then the tax code you wish to create and press enter. You would be then directed to another screen, where you would maintain the description and whether it is a  Input tax or Output tax and then maintain the appropriate tax percentage and save.
    Your country should also be assigned to a calculation procedure. You check the same using the same menupath as mentioned above: .............Tax on Sales and purchases>Basic Settings>Assign country to calculation procedure........In the next screen, enter the appropriate tax procedure for your country. Eg: for country DE assign tax procedure as TAXD and save.
    Hope this helps.

  • HTTP Error Code 500 Internal Server Error creating connection

    Hi, i have an error when i try to create a database connection
    i have windows 7
    php 5
    mysql 5
    if i try to connect to mysql with a icode i gererate it connects perfect.
    if i use for example ems mysql manager it connects perfect to the databases
    but when i try to create a connection in dreamweaver it appears:
    HTTP Error Code 500 Internal Server Error
    i dont know what to do.
    i have done a lot of steps for solve other errors:
    - chance mysql passwords for old_password
    - remove cache file
    any idea ??

    I would look at your log files on your server to see what is the issue.
    You most likely will have a php error log and a server error log.  That will point you in the right direction.

  • ADF Mobile: HTTP Status Code 500 Internal Server Error

    I wrote a SOAP web service and deployed it to my standalone ADF Server. I tested it with the HTTP Analyzer, works great. I used it in a Web Service Data Control in normal ADF Web - works perfect. It returns a table of data as programmed. However, ADF Mobile gives me errors: "Http Status Code 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request".
    I developed an ADF Mobile interface with an amx page. I created the same Web Service Data Control and created a List View based on the data control. The error pops up every single time, both on iOS simulator and Android Simulator.
    I know the simulators have network access to the web services - because i can open the web service test page and WSDL from both simulator's internet browsers.
    I know the web services are running - because my ADF Web application can access it.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you!

    Thanks for the reply. There were no errors in my WLS server. However, I will add some statements to my web service to write to the log file. That way i can see if or at what point is the web service is being accessed by the mobile app.

  • Returns status code '500' (Internal Server Error) in response

    I got error like
    HTTP connection to returns status code '500' (Internal Server Error) in response
    I did check this Discussion HTTP returns status is 500(Internal Server Error)
    But I don't understand can someone help me in detail.

    Hi All,
    When I check RFC destination configuration with following information.
    Connection Type: H
    Under Technical Setting TAB
    Target Host: write the host name
    Path Prefix: /dir/CacheRefresh
    Service No: enter J2ee port no (e.g. 50000)
    Under Logon/Security TAB
    select Basic Authontication radio button
    SSL select inactive
    Under Logon:
    Lang: EN
    Client: enter client
    User: XIISUSER
    Password: *******
    Under Special Option TAB
    HTTP Setting:
    HTTP Ver: HTTP 1.0
    Compression: inactive
    Compressed response: NO
    HTTP Cookies: Yes (All)
    This is the test result.
    Status HTTP response : 403
    Status text : Forbidden
    Duration test call : 163 ms
    Please help me.

  • Validate Company code entered against object F_BKPF_BUKu0096BUKRS in useru0092s rol

    Validate Company code entered in the selection-screen against the object F_BKPF_BUK–BUKRS in user’s roles.
    If value entered in selection is not found in authorisation object, display error message “Company code access is prohibited”
    can anyone explain How to write the code for this
    Thank you.

    there are lots of FM to get User details by just passing sy-uname.
    Just search BAPI_USER* and you will get one suitable to you.

  • HTTP Error Code 400 Bad Request error when connecting to SQL db

    I realized I should move this to a new post since it was a new question...
    I am trying to connect to a distributed SQL database from CS4.
    Let me show you how the connection is built... and then maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong...
    First I go to the database panel:
    I click on the '+' sign to add an MS SQL Server Connection:
    That brings up the SQL Server Connection window where I am supposed to replace the placeholders with my server values:
    After I enter the correct values and click test, I get the error (HTTP Error Code 400 Bad Request)... These values work from SQL Server Management Studio on the same PC.
    Just as a side note... I tried one other thing that makes me think SOMETHING is wrong here:
    If I choose as OLE DB Connection instead... and click the 'Build...' button and then enter the values in the Data Link Properties Window (OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, and then the connection info on the Connection tab) and then click Test Connection on the Data Link Properties window, it says my test succeeded. Then I click 'ok' which takes me back to the OLE DB Connection windows with the connection string pre-filled, and click test on THAT window and I get the same HTTP Error Code 400 Bad Request error...
    Hopefully that is enough detail that someone can can tell me what I have broken?

    You will get a better response if you ask this question on the DW Application Dev forum. This forum mainly covers client-side issues.

  • Incomplete instances for multiuser login giving null pointer exception error

    I am facing one problem about Weblogic workflow. We have developed an application
    where number of users logs in simultaneouly.
    When a user logs in, one instance of workflow gets created. So when more than one
    user logs in, that many instanaces gets created. But it gives us the error like "Null
    pointerexception". This is beacuse The instanaces which gets created were not getting
    completed, they are incomplete. And when I delete these incomplete instances and
    try to login one after another user, it works fine. But again when two or more users
    logs in at same time we get the same error.
    Can you please help me out solving this problem.
    Rajesh Patil

    I have just found out that when this error appear, a folder called splash is created in the same directory as my project folder and the application that I just ran has appeared in there and I can run it from the files in that folder. I can't see anywhere in my code which specifies sending these files to a splash folder.
    Does anyone know why this might happen and if this is related to the Null Pointer Exception Error?

Maybe you are looking for