MSI APS + GTX 580 Lightening xtreme SLI

I've got two GTX 580's LX in SLI. I got a EVGA GTX460 from a friend for dedicated phys-x.
My issues are:
1) When i put the 460 in my system the APS software doesn't work. Is it because it detects a non msi card? shouldn't it work regardless because i also have 580 LX?
2) trying to fix the issue, i noticed that even when i didn't have the 460 in my system and i enabled and applied APS software, the lights on the cards don't change (turn off) according to what the software shows. Does the APS not work when cards are in SLI?
Thanks for any help

contact msi here: and have a ask them

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    not possible, when VGA is in IDLE there are less amounth of LEDs that's active.
    you can place a piece of black tape over leds to "disable" them

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    Is the MSI Geforce GTX 580 Twin Frozr II a reference design PCB underneath the cooler?
    yes it is
    And do the military class components get in the way of other custom cooler E.g. A waterblock?
    You can check Hydrogen version:

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    Thanks for any help or advice!

    Quote from: Hyco24 on 27-November-11, 16:42:04
    I wish I could tell you exactly what the issue is as to why your temps are showing what they are, but I don't have a straight answer for ya. I am just trouble shooting with you.  From my experience it sounds like a thermal issue. Have you tried to run the fan at 100%? I know it can be loud but if it helps then it could be air flow, if it doesn't really help (4-6c lower) then it might be a bad thermal application.
    Some other thoughts are since the card is down clocking, the voltage is being lowered while it is in 2D mode so temps should be low since there isn't very much activity on the GPU. I can't tell you what your specific card should be in this mode since I haven't had hands on with one. I would say that since there is very little voltage going to the chip temps should be in the mid 20s to low 30s depending on fan speed.
    I understand not wanting to send a new product back it isn't fun to get a taste of the power and then have to send it back so soon. Since it is so new where did you get the card from? You should be able to take it back and exchange it for another one. That is if you went to a store to buy it. If you got it online you could send it back to them too, as long as it is a e-tailer.
    If MSI says that it doesn't void the warranty by changing the thermal paste that is an option too. I would rather do that personally, but if you haven't done it before it can be scary.
    I had every fan in my case at 100%, still running hot.  I bought from TigerDirect.  If something is wrong with this card, I'd almost rather just get a fresh new one instead of monkeying around with a brand new one with problems.  I don't know why, but having to "fix" a $600 card just doesn't sit right with me.
    You'd really think that they test these things before shipping them out or something........

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    I always leave my PC on. Idle's all night and while I'm at work.
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    Idle's for another day or two.
    Sit down a few days later to find any game crashes after a few minutes.
    Power down. Cold boot. games play fine for hours.
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    OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD
    Corsair HX850 Power Supply
    This happens no matter if CPU and GPU are running at stock speeds. Tried several Nvidia drivers. It's been going on a while. I just upgraded from 275.xx to 285.62. I also never had any issues with CFX 6950's in this system.
    Any ideas? Thanks!

    Quote from: compudaze on 05-November-11, 10:16:32
    I honestly haven't tried reference 580 clocks. Only the stock clocks of the Lightning. But I don't see how that would affect anything. I can play for several hours without a crash. Then come back a few days later and it will crash within minutes. Cold boot, I can play for hours again.
    I can still give it a try though.
    then it colubd be anything
    try reseat the VGA into the PCI-e slot or try it in another PCI-E slot

  • MOVED: MSI GeForce GTX 580 Twin Frozr II OC and official drivers from nVidia

    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.

    Quote from: Grunwaldt on 12-March-11, 05:57:19
    Don't want to look dumb, but I have no idea on how to flash from an USB key, could I burn a CD ISO and do the same? Also what are the exact settings of the bios posted in that thread you just told me? I might only need to set voltage to 1013, everything else seems correct.
    Don't want to look dumb, but I have no idea on how to flash from an USB key,
    Quote from: Svet on 25-February-11, 07:32:33
    Hi pacnow,
    Re flash the card which comes with 823MHz with BIOS attached below.
    How to:
    Create a USB key bootable
    How to make USB key bootable:
    Then get attached file, and extract & copy all files nvflash.exe, CWSDPMI.EXE and 103.rom
    to the USB key.
    Then reboot the computer and boot from the bootable USB key,
    when you see A:\ or C:\ type:
    nvflash.exe -b old.rom [ENTER]
    Wait process to finish, this will backup/save your current VBIOS.
    Then flash the new VBIOS with:
    nvflash.exe -4 -5 -6 103.rom [ENTER]
    Wait process to finish, then reboot the machine and you're done
    lso what are the exact settings of the bios posted in that thread you just told me?
    defaults for your card:

  • Just Cause 2 nvidia driver crash MSI GTX 580 OC SLI (video)

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    Quote from: pacnow on 17-February-11, 07:23:31
    I tested the first card I purchased the non stickered one, and running at factory overclock it crashed the driver about 20 minutes of gameplay.
    What I did differently this time was I removed the Stickered card from the PCIE slot.
    Wow amazing I didn't think it could be a single cards fault. I'll continue testing the stickered one too. What I did find strange was this non stickered card core values show 822 in MSI Afterburner and 823 in GPUZ.
    What you mean by "stickered" and "non stickered" card?
    What I did find strange was this non stickered card core values show 822 in MSI Afterburner and 823 in GPUZ.
    that's suppose to be.
    When you locate which one of your card is crashing.
    Use/install this[latest] AB version 2.1.7:
    then go to settings, and unlock voltage monitor and voltage control.
    then restart the AB, and click on reset
    then see and tell what's the vcore shown for it

  • MSI GTX 580 Lightning + Asrock Z68 Pro 3 Issue

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    Also the red and green leds on the gtx 580 lightning are on and fans are spinning but when I try to attach the monitor it just doesnt give anything out.
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    Anyone having this same issue ? Or any solutions to my problem? Would be nice to get my rig up and running fully.

    Quote from: Bas on 07-September-11, 04:33:45
    AsRock already tested the combination and it works:
    Maybe the motherboard has broken PCI-e slots, as Asrock suggested, goto a dealer and check it out with them.
    The combination is not a problem, but if a PCI-e slot is broken it can explain all of this.
    As the card works in other systems, it's hardly possible it's the card, else it would fail too.
    And yes, because an ATI card works it doesn't mean the PCI-e slot is good, have seen such before.
    He replaced the board with new one Asus P8P67 Pro and still doesn't works on-board led shows VGA init error.
    So 2 different brand new boards with broken slots is very unlikely. [both of them worked fine with different video cards]
    The MSI's GTX 580 Lightning worked fine in meantime with the same PSU [he also tested with different one and it works fine with both PSU's on 3th board] on 3th different mainboard.
    It's some kind of compatibility issue [based on all facts]
    AsRock already tested the combination and it works:
    They test it but not with the same card Lightning card, they used reference card instead [MSI N580GTX-M2D15D5].
    The VBIOS structure of the non reference design used on Lightning cards are very different compared to regular versions,
    as well the card itself compared to reference one.

  • MSI GTX 580 Lightning original bios problem

    I purchased today an MSI Lightning GTX 580 video card. My bios switch is on "original" position. I run MSI Afterburner and my stock speeds are : Core Clock 772 MHz, Shader Clock 1544MHz and Memory Clock 2004 MHz (stock cards speed). This card supposed to be oc. So do i have to RMA it or i have to change something to the bios switch to work at the right speeds?

    Quote from: Dennis.MSI on 12-September-11, 07:19:19
    Hi Clio16v (1.8 or 2.0? )
    For your information:
    We don't print clockspeeds on the box, but you will be able to find all product information on the label that is on the side of the box which has an MSI part number.
    Using the codes on there, we identify a different "SKU" for instance, does it come with a game bundle, or is it only for a certain territory, is it OC'ed or not..
    These codes are also what the reseller/dealer uses when he orders the cards.
    In your case, if he matches the description of an OC card to a non-OC code, you end up with a product being sold (by a reseller/dealer) under wrong specs.
    This is normal practice in the IT business, notebooks are the best example.
    For instance, we have the GT780DX
    This nice gaming machine comes with various configurations, one or two hard drives, 8, 12 or 16 GB of memory, BluRay or DVD, different keyboard layouts.
    In this case (As the machine is just a few weeks old) we only have two different SKUs available of the GT780DX at newegg, but you can imagine that this varies per country ending up with a lot of different GT780DX's all with different specs.
    I hope this clears things up a bit as MSI is not intentionally selling cards with wrong clock speeds.
    As suggested here before, I think you will have to take this to your dealer if you want to resolve it.
    First of all thank you for your reply. I think that as an end user don't have the knowledge to decrypt the serial number or part number of every vga card that is on the street right now. This is between MSI and the resellers/dealers. And it is not my business to know that i have to look on that label to find out what i'm buying that moment. My label is not saying anything about oc...But i dont know if it should say so... In the case of MSI N580GTX Twin Frozr II/OC and MSI N580GTX Twin Frozr II you put a sticker on the box to seperate the two editions... Why don't you do the same for the N580GTX Lightning Edition? If you produce two different products(one oc and one stock) why dont you put it on the box to protect your buyers from every mistake (accidental or intentionally) that the resellers do? Why do i have to suffer to take the card back to the reseller, wait for a long time without the card which i have already paid for (reseller is out of stock) and have the possibility to take back a refurbish product although i paid for a new one? This is not a proper treatment from a big company like MSI not to protect their buyers... I also see that every vga card on the site (at least the expensive ones) has the same note "The specifications may differ from areas. Please check with your local dealers". So finally we never know what we are buying from MSI. All their products may have different specifications than advertised...So its a lucky pick, if you are lucky you are going to take what you paid for...Sorry but this is not right...

  • GTX 580 Twin FrozR II - Card Broken?

    Just bought myself a MSI GTX 580.
    Im getting a problem where i get moving lines across the screen going up and down from left to right. Its hard to desribe but its like interferance, best way i can describe it. It also makes everything grainy.
    Ive tried loads of different drivers. I only get it when i actually going to a game, dont even get it on the menu screen.
    If i take a print screen it doesnt show up and if i try taking it with a camera it is to faint to show up.
    I have tried several monitors and i still get the same problem. I have no idea what it is.

    MSI GeForce GTX 580 OC Twin FrozR II 1536MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card
    XFX Pro 750W Core Edition '80 Plus Bronze' Power Supply
    Corsair XMS3 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 PC3-12800C9 1600MHz Dual Channel Kit (CMX8GX3M2A1600C9)
    Coolermaster Hyper 212 Plus    
    MSI P67A-GD65 Intel P67 (socket 1155) DDR3 Motherboard - (Sandybridge) ** B3 REVISION **    
    Intel Core i5-2500K 3.30GHz  (Sandybridge) Socket LGA1155 Processor
    Samsung SpinPoint F1 1TB SATA-II 32MB Cache - OEM (HD103UJ)    
    Sony Optiarc AD-7260S 24x DVD±RW SATA Lightscribe ReWriter (Black)
    Cooler Master CM-690 II Lite Dominator Case - Black
    Have not Overclocked anything.
    Had the PC for about 1 week now.
    Current drivers for graphics card are 275.50. Every time i install it it comes up with "Drivers may not of installed correctly" but i just click that they have, dont know if that is the problem.
    Also im getting Idle temps of 40.

  • New GTX - 580 twin frozr Problem

    Hi guys, new to this forum.... Its a good one, plenty of experts, thats what makes a forum good
    I built a new machine for Battlefield 3 in November. I ordered this:
    MSI GeForce GTX 580 OC Twin FrozR II 1536MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card [V255-040
    From the start I've been getting the black screen crash, minimise with sound still continuing in the background (not sound loop error) crash and the odd "display driver has crashed and recovered" crash.
    I've done all the usual stuff, formats, reinstalls, new sound cards, drivers etc, I've never tried the update gpu bios trick, would it work here? I have it at stock, even on afterburner as i dont know the overclocking settings to try. Or the max i can use. Some say i should increase the voltage?
    Any thoughts?
    thanks guys. 6months at it now :O

    Quote from: irishfireman on 01-May-12, 19:29:29
    ok setting the voltage to 1038 helped a bit. but it crashed again today. going to try the other voltage.
    I just noticed that bench testing with fumark, it said that my card was being throttled. And the temp wont rise above 52 - 53 degrees celcius. The minute the game crashed the temp was 53 degrees. Is there something stopping the gpu performing? System is well air cooled. and i've manually ramped up the fan speed. Any thoughts?
    what vga drivers you use?

  • MSI GTX 580 Lightning XE - no DTS-HD and no Dolby Digital TrueHD?

    I have just upgraded from the gtx 460 to 580 Lightning XE and the above audio formats are gone. I thought the 280.26 drivers caused it so I went back to 275.33 and DTS-HD and DD TrueHD are still missing.
    Since the gtx 460 supports these formats I presumed that the 580 does as well.
    In Playback Devices > Supported Formats, only 3 formats are listed: DTS Audio, Dolby Digital Plus and Dilby Digital  
    In Nvidia Control Panel, the HDCP is not supported when I select my TV/amp. When I had my tv/amp connected via hdmi cable to gtx 460, all was functioning correctly, all formats were listed.
    PowerDVD and Total MediaTheater worked perfectly fine playing dts-hd an dd truehd from bluray discs, now these formats are just not available anywhere. Only normal DTS and DD is played.
    I really hope that this is a software issue  
    DTS-HD and DD TrueHD are supported from HDMI 1.3 version. The GTX 580 chip supposedly supports HDMI 1.4a. NVIDIA and MSI please fix it!
    Here's the fix request form, please can as anyone request a fix through this form?
    The chip 580 should support DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD.

    Quote from: Svet on 22-August-11, 03:31:24
    have you tried msi's drivers too?
    No I haven't. I didn't even think of that. I always go for the official nvidia drivers. I'm downloading it now.
    edit: Installed them drivers, and no change. DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD are still missing.
    I found some "info" here:
    NVIDIA slightly revised their display controller for GF110/GTX580; the good news is that HDMI 1.4a is supported, the bad news is that full audio bitstreaming is not supported so it’s the same as it was on the GTX 480: 8 channel LPCM and lossy audio formats like DD+ and DTS. This actually caught us off-guard since we were expecting the full GF104 treatment here, but it just goes to show that this is a GF100-derrivative after all. Unfortunately this also extends to the number of displays supported – NVIDIA still only supports 2 displays on one card, so you need to run in SLI if you intend to take advantage of 3DVision/NVIDIA surround across 3 monitors.
    If that's true, it doesn't look good..

  • SLI GTX 580 Lightning Series

    i have put SLI 2 card, GTX 580 Lightning XE and GTX 580 Lightning, but the SLI mode can't run... i tried the SLI bridge from MSI and motherboard and also the newest nvidia driver...
    i didn't see the SLI option in Nvidia Control Panel...
    any body can help me??? please...
    my rig. i7 980X, Asus Rampage II Extreme, Corsair Dominator DDR3 12GB, PSU Tagan BZ 1100W
    i'm sorry my english is bad, i'm from indonesia

    Quote from: trumengan on 02-November-11, 18:36:48
    i have put SLI 2 card, GTX 580 Lightning XE and GTX 580 Lightning, but the SLI mode can't run... i tried the SLI bridge from MSI and motherboard and also the newest nvidia driver...
    i didn't see the SLI option in Nvidia Control Panel...
    any body can help me??? please...
    my rig. i7 980X, Asus Rampage II Extreme, Corsair Dominator DDR3 12GB, PSU Tagan BZ 1100W
    i'm sorry my english is bad, i'm from indonesia
    You have two graphic cards with different amounts of Video RAM. The lightning has 1.5 gb and the Xtreme has 3 gb of Video RAM. You can only SLI cards with the same memory sizes.

  • Desperately need help finding MSI GTX 580 lightning.

    I ordered components for the new PC I'm building last week, and parts have arrived in the mail periodically. For my graphics cards, I ordered two MSI GTX 580 Lightning (not Xtreme) cards, both from Amazon. I intended to use them in SLI, for gaming as high resolution (please do not tell me they're overkill, I already know they are. I'm a bit tired of people pointing that out). The first one is scheduled to arrive soon, but the second card was cancelled without reason a day after I placed the order. I then tried to order the second card from AVA Direct, but that order was also abruptly cancelled. I've looked on Newegg, Amazon, and a dozen or so other sites, but can't find another available GTX 580 Lightning. I don't know why they're suddenly not available... I would be really, really grateful if anyone would help me find another MSI GTX 580 Lightning card to use in my dream rig. I live in the US. What I'm trying to do here is find someone who knows a site that has an available card that I can complete my build with. So... Help find a graphics card for a devoted enthusiast?

    It seems that amazon doesn't have the product anymore after searching for 'gtx 580 lightning' and 'msi gtx 580'. Try creating a support ticket to ask msi if the product is just plain discontinued, as I don't see anyone with it in stock.
    And actually, I did manage to find this place:
    But the price for the card there is over $600.

  • Is MSI GTX 580 Twin Frozr II/OC's pcb 100% reference???

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    Quote from: Krzychu23 on 23-February-11, 08:29:48
    and one more question...
    like others i have problem that default volts are to low and driver crashes from time to time during heavy loads
    can i get modified bios update so even if i dont run apps like afterburner my card wont crash
    i would like to have default bios setting as i have now cuz its 100% stable
    850/1700/2200 @ 1.050v
    your vga sn is...?
    your current default clocks are...?
    your target clocks are...?
    target new voltage is..?

Maybe you are looking for

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