Msi kt266a pro2 Voltage Question (tbred mod)

      I´ve done the C37 mod to my mobo and flashed the 3.74b BIOS. I installed a 1700 tbred B and runs flawless. What surpise me is that with voltage in Auto, the Vcore show 1.55v ?( , is that ok?? Another thing to know is if there is  anyway to get more than 1.7v in the Vcore options, since 1.7 is the max and it does not give too much room for OC. thanks!

i guess that you say the L11 ones, are they open or closed by default?
EDit:consider that I´ve done the painting to get a 1.75v by default, which option should I use in the BIOS? AUTO?
btw, which voltage are you using on your tbred to get 2000ghz?

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  • Raid 0 Failure! XP Pro won't read array on MSI k7T266 pro2 *URGE

    Before anything else, thanks for reading and I hope you can help:
    I have an MSI k7T266 Pro2A-RU motherboard with 512MB of Mushkin RAM, AMD XP 1600+, a Geforce2 MX400, Audigy Soundcard and a cheap PCI NIC card.  I consider myself an above average technician and I've come up on a problem I can't figure out.  There is about 80GB of data at stake here:
    I have 2 IBM Deskstar 40GB 7200 RPM drives that were configured in a RAID 0 (stripe) configuration over a year and a half ago.  This gave me a total of 80GB online.  Windows XP Professional was installed and the drives have been running fine every since...
    The system was practically bulletproof and it was very rare it ever locked up for any reason.  A few days ago, however, the system locked up about 4 or five times.  There was no software or hardware that had been added or installed and system use hadn't really changed up or down. I run up to date antivirus software (Command Anti-Virus), run behind a secure firewall and watch what I open.  The lock ups were random, but happened when I was away from the computer. ( I leave my system on all the time).
    Being a bit paranoid, on 1/28/03, I acquired an 80GB Maxtor drive to install to back up my datafiles.  Before the install, I notice the system had locked up at least once that day, so I figured I would hurry up and get the drive in to back up.  I installed the 80, booted, configured it in XP and made it active and transfered a few test files over.  No problem.  I made the decision to back up my data files before bed and continued to work for the next two hours.  The system ended up locking up with a windows blue screen STOP error message: KERNEL_FAULT_INPAGE_ERROR when I tried to run a program.  Thinking little of it, I rebooted the computer to find I could no longer access the data on the RAID.  
    I've tried nearly EVERYTHING I can think of.  (You can already assume I've done the basics (check/replace the cables, etc).  Here's a list and the results:
    ---- Reboot in all available modes (Safe,  Safe with NW, Normal, Last known, etc).  They all FAIL.  In safe modes, you can see where the system actually tries to boot off the array (runs through driver files and stops on MUP.SYS) and hangs. Same result with all other drives removed except the RAID.
    ---- Installed another drive, loaded XP with the raid controller files (By the way, it's a Promise ATA 100 "lite" controller), plugged the RAID back in and it hangs on boot up.  Safe mode gives the same results.  Tried the same thing with Windows 2000 (so I could access the NTFS partition) and Windows 2000 won't load when the array is plugged in, but loads ok when it isn't (used the 2000 driver for the RAID controller for this attempt).   Safe mode gives the same results.
    ---- Removed all drives except the Array and tried to reload XP (with the array drivers downloaded again from the site.) No effect.  System hangs.
    ---- In a last ditch effort, I have access to Winternals Administration Pack 2002 of all of their tools.  ERC Commander, designed for this type of problem, Disk Commander, and the other tools all do the same thing:  Any time the system attempts to read from or access the arry, the OS will hang.  It won't even check for NTFS compatibility in the ERC commander program booting from a boot CD, and for those that are familiar with it, the Disk Commander program blue screens with a STOP: 0x000007B (0xF896963C, 0xC0000034, 0x0, 0x0) error. Research has told me this is an INACCESSABLE BOOT DEVICE message.
    These are the main highlight major attempt things and there's a few things in between I've tried (like using Norton Ghost to try and mirror the array to the 80GB.  Norton ghost said there is an error reading the partition and can't go any further (Returns an Internal error))
    I'm at the point where I have run out of available options and don't know what else to try.  I have since purchased the exact same motherboard off e-bay to see if it just so happens to be the controller and to see if my RAID will come back so I can at least read the data off of it.  It should be here in a few days.  If that doesn't work, I'm toasted.  Could I be fighting a hardware (drive or board or controller) problem.  Is the array THAT corrupt the OS can't read it???  
    If anyone has any other bright ideas, I'm willing to try about anything short of damaging the array. Any help is greatly appreciated.  Please post here, or e-mail to [email protected].
    BTW, the Promise BIOS is Fasttrak 100 "Lite" v 1.31.1(Build 30)
    - Chuck! ?(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ?(  

    got one but its lightley used for storage but amd forum storage is full of tales of woe with them
    type deskstar and problems in goggle for a laugh

  • MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU and 200GB HDD

    Since 2001 I have used my computer builded with MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU ( 6380)  mainboard.
    A week ago I bought a new Samsung's hard disk (SP2014N) with 200 GB capacity. Before connection of the new disk to my computer, I upgraded BIOS to the newest one, downloaded from MSI Web site.
    The new disk is connected as master to IDE-0 interface and to the second IDE is connected my old 40 GB Seagate (as master) and DVD recorder NEC ND-3520 (as slave). The BIOS has detected the new disk as Auto, the old one as User type (47), the DVD recorder as CD and everything looks right, but there is a problem: I can not connect any drive as slave on Primary IDE channel. The BIOS does not recognize the HDD or CD/DVD connected to slave on Primary channel.
    Can you help me, please?

    To Osnavi's questions: yes, yes, yes, yes.
    To DaveR: my both optical drives worked as slave together with my old Seagate HDD (40 GB) and everything was fine.
    I don't like to connect both hard drives on the same channel, because I'm working with huge video files and I need some speed of independent HDDs.

  • [VIA] RAID 0 Data Recovery with MSI K7T266 Pro2

    Well my Motherboard has seem to have gone TU on me, and it is well beyond it's warranty. 
    I have two 60gb HD running in Striped mode using the on-board raid.  If I were to get the same motherboard, would this allow me to see the striped array and recover my data, or am I at a loss?  I have some of the data backed up, but since most of it isnt, because I have nearly filled my 120GB of space and I don't have a good backup solution. 
    Current Config:
    AMD XP 1900+
    MSI K7T266 Pro2
    GeForce 4400Ti
    Two WD 60gb @ RAID 0.

    Quote from: Richard on 29-November-05, 06:33:47
    My current RAID Array is on its 6th or 7th mobo (Multiple different mobo chipsets and different controllers) and I have not lost either the Array, Partition, or any Data.
    You just have to make sure that you make the primary HD the same on the new RAID and it is Crucial that you use the same Stripe Size, if you do not, then all data will be lost!
    Take Care,
    Thats comforting to know!  This setup has been the best, and most reliable, so when I bought all of the components years ago, I set it up and forgot most of the parameters. 
    I completely used up all of the available space so I think that should make guessing that stripe size easy.
    osnavi, not entirely sure what happened.  It started to lock up on me randomly, and after much trouble shooting and frustration, I gave up.  Eventually I saw the problem, a few of the capacitors on the motherboard started to peak, and eventually busted.  Not sure what caused it, maybe it was my power supply.  Its an Enermax 400W, and when I bought it, it was within the required specs for the processor and Mobo.  There was plenty of case cooling, as well as CPU Cooling... so it is a great mystery to me.
    Thanks again!

  • MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU - problem with the lite-raid - would like to use it as a normal ide

    I tried to install a single drive on the raid-controller and create a single array for it.
    For some reason the disk management in Windows XP does not see it, even though
    I have updated the related drivers. However, the Disk management showed it the first time after I had installed the HD onto the raid, but as I could not do anything intelligent with Disk management in regard of the HD, I removed the drive from Disk management with that effect that the disk management does not recognize the drive at all, even though I have now re-created the array on the risk, disabled and enabled raid on the Bios.
    I read that there exists modified bios for MSI KT3 Ultra ARU BIOS, which will turn the Raid into regular IDE. That would be something that would most probably be the best way to proceed for me. However, do such bioses exist for MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU? Any other suggestions on how to get the disk management to succeed in recornizing the IDE on the raid-controller would be good to hear as well.
    Yours sincerely,

    Ok, I tried updating with the hacked 3.7 Full Raid Bios. Now I seem to have another problem: even though the hacked bios recognizes my HD, it thinks it's about 130 GB, when it in reality would be 250 GB. The hacked bios seems to work ok with Disk Management in Windows XP too, so it's a shame that the hacked bios doesn't seem to have a support for large disks. On the other hand the link at Lumberjacker was dead for the hacked bios v3.6, I would have tried it, if it would have provided me with a good solution to my problem.
    I then went back and installed the official v3.7 bios and the lite raid does now recognize the HD being 250 GB, but the Disk Management just states "Missing" in regard of the HD and does not let me do anything fruitful with it. I looked the HD's properties and the Device Manager just states "Hardware device not connected code 45".
    How in earth could I manage to make this work now (I do not want to move my other HD:s as they are full of stuff and don't want to risk losing any content)?
    General specs of the computer: IDE 1: 60 GB and 120 GB Matrox, IDE 2: Nec2500 and Sony DVD-Rom, Athlon 1800+ XP, 512 MB memory, Ati 9700 np, Network adapter card. The new HD to be added is a 250 GB WD (have removed the jumper)
    Thank you for any tips,

  • Mega 865 - MSI Media Center SLOW on Music mode (CD audio)

    I'm having a problem with the Mega 865, when I'm playing CD audio with the Home Theatre / MSI Media Center Deluxe II application.  It seems to VERY, extremely slow.  It takes about 30 seconds for the application to respond when I directly click into the application, and it does not hardly ever respond to the remote.  When I try to close the application once it has begun playing an audio CD, it does not respond very well, usually not within 30 seconds.  When I open the task manager, the CPU usage is between 90 & 100 percent.  I looked at the system requirements for this application, and the computer has over twice the requirements, so that is not the problem at all.  I tried updating to DirectX 9.0b and Media Player 9, but that did not seem to improve performance.  Any suggestions?

    This email from tech support may be useful.  I'm not sure if this is a new version or not.  Its a 110MB download, so hopefully it will help.  I'm downloading it now.  I'll let you all know if this works (in case someone else has this problem, and they are searching through the posts):
    Dear Phillip T. George ,
    Thank you for contacting MSI Technical Support.
    Deleted by GV
    Besides, please take a good look at this update for Microsoft DirectX
    4a0e-91d0-b4310675b02b&displaylang=en> &displaylang=en  
    Thank you for supporting MSI product. Please feel free to let us know if
    you still have any further issues or inquiries.
    Best regards,  
    MSI Technical Support  
     Please include previous mails when replying!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Phillip T. George [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 3:15 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Mega 865 - MSI Media Center SLOW on Music mode (CD audio)
    I'm having a problem with the Mega 865.  When I'm playing CD audio with
    the Home Theatre / MSI Media Center Deluxe II application. It seems to
    VERY, extremely slow. It takes about 30 seconds for the application to
    respond when I directly click into the application, and it does not
    hardly ever respond to the remote. When I try to close the application
    once it has begun playing an audio CD, it does not respond very well,
    usually not within 30 seconds. When I open the task manager, the CPU
    usage is between 90 & 100 percent. I looked at the system requirements
    for this application, and the computer has over twice the requirements,
    so that is not the problem at all. I tried updating to DirectX 9.0b and
    Media Player 9, but that did not seem to improve performance. Any
    suggestions?  Also, I'm running Windows XP Home Editon and very few
    things have been installed on this new machine.
    Phillip T. George
    Electronic & Computer Solutions, Inc.

  • Need audio driver for MSI 850 Pro2 MS-6523 MB

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    does not have an audio driver for this board.  The MSI web site lists a bunch of audio driver but I cannot
    tell which one is the correct one.  I have tried about 10 of them but none of them will install.  Can anyone
    tell me exactly which audio driver I need to download for this board?

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  • MSI K7T266 Pro2 (MS-6380 v2.0) no boot

    Since yesterday I have the following problem. When I restarted my pc it hung on the status (visible via the lights on the motherboard) on the 'boot attempt'. It recognizes all my drives (1x HD, 2xCDROM, 1xfloppy) and the cdrom and the floppy have a bootdisk/cd inserted. So, after the recognition of the devices it should try to boot the devices in the order specified (which I have tried in all combinations). But it just doesn't. You can hear that neither the cdroms nor the floppydrive is being used. The harddrive is empty, so it can't boot from there. But I know that the cdrom and floppy work because my motherboard does recognize them.
    And yes, my pc has worked without problems for almost 2 years and I did not remove or add any devices.
    I have a MSI K7T266 Pro2 (MS-6380 v2.0)
    Can anyone please help me?!?!?

    2 years running fine and all of a sudden it is not booting?
    Maybe after all this time something has finally gone wrong.
    The best way to find out what is causing the hang would be to remove all the devices,
    Remove hard drive, both cd drives and floppy drives.
    Then connect 1 at a time and try to boot from it.
    Test the floppy drive in your PC, does it boot from the boot disk?
    if it does then put the hard drive back, IDE 1 master.
    boot order floppy, hard drive
    see if it still boots from the floppy drive
    if yes then put 1 cd drive on IDE2 master, see if it boots from floppy.
    boot order floppy, CD drive ,hard drive
    if yes then put a bootable cd in the cd drive and see if it boot s from the CD drive.
    You are using bootable cd's and disks?

  • MSI K7T266 Pro2 ARU and D-Link Trouble

    I've just bought a wireless ethernet system from D-Link. A PCI adapter called DWL-520+ (22 mbs)
    When I try to start up my PC with the Promise RAID enabled it won't boot, I disable the RAID controller... the PC boots and the D-Link card works great.
    I've tried to switch places in the PCI slots. Nothing helps.  And yes; I've cleared the NVRAM...
    Could anybody please help me?
    My system:
    MSI GeForce3 TI500
    MSI K7T266 Pro2 ARU (with BIOS v3.6)
    Creative Audigy
    D-Link DWL-520+ Wireless NIC
    3COM 3C905C NIC
    Windows XP SP1
    Thanx !

    Originally posted by Router
    Please see the similar thread "POST failure D-Link DWL-520+ Wireless".  
    I have also just takled with D-Link Tech Support and they say that there is a newer unpublished driver available.  The agent said that he thought there was a known problem using the DWL-520+ with MSI boards and that a fix was becoming available.
    My mobo is K7T266 Pro2 RU and im thinking about purchasing a D-Link 520+ (DWL 520+) wireless adaptor
    but im not sure wether my mobo is PCI compliant as D-Link suggests. Can anyone help me out?

  • MSI K7T266 Pro2 RU and XP2100

    Could you please try and advise on a problem with a MSI K7T266 Pro2 RU (V2) motherboard. This works perfectly OK when installed with an AMD Athlon 1Ghz CPU, however when I install an Athlon XP2100 (Green – Palomino Core) CPU the machine will not boot-up.
    I know the CPU is OK, as it works in another machine. I am running Windows ME with Bios V3.3.
    Your advice would be appreciated - Thank You.
    Ian Messenger

    You have to use bios 3.5 minimum
    3.3 only suppert 2000+
    remember to set clock to auto
    Originally posted by Ian Messenger
    Could you please try and advise on a problem with a MSI K7T266 Pro2 RU (V2) motherboard. This works perfectly OK when installed with an AMD Athlon 1Ghz CPU, however when I install an Athlon XP2100 (Green – Palomino Core) CPU the machine will not boot-up.
    I know the CPU is OK, as it works in another machine. I am running Windows ME with Bios V3.3.
    Your advice would be appreciated - Thank You.
    Ian Messenger

  • MSI K7T266 Pro2 troubleshooting

    I just recently recieved a MSI K7T266 Pro2 motherboard (A6390MS) and I'm getting some weird troubles with it. I connected everything to the motherboard and when i start up the computer the screen comes up fine... but for some reason when i go to hit delete to go into setup it doesn't work. It continues to boot until it tries to detect any hard drives connected to raid. Since i don't have anything hooked up to it, it says "No Array is Defined.........." Then it says to hit to continue booting. For some reason it must not be detecting my keyboard because any button i hit does nothing at all. So after i let it sit there and do nothing, it goes back to the first screen that tells you the BIOS version and CPU and all that, and it displays the message "CMOS/GPNV Checksum Bad"
    I'm not exactlly sure what that means or why it is saying this. I've been sitting here for a week trying new things. My Keyboard is PS/2 so i figured that might be it. I tried using a PS/2 to USB adaptor and it still won't do anything when i hit DEL to go into Setup. I tried different keyboards and I only get the same thing. I checked MSI's website and they have no information at all and i couldn't find anything on the internet to help. Hopefully someone here may know what my problem is.  I think that the PS/2 ports are bad, and if so, how is that fixable?
    I didn't buy the motherboard, my friend's dad gave it to me to try out because my previous ASUS motherboard died out on me.  So as far as sending it back to MSI, I dunno if that is possible.  I'd have to find out how long their warrenty is and how long ago he bought it.

    It won't even read the floppy disk drive to use a boot disk because it seaches for the HDD first i guess.
    Now after taking the battery out and all that it just keeps saying CMOS settings wrong instead of the other message about "CMOS/GPNV Checksum Bad" and i can't make it go away.
    I'm really lost now and not sure what to do with the board because it's obvious that it works... but if it is something as small as the ps/2 ports being damaged, it would be such a waste.
    Also the PC Speaker is making a rapid clicking noise and im not sure what it means.  It also beeps 3 times after it tries to detect the raid and goes back to the start up screen that shows the information about the processor and ram and stuff

  • Msi Kt7 Pro2-a Kt133 highest cpu support???

    Yes I was wondering I have The
    MSI KT7 Pro2-A mobo
    Well my 4 year old duron 750 finally gave out cause it was chipped too much.:(
    I was wondering how high of a cpu with my motherboard take??
    Another thing about this board. Why is it that I can never update my Bios  past anything after 3.2. I've tried 3.5 with LiveUpdate it updates it but when it time to boot to windows it gave me "No Operating System Found"
    Then I just reflash it with 3.2 version so it would work again. I also follow that article on how to flash bios with a Ntfs parition. Still anything after 3.2 will not work with this board.
    So does anyone out their have this exact board but was able to flash beyond 3.2 bios version?
    Also I notice on the bios page that support for XP chips are only available for the turbo boards which I assume the Msi Kt7 pro2-a isn't.
    Yeah I know my board is old an probably won't support newer chips. But I really don't have the cash to get a new mobo but only for a cheap chip.
    So If anyone here has this exact board please tell me what chip you are running?
    Cause right now it seems like 1.2 duron is what I have to settle for since it's pretty cheap in price but not sure if my mobo will support it.

    I poked around the MSI archives, and here is a link to your CPU support - up to 1.2 Duron and 1.4 Tbird (both 100FSB). Good luck.  :]

  • MSI K7T266 Pro2 cpu fan doesn't start

    I have the mainboard MSI K7T266 Pro2, I have just upgraded my bios to version 3.7. When I start my computer, it stops and beeps to warn me that the cpu fan is'nt running, but when I open the computer to see If the cpu fan is running it does start, so why does is say that the fan doesn't star when it acctually does start?

    No....!! There is nothing bad mounted.  
    The reason for this post of you PC, is that the cooler isn't running fast enough for the BIOS, so your BIOS just wantst to warn you. The easiest way to get rid of it, is to disable the "CPU Fan Detection" in the BIOS, or connect the fan to another plug. That's all there is to it!

  • Msi 670 pe/oc and afterburner core voltage questions..

    So recently I've been attempting to push my card further. From what I'm hearing these cards are locked with voltage. Max are anywhere from 1.175 - 1.215. I don't remember flashing my bios. So I tried pushing my card to 1202 which is the max I can get without adjusting msi voltage. Also I use heaven to test stability. I limit my frames to 63 since that is what I play bf3 at and it's my most demanding game. With 1202 clock even up to 1228 I can complete one run without crashing and stock voltage.
    So I said what the hell I'll increase powerlimit to 114% and increase core voltage to +30( I don't even know how much this adds because there isn't a way to monitor... If anyone has an idea I'm all ears). What do you know to my surprise I was able to complete one benchmark run in heaven at 1254 without crashing. I tried 1254 without adjusting voltage and it crashed and I had to restart. Added +30 and it didn't crash. Also aux voltage was +30 maxed and still crashed without adding core voltage. So are these voltages really locked like Nvidia wanted? Or is there a problem with heaven benchmark.
    Also my setting are 4xaa( I use 2x in bf3 with low post processing) !680x1050( native) resolution, tessellation is normal, af x 16. I've also heard about flashing with unlocked bios but as of now I don't want to try that.
    My current gpu bios is Anyone know the values for this bios or where I can look it up? I'm also on the beta 310.71 drivers since the whql 310.71 drivers for some reason limited my oc.
    Thanks for anyone who can help answer these questions.

    A locked card will always max out at 1.175v no matter what is set. Using Afterbuner 2.2.4 possibly also later (2.2.5 and 2.3.0 are said to be not locked but I doubt that) will also max out at 1.175v no matter the vbios. Since the 670PE does not allow to monitor voltage with software it is hard to tell if overvoltage past 1.175v works or not. Could be progress is caused due to increasing aux voltage while gpu stays at 1.175v max. An unlocked card would do 1.2125v max.
    It would require an unlocked mod bios for the unlocked overvoltage. There is a thread on about unlocked GTX6xx vbios versions. There you could get an unlocked bios for GTX670 PE:
    So far nobody in the forum has tested that and using would be at your very own risk (as always when using mod bios).

  • MOVED: msi 670 pe/oc and afterburner core voltage questions..

    This topic has been moved to Overclocking, Undervolting.

    A locked card will always max out at 1.175v no matter what is set. Using Afterbuner 2.2.4 possibly also later (2.2.5 and 2.3.0 are said to be not locked but I doubt that) will also max out at 1.175v no matter the vbios. Since the 670PE does not allow to monitor voltage with software it is hard to tell if overvoltage past 1.175v works or not. Could be progress is caused due to increasing aux voltage while gpu stays at 1.175v max. An unlocked card would do 1.2125v max.
    It would require an unlocked mod bios for the unlocked overvoltage. There is a thread on about unlocked GTX6xx vbios versions. There you could get an unlocked bios for GTX670 PE:
    So far nobody in the forum has tested that and using would be at your very own risk (as always when using mod bios).

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