.mts files to FCP

Hi. I know there a lot of discussions here about this topic but nothing seems to help me. I've got a few DVD's from my client and they are full of these .mts files (nothing else). Now I would like to import these to FCP but I don't really know how. I have tried normal import and log and transfer but both gives me error messages. I think I need to convert those to Apple ProRes codec somehow but how? I have the latest FCP 7.0. Could someone give me a hint here?

I did a bit search again and I found that Adobe Premiere supports avchd and I tried Adobe Media Encoder and it works nicely with this! So the problem is solved... thanks!

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    >No, you are not right.
    Going to question the biggest contributor to this forum?  (Yes, my ego is talking).  OK then...
    >Install the QT-Plugin, restart your Mac and you will be able to import and use .mts files in FCP 7.
    Sure...yes, that makes it POSSIBLE to read the files natively in FCP...if they come from a Panasonic camera. BUT...just try working with those files.  Right away the system won't be nearly as responsive as it would if they were ProRes. First...there are no sequence settings for that format...so you'll have to use ProRes and have a green render bar.  BUT, that's no big deal.  The big deal is trying to work with the AVCHD format, which is VERY processor intensive...inside an application that doesn't like to work with much outside of the FCP editing codecs.
    Is it possible? Sure? Will it work well...will you be as zippy and error free as if you converted to ProRes? Not by a long shot.  OH, but don't just take my word for it.  Go ahead...try it and see.  No skin off my nose...no waste of my time.  See how well this works. 
    I'm just here to relate real world working solutions to issues.  And yes, I did try that plugin, and boy, was editing a pain.

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    I have the same camera and the reality is you're going to go through that translation from AVCHD to some sort of Quicktime file format no matter which tool you use. I do it with FCP6 and it needs to do the same translation from the .mts files to (they recommend) ProRes files. AVCHD is a highly compressed format and when you move it to an editable form, the file(s) is going to get much larger. It is HiDef content after all which can be quite large.
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    The rendering problem you are describing is often caused by the Sequence setting not matching the content settings. This is automated in FCP6 where it detects the content format of the video you're trying to add and changes the sequence settings to match the content. Take a look at the sequence settings and see if they match the structure of the content and that should resolve the 'everything needs to be rendered' situation.

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    There isn't anything free at all, and mpeg stream clip won't do this.
    If it is avchd, and it always important to identify which cam, your elections are:
    Adobe Media Encoder
    Toast 9/10
    Voltaic HD

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    Just saw that Adam's original post was an older one.  Will keep this here anyway to maybe help the most recent poster.
    Adam, did you try what David said about pointing to the root folder?  Did that work?
    When I copy the SD card, I name a new folder on my hard drive something specific, like Smith Wedding.  Then I copy everything inside the SD card to that new folder.  The first level inside my new folder now has folders for
    and on down from there.  When you open Log and Transfer, point it to the Smith Wedding folder (of course whatever you have named yours).
    ClipWrap2 also works great to convert the files beforehand if you want.
    What camera are you using?  I have the Sony NX30 and it was giving me fits because the .mts files don't ingest if the clips are longer than 11 min. My problem is that I'm still on FCP 6.0.6.  I think 7.0.3 fixed that.  But I did find enough work-arounds to keep the camera. 
    This is a link to the full discussion if you are interested.
    Message was edited by: SSteele

  • Camera has MTS files that FCP can't see

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    Best wishes

    Not sure if your problem has been solved or not, But I would still like to post what I found as a solution. Here is a blog that help me solve this kind of issue as you can see. And pretty much sure you know that mts files can't be import to fcp directly. And here is another aspect. if your mxf files contains more than one audio channels, then if you use some converter like Handbrake, MPEG Streamclip, it may mess them together. Or you can find an app to help you convert them seperately, suggest you imixmxf if you need. just google it. Good luck with that. And this post is just for someone who has the similar problem. Hope it will help someone

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    Forum search is your friend.
    FCP cannot import .mts files without the folder structure that contains their metadata. You can use ClipWrap to rewrap the files to QuickTime.

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    Hi kennethcnelson!,
    Final Cut Pro should support the MTS format.  In order to be recognized, the files must be within the identical folder/file structure on the camera.
    If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • Import .mts files with FCP 7?

    What I want to know is can fcp import/transfer .mts files?
    What I have been doing is using HandBrake, which converts the files to MP4 format and then convert them with MPEG StreamClip into .mov files. Everyone keeps telling me I'm doing too many steps and that I can "just do it with fcp." So far, I haven't been able to do that.
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    many thanks

    Use AIC.

  • How do you import MTS files?

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    I shoot a few 50p files as well.  But, come to think of it, I did not happen to use Import from Camera on those particular files.  I used ClipWrap.  It also does a good job of converting the MTS files to ProRes 422. Something you have to remember though is when you have recorded longer than 10 or 12 minutes, many cameras will break up the recording into individual clip files to keep from going over the 2GB limit.  When you use Import from Camera, FCP X will stitch these back together into one contiguous file.  In your case, if you were to use ClipWrap instead, you would have to use ClipWrap's "Convert Multiple to Spanned" menu item to do the same thing.  ClipWrap is $50, but it has a good reputation amongst videographers for high quality and relatively fast conversions.  Best wishes.

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    All ears...

    Hi Meg The Dog,
    Clipwrap seems to work well.  Thank you most kindly.  Have one issue I can't solve.  In Clipwrap it says the clip is 'stereo'.  Once I've converted it, it reads as mono, or an odd form of mono.  If I open it on the FCP timeline to look at the properties it says it is stereo, but the right side of the stereo is greyed out.  It plays in the centre (not on the left side only).  And it is definitely mono.  I'm trying to figure out if somehow they shot all this stuff with 'mono' turned on the camera, which seems unlikely as I suspect the default on those little cameras is stereo - and they'd have to dig into the menu to find a mono select.  And why would they?
    So I'm wondering if it is happening in the conversion process.
    Any ideas?
    Apologies if there is another version of this particular post.  I swear I thought I wrote one ... but it never appeared up on the forum.
    All ears,

  • FCP "Log and Transfer" ignores some MTS files

    Good afternoon!
    FCP's "Log and Transfer" will only pick up about 50% of the MTS files recorded on my Canon HF-10. Toast 9 can see them all, but of course the QuickTime conversion puts them a bit out of sync.
    I've just spend rather a lot of cash on FCS2 for the Log and Transfer option. Does anyone know why only some of my MTS files are showing up?
    Many thanks!

    My guess is because you are on a G5, not an Intel Mac
    If those files are AVCHD, you need an Intel Mac and at least 6.0.5.

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    in any case, i have a dvd's worth of mts files provided by a client. can't import them directly into fcp, so i need to run them through some sort of conversion. tried MPEG StreamClip and that doesn't work. Toast is too expensive. demoed VoltaicHD and didn't care for it. the two that worked the best are Moyea HD Video Converter and Pavtube MTS/M2TS Converter that were recommended. very simple interface, reasonable file sizes and much quicker than VoltaicHD. they go for $35 which i guess is reasonable. interestingly they seem like the same exact product just slightly different skins. anyone have any experience with either? one thing that i did find disconcerting is they use SWREG as their e-commerce provider who immediately tried to sell me keycode backup insurance. the whole operation seemed a bit shady to me. anyone have any problems with these guys?
    if anyone has any other solutions to this mts conversion issue it'd be appreciated. thanks.

    Hi,is your problem resolved? there is a good mts converter for mac of highly-regarded reputation from this forum and other popular camcorder forum.http://www.camcorderinfo.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=251941

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    I can play the files by using VLC to search through the directory structure until I find the MTS files. Play perfectly-
    Is the problem in the type of footage (P) vs (I) that FCP can't use?
    Any suggestions on how to import- it's such a popluar format I didn't anticipate any problemshere-

    Hey Tome you had this post that I had looked at "
    Tom Wolsky The Americas
    Re: Importing AVCHD files for archive 
    Aug 21, 2012 1:44 PM (in response to jgo687)
    You make a folder and archive the entire folder structure of the AVCHD card."
    So I had tried that as well- was able to copy perfectly still nothing- I am becomeing more convinded it's the 1080/60P panasonic becuase when I shoot something WITHOUT this- I can import fine-

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