Multi room DVR is not working in the other rooms

I have a multi room DVR box in the living room and 3 standard boxes in the other rooms. I used to could be able to watch my recorded shows in all rooms but now I am not able to. I am only able to watch it in the living room. This was the main reason why I got the multi room DVR plan was to have the luxury watching in other rooms. Can someone please assist?

jbren wrote:
I repeatedly have problems with playback on my STB's. Go thru all the motions, inhouse agent, fix multi room dvr problems. Unplug unit, unplug dvr, etc. etc. etc.  The DVR'd show will play on the DVR but not on the STB's. What's up with that?
Sorry to hear the auto fix suggested early did not fix your problem. So we can get more information from you, I have copied your post to our private support board. Please refer all correspondences to there from here on out. You can easily get to the private support one of two ways. In the email you signed up for the forums with, you will receive a link to click on. Make sure you are already signed into the forums before clicking on this link. Another way of getting there is by clicking on your username anywhere you see it in the forums. This brings you to your account profile. Scroll down to the section labeled "My Support Cases" . In there you will see the link to your case.
**If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

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    Are you saying that you bought the game from the App store and made another copy onto a dvd so you can play it on another computer too?  If so, you can not do that, you have to buy it again for the other computer.

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    Hi NSHS,
    Have you checked to see if your PDF add-on is up to date? You should take a look at the [[Opening PDF files within Firefox]] Knowledge Base article. There is a lot of good information in there. You should try both of the suggested PDF add-ons to see if that fixes the issue.
    Hopefully this helps!

  • I'm working with directx and it does working only on some of the Bitmaps. Why it's not working on the others ?

    The question is not so clear i will try to explain here.
    I have a trackBar scroll event:
    private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
    LoadPictureAt(trackBar1.Value, sender);
    ConvertedBmp = ConvertTo24(trackBar1FileInfo[trackBar1.Value].FullName);
    ConvertedBmp.Save(ConvertedBmpDir + "\\ConvertedBmp.bmp");
    mymem = ToStream(ConvertedBmp, ImageFormat.Bmp);
    backTexture = TextureLoader.FromStream(D3Ddev, mymem);
    scannedCloudsTexture = new Texture(D3Ddev, 512, 512, 1, Usage.Dynamic, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
    b1 = ConvertedBmp;
    b1.Save(ConvertedBmpDir + "\\b1.bmp");
    trackBar2.Enabled = false;
    if (!this.backgroundWorker1.IsBusy)
    label2.Text = "מעבד נתונים";
    First LoadPictureAt method:
    private bool LoadPictureAt(int nIndex, object c)
    bool bRet = false;
    if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < trackBar1FileInfo.Length)
    if (c.Equals(trackBar1))
    bRet = true;
    if (bitmaps != null)
    if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < bitmaps.Length)
    if (c.Equals(trackBar2))
    pictureBox1.Image = bitmaps[nIndex];
    bRet = true;
    return bRet;
    Then the ConvertTo24 method:
    private Bitmap ConvertTo24(string inputFileName)
    sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    Bitmap bmpIn = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(inputFileName);
    Bitmap converted = new Bitmap(bmpIn.Width, bmpIn.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(converted))
    // Prevent DPI conversion
    g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
    // Draw the image
    g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmpIn, 0, 0);
    //converted.Save(outputFileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
    return converted;
    Then ToStream method:
    public static Stream ToStream(Image image, ImageFormat formaw)
    var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
    image.Save(stream, formaw);
    stream.Position = 0;
    return stream;
    What it does is taking a Bitmap image and make a doppler radar effect on it and detect color only places that there are pixels(clouds) in it.
    Here is a screenshot:
    You can see the doppler shape and it's moving around and highlight the places with clouds.
    So when i move the trackBar1 to the left each time on another Bitmap image it's showing the doppler effect and the clouds.
    The problem is with the trackBar2 scroll event:
    First when i'm running my program and enteric to this new form that scan the clouds and show the doppler radar effect a backgroundworker1 is working:
    private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    BackgroundWorker bgw = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
    if (bgw.CancellationPending == true)
    while (true)
    bitmaps = ImagesComparison.get_images_with_clouds(b1);
    for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Length; i++)
    bitmaps[i] = ConvertTo1or8Bit.ColorToGrayscale(bitmaps[i]);
    What it does is getting into bitmaps(Bitmap[])  15 new bitmaps from one given bitmap. The given bitmap is b1.
    b1 i'm using it in trackBar1 scroll event.
    All the new Bitmaps in bitmaps variable array are Format32bppArgb.
    While i checked on my hard disk the images(GIF type) i'm using with trackBar1 are all Bit Depth 8.
    The images i'm using with trackBar1 scroll event are GIF types and Bit Depth 8 on the properties.
    The images i'm using in trackBar2 are Bitmaps and they are Format32bppArgb.
    So first thing i thought to convert all the 15 Bitmaps in bitmaps to 8bit:
    for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Length; i++)
    bitmaps[i] = ConvertTo1or8Bit.ColorToGrayscale(bitmaps[i]);
    But it didn't work it's just turning them to black gray scale colors not what i was thinking about.
    In the backgroundworker completed event i'm converting the bitmaps to 24 like i'm doing with the Gifs in trackBar1 scroll event:
    private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
    trackBar2.Enabled = true;
    trackBar2.Maximum = bitmaps.Length -1;
    bitmaps[0].Save(ConvertedBmpDir + "\\bitmapsfirstimage.bmp");
    for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Length; i++)
    ConvertedBitmaps[0].Save(ConvertedBmpDir + "\\ConvertedBitmapsFirstImage.bmp");
    label2.Text = "עיבוד הנתונים הסתיים";
    Then in the trackBar2 scroll event:
    private void trackBar2_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
    LoadPictureAt(trackBar2.Value, sender);
    ConvertedBmp = ConvertedBitmaps[trackBar2.Value - 1];
    ConvertedBmp.Save(ConvertedBmpDir + "\\ConvertedBmp.bmp");
    mymem = ToStream(ConvertedBmp, ImageFormat.Bmp);
    backTexture = TextureLoader.FromStream(D3Ddev, mymem);
    scannedCloudsTexture = new Texture(D3Ddev, 512, 512, 1, Usage.Dynamic, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
    The same i did with the trackBar1 scroll event.
    But the result in trackBar2 i'm getting without using the grayscale convertion is this:
    You can see that the color that make the scan now is more yellow or green/yellow and not the same like it is when i'm using the trackBar1.
    I can't figure out where the problem is:
    1. Maybe since the Bitmaps in the variable array bitmaps are all Format32bppArgb ?
    2. Maybe they are Bitmaps and not Gif types like the images in trackBar1 ?
    If it does working good with the gifs in trackBar1 scroll event then the whole code in the new form ScanningClouds is working fine so i will not add to here the whole ScanningClouds form code since it's long.
    The problem is somewhere with the Bitmaps formas or bits in the variable bitmaps.
    Maybe they are not the same or the right Bit Depth or maybe they are Bitmaps and should be Gifs.
    bitmaps = ImagesComparison.get_images_with_clouds(b1);
    This is the get_images_with_clouds method where i'm getting the new 15 Bitmaps.
    public static Bitmap[] get_images_with_clouds(Bitmap radar_image)
    int e = 0;
    int f = 0;
    int image_clock_area_x = 0;
    int image_clock_area_y = 0;
    int image_clock_area_x1 = 140;
    int image_clock_area_y1 = 21;
    Bitmap[] localImages;
    localImages = new Bitmap[15];
    Bitmap image;
    image = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.radar_without_clouds);
    BitmapData bmD = null;
    BitmapData bmD2 = null;
    bmD = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
    bmD2 = radar_image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, radar_image.Width, radar_image.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,
    IntPtr sc0 = bmD.Scan0;
    int* p = (int*)sc0.ToPointer();
    int* p2 = (int*)bmD2.Scan0.ToPointer();
    for (e = image_clock_area_x; e < image_clock_area_x + image_clock_area_x1; e++)
    for (f = image_clock_area_y; f < image_clock_area_y + image_clock_area_y1; f++)
    Color clock_color = Color.FromArgb(p2[e + f * bmD2.Width]);
    p[e + f * bmD.Width] = clock_color.ToArgb();
    int c;
    for (c = 0; c < localImages.Length; c++)
    localImages[c] = new Bitmap(image);
    Bitmap new_image = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.radar_without_clouds);
    Bitmap new_image1 = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.radar_without_clouds);
    Bitmap localbmptest = black_and_white(new_image, radar_image);
    Image image1 = black_and_white(new_image, radar_image);
    Bitmap clouds = new Bitmap(image1);
    int x;
    int y;
    int a;
    int b;
    int d = 0;
    Bitmap redImage;
    redImage = new Bitmap(512, 512);
    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(redImage))
    g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
    g.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.Half;
    BitmapData bmData = null;
    BitmapData bmData2 = null;
    BitmapData bmDataArray = null;
    bmData = clouds.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, clouds.Width, clouds.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,
    bmData2 = radar_image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, radar_image.Width, radar_image.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,
    IntPtr scan0 = bmData.Scan0;
    IntPtr scan02 = bmData2.Scan0;
    int* p = (int*)scan0.ToPointer();
    int* p2 = (int*)scan02.ToPointer();
    double h, mm;
    for (d = 0; d < localImages.Length; d++)
    bmDataArray = localImages[d].LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, localImages[d].Width, localImages[d].Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
    IntPtr scan0Array = bmDataArray.Scan0;
    int* pArray = (int*)scan0Array.ToPointer();
    for (a = 0; a < new_image.Width; a++)
    for (b = 0; b < new_image.Height; b++)
    Color color1 = Color.FromArgb(p[a + b * bmData.Width]);
    Color color2 = Color.FromArgb(p2[a + b * bmData2.Width]);
    if (color1.R != 0 || color1.G != 0 || color1.B != 0)
    h = color2.GetHue();
    mm = RadarAnalysis.Hue2MMPerHour(h);
    if (mm >= treshhold_array[14 - d])
    pArray[a + b * bmDataArray.Width] = color2.ToArgb();
    catch (Exception error)
    Logger.Write("Error Exception ==> " + error);
    MessageBox.Show("Error Exception ==> " + error);
    return localImages;
    I think not sure but i think the problem is that the images on my hard disk i'm using with the trackBar1 scroll event are Gif type and the images i'm using with the trackBar2 scroll event are 15 Bitmaps.

    "But it didn't work it's just turning them to black gray scale colors not what i was thinking about."
    If you want it to be colored, you'll need to create a color-palette for the 8bppIndexed bitmaps. The keyword for this process is "Color-Quantization".
    The whole yellow-green pie you get is from the wrong format. If you convert the 32bpp bitmaps to 24 bpp bitmaps, you loose the alpha channel ("transparency"). You can manually set one color to "transparent" with the mMakeTransparent-method
    of the Bitmap class, or simply use gif-images (they are 8bpp with a transparent "key"-color)

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    My DVR is not working for the umpteenth time. Where is your chat session...I got them to fix my problem in the past?

    You can do a online chat here

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    any ideas ...?
    thanx a lot.

    Right, we cannot store more than one value in a single column in a table :), we were getting a lot of requests to support multiple select LOVs but requirements were contradictory if not mutually exclusive.
    The only sense it makes is when used together with user-defined object types (nested tables for example) but the current [application building]infrastructure we have does not support this. However, we are looking into this and this feature maybe implemented in a future release.

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    If that does not work, try the other actions specified here:
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on

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    jimmyfromdubai wrote:
    ... do I need to buy a new MAC office?
    A better solution is to try a number of better, free alternatives. Consider
    LibreOffice (donation-supported)
    NeoOffice (free)
    OpenOffice (free)
    I use Apple's Pages ($19.99) as well as OpenOffice and have been completely Microsoft - free for over a year now. Life is better without Microsoft.

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    Why GWt suggest box is not working in the latest versions of Firefox ?
    It was working only in Firefox 3 and not other versions. could you please assist in this regards.,

    jbren wrote:
    I repeatedly have problems with playback on my STB's. Go thru all the motions, inhouse agent, fix multi room dvr problems. Unplug unit, unplug dvr, etc. etc. etc.  The DVR'd show will play on the DVR but not on the STB's. What's up with that?
    Sorry to hear the auto fix suggested early did not fix your problem. So we can get more information from you, I have copied your post to our private support board. Please refer all correspondences to there from here on out. You can easily get to the private support one of two ways. In the email you signed up for the forums with, you will receive a link to click on. Make sure you are already signed into the forums before clicking on this link. Another way of getting there is by clicking on your username anywhere you see it in the forums. This brings you to your account profile. Scroll down to the section labeled "My Support Cases" . In there you will see the link to your case.
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

  • I have a mac which plays the boot sound but the screen stays black. Recovery mode does not work, as the keyboard is wireless. What do I do?

    What it says in the title.
    I have an older mac and it worked perfectly until about an hour ago when I shut it down because we needed the room dark for a presentation and the screen saver was putting out light.
    Now it won't turn back on. It plays the start up music but the screen stays blank.
    The CMD+OPT+R for recovery mode doesn't do anything, the keyboard is wireless so the command doesn't get to the computer and that's the only keyboard I have since that's the one it came with.
    I'm looking at making a USB recovery disk but it says that I should click on "Options" in the Disk Utility but there is no options button or menu to click.
    From here: OS X: About Recovery Disk Assistant in step 3 I get stuck.
    Also it says that if I make a drive on this computer which has an older OS it might not work on the broken machine with Mavericks.
    This machine literally worked and I turned it off and now it does not work and there seems to be nothing I can do... ***...

    kodemage wrote:
    well, then recovery mode does not work. I've tried all the key combinations I've seen on line. Command+R, Command+Option+R, Command+Option+P+R, none of these work.
    I don't believe there is anything we can do on a forum to help then, you need to take it into a AASP and have it professionaly diagnosed. If you don't know how to locate an AASP in your area you can begin by using Contact Apple for support and service
    Good luck.

  • Multi Level BOm is not working in SAP afs

    Hi Experts,
             I am facing issue in MRP.For multi level bom's ,Requirements is not getting generates.Is there any settings is there to active multi level bom for afs materials.
    please suggest solution
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hello Deepika,
    As we know AFS materials are planned at SKU level (Grid and stock categories)  you can use AFS MRP (/N/AFS/MD02) only.
    Please refer OSS note Note 981747 - FAQ - AFS Production Planning
    Question 5 Made-To-Order Planning -Multi-Level (MD50) does not work for AFS Materials and Sales Orders containing AFS materials.
    Answer: Made to Order Multi level planning functionality was never enhanced for AFS and hence transaction MD50 is not supported.
    Steps are as,
    1. Create a MTO/PTO sales order for an AFS material.
    2. Run AFS MRP using transaction code /AFS/MD02.
    3. Convert the planned order to production order.
    Best Regards,

  • Multi-touch trackpad is not working correctly anymore

    My multi-touch trackpad is not working - it stops working after the first 10 seconds.
    It is since today.
    After reboot it works for the first 10 seconds - then it is like it needs to have a few seconds for reaction.
    Any idea for the permanent blocking of the cursor?

    That's really bizarre! I've been experiencing the same problems. Today my three/four finger multitouch gestures stopped working altogether! Nothing seemed to resolve the problem (restart, shut down, etc).I did however follow your advice of creating a new user account and logging in to see if multitouch works...low and behold, it worked! I then logged off and signed back into my primary user account and multitouch continued to work! This must be a software issue (I'm guessing). I just deleted the temporary user account and everything seems to be working fine. I set up a Genius Bar appointment for tomorrow - I'll see if they have any further suggestions.

  • For  MTO scenario,multi level bom is not working sap afs pp

    Hi Experts,
                  We are implementing MTO scenario for our client. I have maintained  strategy group for FERT is 40 and strategy group for HALB and ROH are 20.
                   For single level BOM , requirements is not getting generates properly.
                  I would like to know What are all the settings is required to create AFS BOM.(single and multi level)
                   Please suggest me.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Deepika,
    As we know AFS materials are planned at SKU level (Grid and stock categories)  you can use AFS MRP (/N/AFS/MD02) only.
    Please refer OSS note Note 981747 - FAQ - AFS Production Planning
    Question 5 Made-To-Order Planning -Multi-Level (MD50) does not work for AFS Materials and Sales Orders containing AFS materials.
    Answer: Made to Order Multi level planning functionality was never enhanced for AFS and hence transaction MD50 is not supported.
    Steps are as,
    1. Create a MTO/PTO sales order for an AFS material.
    2. Run AFS MRP using transaction code /AFS/MD02.
    3. Convert the planned order to production order.
    Best Regards,

  • I cannot access my mobileme on my imac it tells me that my browser safari and mozila can't open the page. However on my macbook it all works (in the same room)

    i cannot access my mobileme on my imac it tells me that my browser safari and mozila can't open the page. However on my macbook it all works (in the same room. I have rebooted and rebooted. I have enough memory. Any help?

    Hi Hawaiian_Starman,
    Thank you for the suggestion.
    I ran the first aid in the Keychain both for verification and for repair and both immediately returned with "no problems found".
    As for the certificate, according the web administrator nothing had changed for the certificates.
    even on the windows laptop I also get the certificate as being expired, but by simply accepting that I still have access.
    I had a pop up every time that alerted me to the certificate issue, but whether I "continued" or not that still did not matter.
    Yesterday, in an effort to find a solution, I went into the "details" and entered to trust this website.
    Now that certificate issue does not pop up anymore. But I do not know how to reverse that either.
    I have the feeling indeed it has something to do with a certificate, but how is the question.

  • Room Finder is not working - neither Online nor Cached Mode

    Hello everyone,
    since the migration to exchange we have problems with the room finder.
    Infrastructure is 2 Exchange 2013 SP1 in a DAG. DNS Round-Robin.
    We created a room lists (distribution list not security) for each branch office that has meeting rooms.
    Each room list has at least 3 meeting rooms.
    Room finder does not select between the list and shows "none". This happens in Cached mode or Online mode. When we work with OWA (which we usally deactivate) you can select the list and then the free rooms.
    Free Busy is working. When i use the scheduling assistant and add all rooms i can see the the infomations for all rooms.
    Can anyone help with troubleshooting ?
    Best Regards

    Hello Satish,
    how can I check that the room lists are in the OAB?
    I tried with cached and with online mode. The rooms are created for over two months now so they should be included ;)
    The URLs are correct. One internal and one external.
    I don't think the authentication is anonymous ?! Isn't that a security issue ?
    InternalAuthenticationMethods   : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity, OAuth}
    Test-WebservicesConnectivity says success
    Source                              ServiceEndpoint                    
    Scenario                       Result  Latency
    (MS)                  AutoErmittlung: SOAP-Anbieter  Success     
    30            EWS: GetFolder                
    Success      33
    Is it possible to restrict EWS only to internal? We do not use Outlook Anywhere. Our users can only connect to the exchange server with VPN, without some exceptions who can use OWA.
    Best regards

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