Multi-sampled ProSessions Premium Instruments for EXS24

did any of you are using Multi-Sampled which directly Load from EXS24.
what i know is some of the sampling must/neccesary Load from their own sampler...
i wish to get something more easier stuff which can directly load from EXS24 sampler since we r using Logic Pro.
Below is the sound that i found online,is it suit my needs?please offer me your suggestion and idea...i might need your helps buddy!!
thanks ya!

On the page that you point to, it says:
Each volume includes EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive
and Reason's NN-XT formats.
And that's what you shold be looking for. You are
right that some have their own interfaces but there
may sometimes be advantages in using those.
Hi Pete,
Thanks for the reply.
according to your opinion above,that mean the ProSessions Premium Instruments by M-Audio (for example Drum Kit) is posible to Load by EXS24 and apply to my programming with Velocity on each Shot,am i right??
2) is that mean,every sampling which do mention support EXS24 or Multi format (included EXS24) or multi-sampled with EXS24 are able to Load by EXS24 without using 3rd party sampler (unless we need the facility of the 3rd party sampler),am i right?

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    You may want to include 'Time-stamp' along with every data-point (sample from the instrument) you read. And after the desired period (in this case 5 minutes), you need to save both in a file (binary or text). Then on reading that file, you'll be able to display the data-points on a 'X-Y Graph'.
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    I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.
     Make your LabVIEW experience more CONVENIENT.
    Sample with ‏27 KB

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    - You had a negative balance (you owed money) before you redeemed the card.
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    Is this a custom report you're creating or OOTB?
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    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    Thanks for confirming your AI Nuget version is 0.12. What I meant by "choose site extension" is that if you follow the process in the blog post that you reference (Application
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    Thank You for using Windows 7
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    Here is a very simple output example that you can start with.   Likely you are still having issues with either the build settings or something with one of the subVIs that is not properly being included for some reason.   I do notice that sometimes when a waveform VI from the Signal Processing Pallette that originally is coming from the NI_MABase.lvlib, it can sometimes have issues with the inclusion / build settings.  This seems to be an issue with the LabVIEW project build and not necessarily with the Multisim interface. 
    So lets take a simple example as shown here...
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    See if you can run this VI and then try to build the .llb with my same source VIs and let me know the results.
    Best Regards,
    Patrick Noonan
    Business Development Manager
    National Instruments - Electronics Workbench Group
    50 Market St. 1-A
    S. Portland, ME 04106
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel. (207) 892-9130
    SimpleOutputInstrument.lvproj ‏4 KB
    SimpleOutputInstrument.llb ‏74 KB
    sines.llb ‏74 KB

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    Which product are you referring to?  Adobe Reader Touch for Windows 8 (Windows Store app with "Modern" UI) or Adobe Reader XI (desktop app with classic UI)?
    Adobe Reader Touch does not use any add-ons.
    Adobe Reader XI Spelling Dictionary Pack can be downloaded from this page:
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    Revision: 713
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-03 10:19:09 -0800 (Mon, 03 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    Merging recent sample eclipse project changes for framework and rpc flex library projects to the trunk
    QA: No
    Doc: No
    Bugs: N/A
    Modified Paths:

    Thats good news.

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