Multichannel EXS & Aux... Recording help?!

Ok, i'm venturing into the Multichannel EXS world, after many failed attempts, have read the manual's relevant sections (which actually just throws you back & forth between page 303 & 298...) and i'm left not really knowing what's happening..
I've selected the EXS as multichannel
Loaded up my drum kit
started up 5 mono Aux channels
Now, i'm assigning the outputs in EXS's edit screen to these mono Aux channels, but can only do so in stereo?!?! So, i'm sending the kick to 3-4, snare to 5-6 etc but I want Kick on 3, Snare on 4 etc... How do I do that?
Also, once all that is done, how do you then record each 'Aux' seperately? I activated record on the Aux & went to record the output, and it doesn't record, tried to bounce, but it bounces stereo. I want a track of kick, snare, hat's, toms etc..
I'm sure this is easy to someone who knows the in's & out's of such things, but on my first persevering attempted (tried before several times but gave in) I'm not willing to give up till I understand it. I've scoured google & the manual but nothing has made sense...
Any help or walk through would be eternally appreciated...
Thanks for reading.

Regarding mono aux outputs, I'm not quite sure about
how it works. To make them mono I don't know how, but
I'd like to know too. What I know that you CAN do in
Ultrabeat is assign to sounds to a stereo pair and
then hard pan them left and right (Out 3 being on the
left, out 4 on the right, for example) but it seems
kind of hokey compared to what you'd like to see.
Yeah, after poking around I figured that, it's strangely implemented, but that's Logic!! As above, the 11 & onwards are all mono. It'd be good to be able to assign mono or stereo yourself, and I don't really know why you can't!!
Also, when it comes to assigning the outputs of a
multi-channel Audio Instrument to aux channels, you
don't need to record the sound. The aux channels will
send the routed sound to the assigned output channel,
so if it's headed to Output 1-2 the assigned Aux
channel sound will be in your mixdown.
Ok, makes sense. But I really want to mix the drums down to audio within my mix. My insticts were to be able to just record from the AUX & have it create the split mixes in Audio so i'm not running EXS anymore, but I have to figure out how to do that, or if it will be of any processor benefit streaming 8 tracks of audio instead of running 8 AUX channels..

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    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
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    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
              throws ServletException, IOException {
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    String[] priceSelected;
    String[] quantitySelected;
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         //db connection
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      ps.setString(2, priceSelected[ i ]);
      ps.setString(3, quantitySelected[ i ]);
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          throw new ServletException(e);
       } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ServletException(e);
         } finally {
         try {
              if(stmt != null)
              if(ps != null)
              if(con != null)
              } catch (SQLException e) {}
    }Message was edited by:

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    Why are you dynamically changing the table the view selects from? This seems like you are asking for trouble by forcing objects that reference view Test to go invalid when you change it. What is the purpose of the BULK COLLECT within CALLPROC? The results that are returned into rc1 are lost once that inner procedure is finished.
    What you trying to accomplish?

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    Vinodh Balakrishnan

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    Hello Tony,
    In the past I have suggested this to few people and were successful with this link, please try, but only thing you need to take care is use VB02 instead of XK01 with reference to this link what I am trying to say.

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    You might want to create an 'A' record named 'mail' and give the IP Address of your in-house exchange server.
    After this, create an MX record with the value Remember to give a lower value for preference, so as to prioritize your in-house Exchange Server to your existing MX records.
    You might also want to get an SSL certificate with this name ( The name is your choice, as per the organization demand.
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    < Edited By Host >

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    Hi All,
    Hope you are doing great!
    I have the following query.
    NVL2 (CT.USER_ID, 'Y', 'N') CKCTEAM,
    AND D.DEAL_ID = 'D0002064';
    And the following result.
    V285773     MAHIA     ANNA     CREATEBY     Y     E067448
    E015989     JACQU     CARR     EDITOR     Y     E067448
    V285773     MAHIA     ANNA     BANKER     Y     E067448
    O256285     ALLA     OLWEN     EDITOR     Y     E067448
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    Appreciate your help on this.
    Thanks in advance

    Use query from my previous post, if you want to group your records only by names. Or this, if you want to group by all except role.
    max(DT.TYPE) ROLE,
    NVL2 (CT.USER_ID, 'Y', 'N') CKCTEAM,

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    Quit iTunes, eject your device if connected, reboot your computer, restart the iPad and then try again.

  • Simple Sound Recording - Help needed

    Hi there
    Im wondering if this is possible and if so , does anbody know offhand where I can find a basic implementation of this typea thing...
    I simply need to be able to read in a wav file, then record it and give it a different name. I am just trying to get this basic functionality sorted, because I will be progressing on to reading in a file, runninig some DSP algorithm on it, and then needing to save it back out, so I elieve that I need to write it in chunks much the same as the SourceDataLine buffers the sound...err am i making sense?
    I have been trying to do this with TargetDataLine, and its just getting the better of me at the moment, I am able to read in the file and play it as normal, its just the recording it to an output file where I am failing.
    thanks a million

    Do I get you right that you want to read a sound file into memory and then store it back to the hard disk? If this is the case, try this:
    int frameSizeInBytes;
    int bufferLengthInFrames = 32;
    int bufferLengthInBytes;
    byte[] data;
    int numBytesRead;
    BufferedReader mIn;
    AudioFormat format;
    ByteArrayInputStream bIn;
    AudioInputStream outStream;
    File o;
    int soundLength;
    soundLength = 1000;
    f = new File("infile.wav");
    inStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(f);
    format = inStream.getFormat();
    frameSizeInBytes = format.getFrameSize();
    bufferLengthInBytes = bufferLengthInFrames * frameSizeInBytes;
    data = new byte[soundLength];
    o = new File("outfile.wav");
    // read the sound data
    numBytesRead =, 0, soundLength);
    // now write it back
    bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
    outStream = new AudioInputStream(bIn, format, soundLength);
    AudioSystem.write(outStream, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, o);This reads only a portion of a file, you'll have to modifiy it.
    Hope this helps,

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    So, it must either be that I am losing the right channel via FW or the DV bridge in the camera.
    I have imported many movies from Hi8 tape without a problem. Is there anything I am missing here? Should try to go from the camera's headphone out to the audio in on the PB? Could it be a faulty FW cable?
    Is this a problem with iMoive 5.x? I have read this forum all night long and not found anyone else with the problem.
    I appreciate all replies.
    PB 15" 1.25 G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Intel iMac 2.0

    "..I checked the computer in iTunes and sound comes from both speakers.."
    So the computer's audio is OK.
    "..I checked the camera with headphones and there is sound coming into the camera in stereo.."
    No: probably not real stereo; it may be the same mono audio coming out of both channels (left & right), giving you the same mono audio in both sides of the headphones. The camcorder may be trying to 'do you a favour' ..and, because it's receiving only mono, it's helpfully(?) playing the one incoming channel out of both headset channels.
    "..So, it must either be that I am losing the right channel via FW or the DV bridge in the camera.."
    No: FireWire is just a digital link which carries exactly what it's being fed - you can't lose a right channel via FireWire: it passes on exactly what it receives handing on a cake to someone: the person who receives it from you wouldn't receive it with half the raisins or the self-raising flour or the egg missing's all handed on complete.
    "..the DV bridge in the camera.." Well, as I said; I think you'll find that the camera is receiving only through its left channel, but is providing that left-channel audio out of both sides (..left & right..) of your 'phones.
    So the problem is probably at the very source: your "..DVR with a bunch of movies". Either the movies are recorded in mono, and that's leaving your DVR through only the left channel, or - even if the movies really are stereo - only the left-channel is active ( connected properly, or has sound going through it..) from your DVR to the Sony camcorder.
    One way to fix this is to take the output from the left-channel of the DVR, and feed that to both the L & R cables which go to your camcorder. Use a 'splitter/joiner' like this.. you'd connect the left audio channel out of the DVR (..should be a white RCA/phono plug..) to the single pin of this adaptor, and then connect the pair of RCA/phono sockets on the back of the adaptor to both the left and the right audio inputs of the camcorder may be using a 3.5mm jack plug to connect the phono plugs into the camcorder's input.
    This kind of little mono to both channels adaptor is available by mail order from most electronics stores, e.g: here, and the simplest place to find one in the States is probably Radio Shack, or that kind of store.
    It's a common problem..

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    Anyone know how i can get capture recording to just capture the last cycle only?
    Thanks in advance for any help

    i'm agree.
    but no way.

Maybe you are looking for

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