Multilevel Report Migration to APEX

I have an Oracle 6i Report which I have to migrate in APEX. I have converted the file to XML and uploaded it in the project but the problems which I am facing during migration are: -
*1.* When I click on the uploaded oracle XML file I am able to see this error: -
ERR-1904 Unable to compute item default: type = Function Body computation_type= declare
l_clob clob := empty_clob;
v_print     varchar2(4000);
select e.cdata into l_clob
from   wwv_mig_rpts a,
wwv_mig_report b,
wwv_mig_rpt_data c,
wwv_mig_rpt_datasrc d,
wwv_mig_rpt_datasrc_select e
where  a.project_id = :MW_PROJ_ID
and    a.security_group_id = :flow_security_group_id
and = :P112_ID
and = b.file_id
and = c.report_id
and = d.data_id
and = e.datasrc_id;
*2.* During Application creation I am able to see about 10 reports generated, whereas i have uploaded only one and these reports are of the various SQL Query join in single report.
Please help me with this issue..

Can any one please help me out with this error....

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    Hi Ajay,
    If you are upgrading then there shouldn't be any problems.
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    Hi Mark,
    Take a look at some of the usage reports within APEX (sessions, page views etc) to get an overall feel for where the time is being consumed.
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    There's no magic answers here unfortunately, you need to track it down to where the time is being spent before working back up to find out where best to tune it.
    Author of Pro Application Express:
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!

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    919342 wrote:
    VC, I have tried, the logic you suggested . It dosen't seem to work. However I have notice that the alignment issue occurs only in IE8 , when i open my application in chrome. The GUI seems to work fine. What did you do? sorry for the confusion..I meant you to inspect the element and copy and paste the html code here from inside the above div in your view source

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    Hello everyone,
    I need some advise on how to approach this below report requirement. It has been bugging me for nearly 2 weeks now, and my time is running out.
    Here is a simplified version of the database
    Four tables: Defendant, Engagement, Service, Event.
    A defendant can have more than 1 engagement, but they have only one open engagement at a time.
    For each engagement, they will have services and events.
    These events can be just general events or events that relates to the service.
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       ("DEF_ID" NUMBER,
         "FIRST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "LAST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (1,'Joe','Bloggs',1);
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (2,'John','Doe',1);
       ("ENG_ID" NUMBER,
         "DEF_ID" NUMBER,
         "COURT_NAME" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
         "DATE_JOINED" DATE,
         "ACTIVE" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (1,1,'AAA',to_date('01/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('20/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),'European','1');
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (2,2,'BBB',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'Asian','1');
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (3,1,'AAA',to_date('22/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'European','1');
       ("EVENT_ID" NUMBER,
         "ENG_ID" NUMBER,
         "NOTES" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
         "START_DATE" DATE,
         "END_DATE" DATE,
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (1,1,null,1,to_date('01/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('02/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (2,1,null,1,to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (3,1,null,2,to_date('15/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (4,2,null,null,to_date('02/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (5,2,null,2,to_date('03/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (6,3,null,null,to_date('22/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (7,3,null,4,to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (8,2,null,null,to_date('12/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
       (     "SERVICE_ID" NUMBER,
         "ENG_ID" NUMBER,
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (1,1,'Counselling',to_date('15/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('18/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (2,1,'Housing',to_date('20/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (3,2,'Treatment',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('15/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (5,1,'Other',to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,0);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (6,2,'Treatment',to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);****
    And this is the view I am thinking to use as the base for the report
      SELECT Def.Def_Id,
        Ser.Date_Started    AS Service_Start_Date,
        Ser.Date_Terminated AS Service_Date_Terminated,
        Ser.Active          AS Service_Active,
        Ev.Notes, AS event_active
      FROM Defendant Def
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Engagement Eng
      ON Def.Def_Id = Eng.Def_Id
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Service Ser
      ON Eng.Eng_Id = Ser.Eng_Id
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Event Ev
      ON Ev.Eng_Id = Eng.Eng_Id;****
    Report parameter: Start Date, End Date, Court_name
    From chosen Court_name, list defendants who currently engage in the court.
    For each defendant display
    Section 1: Identifying Details: First Name, Last Name, Ethnicity, Date Joined Court
    Section 2: All Services currently active that the defendant attend
    Section 3: All Events that related to the service that the defendant attend
    Section 4: All other events (don't have Related Service ID)
    User must be able to download the whole report in spreadsheet or PDF format.
    I did try to create a set of union selects (but the format is not that good, when no data return it display nothing, I would rather show some messages like "There is no associated events, rather than nothing")
    and it only produces report for 1 defendant at a time.
    We use Oracle APEX , so only select statement or PL/SQL Code return select statement is valid for report source.
    In our place we use Jasper Report adjacent to APEX, but I have very little experience with Jasper report.
    The developer who knows a lot about jasper report is too busy to help me.
    Currently, I use union selects like below:
    With Current_Engagement As
    ( Select Eng_Id From Engagement
      Where Def_Id =2
      And Date_Joined Is Not Null
      And ( Date_Terminated Is Null Or Date_Terminated > Sysdate)
      And Rownum =1
    Select '1.Defendant ID' as col1, 'First Name' as col2, 'Last Name' as col3, 'Court Name' as col4, 'Ethnicity' as col5, 'Date Joined' as col6, 'Date Terminated' as col7
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select Distinct to_char(Def_Id), First_Name, Last_Name, Court_Name, Ethnicity, to_char(Date_Joined), to_char(Date_Terminated)
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Union All
    select '2.Service ID', 'Service Description', 'Start Date', 'End Date', Null, Null, Null
    from dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(service_id), description, to_char(service_start_date), to_char(service_date_terminated), null, null, null
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    where service_active =1
    Union All
    Select '3.Event ID', 'Related Service ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(event_id), to_char(related_service_id), to_char(start_date), to_char(end_date), notes, null, null
    from Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Where Event_Active = 1
    and related_service_id is not null
    Union All
    Select '4.Event ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null, null
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(event_id), to_char(start_date), to_char(end_date), notes, null, null, null
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Where Event_Active = 1
    and related_service_id is nulland the result is kind of what I try to achieve (except that I need to work on display a message 'No data found' rather than nothing), But it seems that my code works only for one defendant.
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                           COL4                 COL5                 COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                      Court Name           Ethnicity            Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                            BBB                  Asian                01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                     End Date                                                             
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                       15/10/12                                                             
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                     End date             Notes                                           
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                       Notes                                                                
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    10 rows selected
         However, I struggle to find a way to apply this to more than 1 defendant and still keep the format.
    Defendant 1
    All details related to defendant 1
    Defendant 2
    All details relayed to defendant 2
    Defendant n
    All details relayed to defendant nIs it possible to display a report as above by using only SQL script ?
    Thanks a lot in advance. I am willing to compensate financially to someone who can give me a solution.
    Edited by: Ann586341. View base_vw SQL script is fixed.

    Thanks a lot Jeneesh. (You are really a guru.)
    It is nearly 98% what the requirements ask for.
    I just have one more question.
    If I add more information into the database, just one more defendant
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (3,'Minnie','Mouse',1);
    --and one in Engagement table
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (4,3,'BBB',to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'Latin America','1');Then I run the select statment again (without changing anything)
    With Current_Engagement As
    ( Select Eng_Id
      From Engagement
      Where /*Def_Id =2
      And*/ Date_Joined Is Not Null
      And ( Date_Terminated Is Null Or Date_Terminated > Sysdate)
      --And Rownum =1
    titles as
    ( Select  .9 dummy_rn,'1.Defendant ID' as col1, 'First Name' as col2, 'Last Name' as col3,
        'Court Name' as col4, 'Ethnicity' as col5, 'Date Joined' as col6,
        'Date Terminated' as col7
      From Dual
      union all
      select  1.9,'2.Service ID', 'Service Description', 'Start Date', 'End Date',
        Null, Null, Null
      from dual
      union all
      Select  2.9,'3.Event ID', 'Related Service ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes',
        null, null
      From Dual
      Union All
      Select 3.9,'4.Event ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null, null
      From Dual
    all_titles as
    ( select dummy_rn,eng_id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
      from current_engagement,titles
    select col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
    from (
          select dummy_rn,eng_id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
          from all_titles
          Union All
          Select Distinct 1,ce.eng_id,decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(Def_Id)) def_id,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',First_Name) First_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',last_Name) Last_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',court_Name) Court_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',ethnicity) Ethnicity,
                 to_char(Date_Joined), to_char(Date_Terminated)
          From Base_Vw
                  right outer join Current_Engagement Ce
                  On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Union All
          Select distinct 2,ce.eng_id,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_id)),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',description) ,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_start_date)),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_date_terminated)) ,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          From Base_Vw
                  right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
                  On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          where service_active =1
          Union All
          Select distinct 3,ce.eng_id,
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(event_id)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(related_service_id)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(start_date)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(end_date)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',notes),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          from Base_Vw
               right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
               On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Where Event_Active = 1
          and related_service_id is not null
          Union All
          Select distinct 4,ce.eng_id,
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(event_id)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(start_date)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(end_date)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',notes),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          From Base_Vw
              right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
              On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Where Event_Active = 1
          and related_service_id is null
    order by eng_id,dummy_rn,col1
    ;The result is
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                      COL4                 COL5                      COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                       BBB                  Asian                     01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                  15/10/12                                                                  
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    1                              Joe                            Bloggs                    AAA                  European                  22/09/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    4                              Housing                                                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    7                              4                              23/09/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    6                              22/09/12                       23/09/12                                                                                            
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    3                              Minnie                         Mouse                     BBB                  Latin America             05/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    23 rows selected Is it possible in SQL to display it like this
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                      COL4                 COL5                      COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                       BBB                  Asian                     01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                  15/10/12                                                                  
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    1                              Joe                            Bloggs                    AAA                  European                  22/09/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    4                              Housing                                                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    7                              4                              23/09/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    6                              22/09/12                       23/09/12                                                                                            
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    3                              Minnie                         Mouse                     BBB                  Latin America             05/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    No Service Found
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    No Event Found
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                              
    No Event FoundOr just a 'No data found' would do. I am thinking about create a dummy table which contains only one row with text "There is no data found". And so the outer join with the result, but I still cannot work out how to integrate with the condition in your select statement.
    I really appreciate your help.

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    Can any one please guide me How to Create a Page LOV Template and a Region LOV Report Template in APEX
    So that I can create dynamic Multi column LOV in APEX

    I think you are en-quiring about 'Custom pop-up page'. See this link. You will get all required info there.

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    <html lang="&BROWSER_LANGUAGE." xmlns:htmldb="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_15/theme_3_1.css" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    * jQuery UI CSS Framework
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    * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
    /* Layout helpers
    .ui-helper-hidden { display: none; }
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    * Copyright (c) 2009 AUTHORS.txt (
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    * To view and modify this theme, visit,%20Lucida%20Sans,%20Arial,%20sans-serif&fwDefault=bold&fsDefault=1.1em&cornerRadius=5px&bgColorHeader=5c9ccc&bgTextureHeader=12_gloss_wave.png&bgImgOpacityHeader=55&borderColorHeader=4297d7&fcHeader=ffffff&iconColorHeader=d8e7f3&bgColorContent=fcfdfd&bgTextureContent=06_inset_hard.png&bgImgOpacityContent=100&borderColorContent=a6c9e2&fcContent=222222&iconColorContent=469bdd&bgColorDefault=dfeffc&bgTextureDefault=02_glass.png&bgImgOpacityDefault=85&borderColorDefault=c5dbec&fcDefault=2e6e9e&iconColorDefault=6da8d5&bgColorHover=d0e5f5&bgTextureHover=02_glass.png&bgImgOpacityHover=75&borderColorHover=79b7e7&fcHover=1d5987&iconColorHover=217bc0&bgColorActive=f5f8f9&bgTextureActive=06_inset_hard.png&bgImgOpacityActive=100&borderColorActive=79b7e7&fcActive=e17009&iconColorActive=f9bd01&bgColorHighlight=fbec88&bgTextureHighlight=01_flat.png&bgImgOpacityHighlight=55&borderColorHighlight=fad42e&fcHighlight=363636&iconColorHighlight=2e83ff&bgColorError=fef1ec&bgTextureError=02_glass.png&bgImgOpacityError=95&borderColorError=cd0a0a&fcError=cd0a0a&iconColorError=cd0a0a&bgColorOverlay=aaaaaa&bgTextureOverlay=01_flat.png&bgImgOpacityOverlay=0&opacityOverlay=30&bgColorShadow=aaaaaa&bgTextureShadow=01_flat.png&bgImgOpacityShadow=0&opacityShadow=30&thicknessShadow=8px&offsetTopShadow=-8px&offsetLeftShadow=-8px&cornerRadiusShadow=8px
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  • SSRS Reports migration from 2005 to 2008R2

    Hi ..
    I have couple of questions.. looking for answers
    Am new to report migration. We have 1000+ of reports in 2005 which we need to migrate to 2008R2. After googling theweb i got to know that we have an third party utility RSScripter which is used to move the reports from 2005 to 2008.
    Question 1:
    By using the above tool i was able to migrate the reports from 2005 to 2008. However, i am not able to redeploy the reports to sub folder in 2008..
    Example  i have some reports in 2005 at Dev_reports\Reports\.. when i want to copy these reports to Dev_reports\Reports folder they are not moved to sub folder Reports on destination server, but rather they are copied to root folder. Is there any why
    that i can copy the reports to particular folder in destination server.
    Question 2:
    When moved the reports from 2005 to 2008 are all the reports are automatically upgraded and copied to new server(2008)? or we need to explicitly open each and every report in 2008 and deploy to the new report server(2008)?
    And my third requirement is to create couple(2) solution for the above said reports and check in them to TFS as a reporting project.
    one report project with all the reports from 2005 and another with all reports from 2008.
    Appreciate your responses at the earliest. As this is on top priority.. Thanks in Advance

    Hi Sri,
    Per my understanding that you are using the RSScripter to move the reports from SSRS 2005 from SSRS 2008 R2, now your first problem is you don't know how to move the reports from the sub folder of 2005 to an specify folder on SSRS 2008 R2, right?
    I have tested on my locak enviroment and can reproduce the issue, by default, when you execute the .cmd file the report will move to the new server's root folder, for example, you have an rdl report in SSRS 2005 which path is "/Test/report1.rdl"
    , when you move to the SSRS 2008 R2 using the tool it will move to the path "home/Test/report1.rdl".
    If you want to move this rdl to the specify folder "home/Test0323/Test/Report1.rdl" you should do the action as below:
    Create the specify folder on the SSRS 2005 but not SSRS 2008 R2, move the subfolder and the rdl in it "/Test/report1.rdl" to the specify folder
    find and check the "/Test0323/Test/Report1.rdl" in the RSScripter:
    the Output will have the path like "Test0323/Test/Report1.rdl",after move to the SSRS 2008 R2, it will also create the path like "/Test0323/Test/Report1.rdl"
    More details information about using the RSScripter tool:
    Migrating SQL Reporting Services to a new server
    For the second question, Generally, reports are not upgraded when you upload a report definition file directly to the report server or SharePoint site. The report is automatically upgraded the first time it is viewed, but the stored report definition file
    remains unchanged. Upgrading a report definition in SQL Server Data Tools is the only way to upgrade the .rdl file.
    Similar thread:
    If I upload RDL 2005 template on SQL Server
    2014 then will SQL Server 2014 render it without migrating it to 2014 ?
    Details information about upgrade and migration in the below articles for your reference:
    Upgrading Reports
    Upgrade and Migrate Reporting Services
    For the third question please reference to below article:
    TFS Reports using SSRS
    Using TFS2010 with Visual Studio / BIDS 2008 and SQL Server Management Studio
    Vicky Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem in Themes after Migrating from APEX 4.0 to 4.2

    Dear Friends,
    Recently we migrated from APEX 4.0 to 4.2. There were no errors during migration. But after migration we observed that any application with Simple Red (Theme No.1) and Scarlet (Theme 21) stopped working properly. i.e. Template button Red will not perform any task. Even changed the template of the button doesn't work.
    Can any one suggest steps to solve the problem?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Prabodh,
    This is the error i am getting
    Timestamp: 11/30/2012 5:03:02 PM
    Error: TypeError: ((f.event.special[r.origType] || {}).handle || r.handler).apply is not a function
    Source File: http://testserver:8000/i/libraries/apex/minified/desktop_all.min.js?v=
    Line: 3
    No i didn't modify any template.

  • 6i character mode report migrate to 11g , printing result were incorrect in the same matrix printer?

    Hi All
    We got stuck when our 6i character mode report migrate to 11g.
    We use the same PC to test,  when run 6i report(character mode with 200 column) in legacy system, report result were correct in our matrix printer ,
    When running in 11g, if we directly print report via report builder (without preview), result were correct.
    But running report via preview/screen mode, printing result were incorrect ( not 200 column width).
    We try to adjust PC's printer/paper setting , but our-defined printing option never appeared in printer dialog.
    Is anything(config or some setting) we forgot to do in this situation ?
    Thanks for all your patient response!

    Hi Shahmayur,
    I too am facing the same problem. If your problem is cleared then please let me know, so that i can continue the work.

  • Interactive Reporting Migration

    Could any one Please give some details on Interactive Reporting Migration from lower version to higher version(9x) and what are the lower versions.
    Thanks in advance.

    If the bqys reside in the Repository then the Migration Utility (available on eDelivery) will move content and upgrade the bqy.
    If on your desktop and you are using IR Studio (9.x) then the simple act of opening and saving a bqy will do the trick. The new features extended in release you are using will become available.
    If you then try to open the file with a lower version you may find problems so once you go up do not go down
    Wayne Van Sluys
    TopDown Consulting

  • Report migration strategy from Cognos to BO 3.1

    I am looking for some input for report migration from Cognos to BO. We will have to migrate large volume of Cognos 8 reports to BO XI 3.1. What are the gray areas in it? what is best practice available?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    What do you mean "populate repository" ?
    I'm sure you should be able to export/import users, but to re-create reports from xml ??? 
    Cognos allows you to export all report information to XML and ability to create report back from that ??
    BO doesn't.

  • Massive Report Migration

    Web Analysis 9.2 on an AIX 5.3 Server
    Oracle 10g
    Currently we have about 500 reports on a Web Analysis server (Development) and we are trying to migrate them to a new server (Production).
    We need to make a massive report migration, since there are a lot reports, with a method different than Export / Import option with each report or report folder.(manually)
    We wonder if there is any other alternate procedure to migrate the reports massively, such backing up the oracle 10g database or any other different method.
    Any help or idea is highly appreciated.

    you can achieve your target with LCM utility in 9.3.1
    LCM utility is available from 9.3.0.x
    but it performing well with some enhanced feature added in 9.3.1.X
    Dhanjit G.

  • Error while executing Report migrated from 6i to 11g

    We have migrated forms & reports from 6i to 11g.
    Most of the reports work fine but we are having issue with very few reports.
    Let me explain the issue here:
    We have a Form that Runs a report.
    The Report has a PLL which loads a C library and calls a C Function. [using ORA_FFI]
    The C Function which is called has embedded SQL in it.
    The Report Server Engine crashes on encountering the first Executable SQL statement. [A Select or Insert]
    Need help to resolve this as we have tried a lot of things and not been successful.
    Below is a gist of the errors we see in teh Report server logs:
    Nov 14, 2012 7:37:11 AM <init>
    WARNING: "IOP00410201: (COMM_FAILURE) Connection failure: socketType: IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT; hostname:; port: 57343"
    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No
    at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._request(
    at oracle.reports.engine._EngineClassStub.shutdown(
    at oracle.reports.server.EngineManager.shutdownEngine(
    at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(
    at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobLocal(
    at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.dispatch(
    at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionImpl.runJob(
    at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionPOA._invoke(
    Caused by: Connection refused
    at Method)
    ... 23 more
    [2012-11-14T07:37:10.969+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000Jf_MXxPFg4^kxS3j7k1GbGIR000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] EngineManager:updateEngineState Engine rwEng-0 status is 3
    [2012-11-14T07:37:10.969+01:00] [reports] [NOTIFICATION:16] [REP-56004] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000Jf_MXxPFg4^kxS3j7k1GbGIR000003,0] EngineInfo:setState Engine rwEng-0 state is: Running
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.294+01:00] [reports] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [REP-50125] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] REP-50125 : org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 208 completed: Maybe [[
    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 208 completed: Maybe
    Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 211 completed: No
    ... 2 more
    Caused by: End-of-stream
    ... 4 more
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.296+01:00] [reports] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [REP-50125] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] REP-50125 : org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No [[
    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No
    at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._request(
    at oracle.reports.engine._EngineClassStub.shutdown(
    at oracle.reports.server.EngineManager.shutdownEngine(
    at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(
    at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobLocal(
    at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.dispatch(
    at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionImpl.runJob(
    at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionPOA._invoke(
    Caused by: Connection refused
    at Method)
    ... 23 more
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.297+01:00] [reports] [NOTIFICATION:16] [REP-56004] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] EngineInfo:setState Engine rwEng-0 state is: Shutdown
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.297+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:32] [REP-56047] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] EngineManager:remove Reports Server shut down engine rwEng-0.
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.297+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] JobManager:start Using Maximum Job Retry value = 0
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.297+01:00] [reports] [NOTIFICATION:16] [REP-56016] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] JobManager:updateJobStatus Job 1658 status is: The report terminated with error: [[
    REP-56048: Engine rwEng-0 crashed., job Id: 1658.
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.297+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] JobObject:writeLongUTF Number of Break Index values=1
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.298+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] JobObject:writeLongUTF String= Engine rwEng-0 crashed., job Id: 1658 strlen=37
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.298+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] JobManager:notifyWaitingJobs Master job 1658 notify its duplicated jobs.
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.299+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] JobManager:updateJobStatus Finished updating job: 1658
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.299+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] JobManager:runJobInEngine Encounted exception in job 1658
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.299+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 17] [ecid: 004nX0QrTwUFg4^kxS3j7k0005WT000k^s,0:1:0x5f5e639:100000000] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] [URI: /reports/rwservlet/showjobs] ConnectionImpl:runJob jobid = 1658 Failed with exceptionoracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.318+01:00] [reports] [NOTIFICATION:16] [REP-56013] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000Jf_MXxPFg4^kxS3j7k1GbGIR000003,0] ConnectionManager:release Connection 239 is released.
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.382+01:00] [reports] [NOTIFICATION:16] [REP-56020] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000Jf_MXxSFg4^kxS3j7k1GbGIR000004,0] EngineManager:spawnEngine Launching engine rwEng-0.
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.382+01:00] [reports] [NOTIFICATION:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000Jf_MXxSFg4^kxS3j7k1GbGIR000004,0] EngineManager:spawnEngine OS Name = Linux : OS Arch = amd64
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.383+01:00] [reports] [TRACE:16] [] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000Jf_MXxSFg4^kxS3j7k1GbGIR000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.reports.utility.RWLogger] [SRC_METHOD: writeln] EngineManager:spawnEngine Start engine command line = /utility/app/oracle/product/fmwfr/formsreports1/config/reports/bin/ -server -cp /utility/app/oracle/product/fmwfr/formsreports/reports/jlib/rwrun.jar -Dcomponent.path=rep_test -Doracle.reports.component=rwEng-0 -Dinprocess.server=false -Duser.language=it -Duser.region=IT -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xss512k oracle.reports.engine.RWEngine name=rwEng-0 server=rep_test ORACLE_HOME=/utility/app/oracle/product/fmwfr/formsreports engineimplclass=oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl cacheDir=/utility/app/oracle/product/fmwfr/formsreports1/reports/cache diagnosis="yes" keepConnection="yes" server_ior="/test/orafood/tmp/rep_test_129261664_1352875031383"
    [2012-11-14T07:37:11.386+01:00] [reports] [NOTIFICATION:16] [REP-56021] [oracle.reports.server] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000Jf_MXxSFg4^kxS3j7k1GbGIR000004,0] EngineManager:spawnEngine Engine rwEng-0 has been launched.
    I can post the other logs if it helps.

    Hi Rajesh,
    If you just want to execute the report in web, you can do one thing.
    Go to Query designer of your relevent system.
    Open the Query which you want to execute in Web.
    Then in the Query tab(first one) in the drop down list you have the Option  'execute'./ the 5th Icon  in the Query designer screen.On clicking this it will open a new window( Internet Explorer) and prompts for your system credentials.
    Upon providing them  the query start executing if it deosn't have any selections, else selection screen appears.
    You can save the link and can use this when ever you want to execute the query.Use it in the BW system environment's Intrenet explorer only.
    Hope this helps.
    Ganesh Thota

Maybe you are looking for