Multiple B2B mid-tier/OAS  sharing 2 B2B schemas/database installs ?

In order to develop and test a B2B project both sides/trading partners (e.g. like Acme & GlobalChips) are required.
Is it supported and or possible for multiple OAS B2B installations to point to a single schema?
(dev) OAS B2B Acme --> [B2B database1 schema 1]
(dev) OAS B2B GlobalChips --> [B2B database2 schema 2]
(test) OAS B2B Acme --> [B2B database1 schema 1]
(dev) OAS B2B GlobalChips --> [B2B database2 schema 2]
So, 4 OAS B2B installs using 2 B2B database schemas ?

This is not a suggested configuration, please point test and Dev to different Metadata Repository.

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    Two possible solutions:
    1.) Oracle 10gAS Enterprise Deployment Guide (B13998-03) follow the configuration for SSO configuration in Chapter 5.
    2.) I have not tried this but it should be logically possible with the SSO. 10gAS Administrators guide (B13995-05) Part III Advanced Administration. The success of this method assumes you have OID and SSO each installed in separate homes. You would be cloning the SSO home to another box as if it were a middle tier (it is still part of the infrastructure) then re-configuring it on the new box.
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    Hope this helps!

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    Regards and thanks for any info,
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    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

    Jar files are not stored on the file system
    Temporary files are held in bpel/domain/default/tmp folder, whereas jar files in the dehydration store for clustered deployment.
    If you configure BPEL (not AS) cluster - files will be propagated to all nodes.

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  • Mid Tier Installation options

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    Thanks all for your thoughts!

    Thanks guys. I got it working. Here's my procedure...
    1. Installed DB (
    2. Create new DB User "orabpel" and granted Connect, Resource and DBA roles
    3. Ran the following Scripts from SQLPLUS while logged in as orabpel...
    4. Installed OAS ( - web cache and J2EE install option - but just configured J2EE)
    5. Installed BPEL PM ( into this OAS home.

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    Can I install the infra tier without affecting my current mid tier installation?
    Kind regards,
    Wim Blom

    sure, dont worry about it, just when doing it, try to unset any ORACLE_HOME environment variable as well remove it any call from PATH enviroment variable, finally not least, use a direrent location for the instalaltion path (ORACLE_HOME).

  • BPEL mid tier

    I followed the "hellow" sample application for BPEL using jdeveloper 10.1.3 -- I t deploys find to the local OCJ4 instance (standalone version)
    and executes find. (e.g, the BPEL process console lets me execute and it displays the test form to capture the input.
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    THe MIDTier version is also running on windos server 2003 IE 6.0
    any help will be greatly appreciated
    Note - other samples in the bpel sample directory - execute just fine in the stand alone environment

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    I plan re-installed the full mid -tier suite in the near future an retest - I will reply to this tread after re-inatlling the full mid tier apps
    For now, I can develop and test using the stand alone JDEVELOPER config, along with the OAS test web service feature in the mid tier
    PS: Thanks for you reply

  • Identify to which mid-tier you are be connected on a multi-node R12 env

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    Do someone have a handy script to get the details of the connected sessions on each middle-tier node

    user481019 wrote:
    How can we identify to which mid-tier we are be connected on a multi-node R12 environment through backendFND_NODES table contains information about node_names and services enabled on a node.
    In multinode instance if you want to know which node is running what services, You can query the fnd_nodes and get that information.
    Do someone have a handy script to get the details of the connected sessions on each middle-tier nodefnd_logins
    REM It's configured to work with SQL Directory (SQLDIR).
    REM SQLDIR is a utility that allows easy organization and
    REM execution of SQL*Plus scripts using user-friendly menu.
    REM File:
    REM a_user_ses_R11i.10.2.sql
    REM SQLDIR Group Descriptions:
    REM     APPS     -     APPS General
    REM     APPS_INST     -     APPS Installation
    REM     APPS_CONC_PROG     -     APPS Concurrent Programs
    REM     APPS_CONC_MAN     -     APPS Concurrent Managers
    REM     APPS_ADMIN     -     APPS Administration
    REM     DBF     - Data Files
    REM     TABSP     - Tablespace
    REM     UTIL     - Utility
    REM     INDX     - Index
    REM     LOG     - Redo Log
    REM     RBS     - Rollback
    REM     MAINT     - Maintenance
    REM     REVERSE     - Reverse Engineering
    REM     SGA     - SGA Maintenance
    REM     TAB     - Table
    REM     USER     - User Management
    REM     STATS     - Statistics
    REM     STORAGE     - Storage Management
    REM     INIT     - Database Init Parameters
    REM     LATCH     - Latches
    REM     LOCK     - Locks
    REM     SEGMENT     - Segment Management
    REM     BACKUP     - Backup Management
    REM     PQ     - Parallel Query
    REM     TRACE     - SQL Tracing Tuning
    REM     PART     - Partitioning
    REM     MOST     - Favorite Scripts
    REM Purpose:
    REM     This script reports APPS active middle-tier sessions
    REM     (works with newest framework)
    REM Usage:
    REM a_user_ses_R11i.10.2.sql
    REM Example:
    REM a_user_ses_R11i.10.2.sql
    accept 1 prompt "Enter the type of sessions you'd like to report on web: "
    set lines 132
    set trims on
    col db_pid format a6 heading "DB-PID"
    col mt_pid format a6 heading "MT-PID"
    col sid_serial     format a16 heading "USR:SID,SERIAL"
    col apps_user format a12 heading "Apps User"
    col apps_logon_time     format a15 heading "-- Apps --|Logon Time"
    col mt_detail     format a15 heading "Middle Tier"
    col mt_start_time     format a15 heading "-- M-Tier --|Logon Time"
    col module     format a10 heading "Module"
    col action     format a35 heading "Module Detail"
    alter session set nls_date_format='MON-DD HH24:MI';
    select /*+ ORDERED */
    p.spid db_pid
    , s.process mt_pid
    , s.username||':'||SUBSTR(s.sid||','||s.serial#,1,15 ) sid_serial
    , fl.start_time apps_logon_time
    , fu.user_name apps_user
    , s.machine||'.'||s.osuser mt_detail
    --, logon_time mt_start_time
    , substr(module,1,10) module, action
    from fnd_logins fl
    , fnd_user fu
    , v$process p
    , v$session s
    where decode('&&1','web',fl.spid,1)=decode('&&1','web',s .process,1)
    and fl.process_spid=p.spid
    and fl.serial#=p.serial#
    and s.process is not null
    and s.paddr = p.addr
    and fl.user_id=fu.user_id
    and fl.end_time is null
    please see this
    ;) AppsMAsti ;)
    Sharing is Caring

  • Working with multiple users and computers, but shared data

    Sorry if this is posted in a poor place, I'm not sure where the best place is. This is sort of a general questions.
    For a long time, my wife and I have had either one computer, or two machines but one has definitely been just a terminal. We've basically set up all of our data to be one one primary machine, and if we want to view/edit that data we have to use that machine.
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    How to manage iTunes so that we can each have access to the music. As a super awesome bonus, it would be great if we could have three libraries: His, Hers and Shared. Maybe as much as 30% of our music library is similar, the rest just gets in the way.
    What is the best solution people have found for calendars? (I'm thinking two separate calendars, and we each subscribe to each others iCal feed) and bookmark synching is not really a problem for us.
    Two extra points:
    * One machine is portable, and the other isn't. Ideally, when the laptop is out of the house, both machines should still have reasonable access to the shared data. That is: Just dumping things in the shared folder won't work because when the laptop is out of the house we will be disconnected from the source data.
    * We just got a second iPhone. This means that both of us will be taking photos/video separately and trying to synch back to the master data store.
    * Basically, I'm trying to minimize data duplication as much as possible, and just synchronize the systems to each other.
    Thanks a ton in advance. If anyone has any suggestions at all, I would love to hear them. Including "This is in the wrong forum, go ask here instead..."

    So you have a desktop Mac and a laptop Mac, right? Two user accounts (and a third admin account) on each computer, right?
    I profess that I haven't tried this, but here is how I would approach your problem:
    Sharing Music and Photos between multiple user accounts on the same computer: 
    See if and provide any useful information to assist you in this endeavor.
    Sharing across multiple computers:
    Turn on file sharing on the Desktop (System Preferences > Sharing). Now you can mount the Desktop as an external drive on the laptop's Desktop. Copy the music and photo folders across. Will take awhile to do the first time. Then, for future use, get a copy of the donationware CarbonCopyCloner or equivalent. You can use CCC to selectively sync specific folders from one computer to the other. There may be a hassle with digital copyright issues on music and movies, though.
    As you have suggested yourself, publishing yours and subscribing to hers is probably the best way to do it, on the same computer. Across computers, syncing with CCC or equivalent would probably be the way to go.

  • Can I use multiple credit cards with family sharing

    My kids are adults.  Can I use multiple credit cards in family sharing so they can pay for their own purchases?

    Hello Cwb1234,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    From what I understand, you want to set it up that your kids use their own credit cards for purchases within Family Sharing. Take a look at the article linked below, it outlines purchases and payments for Family Sharing and may offer a solution to the issue that you’re running into.
    Family purchases and payments - Apple Support
    Making purchases
    After you set up your family, any time a family member initiates a new purchase it will be billed directly to your account unless that family member has gift or store credit. First, their store credit will be used to pay the partial or total bill. The remainder will bill to the family organizer's card. As the family organizer, any receipts generated by the transaction will be sent to you. Learn more about how iTunes Store purchases are billed.
    Once paid for, a purchased item is added to the account of the family member who initiated the purchase. In other words, the content belongs to them, much as it would if you were buying them a book or a DVD. If Family Sharing is ever disabled, each member will keep the purchases they initiated, even though they were paid for by the family organizer.
    These are the only current options for payment within Family Sharing.
    Jeff D. 

  • Cannot install BPEL PM mid-tier flavor (2nd option) from beta3 drop

    On the instance repository information screen You have to provide orabpel and mid-tier ias_admin connect information. It pre-requisites an already populated bpel schema. Although I have run the scripts domain_oracle.ddl and server_oracle.ddl the following message appears when you press next in the OUI:
    Altert: The OracleAS infrastructure database has not been upgraded with the OracleAS BPEL PM 10.1.2 schema....
    Subsequently I cannot continue - any idea how to circumvent this message?
    Again I think I have a complete orabpel schema

    Hello Frank,
    we were running into the same problem, you can install the middle tier version only if you have setup up all the BPEL needed tables, views, procs in your database. With the beta3 ships a compressed file called It contains the IRCA ( Integration Repository Creation Assistant ). You need to run this assistant before the middle ware installation against your db. Following the db is prepared to be a repository for you BPEL middle ware.
    Hope this helps.

  • Installation BPEL PM mid-tier flavor beta3 fails during deployment

    During the deployment of applications and adapters
    "E:\as10g101\jdk\bin\java -Dant.home=E:\as10g101
    (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=oi10g))) -quiet -e -buildfile bpminstall.xml init-midtier
    Inserting OPMN fragment ...
    E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\runtime\install\ant-tasks\bpminstall.xml:321: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\runtime\install\ant-tasks\init-midtier.xml:80: Java returned: 1
    Total time: 0 seconds"
    It dies
    At the same time I have an OC4J_BPEL container within my mid-tier but I cannot connect to my BPEL console and I am not certain what else I am missing
    Does anybody know how to circumvent this deployment failure?

    Frank I assume you have now succesfully installed the schemas in your 10g database and went on to install BPEL on the AS midtier. I assume you have the 10.1.2 production midtier (j2ee & webcache) installed?
    Please add the relevant part of the install log file.
    Thanks for your prompt response.
    Yes I was able to install file - indeed there was java command line example in there.
    And yes I have a mid-tier installed. It seems that a part was succesfull since I have an OC4J_BPEL container.
    Herby the logging from the Configuration Assistants,
    including the succesfull BUILD:
    Preprocessing configuration files ...
    E:\as10g101\jdk\bin\java -Dant.home=E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel -classpath E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel\lib\ant_1.6.2.jar;E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel\lib\ant-launcher_1.6.2.jar -Dinstall.type=Midtier -Dob.home=E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel -Dbpm.home=E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\runtime -Djava.home=E:\as10g101\jdk -Doracle.home=E:\as10g101 -Dhttp.proxy.set=false -Dhttp.port=80 -quiet -e -buildfile bpminstall.xml install-sa patch-orabpel instantiate-orabpel-files
    Total time: 14 seconds
    Warning: Unable to remove existing file E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel\lib\bpm-infra.jar
    Warning: Unable to remove existing file E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel\lib\olite40.jar
    Exit: 0
    TASK: oracle.tip.install.tasks.UpdateConfigFiles
    Updating configuration files ...
    TASK: oracle.tip.install.tasks.RegisterOlite
    Registering Olite ...
    No Olite registration required.
    TASK: oracle.tip.install.tasks.DeployApps
    Deploy applications and adapters
    E:\as10g101\jdk\bin\java -Dant.home=E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel -classpath E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel\lib\ant_1.6.2.jar;E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel\lib\ant-launcher_1.6.2.jar -Dinstall.type=Midtier -Dob.home=E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel -Dbpm.home=E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\runtime -Djava.home=E:\as10g101\jdk -Doracle.home=E:\as10g101 -Dorabpel.password=orabpel -Ddb.connect.string=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=dellxp32)(PORT=1521)))(LOAD_BALANCE=yes)(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=oi10g))) -quiet -e -buildfile bpminstall.xml init-midtier
    Inserting OPMN fragment ...
    E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\runtime\install\ant-tasks\bpminstall.xml:321: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\runtime\install\ant-tasks\init-midtier.xml:80: Java returned: 1
    Total time: 0 seconds
    Exit: 1
    Configuration assistant "Oracle BPEL Process Manager Configuration Assistant" was canceled
    In addition I would like to add the following:
    I am able to connect to the BPEL console (localhost:80/BPELConsole) but I cannot for example deploy the LoanFlow demo - I receive the following error in the command box:
    [ear] Building ear: E:\as10g101\integration\bpelpm\orabpel\system\appserve
    [java] Error: Unable to find Java:comp/ServerAdministrator:
    The reason for that could be that I need to startup the BPEL server. But that would confuses me since the oc4j container is running and I can connect to the BPEL console. At the same time if I look in the startorabpel.bat the olite lines are still active and within data-sources.xml file the Oracle9i lines are inactive - although I have provided the Oracle10g schema during the installation. Hopefully you are still with me and are able to shed some light on this,

  • Error Deploying BPEL process to Mid Tier

    I'm having problems deploying a jar to midtier.
    When I attempt to deploy the jar of my BPEL process to a GA mid-tier BPEL instance using the console's "deploy new process" I get the following error message.
    The BPEL process works and deploys with no problems on a GA Developer's install (same machine). I have tried deploying it both from JDev and the console after un-deploying it manually. Both of these work fine in the Developers install.
    Deploy New BPEL Process
    bpel_AddressChangeValidate_2.0.jar failed to deploy.
    Error deploying BPEL archive. An error occurred while attempting to deploy the BPEL archive file "bpel_AddressChangeValidate_2.0.jar"; the exception reported is: Problem 1: [putFTP.wsdl]: null

    Figured it out...
    The problem was I forgot to copy the FTP connect info
    into the midtier FtpAdapter oc4j-ra.xml file.
    Is there an out of the box way for low level config
    like this to be included in the JAR file?Nope not right now. We are working on what we can do to fix this going forwards in a later release.
    One interesting note, I was able to "deploy" my
    process by copying the JAR file directly into the
    deployment folder... What is the difference between
    doing this and using "deploy new process" from the
    console?When going the console route, it goes through an additional deployment time validation check which you were able to bypass by copying the jar directly into the deployment folder.
    You may have been hitting a bug in the validation code, otherwise you should have really seen the error message asking you to potentially fix the jndi entry in oc4j-ra.xml.

  • OC4J 9.0.3 Standalone and 9iAS 9.0.2 mid-tier

    We are currently running Forms9i and Reports 9i services on a mid-tier installation of Oracle9iAS 9.0.2. (Solaris). We have also developed some JDeveloper 9.0.3 applications that need to be deployed onto the same server. I understand from previous discussions on both Metalink and OTN Discussion Forums that it is not possible to upgrade the OC4J components of the mid-tier installation to 9.0.3 as the Forms9i and Reports 9i services are only certified to work with 9iAS 9.0.2.
    My next question is can I install Oracle9iAS Release 2 OC4J 9.0.3 standalone components into a separate ORACLE_HOME from the mid-tier 9iAS 9.0.2 in order to deploy the JDeveloper 9.0.3 applications ?.

    i am not sure how you invoke report services from your java application. i assume you are using a URL to access the report. in that case your application will still be able to point back to the 902 servlet to access reports services.
    regarding the use of classes on the 903 application : reports services can only access classes that are in its classpath. so if you can put the classes you need in reports' classpath defined by the environment of the 902 instance you should be able to access it.
    you might also look into our Thin Client that is available here on OTN.

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