Multiple Choice

Can someone help me please to giving answers the following?
Will be awarded full points.
1. What is the fastest way to move one internal table to another internal table (assuming two tables of similar structure)?
a) Append lines of table1 to table2.
b) loop at table1.
Move: table1-field1 to table2-field1,
      table1-field2 to table2-field2.
Append table2.
c) table2[] = table1[].
d) loop at table1.
Move-corresponding table1 to table2.
e) move table1 to table2.
2. Which one of the following is true about a function module?
a) Function modules are locally accessible objects.
b) Function modules have inbound and outbound parameters.
c) Function modules have no built-in exception handling.
d) Function modules CANNOT be created by a programmer.
e) Function modules use a shared memory area.
data: field1 type I value 10.
Subtract 2 from field1.
Write: / 'field1 =', field1.
Add 5 to field1.
Write: / 'field1 =', field1.
Field1 = 5.
Write: / 'field1 =', field1.
What is the result after executing the above code?
a) field1 = 10
field1 = 8
b) field1 = 8
field1 = 14
field1 = 5
c) field1 = 5
field1 = 3
field1 = 8
d) field1 = 5
field1 = 10
field1 = 8
e) field1 = 8
field1 = 14
4. Which one of the following commands is used in drill-down reporting?
5. What is an object which CANNOT be transported?
a) A local object
b) A change request
c) A development object
d) A class
e) A task
6. A GUI-Status is created in which transaction?
a) Flow Logic
b) Menu Painter
c) GUI Painter
d) Screen Painter
e) Status Painter
7. Which one of the following statements creates a GUI-status in a dialog program?
a) set pf-status '0100'.
b) set screen '0100'.
c) set gui-status '0100'.
d) set gui-status = '0100'.
e) set status '0100'.
8. Dialog programs have which naming convention?
a) ZPBOxxx
b) SAPMZxxx
c) ZDIAxxx
d) ZPAIxxx
e) Zxxx
9. Which dictionary structure contains system fields?
(Note: SYST is an ABAP Dictionary Structure which you can view in SE11.
During the execution of any ABAP program, the runtime environment creates a structure 'SY' from this structure SYST. Hence in programs, you address the individual fields of the SYST structure as SY-<field> name. SYST is the system structure field and SY is the system variable)
d) SY
e) SYS
An internal table ICODE contains the following entries:
field1  field2
John    12345
Alice   23478
Sam     54321
Bob     10000
What is the output of the above code after execution?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) Sam
Data: number type i.
while number < 10.
  Add 1 to number.
  If number < 8.
   Add 4 to number.
Write number.
What does NUMBER equal after executing the above code?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 10
d) 12
e) 14
12. Which one of the following statements would occur in the PBO of a dialog program using table control?
a) loop at itab.
b) loop at itab with control itab_tc.
c) module exit at exit-command.
d) module user_command.
e) set screen '0100'
data: begin of itab occurs 0,
      end of itab.
Move: 'A' to itab-field1,
      'B' to itab-field2.
Append itab.
Append itab.
Move: 'B' to itab-field1.
Append itab.
Clear itab.
Move: 'A' to itab-field2.
Append itab.
What are the contents of itab after executing the above code?
a) A B
    A B
    B B
b) A B
    A B
c) A B
d) A B
    B A
e) A B
     B A
     B A
      B A
14. When debugging a BDC session, which command is used to exit the session?
a) /n
b) /bend
c) /nexit
d) /nquit
e) /exit
15. Which system field returns the number of records returned after a select?
a) sy-index
b) sy-recno
c) sy-lncnt
d) sy-dbcnt
e) sy-tabix
16. Which statement regarding Logical databases is FALSE?
a) Logical databases use a tree structure.
b) Logical databases use a standard selection-screen for selection criteria.
c) More than one logical database can be used in a report.
d) Any change to a logical database is reflected in all reports using that logical database.
e) Logical databases simplify and encapsulate data retrieval
17. Which one of the following is an example of an asynchronous update?
a) modify ztable from wa.
b) update ztable set field1 = '123'.
c) update ztable from ztable.
d) insert wa into ztable.
e) call function 'update_table' in update task
18. Which return code is associated with a failed authority check due to lack of user authorization for the chosen action?
a) 0 (The user has an authorization for all specified values.)
b) 4 (The user does not have the authorization.)
c) 8 (The number of specified fields is incorrect.)
d) 12 (The specified authorization object does not exist.)
e) 24
19. Which transaction is used to monitor, release, and reprocess BDC sessions?
a) SM36  (Schedule Background Job)
b) SE37 (ABAP Function Modules)
c) SE35  (ABAP/4 Dialog Modules)
d) SP35
e) SM35  (Batch Input Monitoring)
20. What is the structure for the following select-options? Select-options: zname like ztable-name.
a) zname-sign
b) zname-low
c) zname-sign
d) zname-sign
e) zname-sign
21. Which of the following are elementary types in ABAP?
a) C,D,F,H,I,N,P,T
b) C,D,F,I,N,P,Q,T
c) A,D,F,I,N,P,T,X
d) A,D,F,H,N,P,T,X
e) C,D,F,I,N,P,T,X
data: f1 type I value 1,
       f2 type I value 1.
Write: / f1, f2.
Do 2 times.
Perform scope.
Write: / f1, f2.
Form scope.
Data: f1 type I value 2,
       f2 type I value 2.
Add: 1 to f1, 1 to f2.
Write: / f1, f2.
What is the output of this program after execution?
a) 1 1
    3 3
    4 4
     4 4
b) 1 1
    2 2
    3 3
    1 1
c) 1 1
    3 3
    3 3
    3 3
d) 1 1
    2 2
    3 3
    3 3
e) 1 1
   3 3
   3 3
   1 1
23. Program specs call for screen 100 to appear in a modal dialog box.
module do_something.
  If field1 = 'X'.
   Call screen '0100'.
Why does the above code fail to produce a modal box?
a) The addition 'starting at X' is left out.
b) The screen should be numbered 900.
c) The code must occur in the PBO.
d) The screen is of the wrong type.
e) Screens are not called within modules.
24. Field-symbols are defined in which of the following ways?
a) field-symbols f1 for f1.
b) field-symbols [f1].
c) field-symbols <f1> like f1.
d) field-symbols (f1) like f1.
e) field-symbols .
3         FIELD1(5),
4         FIELD2(5),
5       END OF ITAB.
7 IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
Referring to the above code, which line contains an error?
a) Line 2
b) Line 5
c) Line 6
d) Line 7
e) Line 8
Loop at itab.
Write itab.
From where is the written line derived in the above loop statement?
a) The table work area
b) sy-subrc
c) sy-index
d) The table header
e) sy-lisel
27. An internal table icode contains the following entries:
Field1  Field2
John    12345
Alice   23478
Sam     54321
john    50000
Why does executing the above code return a sy-subrc of 4?
a) Icode-field2 must be a numeric field.
b) The internal table has an incorrect structure.
c) Both internal table fields must be used in the search.
d) The internal table must be sorted first.
e) 'John' should not be capitalized.
Data: pos like sy-index,
do 10 times.
Check sy-index between 2 and 6.
Add 1 to pos.
Move sy-index to index.
Write at pos index.
What is the output of the above code after execution?
a) 26
b) 1789
c) 23456
d) 132578910
e) 178910
29. Dialog programs are of which type?
a) Type B
b) Type 1
c) Type *
d) Type M
e) Type S
data: f1(12) type c value 'Test Variant',
      f2(6)  type c,
      f3(8)  type c.
Move: f1 to f2,
       f2 to f3.
What do f1, f2, and f3 contain after executing the above code?
a) f1: 'Test Variant'
     f2: 'ariant'
     f3: '  ariant'
b) f1: 'Test Variant'
     f2: 'ariant'
     f3: ' Variant'
c) f1: 'Test Variant'
    f2: 'Test V'
    f3: 'st Varia'
d) f1: 'Test Variant'
     f2: 'Test V'
      f3: 'Test V  '
e) f1: 'Test Variant'
     f2: 'Test V'
     f3: 'Test Var'
1. Data: Begin of itab occurs 0,
         End of itab.
2. Data: Itab1 like itab occurs 0.
3. Data: Itab1 type itab occurs 0.
4. Data: Begin of itab1 occurs 0.
           Include structure itab.
   Data: End of itab1.
Which of the above statements code internal tables with a header line?
a) Lines 1 and 4
b) Lines 1 and 3
c) Lines 2 and 4
d) Lines 1 and 2
e) Lines 2 and 3
32. Which one of the following SQL statements does NOT lock the affected database entries ?
a) select *
b) Insert
c) Delete
d) select single for update
e) modify
data: begin of itab occurs 0,
       num1 type I,
       num2 type I,
       num3 type I,
      end of itab.
Delete from itab where mark eq 'D'.
Itab entries:
1 2 3 D
2 3 4
3 4 5 D
4 5 6 D
7 8 9 d
7 8 9 D
Given the ITAB entries, what are the contents of ITAB after executing the above code?
a) 1 2 3 D
    2 3 4
    3 4 5 D
    4 5 6 D
    7 8 9 d
b) 2 3 4
c) 7 8 9 d
   7 8 9 D
d) 2 3 4
     3 4 5 D
     4 5 6 D
     7 8 9 d
    7 8 9 D
e) 2 3 4
    7 8 9 d
data: f1 type I value 1,
      f2 type I value 1.
Do 2 times.
  Perform scope.
Form scope.
Statics: f1 type I value 2,
          f2 type I value 2.
Add: 1 to f1, 1 to f2.
Write: / f1, f2.
Perform scope2.
Form scope2.
Write: / f1, f2.
What is the output of the above program after execution?
a) 3 3
1 1
4 4
1 1
b) 3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
c) 3 3
3 3
4 4
4 4
d) 3 3
0 0
4 4
0 0
e) 3 3
1 1
4 4
3 3
35. An ABAP Screen is created in which transaction?
a) Screen Editor
b) Screen Painter
c) Menu Painter
d) ABAP Editor
e) Status Painter
36. Data written to the database would be reversed under which of the following circumstances?
a) Dequeue
b) Enqueue
c) Commit
d) Message Xnnn
e) End of Transaction
37. Program specifications ask for error checking on a selection-screen which contains a parameter inside a frame.
a) at selection-screen on block b1
b) selection-screen check block b1
c) at selection-screen
d) selection-screen on field f1
e) check selection-screen
38. Table ztest has a secondary index on the following fields:
tnum, tcode.
Select * from ztest where tnum ne '123' and tcode = '456'.
Why is the index not used in the above case?
a) Indexes are not allowed on Z tables
b) Variables must be used, NOT literals
c) Select individual fields, not select *
d) Client is not in the where clause
e) NE invalidates the use of an index
39. An internal table has two fields :
Field1, Field2
Which of the following is the fastest way to fill an internal table of the structure above.
a) select field1 field2 into (itab-field1, itab-field2)
       from ztable where field1 = '10'.
Append itab.
b) select * from ztable
       where field1 = '10'.
Move ztable to wa.
Append itab from wa.
c) select * into corresponding-fields of itab
       from ztable where field1 = '10'.
d) select * from ztable
       where field1 = '10'.
Append itab.
e) select * into table itab from ztable
       where field1 = '10'.
40. Update Bundling can occur within which of the following?
a) Within dialog tasks and dequeue processes
b) Within dialog and update tasks
c) Within enqueue processes
d) Within enqueue and dequeue processes
e) Within update tasks and enqueue processes
data: begin of itab occurs 0,
      end of itab.
Do 3 times.
Append initial line to itab.
Append 'X' to itab.
Describe table itab.
Write: sy-tfill.
What is the value of SY-TFILL (Current number of rows, Use- in Internal Tables)
after executing the above code?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 6
e) 12
Table zinfo                   Entries:
          a1   Smith  100.00   50.00
Field        Type             a1   Jones  100.00   50.00
          a2   Bob    100.00   50.00
id            C               a3   Bob    100.00   50.00
name          C               a4   Mike   100.00   50.00
sales         P               a5   Mary   100.00   50.00
sales2        P               a5   Mary   100.00   50.00
Using the above information, what is the result of the following code?
Loop at zinfo.
At new name.
Write: / zinfo-id, zinfo-name, zinfo-sales.
a) a1   Smith    100.00
a1   Jones    100.00
a2   Bob      100.00
a3   Bob      100.00
a4   Mike     100.00
a5   Mary     200.00
b) a1   Smith    100.00
a1   Jones    100.00
a2   Bob      200.00
a4   Mike     100.00
a5   Mary     100.00
c) a1   Jones    200.00
a2   Bob      200.00
a4   Mike     100.00
a5   Mary     100.00
a5   Mary     100.00
d) a1   Jones    200.00
a2   Bob      200.00
a4   Mike     100.00
a5   Mary     100.00
e) a1   Smith    200.00
a2   Bob      100.00
a3   Bob      100.00
a4   Mike     100.00
a5   Mary     200.00
43. Which one of the following is an INCORRECT form of the WRITE statement?
a) write x no-sign.
b) write x no-decimals.
c) write x left-justified no-gap.
d) write x no-zero.
e) write x under y currency us.
1. Data: Begin of imara occurs 0.
2.         Include structure mara.
3. Data: End of imara.
4  Data: number like mara-matnr.
5. Select * into table imara
6. From mara where matnr = number.
7.   If sy-subrc = 0.
8.     Write:/ imara.
9.   Endif.
10. Endselect.
Which line in the above code contains a syntax error?
a) 2
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
e) 10
45. data: field1(4) type c value 'ABCD'.
if field1 co 'ABCD'.
What is the value of sy-fdpos after this block of code is executed ?
a) D
b) 4
d) A
e) 0
46. Which statement is INCORRECT when referring to SAP memory or ABAP memory?
a) ABAP memory is only stored during the lifetime of an external session.
b) You can use ABAP memory to pass data between internal sessions.
c) SAP memory is also referred to as Global Memory.
d) SAP memory is available across transactions.
e) IMPORT/EXPORT (TO MEMORY) statements are used for SAP memory.
47. A standard type internal table ICODE contains the following entries:
field1 field2
001    New York
002    Boston
003    Houston
008    Denver
010    San Diego
020    Seattle
What is the value of sy-tabix after executing the above code?
a) 0
b) 2
c) 5
d) 6
e) 7
data: field1 type I value 10.
Subtract 2 from field1.
Write: / 'field1 =', field1.
Add 5 to field1.
Write: / 'field1 =', field1.
Field1 = 5.
Write: / 'field1 =', field1.
What is the result after executing the above code?
a) field1 = 5
field1 = 10
field1 = 8
b) field1 = 8
field1 = 14
c) field1 = 10
field1 = 8
d) field1 = 5
field1 = 3
field1 = 8
e) field1 = 8
field1 = 14
field1 = 5
49. data: f1 type I value 1,
      f2 type I value 1.
Do 2 times.
  Perform scope.
Form scope.
Statics: f1 type I value 2,
          f2 type I value 2.
Add: 1 to f1, 1 to f2.
Write: / f1, f2.
Perform scope2.
Form scope2.
Write: / f1, f2.
What is the output of the above program after execution?
a) 3 3
    1 1
    4 4
    3 3
b) 3 3
     3 3
     4 4
     4 4
c) 3 3
    3 3
    3 3
    3 3
d) 3 3
    1 1
    4 4
    1 1
e) 3 3
     0 0
     4 4
     0 0
Table ZNAME                    Table ZINFO
field    key                   field          key
mandt      X                   mandt            X
id         X                   id               X
lname      X                   dept
fname      X                   division
Using the above table definitions, which one of the following selects uses proper syntax?
a) select * from zinfo where id = '0025'.
Loop at zinfo.
Write: / id.
b) select mandt id lname into (client, id, lname)
from zname where id = '0025'.
Write: / id.
c) select * into table itab from zname
where id = '0025'.
  Select * from zinfo for all entries in itab
   where id = itab-id.
    Write: / zinfo-dept.
d) select aid alname afname bdept into table itab
from zname as a INNER JOIN zinfo as b
on aid = bid
where lname = 'Smith'.
Loop at zname.
Write: / zname-id, zname-lname.
e) select count ( id ) sum ( lname ) into (num, lname)
from zname where id = '0025'.
Write: / num, lname.
51. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
a) Local objects CANNOT be transported to another instance.
b) After a CHANGE REQUEST is released, no further changes to its' objects are allowed.
c) Development classes can be viewed by using transaction SE80.
d) A CHANGE REQUEST contains objects that can be transported to QA-PRD.
e) A CHANGE REQUEST only contains one task.
52. Which one of the following statements would occur in the PBO of a dialog program using table control?
a) loop at itab with control itab_tc.
b) loop at itab.
c) set screen '0100'.
d) module user_command.
e) module exit at exit-command
data n type i.
do 5 times.
  If n > 0 and n < 5.
    n = n + 1.
  elseif n = 5.
    n = n - 5.
    n = n - 1.
Write: / n.
If n = 3, what is the output of this code after execution?
a) 2-
b) 1-
c) 0
d) 3
e) 5
54. You have added an append structure to a standard SAP table. What happens to the standard table when a new version of the table is imported during an upgrade?
a) The standard table is returned to standard. There fore, the append structure must be manually re-applied
b) The append fields are automatically appended to the table upon activation but you must still convert the table
c) All append structures are deleted. A new append structure must be created and then appended to the standard table
d) When the standard tables are activated, the append structure is automatically appended to the standard table
55. What can you NOT attach a search help to?
a) type
b) field of a table
c) check table
d) data element
e) table
f) screen
56. Which of the following does not physically exist in the underlying database? More than one answer is correct.
a) View
b) Internal table
c) Structure
d) Transparent Table
e) Domain
57. What conditions apply for a LEFT Outer Join in OPEN SQL?
a) Only 'Or' can be used as a logical operator in the ON condition
b) A join statement is found to the right of the join operator
c) At least one field from the table on the right is required for comparison in the ON condition
d) A Left Outer Join is not permitted in OPEN SQL
58. What is true about a check table?
a) Foreign key fields can accept only values which exist in the check table
b) Check table fields can accept only values which exist in the check table
c) Foreign key fields can accept any values regardless of the check table
d) Check tables are not used for restricting values in the foreign key tables
59. Full buffering would be appropriate for what type of tables?
a) Small Static tables
b) Transaction Tables
c) Tables with generic Keys
d) Internal Tables
60. Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field?
a) Domain short text
b) Search help
c) Data element documentation
d) Domain Help values
61. What are the main functions of a Data Dictionary? More than one answer is correct.
a) To insulate the ABAP/4 developer from the database
b) To support the creation and management of metadata (data about data)
c) To provide data security at the application level
d) To connect to the operating system
62. Structure MY_STRUCTURE is created in the dictionary. When does the structure get created in the underlying database ?
a) At the beginning of the table creation
b) When the database administrator physically creates the table
c) When the table is activated
d) At the end of the table creation after it is saved.
e) It does not correspond to an object in the underlying database and does not get created
63. What is the recommended method to modify a standard search help to include customer defined search paths?
a) Add an elementary search help to the standard search help
b) Enhance the standard search help with an append search help
c) Add a collective search help to the standard search help
d) Perform a modification to the standard search help
64. Where are Dictionary runtime objects used ?
a) in the dictionary
b) in structures
c) in table "nametab"
d) in work processes
65. If you want a subroutine U to have a formal parameter P that is used to return a value to the actual parameter . Which of the following definitions of U would you use to ensure that the value is passed back to the calling program only if the processing of U ends normally and is not terminated with a message statement ?
a) Form U changing P.
b) Form U using P.
c) Form U changing value(P).
d) Form U using value(P).
e) Form U using P local P.
66. You want to go from dialog processing to list processing using a selection screen . Which statements would you use?
a) call screen .
b) read list.
c) call transaction .
d) leave to ist processing followed by call selection-screen <nnn>.
e) selection-screen followed by parameters.
67. Which component on the application server controls the data traffic between work process and presentation server?
a) SapGui.
b) message handler.
c) dispatcher.
d) Dynpro processor.
e) frontend processor.
68. Which options exist for extending a table without having to modify a table within the ABAP Dictionary? More than one answer is correct.
a) append fields to the table.
b) use append structures.
c) use customer includes.
d) CI includes.
e) Insert new table fields.
69. Which of the following steps should be carried out in a transaction that implements updates ? More than one answer is correct.
a) read the record that is to be updated.
b) lock the record that is to be updated.
c) pass the changed data to the update process.
d) unlock the record that is to be updated.
e) call the Abap command commit work.
70. Which enhancements planned by SAP are maintained in transaction CMOD (SAP enhancements)? More than one answer is correct.
a) Table appends
b) Menu exits
c) function module exits
d) User exits
e) Screen exits
71. Why would you group corrections together? More than one answer is correct.
a) To enable several corrections to be assigned to the same transport.
b) To transport objects from different development classes.
c) To prevent other developers from processing the same objects.
d) To enable several developers to process the same object in parallel.
e) To retain versions of several objects together.
72. Which statements are allowed if you are working with an internal table of type sorted? More than one answer is correct.
a) Append
b) Collect
c) Sort
d) Read
e) Modify
73. How can you set the status and title for a modal dialog box?
a) In the attributes of the corresponding screen.
b) Before the corresp. call screen statement.
c) In a PBO module of the corresponding screen.
d) In the PAI module of the corresponding screen.
74. Which ABAP datatype would you use for calculations which require high degree of precision?
a) P
b) I
c) F
d) N
e) X
75. Which of the following statements about R/3 instances are correct? More than one answer is correct.
a) An R/3 instance is an administrative unit that combines together all the components of a R/3 system that provide one or more services.
b) A central R/3 system consists of one or more Instances.
c) Each instance has its own SAP buffer area.
d) Each instance contains at least one dialog service .
76. Where can you find the SET/GET parameters that has been assigned to a screen field? More than one answer is correct.
a) in table TPARA.
b) in the object list of the module pool.
c) in the F1 help for the screen field under technical info.
d) in the field list of the screen in the screen painter.
e) in the window with possible values.
77. Which letters are allowed to be the first letter in the names of customer defined tables,structures and global types? More than one answer is correct.
a) Y
b) Z
c) W
d) T
78. What must you do to undo DB changes previously issued in a dialog? More t

I disagree to Seshu's answer to question 1.
Correct answer of question 1 is C and <u><b>not A.</b></u>
Sorry I didn't find time to check the rest.
<u>To the examinee</u>
I wouldn't assume all answers from SDN-ers are correct if my certification exam was knocking the door! I would rather try and find out the correct answers myself from the system instead of mugging these answers without any understanding of the technology involved! Find out the answers yourself from the system...that way it will help you to understand why the answer is 'C' and not 'A'...just knowing the answer is 'C' is not good has to understand "why" its 'C' and not 'A'. Hope you get my point! Good luck.

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    Part of the studying strategy is to study by the previous exams questions. I have those (a lot of them) in text format.
    The app would need to have:
    - Support for multiple-choice questions;
    - Easy, fast and automated way of importing the questions;
    Would be nice to have:
    - Ability to include a rich-text comment along with the right/wrong answer;
    - Support for tagging each questions.
    I've used the search function and found this: but it's been a while since then.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Konrad;
    What approach would you recommend to import and export EBS data? Open Interfaces, PL/SQL, web services or anything else?For your question please check below notes:
    Export/import process for R12 using 11gR1 [ID 741818.1]
    Export/Import Process for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 using 10gR2 [ID 454616.1]
    General Notes For E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 986673.1]
    Please also check below thread:
    how to export data from ebs
    how to export data from ebs??
    Also check below search which could help you about your issue:
    Hope it helps

  • Grey box over multiple choice options in quiz (Captivate 5.5)

    I created several quiz slides - all multiple choice.  When the mouse is moved over the answer options a grey box highlights the radio button and text of the option.  I'd rather not have this grey box displayed.  Any ideas on how I turn off this "feature"?

    Interesting.  Can you upload screenshots of a question with the grey rollover and a question that does not have it, each with a mouse cursor over an answer item, so that we can see?
    Is this a project that has been upgraded from an older version of Captivate or was it built from scratch in Captivate 5.5?

  • Highlighting text box for multiple choice presentation.

    I'm making a multiple choice presentation and need help highlighting the correct answers.
    I'm using Keynote v5.3 and here is the format of my slides:
    Text box - Question
    Text box - (A) Answer A
    Text box - (B) Answer B
    Text box - (C) Answer C
    Text box - (D) Answer D
    When I click to advance, the desired effect I'd like is for the correct answer to turn red in order to let the class know that it's the correct answer.
    I looked on the Build Inspector tool but the only Effects that appear in the Action section are Move, Opacity, Rotate and Scale. None which I don't want.
    Is there a way to animate the correct answer/text box to change color?
    Please help. Thanks!

    builds only work in  linear order ( 1, then 2, then 3,  then 4 ) they don't run in a random access selection,
    ( 4, 1, 2, 3 ) which is what would be required in the method you describe.
    the  way to do this is to use hyperlinks from the first slide to four other slides
    on slide 1:
    type the question and  the multiple choice statements
    draw a shape beside each statement and use this as a hyperlink button to the  respective slide number
    select each shape in turn:
    inspector > hyperlink > enable hyperlink > link to slide and select the respective slide number
    when you click on   button A, it will display the the responce to choice d
    by the way, viewers have been taught that colours have  certain associations ( country dependant of course)
    such as red for danger so
    the traditional colour to use for a correct answer is GREEN
    the traditional colour to use for an incorrect answer is RED

  • Keynote and multiple choice quizes

    Does anyone know of a way to create a multiple-choice quiz with Keynote?
    What I mean is, can you create links from a question page (with video and text) with 4 options and then create pages responding to the users' choice...correct or incorrect... then move onto the next question page etc...?
    Is there a way to use the Hyperlinks function in Keynote for this purpose?
    I plan to export to iDVD and have an interactive quiz DVD...
    I remember doing something similar a while back with Powerpoint.
    I like to push the boundaries and see what can be squeezed out of a piece of software...

    Sorry for the late response...
    What do you mean by "I'm just saving them on my computer". Do you open the PDF with some application (which one?) and then do a save from that application?
    You can send your PDF (with the missing border) to [email protected] with a reference to this post and I can have a look at it.

  • Menu Button in ALV toolbar (multiple choices for a button)

    Hi abapers,
    I would like to have a button with multiple choices in the toolbar;
    at the moment I have created a menu button with just one function.
    Here is my code:
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver (Definition)
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION.
            FOR EVENT toolbar OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                IMPORTING e_object e_interactive.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver (Implementation)
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_toolbar.
        DATA: ls_toolbar  TYPE stb_button.
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 3 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 1 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        MOVE 'EDIT' TO ls_toolbar-function.
        MOVE icon_change TO ls_toolbar-icon.
        MOVE ' Modifica'(l02) TO ls_toolbar-text.
        MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
        MOVE 'Modifica' TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_toolbar
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION

    check this code and reward me if it helps you..
    TYPE-POOLS : slis,icon.
    *Structure declaration for tcodes
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_table,
            tcode TYPE tcode,
            pgmna TYPE progname,
            END OF ty_table.
    *Structure for tocde text
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_itext,
            tcode TYPE tcode,
            ttext TYPE ttext_stct,
            sprsl TYPE sprsl,
            END OF ty_itext.
    *Structure for output display
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_output,
            tcode TYPE tcode,
            pgmna TYPE progname,
            ttext TYPE ttext_stct,
           END OF ty_output.
    *internal table and work area declarations
           it_output TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_output INITIAL SIZE 0,
           it_ittext TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_itext INITIAL SIZE 0,
           wa_table TYPE ty_table,
           wa_output TYPE ty_output,
           wa_ittext TYPE ty_itext.
    *Class definition for ALV toolbar
    CLASS:      lcl_alv_toolbar   DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    *Declaration for toolbar buttons
    DATA : ty_toolbar TYPE stb_button.
    Data declarations for ALV
    DATA: c_ccont TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,   "Custom container object
          c_alvgd         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,   "ALV grid object
          it_fcat            TYPE lvc_t_fcat,            "Field catalogue
          it_layout          TYPE lvc_s_layo,            "Layout
          c_alv_toolbar    TYPE REF TO lcl_alv_toolbar,           "Alv toolbar
          c_alv_toolbarmanager TYPE REF TO cl_alv_grid_toolbar_manager.  "Toolbar manager
    *Initialization event
    *Start of selection event
    *Subroutine to get values from tstc table
      PERFORM fetch_data.
    *subroutine for alv display
      PERFORM alv_output.
          CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar DEFINITION
          ALV event handler
    CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar DEFINITION.
        METHODS: constructor
                     io_alv_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    *Event for toolbar
           FOR EVENT toolbar
           OF  cl_gui_alv_grid
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_toolbar DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar IMPLEMENTATION
          ALV event handler
    CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD constructor.
      Create ALV toolbar manager instance
        CREATE OBJECT c_alv_toolbarmanager
            io_alv_grid      = io_alv_grid.
       ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
      METHOD on_toolbar.
      Add customized toolbar buttons.
      variable for Toolbar Button
          ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_generate.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button1'.
          APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
          ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_voice_output.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button2'.
           APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
         ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_phone.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button3'.
           APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
         ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_mail.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button4'.
           APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
       ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_voice_input.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button5'.
         APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
      Call reorganize method of toolbar manager to
      display the toolbar
         CALL METHOD c_alv_toolbarmanager->reorganize
            io_alv_toolbar = e_object.
       ENDMETHOD.                    "on_toolbar
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_toolbar IMPLEMENTATION
    *&      Form  fetch_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM fetch_data .
    Select the tcodes upto 200 rows from TSTC
       SELECT   tcode
               FROM tstc
               UP TO 200 ROWS
               WHERE dypno NE '0000'.
    *Select the tcode textx
       IF it_table[] IS NOT INITIAL.
         SELECT ttext
               FROM tstct
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_table
               WHERE tcode = it_table-tcode
               AND sprsl = 'E'.
    Apppending the data to the internal table of ALV output
       LOOP AT it_table INTO wa_table.
        wa_output-tcode = wa_table-tcode.
        wa_output-pgmna = wa_table-pgmna.
       For texts
        READ TABLE it_ittext INTO wa_ittext WITH KEY tcode = wa_table-tcode.
        wa_output-ttext = wa_ittext-ttext.
         APPEND wa_output TO it_output.
        CLEAR wa_output.
       ENDFORM.                    " fetch_data
    *&      Form  alv_output
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM alv_output .
    *Calling the ALV
      CALL SCREEN 0600.
      ENDFORM.                    " alv_output
    Calling the ALV screen with custom container
    On this statement double click  it takes you to the screen painter SE51.Enter the attributes
    *Create a Custom container and name it CC_CONT and OK code as OK_CODE.
    *Save check and Activate the screen painter.
    Now a normal screen with number 600 is created which holds the ALV grid. PBO of the actual screen , Here we can give a title and *customized menus
    *&      Module  STATUS_0600  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0600 OUTPUT.
    SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.
    SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0600  OUTPUT
    calling the PBO module ALV_GRID.
    *&      Module  ALV_GRID  OUTPUT
    MODULE alv_grid OUTPUT.
    *create object for custom container
      CREATE OBJECT c_ccont
              container_name = 'CC_CONT'.
    *create object of alv grid
      CREATE OBJECT c_alvgd
              i_parent = c_ccont.
    create ALV event handler
      CREATE OBJECT c_alv_toolbar
          io_alv_grid = c_alvgd.
    Register event handler
      SET HANDLER c_alv_toolbar->on_toolbar FOR c_alvgd.
    Fieldcatalogue for ALV
       PERFORM alv_build_fieldcat.
    ALV attributes FOR LAYOUT
      PERFORM alv_report_layout.
       CHECK NOT c_alvgd IS INITIAL.
    Call ALV GRID
       CALL METHOD c_alvgd->set_table_for_first_display
          is_layout                     = it_layout
          it_outtab                     = it_output
          it_fieldcatalog               = it_fcat
          invalid_parameter_combination = 1
          program_error                 = 2
          too_many_lines                = 3
          OTHERS                        = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                   WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDMODULE.                 " ALV_GRID  OUTPUT
    *&      Form  alv_build_fieldcat
         <--P_IT_FCAT  text
    FORM alv_build_fieldcat.
       DATA lv_fldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
      lv_fldcat-row_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-col_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-fieldname = 'TCODE'.
      lv_fldcat-tabname   = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lv_fldcat-outputlen = 8.
      lv_fldcat-scrtext_m = 'TCODE'.
      APPEND lv_fldcat TO it_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
       lv_fldcat-row_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-col_pos   = '2'.
      lv_fldcat-fieldname = 'PGMNA'.
      lv_fldcat-tabname   = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lv_fldcat-outputlen = 15.
      lv_fldcat-scrtext_m = 'PROGNAME'.
      APPEND lv_fldcat TO it_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
      lv_fldcat-row_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-col_pos   = '3'.
      lv_fldcat-fieldname = 'TTEXT'.
      lv_fldcat-tabname   = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lv_fldcat-outputlen = 60.
      lv_fldcat-scrtext_m = 'Description'.
      APPEND lv_fldcat TO it_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " alv_build_fieldcat
    *&      Form  alv_report_layout
         <--P_IT_LAYOUT  text
    FORM alv_report_layout.
       it_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'.
       it_layout-zebra = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " alv_report_layout
    PAI module of the screen created. In case we use an interactive ALV or
    *for additional functionalities we can create OK codes
    *and based on the user command we can do the coding.
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0600  INPUT
    MODULE user_command_0600 INPUT.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0600  INPUT

  • This is my first use of this program. How do I remove a page break? How do line up my drop down box along side the text box on the left of it? The drop down is for a multiple choice answer for the question to the left.

    This is my first use of this program. How do I remove a page break? How do line up my drop down box along side the text box on the left of it? The drop down is for a multiple choice answer for the question to the left of each drop down.

    See McAfee support to find out how to disable that McAfee feature - that isn't part of the normal Firefox installation.

  • Multiple Choice Question Issues

    I am embedding a quiz within my presentation with individual
    question slides interspersed throughout the presentation. These
    questions are pulled from a couple of different question pools. I
    want to use a multiple choice question that branches to different
    parts of the presentation depending on the correct or incorrect
    answer. If the user answers the question incorrectly, I send them
    to the next slide which has two click boxes. On this slide, they
    can either click one box to move back in the presentation and
    review the material or click another box to move them forward to
    another multiple choice question. If they go back and review the
    information, they would eventually return to the same multiple
    choice question to try it again. (This is the desired navigation,
    What actually happens is that when the user goes back to
    review the information and then finally returns to the question,
    the question has not been reset and still shows the incorrect
    answer marked with no way to clear it.
    I have used this same navigation on a drag-and-drop type
    question and it works fine. All the settings for the
    multiple-choice questions are set the same as in the drag-and-drop
    Any help in making this work correctly would be greatly

    I can't see where that error might arise except possibly for a case where an AS2 radio is used since it appears they don't have a group property, but an AS3 radio button does.  Check to be sure that your Flash Publish Settings are set to use AS3.  AS3 errors normally have error numbers which also makes the error you quoted ring of an AS2 scenario.
    Here's a link to the file I made based on your code that works fine and doesn't display the errors you mention.  It is a CS3 file.

  • Multiple Choice Quiz issues

    I just build a multiple choice quiz using Captivate 3. The
    quiz have3 right answers. I set it up so that the user has infinite
    number of attempts. However after the first try I can try the quiz
    Has anyone experienced this problem. If it's not fixable, my
    project is doomed.

    Can you restate the problem you're having? Is it that you can
    NOT try the quiz again?
    Otherwise, from what you wrote, it doesn't sound like there's
    a problem...

  • Multiple Choice in Pages 5

    I want to make a multiple choice exam in Pages 5 that looks like:
    1. The sky is
         a. blue
         b. green
         c. yellow
         d. striped
    Instead I get:
    1. The sky is
         1. blue
         2. green
         3. yellow
         4. striped
    I can go through and highlight the choices converting them from numbers to letters manually, but that is such a pain. In pages 8 the program autoformatted just fine.  Now I can't seem to figure out how to make it do this one simple task.  HELP!!

    It actually was an upgrade in version number only. Pages v5+ was an entire new design/rewrite, and Apple released it far before it reached parity with existing features in Pages ’09. Who in their right mind, releases an entirely new and incompatible document architecture, with the same filename extension (.pages), into a user community containing many thousands of older Pages documents. And doesn't warn them.
    In another post, I applied the term Pandora's box to Pages v5+. Subtle me.

  • Why is the placeholder Q&A for multiple choice not visible on screen?

    After inserting 6 Multiple choice quiz slides in Captivate 7, the placeholder Q&A text is not visible, so there's no way for me to modify them with my Q&A's. However, they are visble in Preview mode. Any suggestions?
    This is happeneing in a project that someone else created & I am editing. I made a new version & copy/pasted the quiz slides into a new file. Ever since then I've had this problem. When I open the original file, it's now doing the same thing there as well. What gives??
    Below is what I'm seeing. If you look at the slides on the filmstrip on the left, you can see that there is nothing there, however in the Preview, you can see the placeholder text.

    Hi Rod & Lily! Thanks so much for replying.
    OK - the screen shot below is what I see when I am in edit mode. Completly blank except for the "Multiple Choice" heading at the top. I've highlighted in red on the Properties & Filmstrip, which Master slide I'm using. Hopefully you can see that on the Master Slide the placeholder text is there, but not in the edit view.
    Lily - below is a screen shot of the Quiz Properties. Hopefully you can see it.

  • PDF Form: Multiple Choice sheet that displays a percentage based on answers provided

    Im trying to create a form that has 4 multiple choice questions, the answers to each being the values 0,1,2,3,4, 5 or N/A.
    Once answers are given, I'd like the percentage to appear on the form.
    I can't figure out how to do this, as the total fluctuates depending on if the response to one or more questions is "N/A".
    I.e. if the answers were as follows: 4,4,4,4, the percentage would be 80% (16/20).
    However, if the answers were: 4,4,4,N/A, the percentage would also be 80% (12/15) and NOT 60% (12/20).
    I figure its a javascript thing - but alas I do not know Java.
    Help Please!

    So you want to compute the percentage of the non-"N/A" selections using the count of selected items * 5 as the denominator and then use that value to divide the sum of the values for the non-"N/A" selections.
    Has a default checked value been selected.
    Since the averaging is not just computation of the mean based on the item count, you to create a custom JavaScript calculation.
    var aNames = new Array("Radio Button.0", "Radio Button.1", "Radio Button.2", "Radio Button.3"); // array of field names
    var aValues = new Array();
    var sum = 0;
    var count = 0;
    var oField;
    event.value = "";
    for(i = 0; i < aNames.length; i++) {
    // get values of fields into array;
    oField = this.getField(aNames[i]);
    if(oField ==  null) app.alert("Error getting " + aNames[i] + " field!", 0, 1);
    else aValues[aValues.length] = oField.value;
    if(aValues.length != 0) {
    // sum the non-N/A vlaues in the array;
    for(i = 0; i < aValues.length; i++) {
    if(String(aValues[i]).toUpperCase() != "N/A") {
    sum += Number(aValues[i]); // sum the non-N/A values;
    count++; // count the non-N/a values;
    // compute average if count not zero;
    if(count != 0) event.value = sum / (count * 5);

  • Multiple choice with multiple answers

    I was wondering if someone can help me out.  I'm creating a series of tutorials useing Captivate and at the end of each one I want a slide that has the options
    a) re-run tutorial (jump back about 100 slides)
    b)go to next tutorial (next slide)
    c)return to start (jump to slide 1)
    I've had a look at the multiple choice questions in Captivate but they only seem to alow you to make one movement with a "correct" answer and I'm looking for more of a navigational tool.  Would this functionality be stored under the 'Quiz' section or somewhere else or is this function just not available in this tool?
    Thank you very much for your help,

    Hi there
    Notice that with the Multiple Choice question type, when you select one of the possible answers you have an Advanced button that may be clicked. You may then assign a different action for each answer selected. So answer a could jump back 100 slides, answer b could open another project and answer c could perhaps open Google.
    Cheers... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Certified Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
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  • RE: Multiple-Choice Format of Review Questions in i Books

    Greetings Developers of the i Books Author App,
    When will a widget be developed for i Books that allows users of i books to type their answers to review questions in a 'text field' so that users are required to logically demonstrate deep conceptual understanding in science instead of merely guessing a simple multiple-choice answer, either A, B,C, D, or E to a simple, trivial factual recall 'intellectually shallow' question in secondary high school science?
    Thanks and Best Wishes,

    You should send feedback to Apple directly as your target audience doesn't review the public discussion forums.

  • Adding multiple choice to an email form

    One or more of the fields has to contain multiple choices. EG: How did you hear about us? the filed would expnd to expose the chices like, Website, Friend, Newspaper Ad, Magazine Ad and Other for example?

    Please refer to this thread :

  • How can I place multiple choice boxes on the same line instead of in a column?

    I know it is possible to place multiple fields on the same line, using drag and drop.
    But to save space, I would like to have 3 or 4 multiple choice boxes next to each other on one line. 
    Is this possible, and if so, how?

    You may click on the "+" button to the right of the first multiple choice box to add more in the same line. When you hover over the button, the tooltip says "insert item beside".

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to access a value from "List of Values" by giving a name?

    I have a "List Of Values" defined in my BI Report. It comprises list of label-value pairs. I have defined a parameter :p_Value for the above "List Of Values" defnition. this parameter is used in datasource sql defnition to filter the query results. I

  • ITunes on Vista 74bit Issue - Opens but displays an error message

    I am running Vista 64bit and have two user accounts. I have the iTunes music files and library file stored in the "Public" folder so that we can both access the same music from one source. The problem is that when I open iTunes on one of the user acc

  • Resizing an image in Preview

    When I view some of my pictures in Preview they are way too big.  I know I can zoom out or zoom to fit or change the size int the Scale window, but I want to make the size change permanent.  Isn't there a way to do this?

  • Need patch ID for Linux 64-bit equiv to patch 17 for Windows 32-bi

    Need patch ID for Linux 64-bit equiv to patch 17 for Windows 32-bit Hello, We are transporting a database from Windows 32-bit to Linux 64-bit. Version/Patch on the Windows machine is (10g Release 2 Patch Set 3), interim patch 8258

  • Start Up screen (can I get it back?)

    Many important issues being discussed here. This isn't one of them. I clicked the "don't show this in the future" check box. Is there a way to have the start up screen to start showing up again? Thanks.