Multiple columns

In the program rm07docs I have added some new fields to show in the output. When I run the program I geta  list output and then we click on detail list it shows the alv grid fromat . When we click back we come to the list output and if I again click on detail list it goes back to teh alv grid output but now the extar fields that I hae added to the it again gets adaded up in the output i.e 2 columns of each of the new fields . When I try to put refresh at the end of the form detail_list  then in the ALV grid display it removes all the previousely existing columns and just displays my new fields which again doubles up on going back and coimng in again. How ill I remove this doubling up of columns on re-entry.

I treid that but the problem is I added 6 additional fields to the existing field cat but when I clear the internal table what happens is that when I re-eneter into the deatil list I see only the 6 new fields that I had aded all the other existing fcat dissapers. Wher exactly shld I put the refresh so that this dosent happen on re-entry and I get the same list as before.

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    I have two separate tables say Tab1 and Tab2
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    In tab2, there are multiple columns for the state, say STATE_A,STATE_B, STATE_C ETC and a row is present with the following details
    STATE_A = 1, STATE_B =1 ,STATE_C =0,STATE_D=1
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    Maybe this will help
    Select * from STATE_MAS ;
    Select * from STATE_CHILD
            1         0         0         1         1         0         0         0         0         0
    V_SQL VARCHAR2(200);
    V_COL VARCHAR2(35);
    V_COL := 'STATE_'||P_VAL;

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    Hello, did you search online? there are many tutorials like this one:
    You simply create a path, substract the parts you do not need, then click with the text tool inside.
    Note that it is not a dynamic text wrap, you need to change it if you move the objects around.

  • How to link Excel Chart with multiple columns dynamically?

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    I have one problem. I have an excel chart which has to read data from multiple columns for it's X-axis values (time stamps) and the same number of values for it's Y-axis from multiple columns. See figure attached.
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    Hope you all can solve my problem.
    The Y-axis values are: =(good!$B$30:$B$70,good!$D$30:$D$70,good!$F$30:$F$70,good!$H$30:$H$70,good!$B$71:$B$140,good!$D$71:$D$140,good!$F$71:$F$140,good!$H$71:$H$140,good!$B$141:$B$189)
    good is the name of the file.
    The X- axis values are: =(good!$A$30:$A$70,good!$C$30:$C$70,good!$E$30:$E$70,good!$G$30:$G$70,good!$A$71:$A$140,good!$C$71:$C$140,good!$E$71:$E$140,good!$G$71:$G$140,good!$A$141:$A$189)
    See the columns vary from A to F.
    I have still not got what I love.....
    ExcelChart.JPG ‏113 KB
    SourceData.JPG ‏34 KB
    XY values.JPG ‏36 KB

    Ok i solved the excel chart problem. Here is the figure showing my victory! But offcourse with NI forum help.
    Message Edited by Halemani on 09-19-2008 06:33 AM
    I have still not got what I love.....
    Chart_XValues_Values.JPG ‏36 KB

  • Crystal Report multiple columns

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    Invoice No    Invoice Date        invoice total                                               Invoice No    Invoice Date        invoice total
    1                                                                                16
    2                                                                                17
    3                                                                                .
    .                                                                                28
    14                                                                                29
    15                                                                                30
    For some reason there is this giant space after the last set of rows before it prints out the page footer. This giant blank section disrupts the layout of the page footer section.
    Here are some info on the details section as configuration is involved:
    Format with  Multiple Columns - checked
    In Paging: New Page after 30 visible Records
    In Layout: Width: 3.5 in       Height: 0.0 in
                     Horizontal: 0.0 in      Vertical: 0.0 in     
    Printing Direction: Across-Down
    Anyone knows how to suppress it or have the page footer move upwards?
    P.S To see actual pre-printed form, please download this []
    Edited by: Khristine Angelei  Basilla on Mar 1, 2012 8:34 AM

    Now why didn't I try that out. Actually, initial plan was 2 subreports.
    So when I added the second subreport in the group footer section, it only prints the details on the last page, which should not be the case as I need to be printed on all pages.
    I'll test it out. I'll post an update soon.

  • Format on multiple columns issue ...

    Post Author: needhelptoo
    CA Forum: Formula
    I'm having issues with the way the data is displaying.I am using the Format Multiple Columns.I have 3 across set.I have the Down and Across checked.My report with the 3 columns is a custom labels sheet.I need to have the down part always be 8 columns.i can't set that anywhere like the 3 columns the sheet used to print the info are labels and perforated for each label (column)I have the following:1.
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    is on one and the rest on another.obviously this won't work. I think i tried everything I can think of and I'm not expert. Barely a novice at this.any help would be appreciated!

    Post Author: V361
    CA Forum: Formula
    In the layout tab, have you tried the Gap between details ?, you should be able to produce a "mailing label type" report using detail size and gap between details... 

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    In another post, someone talked about this being a problem if you have merged fields. I do not believe I have done this (to be honest I don't know the function of merging fields).
    This is very frustrating as I was easily able to sort these tables in Appleworks.

    Sharon Anderson wrote:
    Thanks for your quick response! I have been trying that but then found that Numbers would only let me print in landscape view so I had to paste the table back into Pages. Is there a way to print in portrat view (from Numbers?)
    Not so. In the lower left corner of the window, there's an icon that looks like a piece of paper. If you see this:
    you are in Sheet View, or normal, mode. If you see this:
    You are in Print View mode. Now you see the icons for portrait and landscape modes. Click your choice. Then arrange your content to fit the pages as you wish.

  • Master-detail list - how to spread over multiple columns

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    You can see my problem on
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    Thank you!

    The brilliant David Powers has fixed this for me on the main forum (vw2ureg was v close).  David's answer is :
    There is no way of making a single dataset repeat in multiple columns, because it's simply one element being repeated over and over.
    However, with a little out of the box thinking, you can do it quite easily with thumbnails. Instead of putting the master column repeat region in a block level element, use an inline element, <span>. Images are treated by browsers as inline elements, so this should work just fine. Change the following code from this:
    <div spry:region="dsPhotos" class="MasterContainer">
        <div class="MasterColumn" spry:repeat="dsPhotos" spry:setrow="dsPhotos"
        spry:hover="MasterColumnHover" spry:select="MasterColumnSelected">{Caption}</div>
    to this:
    <div spry:region="dsPhotos" class="MasterContainer">
        <span class="MasterColumn" spry:repeat="dsPhotos" spry:setrow="dsPhotos"
        spry:hover="MasterColumnHover" spry:select="MasterColumnSelected">{Caption}</span>
    In your CSS, set the width of the MasterColumn class to the width of your thumbnails, and the width of MasterContainer so that it's wide enough to accommodate two or more thumbnails. The thumbnails will flow into the column two or three abreast.

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    Thanks in advance.

    I am not sure why your getting the wrong results but you should seriously reconsider the approach your are taking. Using functions like this is very ineffecient and should be avoided at all cost.

  • How do i print multiple columns on 1 page in numbers

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    Hi BestMommy,
    Here is one way. Don't mess with your database. Create a new table for printing.
    Database with a Header Row (named Table 1 as an example) might look like this:
    Name 1
    Name 2
    Name 3
    Name 4
    Name 5
    Name 6
    Name 7
    Name 8
    Name 9
    Name 10
    Name 11
    Name 12
    Name 13
    Name 14
    Name 15
    New table for printing:
    Name 1
    Name 8
    Name 2
    Name 9
    Name 3
    Name 10
    Name 4
    Name 11
    Name 5
    Name 12
    Name 6
    Name 13
    Name 7
    Name 14
    Formula in A2
    =Table 1::A2
    Formula in B2
    =Table 1::B2
    Formula in C2
    =Table 1::A9
    Formula in D2
    =Table 1::B9
    So it loops back from the bottom of a page to start a new column.
    I made this example small for the pics, but obviously you could have more rows and columns per page.
    Having created your table for printing, select it, Cut, add a new sheet and Paste. Print just that sheet.
    Have a look at 'More Like This' at the bottom of this page. Trying to format page to print table in two columns Jerry suggests using Pages instead of Numbers.
    Edit: Having created your table for printing, select it, Cut, add a new sheet and Paste. Print just that sheet. Ian.

  • How do I create multiple columns with bullets in pages

    I'm trying to figure out how to create multiple columns within a document in which I bullet information...

    At the point you wish to change to two columns, Insert > Columns and then in the Layout Inspector, select the number of columns. After the insertion point, you will also need to insert another Column Change to return the following paragraphs to single column.
    Then Select the text to be bulleted and in the Text Inspector > List tab select the type of bullets.
    Note: This creates two columns that flow together. This can be tricky if you add any text later.
    If you wish to ensure alignment, create a two column text table and remove the lines with the Graphic Inspector > Lines > No Lines option and insert your text in each column and apply the bullets as above.
    This will create a text box - you then need to ensure it moves with the text by electing "Object Moves With Text" in the Wrpa Inspector.
    Message was edited by: bwfromspring hill

  • Multiple Column Report Question

    Post Author: LCS213
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I'm creating a student transcript report that has multiple columns, and is three groups deep.  The first two groups need to be in a columnar layout. However, I'd like the third group to contain a subreport that spans the width of the entire page. 
    Are there any options within Crystal XI to do this?  I know in the Section Expert, i can format the detail level with multiple columns, and on the Layout tab, I can select "Format Groups with multiple columns".  But that seems like it either formats ALL groups or NO groups.  Am I mistaken?  Is there a workaround I'm missing?
    Thanks in advance for any help on this issue!

    Hi Dan,
    According to your description, we are not clear about the “6 sections for each Additional task”. Do you mean six data records? If so, based on my understanding, there are three groups and eighteen records in your report. You want to make those records appear
    on eighteen separated pages, right?
    In Reporting Service, we can add a page break to groups within data regions to control the amount of information on each page. In your scenario, you should add page break to group “Sub task”, group “Additional Task” and details. As we tested in our environment,
    add page break to these records, the report appears in eighteen pages. Please refer to steps below:
    1.On Group Properties of Details1, choose “Between each instance of a group” option on Page Breaks page. Please refer to screenshot below:
     Choose same option on Group Properties for group “Month” and “Name”.
    2.Click drop-down button next to Column Groups, then choose Advanced Mode.
    3.Click on Static under Row Groups, set RepeatOnNewPage as True in Tablix Member Properties.
    4.Click Preview, the results before and after adding page break look like below:
    If you still have any question, please post some detail information or screenshot about the report design you expect.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

  • How to calculate the individual sums of multiple columns in a single query

    Using Oracle 11gR2 on windows 7 client. I have a question on calculating sum() on multiple columns on different columns and store the results in a view. Unfortunately I could not post the problem here as it keeps on giving error "Sorry, this content is not allowed", without telling where or what it is! So I had to post it in the stack-overflow forum, here is the link:
    Will appreciate any help or suggestion.

    user13667036 wrote:
    Using Oracle 11gR2 on windows 7 client. I have a question on calculating sum() on multiple columns on different columns and store the results in a view. Unfortunately I could not post the problem here as it keeps on giving error "Sorry, this content is not allowed", without telling where or what it is! So I had to post it in the stack-overflow forum, here is the link:
    Will appreciate any help or suggestion.
    ThanksLooks like you want a simple group by.
         ,      mnth
         ,      region
         ,     sum(handled_package)
         ,     sum(expected_missing_package)
         ,     sum(actual_missing_package)
    from test
    group by
         yr, mnth, region
    order by      
         yr, mnth, region;I wouldn't recommend storing your data for year / month in 2 columns like that unless you have a really good reason. I would store it as a date column and add a check constraint to ensure that the date is always the first of the month, then format it out as you wish to the client.
         year_month                              date,
        Region                     VARCHAR2(50),
        CITY                       VARCHAR2(50),             
        Handled_Package            NUMBER,       
        Expected_Missing_Package   NUMBER,   
        Actual_Missing_Package     NUMBER
    alter table test add constraint firs_of_month check (year_month = trunc(year_month, 'mm'));
      2  Values (to_date('2012-nov-12', 'yyyy-mon-dd'), 'Western', 'San Fransisco', 200, 10, 5);
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-02290: check constraint (TUBBY.FIRS_OF_MONTH) violated
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
      2  Values (to_date('2012-nov-01', 'yyyy-mon-dd'), 'Western', 'San Fransisco', 200, 10, 5);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
      2        to_char(year_month, 'fmYYYY')    as year
      3     ,  to_char(year_month, 'fmMonth')   as month
      4     ,  Region
      5     ,  CITY
      6     ,  Handled_Package
      7     ,  Expected_Missing_Package
      8     ,  Actual_Missing_Package
      9  from test;
    YEAR         MONTH                REGION                         CITY                    HANDLED_PACKAGE EXPECTED_MISSING_PACKAGE ACTUAL_MISSING_PACKAGE
    2012         November             Western                        San Fransisco                       200                       10                      5
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    ME_XE?Then you have nice a nice and easy validation that ensures you data integrity.

  • Displaying data from multiple columns into a single line graph

    Post Author: hollowmatrix
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    Hey,I have an issue with the WEBI reporting.I have a data source that has multiple columns say ( month1, month2, month3, month4,.....month 12, month 13, ....month24) with the sales data for each month.Now say I call the month 1 to month 12 as "current year", and call month 13 - month 24 as "previous year".I want to put a prompt in the report which allows  me to select between "current year" and "previous year".Based on the prompt value we get a graph of the sales vs month in if we select  "current year", then we get a graph of the sales Vs time( remember that the sales data for each month is in a different column.)and if we select  "previous year" then we get a graph of the sales Vs time for previous year..( sales vs time for Month 13, month 14, month 15....month 24).I am not able to pull data from multiple columns into a single object that I can use to populate the graphs.Any help on the same will be appreciated .   

    please click
    here (asktom) and look for the words "how about the other way round"

  • How to get a distinct count of multiple columns

    I've done this before and I'll be darned why I can't recall this.
    Table with 3 columns with the primary key defined in column a.
    Row a b c
    1 020 how abc
    2 030 why def
    3 010 not ghi
    4 040 how abc
    5 050 yes def
    6 060 why def
    So what I want is a count of the unique values for columns b and c as if b and c were actually one field.
    So the result of the query would be:
    Count = 4 unique rows.
    Hopefully I'm making some sort of sense. It's a bit much to ask about the number of occurrences of each duplicate value, I'm sure just getting count of the unique rows of the non-indexed rows will be sufficient. Since the query is meant to be universal for multiple columns of numeric and alphanumeric data and can be expanded for multiple columns, I am simply trying to get a basic skeleton that works for an "on the fly" analysis.

    Thanks to all of you. I had the idea and just couldn't nail it down. You did it.
    All of you understood what I poorly communicated. My apologies for the lack of prep with a table, I was running patches on the system and couldn't dare interrupt it on my laptop and starting Oracle 11 while Micro$lop was patching all sorts of evil code. This is something I'm setting up on my own time so it's a work I'm going to try to be proud of. So there will be plenty of instrumentation and debugging code for timing.
    I'd thought of concatenating columns and was worried it wouldn't backport to older Oracle versions (work goes back to 8.1.7) with nulls and other goofy things like long raw fields or lob/clobs plus the other DBs that are at various sites. What I'm trying to do is improve on a crappy data analysis tool SAP provides to use with reporting unique columns. (Basis people could recognize this as DB05). I tried dragging out the SQL that their ABAP/4 language generates from an SQL trace but it was unusable and often dies on internal storage which on most sites is about 4GB per process. Needless to say, the program is wasteful and I'm trying to keep the work on the DB where it belongs and discourage cowboys from doing this in the DB on the fly and at the same time make it simpler for junior members to use while having a semblance of an audit trail.
    What I'm trying to do is work out a tool that checks all the crappy secondary indexes that were created by folks who seem to think in ways that are from an alien species not yet speculated about even with the strongest psychedelics. One of them actually decreases performance by a minimum factor of 5. It's not much when it's 5 seconds but when the response time averages about 3 hours beforehand, you can imagine what it was like afterward. In this particular case, the "logic" was that the index needed to be defined by the order of the fields of the select clause. Some myths never die. So it's not easy to work out which ones haven't been used in a long time, so it's down to finding which of the custom ones are actually bad in terms of selectivity. Some of these may have made a little bit of sense when the system was started up, now that some of these have millions of rows instead of a few thousand, thaw tend to expose the flaws in design.
    I'm also trying to make this work on multiple DBs such as DB2, MaxDB and (sob) SQL Squealer. The idea is to write this in ABAP code as a utility without the overhead of internal tables in ABAP as some of these tables are many millions of rows and I have to account for the size in memory. (ABAP field sizes in internal memory are generally much larger than the actual DB lengths. so every bit helps!) So I'm trying to create actual SQL on the fly and use it internally without going through the SAP DB interface which limits the type of SQL functions used and all the overhead. It's intended to grab a secondary index and if there are more than 2 fields defined, work it backwards to show unique values for all columns, all columns - 1, all columns - 2 and so on back to the initial column in the index.
    Why does this seem important? On Oracle I can generate histograms but those can often screw up SAP. On other DBs, the indexing cardinality is much more important, particularly with DB optimizers that make some odd decisions. So I need evidence I can push to folks who will only understand if there's a plain and simple analysis that explains it (almost) in crayon.
    I'm testing null values next (which worked!) but these suggestions all seem to follow the same idea which won't work in ABAP without some serious memory issues. So I'm down to this type of coding:
    exec sql.
    <dynamically generated true SQL>
    rather than using ABAP with their concept of "open SQL" and the DB interface with all the overhead.
    RB's suggestion of the UNION ALL wasn't quite what I was looking for BUT it made me think that this would be a nice enhancement for evaluations!
    So the candidates that seem to work for what I wanted are as follows:
    SQL> SELECT COUNT (MIN (0)) AS distinct_col3_col4_cnt
    2 from rb group by b, c;
    select count(distinct(b || c)) num_rows from rb;
    So thanks also to Frank, APNL and Nimesh for their examples. Now the fun starts as I spec out the processing.

  • How to get Select All or select Multiple columns  in OOALV

    HI Experts
    i'm assignig internal table to dynamic internal table(FS_IST_TABLE) for to display the output.
    but i'm not geting the Select ALL Option. and i can't select multiple columns at a time.
    where i can select only one column.
    how can i select multiple columns.
    please any one help me.

      If we want to select the multiple columns in the alv by using ooabap
    so in the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID  it is having one method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY
    it is having one importing parameter IS_LAYOUT of type lvc_s_layo type
    and this structure contains one field SEL_MODE and set that field value as 'A'.
    then we can select the multiple rows in alv grid

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