Multiple entries of same artist and song on my ipod

hi. I'm new to ipod an can't say i'm enjoying this very "controlled" experiance.
Can someone please tell me why I have multiple entries on my pod? The same artists somtimes with the same songs othertimes not. It's a **** mess. It's also downloaded the artwork in 3's as well and split up my albums. All the id tags are right too. 4 days an ipod owner and already I'm regretting it. Mind you I was warned all my pals told me to stay well away.
thanks for all help.

Most likely issue is that they really are different. Sometimes there is an extra space or different Capitalization. You can't see extra spaces if they are at the end but iTunes does.

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    Most likely issue is that they really are different. Sometimes there is an extra space or different Capitalization. You can't see extra spaces if they are at the end but iTunes does.

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    How to avoid multiple listing for same artist?

    Sounds like there might be blanks in the artist name.
    For instance "Lou Reed" and "Lou Reed_" will not match.
    (Pretend the underscore _ is a blank).
    Select all the Lou Reed songs, Get Info, and type "Lou Reed" in the artist field. That should fix it.

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    You have to make the condition type as Mandatory and not manual.
    If you are entering many condition records of the ZPR0 then the latest entry will be taken for further processing for subtotal rebate and total price.
    For all the other entered condition records will have yellow traffic signal which is not active.
    you can assign a routine with the help pf your abaper...
    In the Transaction VOFM  define a requirement such that
    you condition type takes value only one at the time of order entry.
    Amlan Sarkar

  • Vicious MPD widget not displaying the artist and song title

    EDIT: This thread can be closed now. It turns out Clementine doesn't support mpd and I'm now running ncmpcpp and the widget shows the artist and song title.
    I have trouble getting the mpd widget running in awesome wm, it will only display "N/A - N/A". I've read the wiki and done a lot of googling but I can't figure out what I'm missing.
    Here's my rc.lua
    -- Standard awesome library
    local gears = require("gears")
    local awful = require("awful")
    awful.rules = require("awful.rules")
    -- Widget and layout library
    local wibox = require("wibox")
    local vicious = require("vicious")
    -- Theme handling library
    local beautiful = require("beautiful")
    -- Notification library
    local naughty = require("naughty")
    local menubar = require("menubar")
    -- {{{ Error handling
    -- Check if awesome encountered an error during startup and fell back to
    -- another config (This code will only ever execute for the fallback config)
    if awesome.startup_errors then
    naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
    title = "Oops, there were errors during startup!",
    text = awesome.startup_errors })
    -- Handle runtime errors after startup
    local in_error = false
    awesome.connect_signal("debug::error", function (err)
    -- Make sure we don't go into an endless error loop
    if in_error then return end
    in_error = true
    naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
    title = "Oops, an error happened!",
    text = err })
    in_error = false
    -- {{{ Variable definitions
    -- Themes define colours, icons, and wallpapers
    -- This is used later as the default terminal and editor to run.
    terminal = "tilda"
    editor = "gedit"
    -- os.getenv("EDITOR") or
    editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
    -- Default modkey.
    -- Usually, Mod4 is the key with a logo between Control and Alt.
    -- If you do not like this or do not have such a key,
    -- I suggest you to remap Mod4 to another key using xmodmap or other tools.
    -- However, you can use another modifier like Mod1, but it may interact with others.
    modkey = "Mod4"
    -- Table of layouts to cover with, order matters.
    local layouts =
    -- {{{ Wallpaper
    if beautiful.wallpaper then
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    gears.wallpaper.maximized(beautiful.wallpaper, s, true)
    -- {{{ Tags
    -- Define a tag table which will hold all screen tags.
    tags = {}
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Each screen has its own tag table.
    tags[s] = awful.tag({"term", "www", "mp3", "skype", "office", "dev", "misc" }, s)
    -- {{{ Menu
    -- Create a laucher widget and a main menu
    myawesomemenu = {
    { "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
    { "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awesome.conffile },
    { "reboot", "gksudo reboot" },
    { "restart", awesome.restart },
    { "quit", awesome.quit }
    mymainmenu ={ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
    { "open terminal", terminal }
    mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
    menu = mymainmenu })
    -- Menubar configuration
    menubar.utils.terminal = terminal -- Set the terminal for applications that require it
    -- Initialize widget
    mpdwidget = wibox.widget.textbox()
    -- Register widget
    vicious.register(mpdwidget, vicious.widgets.mpd,
    function (mpdwidget, args)
    if args["{state}"] == "Stop" then
    return " - "
    return args["{Artist}"]..' - '.. args["{Title}"]
    end, 10)
    -- {{{ Wibox
    -- Create a textclock widget
    mytextclock = awful.widget.textclock()
    -- Create a wibox for each screen and add it
    mywibox = {}
    mypromptbox = {}
    mylayoutbox = {}
    mytaglist = {}
    mytaglist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, awful.tag.viewonly),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
    awful.button({ }, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
    awful.button({ }, 4, function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(awful.tag.getscreen(t)) end),
    awful.button({ }, 5, function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(awful.tag.getscreen(t)) end)
    mytasklist = {}
    mytasklist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
    if c == client.focus then
    c.minimized = true
    -- Without this, the following
    -- :isvisible() makes no sense
    c.minimized = false
    if not c:isvisible() then
    -- This will also un-minimize
    -- the client, if needed
    client.focus = c
    awful.button({ }, 3, function ()
    if instance then
    instance = nil
    instance ={ width=250 })
    awful.button({ }, 4, function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.button({ }, 5, function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Create a promptbox for each screen
    mypromptbox[s] = awful.widget.prompt()
    -- Create an imagebox widget which will contains an icon indicating which layout we're using.
    -- We need one layoutbox per screen.
    mylayoutbox[s] = awful.widget.layoutbox(s)
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (), 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 3, function (), -1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, function (), 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 5, function (), -1) end)))
    -- Create a taglist widget
    mytaglist[s] = awful.widget.taglist(s, awful.widget.taglist.filter.all, mytaglist.buttons)
    -- Create a tasklist widget
    mytasklist[s] = awful.widget.tasklist(s, awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags, mytasklist.buttons)
    -- Create the wibox
    mywibox[s] = awful.wibox({ position = "top", screen = s })
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the left
    local left_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the right
    local right_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    if s == 1 then right_layout:add(wibox.widget.systray()) end
    -- Now bring it all together (with the tasklist in the middle)
    local layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal()
    -- {{{ Mouse bindings
    awful.button({ }, 3, function () mymainmenu:toggle() end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
    -- {{{ Key bindings
    globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", awful.tag.viewprev ),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Right", awful.tag.viewnext ),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Escape", awful.tag.history.restore),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "j",
    function ()
    awful.client.focus.byidx( 1)
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "k",
    function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "w", function () mymainmenu:show() end),
    -- Layout manipulation
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( -1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j", function () awful.screen.focus_relative( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k", function () awful.screen.focus_relative(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Tab",
    function ()
    if client.focus then
    -- Standard program
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Return", function () awful.util.spawn(terminal) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", awesome.restart),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "l", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "h", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incnmaster( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incnmaster(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incncol( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incncol(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "space", function (), 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function (), -1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "n", awful.client.restore),
    -- Prompt
    awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen]:run() end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "x",
    function (){ prompt = "Run Lua code: " },
    awful.util.eval, nil,
    awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_eval")
    -- Menubar
    awful.key({ modkey }, "p", function() end)
    clientkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "f", function (c) c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "c", function (c) c:kill() end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle ),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "Return", function (c) c:swap(awful.client.getmaster()) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "o", awful.client.movetoscreen ),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "t", function (c) c.ontop = not c.ontop end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "n",
    function (c)
    -- The client currently has the input focus, so it cannot be
    -- minimized, since minimized clients can't have the focus.
    c.minimized = true
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "m",
    function (c)
    c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal
    c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical
    -- Bind all key numbers to tags.
    -- Be careful: we use keycodes to make it works on any keyboard layout.
    -- This should map on the top row of your keyboard, usually 1 to 9.
    for i = 1, 9 do
    globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(globalkeys,
    awful.key({ modkey }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    local tag = awful.tag.gettags(screen)[i]
    if tag then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    local tag = awful.tag.gettags(screen)[i]
    if tag then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    if client.focus then
    local tag = awful.tag.gettags(client.focus.screen)[i]
    if tag then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    if client.focus then
    local tag = awful.tag.gettags(client.focus.screen)[i]
    if tag then
    clientbuttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize))
    -- Set keys
    -- {{{ Rules
    awful.rules.rules = {
    -- All clients will match this rule.
    { rule = { },
    properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,
    border_color = beautiful.border_normal,
    focus = awful.client.focus.filter,
    keys = clientkeys,
    buttons = clientbuttons } },
    { rule = { class = "MPlayer" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "pinentry" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "gimp" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    -- Set Firefox to always map on tags number 2 of screen 1.
    { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
    properties = { tag = tags[2] } },
    -- {{{ Signals
    -- Signal function to execute when a new client appears.
    client.connect_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
    -- Enable sloppy focus
    c:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c)
    if awful.layout.get(c.screen) ~= awful.layout.suit.magnifier
    and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    client.focus = c
    if not startup then
    -- Set the windows at the slave,
    -- i.e. put it at the end of others instead of setting it master.
    -- awful.client.setslave(c)
    -- Put windows in a smart way, only if they does not set an initial position.
    if not c.size_hints.user_position and not c.size_hints.program_position then
    local titlebars_enabled = false
    if titlebars_enabled and (c.type == "normal" or c.type == "dialog") then
    -- buttons for the titlebar
    local buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function()
    client.focus = c
    awful.button({ }, 3, function()
    client.focus = c
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the left
    local left_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the right
    local right_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -- The title goes in the middle
    local middle_layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal()
    local title = awful.titlebar.widget.titlewidget(c)
    -- Now bring it all together
    local layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal()
    client.connect_signal("focus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end)
    client.connect_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end)
    function run_once(prg,arg_string,pname,screen)
    if not prg then
    do return nil end
    if not pname then
    pname = prg
    if not arg_string then
    awful.util.spawn_with_shell("pgrep -f -u $USER -x '" .. pname .. "' || (" .. prg .. ")",screen)
    awful.util.spawn_with_shell("pgrep -f -u $USER -x '" .. pname .. " ".. arg_string .."' || (" .. prg .. " " .. arg_string .. ")",screen)
    awful.util.spawn_with_shell("setxkbmap -layout se")
    run_once("firefox &",nil,nil,"www")
    run_once("clementine ",nil,nil,"mp3")
    run_once("skype ",nil,nil,"skype")
    run_once("dropboxd &",nil,nil,nil)
    run_once("keepassx ",nil,nil,"www")
    run_once("volumeicon &",nil,nil,nil)
    awesome.font = "DejaVuSansCondensed 12"
    Here's my mpd.lua:
    -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
    -- * (c) 2010, Adrian C. <[email protected]>
    -- {{{ Grab environment
    local tonumber = tonumber
    local io = { popen = io.popen }
    local setmetatable = setmetatable
    local string = { gmatch = string.gmatch }
    local helpers = require("vicious.helpers")
    -- Mpd: provides Music Player Daemon information
    -- vicious.widgets.mpd
    local mpd = {}
    -- {{{ MPD widget type
    local function worker(format, warg)
    local mpd_state = {
    ["{volume}"] = 0,
    ["{state}"] = "N/A",
    ["{Artist}"] = "N/A",
    ["{Title}"] = "N/A",
    ["{Album}"] = "N/A",
    ["{Genre}"] = "N/A",
    --["{Name}"] = "N/A",
    --["{file}"] = "N/A",
    -- Fallback to MPD defaults
    local pass = warg and (warg.password or warg[1]) or "\"\""
    local host = warg and ( or warg[2]) or ""
    local port = warg and (warg.port or warg[3]) or "6600"
    -- Construct MPD client options
    local mpdh = "telnet://"":"..port
    local echo = "echo 'password "..pass.."\nstatus\ncurrentsong\nclose'"
    -- Get data from MPD server
    local f = io.popen(echo.." | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 "..mpdh)
    for line in f:lines() do
    for k, v in string.gmatch(line, "([%w]+):[%s](.*)$") do
    if k == "volume" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = v and tonumber(v)
    elseif k == "state" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = helpers.capitalize(v)
    elseif k == "Artist" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = helpers.escape(v)
    elseif k == "Title" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = helpers.escape(v)
    elseif k == "Album" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = helpers.escape(v)
    elseif k == "Genre" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = helpers.escape(v)
    --elseif k == "Name" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = helpers.escape(v)
    --elseif k == "file" then mpd_state["{"..k.."}"] = helpers.escape(v)
    return mpd_state
    return setmetatable(mpd, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
    I'm using Clementine to play the music if that makes a difference.
    Last edited by DisposableHero (2013-11-25 01:12:01)

    If the songs were purchased from itunes, I suggest that you delete the tracks from your itunes library and move to trash (providing you live in a country that permits redownloading). See

  • HT2905 When I added music to iTunes it seperated some of the songs into the catagories selected and others are lumped into a list at the end where artist and song are in the same space and not sperated like the other songs. It appears I into catagories an

    I've got to be the dumbest Apple product owner there is.
    * Doesn't it seem strange (maybe I'm not finding this option as it's hidden some place?) that there aren't boxes allowing you to select what action you clearly want to take?
    Senerio (sp?) New user (last two years) or for a 7 year old who opens up itunes to any catagory listed, for this exsample their iPhone's hooked up and connected currently what I view it appears iTunes will sync the two but where is it stated clearly what will be over written and what will be replacing it? Because once syncing is done it's done there's no "I didn't want it to do that" button to press to go back!
    Solution for persons such as myself; picture a white plain screen opening up in the catagory you choose (I'll use music) uncluttered no links taking you inadvetaintly to a screen pitching me something from Apple just all my music catagorized by iTunes the way in which I selected it to be by checking as many of the choices as I want that are list in the "sort" menu. Now before I hit sync at the top there are 3 empty boxes. Positioned clearly and designed by the marketing department who has every page in the store laid out clear clean and in your face making it impossible to START HERE so to speak, they'd unmistakably be simply labeled with 3 basic choices for you to choose from (a fourth "advanced" could be optional) which would be; Box#1 Do Noithing (Leave as is) Box#2 Sync from Device to iTunes Box#3 Sync from iTunes to Device . What you checked is what action iTunes would take. When you pressed "sync" a box would pop up Asking are you sure you want to it would have the selected boxes action here further assuring you wre doing as you wanted .
    With these on all the things/catagories that iTunes writes over and erases replacing it with what in my experiance usually is incomplete folders or databases of apps, music, movies, podcasts, books etc.? the misinterpretation of the action you want or choose would almost be eliminated from incorrect interpretation of what you actually want to do.
    Please if there's something I can set for all my choices please tell me where and how.
    Addionally without doing it one song at a time does iTunes seperate song artist from title automatically some how or do I have to go song by song cut artist and paste in the correct colum?
    Any help is appriciated!!!!!!!!!

    I've got to be the dumbest Apple product owner there is.
    * Doesn't it seem strange (maybe I'm not finding this option as it's hidden some place?) that there aren't boxes allowing you to select what action you clearly want to take?
    Senerio (sp?) New user (last two years) or for a 7 year old who opens up itunes to any catagory listed, for this exsample their iPhone's hooked up and connected currently what I view it appears iTunes will sync the two but where is it stated clearly what will be over written and what will be replacing it? Because once syncing is done it's done there's no "I didn't want it to do that" button to press to go back!
    Solution for persons such as myself; picture a white plain screen opening up in the catagory you choose (I'll use music) uncluttered no links taking you inadvetaintly to a screen pitching me something from Apple just all my music catagorized by iTunes the way in which I selected it to be by checking as many of the choices as I want that are list in the "sort" menu. Now before I hit sync at the top there are 3 empty boxes. Positioned clearly and designed by the marketing department who has every page in the store laid out clear clean and in your face making it impossible to START HERE so to speak, they'd unmistakably be simply labeled with 3 basic choices for you to choose from (a fourth "advanced" could be optional) which would be; Box#1 Do Noithing (Leave as is) Box#2 Sync from Device to iTunes Box#3 Sync from iTunes to Device . What you checked is what action iTunes would take. When you pressed "sync" a box would pop up Asking are you sure you want to it would have the selected boxes action here further assuring you wre doing as you wanted .
    With these on all the things/catagories that iTunes writes over and erases replacing it with what in my experiance usually is incomplete folders or databases of apps, music, movies, podcasts, books etc.? the misinterpretation of the action you want or choose would almost be eliminated from incorrect interpretation of what you actually want to do.
    Please if there's something I can set for all my choices please tell me where and how.
    Addionally without doing it one song at a time does iTunes seperate song artist from title automatically some how or do I have to go song by song cut artist and paste in the correct colum?
    Any help is appriciated!!!!!!!!!

  • Multiple listings of same artist

    After syncing my Ipod, I find that I have the same artist listed multiple times. For example, when I scroll by artist I'll have 2 that say "Snow Patrol." I have checked that they are both spelled the same, with no differences. Sometimes it will even split up an album with half of the tracks going to the first listing of the artist and half to the second listing.
    I have gone through the 5 R's several times with no change.
    Anyone have any ideas on how I can merge the multiple listings of each artist into one?

    I had the very same problem and found this posting looking for an answer to that. I had checked as well to see that the name of the artist was the same on every song and even erased and rewrote them and the problem was still there. i did what First magun seggested in his posting though and copied the artist's name from one song and just pasted it on the others and the problem was fixed. I don't know why because the names were written the same and everything but for som strange reason that did fix the problem so, thanks!

  • Same artist and albums being duplicated

    On my ipod the same artist is being copied and listed more than once even though they are spelled exactly the same. Within the duplicates the albums are also being copied, the songs however are not, they are being divided up leading to a very cluttered and confusing arrangment on my ipod. Can someone please tell me whats goin on?!

    A spelling or punctuation mistake, or sometimes a trailing space usually causes this after the artists and/or song name, which fools the iPod into thinking that there are two different artists or songs. The trailing space is the hardest to spot. Best way to cure this is to go into iTunes, highlight that artist and/or songs, right click on them and select "get info". This brings up the multiple song info window. In the artist or song box retype the name, as you would like it, and then click ok. Re sync this new artist/song info to your iPod.

  • Multiple entries for same title in ADE title list

    I have 6 entries for the same title in the ADE title list.  All have the same date and time added.  All but one are blank in the "Last Read" column.  On my computer I have only 1 epub file for this title.  Why do I have multiple entries for the same title?  If I delete all entries except for the one that has a date and time in the Last Read column will that be okay -- will I still be able to access the book?

    This is the normal effect of SAP DBSL SQL code translation.
    You can find a lot of post on SCN that will help you to understand this behavior...
    About rsdb/prefer_join and rsdb_prefer_union_all
    634263 - Selects with FOR ALL ENTRIES

  • Contextual menu in finder "open with" has multiple entries of same apps

    When I use the contextual menu (right click) on documents, the menu point "open with..." shows multiple entries of the same programs. For example when right clicking a PDF, there appears 5 times neoOffice, 2 times Preview, 6 times ... any other application that you could use to open the document. This occurs on all user accounts, only that the multiplicity of listings of the apps is different. So it can't be a preferences problem on my account. What else could be the cause?
    This is quite annoying because the apps-list becomes very long and unusable.
    Note: I have 2 internal start up disks with OS and apps installed, but only one mounted. That means, there cannot be a duplicate (triplicate...etc) copy of any app accessible at any time.

    if I quit all running applications, it will be pretty hard to put anything in the Trash!
    Are you being literal? Like quitting the Finder too? Or what bespeaks you?
    Actually, I use Xupport to do that, but I think Onyx and several other Utilities include that option.

  • N81 Call Log - Multiple entry for same number

    Earlier I was using Nokia 7250, in it the call log for missed/dialled/received calls have the facility for storing multiple entries for the same number.
    i.e., say I received calls from no. XX @ 1 Am, 2 AM & 3 Am. Then the received call log for the no. XX will have an entry with these three time stamps
    Where as in N81 only the most recent entry i.e., 3AM is been shown and I couldn't find a way to find out the earlier calls (1 AM & 2 AM)
    Is there a way to find it out?

    This is the normal effect of SAP DBSL SQL code translation.
    You can find a lot of post on SCN that will help you to understand this behavior...
    About rsdb/prefer_join and rsdb_prefer_union_all
    634263 - Selects with FOR ALL ENTRIES

  • How do i get my iTunes library to be showing the same playlist and songs that are on my iPhone 4s.

    How do I get my iTunes library to show the same playlist order and songs order as what is on my iPhone 4s.

    Drag it to an external drive or directly to the other computer, and if needed, launch iTunes with the Option key held down and choose that library. If it contains rented movies, those won't play on the desktop Mac.

  • How can I play multiple albums from same artist in album order on iPhone 4?

    Just purchased an iPhone 4 from Verizon. When I select an Artist and then choose "All Songs", the only choice I am provided is to play the songs in alphabetic order. I would prefer to play them in the original album order. Is there a setting that can be changed to accomplish this?

    For those who arrive here later than this answer, the app is now called "Continue" & is available free with addware or paid without.

  • Multiple entries for same apps showing next to 'Open With' in contextual menu since last backup

    I did a back up of my MBPs internal drive recently, using Carbon Copy Cloner - since then there are multiples of the same icons for all apps under 'Open With' in the contextual menu. I seem to remember there being a command line that could be entered in Terminal to fix this, but I can't find it anywhere.
    Can anyone help?

    Yes, LaunchServices. These are only cache files but can get corrupted. Launch /Utilities/Terminal and copy & paste this at the command line to rebuild LaunchServices: (be sure to copy the entire line it's a scroll)
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
    Then press return. Wait until terminal returns to the command line. Quit Terminal. After that, log out and back in or restart. Let us know

  • Multiple iPhones on same AppleID and iTunes

    Can I have 2 different iPhones with 2 different phonenumbers connected to the same AppleID and iTunes? If yes, should I be aware of something. If no, how do I do?

    Yes you can do that. You can have the same content on each device or different content, the choice is yours. iTunes will keep track of everything, by device, including separate backups. I'd suggest giving each device a unique name, to keep everything straight.

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