Multiple Mapping

Hi All,
I need some guidance on multiple mapping.
Here is my scenario:
Elements:****Zip -
> Zip
****************City -
> City
****************Street -
> Street -
> Street
****************Country -
> Country -
> Country
**************************************Band -
> Band
(Note: Pls Ignore the asterix)
Now how do I implement this mapping?
When I implement triple mapping.
i.e Step 1) Map Vendor_out --> Vendor_middle (Street,Country)
Step 2) Vendor_middle -->Vendor_Final (Street, Country, Band)
Step 3) finally Vendor_out -->Vendor_Final (City, Zip).
When i perform step 3, I loose the mapping done for Vendor_Final in step 2 (Street, Country).
Can someone help.

can you please provide the source structure and the target structure.

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    Thank you!

    It looks like you are right! Thank you for your help.
    I still have a small concern. I looked at the documentation and it reads,
    "The configuration settings for a cache instance are stored in the USER_SDO_CACHED_MAPS metadata view. You should normally not manipulate this view directly, but should instead use the MapViewer administration tool, which uses this view to configure map cache instances."
    But, I tried inserting records into USER_SDO_CACHED_MAPS and it works, and I can't really see any reason not to directly insert records into this table, so...
    Perhaps that warning is there simply because potentially you could screw things up tinkering with the table directly.

  • Multiple Mapping in XI 3.0

    Hi All,
    If you have any step by step procedure please provide me.
    Thanks & Regards

    There are "multi-mapping" and "executing multiple mapping programs".  Do not know which you are referring.
    The above reply refers to multi-mapping.  But, if you want to execute multiple mapping programs, you can develop each mapping program by itself, using Message Mapping, XSLT, java or ABAP.  Then, in Interface Mapping, you can assign those mapping programs in the order they should be executed.  The output of the 1st will be used as input to the 2nd, and so on.

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    This should work and in my view you have not left anything here.

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    Hi Jason,
    Even I have tried to see the results of multiple mappings in SXMB_MONI. But I couldnt find a way till now.
    I believe there is no way to see the results of multiple mappings. The only possible way is to test your mapping locally in IR.

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    Try using the below logic in xsl. It should work.
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    <xsl:value-of select="string('GTIN')" />
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    Can any1 please help me with the required. If similar question was posted below, please provide me the link.
    Edited by: amit15gupta on 24-Sep-2012 07:26

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    Stefan Grube wrote:
    > For the middle structure you need no service interface, just a message type.
    > You upload the IDoc structure, so you need only create one service interface with message type "source structure"
    > In operation mapping (source -> idoc)  you add both message mappings.
    > Edited by: Stefan Grube on Jan 26, 2011 10:50 AM

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    >>Is there any way to backup my graphical mappings??
    >>In XI 3.0 I could have export the graphical mappings (STRG+Shift + context menu),
    >>do a search and replace and import it again.
    >>Any way to do this in 7.1 ?
    You can use CTRL + SHIFT + 0(zero). This will open  new window, where you will find the export icon. This will save the mapping in .XIM format. In the  similar way you can import there.
    Hope this helps.

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    I do not know if anyone is interested but I have figured out one way to do it. Not the nicest perhaps but it works.
    On my mac I create a directory named MyMaps and then I download the maps I want and put them into directories (one directory per map). I copy using the -r flag, which merges/adds on files.
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    cp -r Sweden/* MyMaps/
    I will get the Swedish map in MyMaps.
    To add the map of Netherlands I simply do:
    cp -r Netherlands* MyMaps/
    I have now merged the map of Netherlands with the map of Sweden and all maps are in MyMaps. And I can add more maps by running cp -r again. And when I am done, I transfer the directory structure in MyMaps to my E71.
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    - Insert from another set of source tables
    - Update the inserted records with data from another table
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    That depends on your amount of data. An update is usually a bad option, because it is very slow. Bringing all etl-logic in one mapping will cause a complex mapping which also is not a good way.
    An better idea would be to use "worktables" in which you write the intermediate results of the first to mappings. You should search for a way to transform that data while loading it from one table to the other, instead of updating it afterwards.

  • How to access multiple maps in OEID studio

    We are using our own instance of MapViewer(I added new tile layer) for the map component in studio. We updated the settings in the framework settings tab. Now we see the map component (google map) with the map we had configured .
    I have another map (Tile layer) in the mapviewer which shows the store view (not google map) . Now I want to display that in another map component. But as the settings for the Mapviewer are global , I am unable to do this .
    Is there any way that we can configure two different tile layers so that we can show two different maps in the studio.
    P.S. - Going forward we want to achieve this : As the user keeps on zooming in to the google map , the map changes to store Map.
    Mayank Batra

    Hi Maciek,
    To use google map in Oracle Map viewer , you need to do following :
    In your mapviwer :
    * Login to mapviewer admin .
    * Click on 'Management' tab on top.
    * Click on 'Manage Map Tile Layer' tab.
    * Click Create on left nav -> Select Google Maps as map source -> click continue
    * Enter tile layer map name and select your data source.
    * Enter the key . Key has to be generate from google map APIs using following link :
    * click on submit.
    * now your tile layer is created.
    Go to Endeca studio ->
    * Go to Framework Settings under control panel.
    * Change df.mapViewer to your mapviewer server url and df.mapTileLayer to name of <datasourcename>.<maptilelayer> you just used in MapViewer.
    Good to go...
    Mayank Batra

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    Settings  maps  from memory   .
    You should have a user manual with the software  cannot find mine .

  • Use XSLT mapping for multiple payloads

    Do you mean multiple mapping as
    If you are generating XSLT mapping using any tool then you have can take xsd from the messagemapping and just map it.
    in you  target structure message1, message2 should be there.
    Gaurav Jain
    Reward Points if answer is helpful

    Thank you for your response.  I tried several variations - including this one - but I can't seem to get the results to match your screen shot.  Also, I am not sure if the tag should be 'Content-Type' or content_type ....
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0" xmlns:ns0="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" xmlns:ns="">
         <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8" indent="no" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="ORDERS02"/>
         <xsl:template match="ORDERS02">
                        <xsl:text>Purchase Order: </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text>multipart/mixed; boundary="b1"</xsl:text>
                   <xsl:text>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii </xsl:text>
                   <xsl:text>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit </xsl:text>
                   <xsl:text>My Order</xsl:text>
                   <xsl:text>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii</xsl:text>
                   <xsl:text>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit</xsl:text>
                   <xsl:text>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="order.dc"</xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:value-of select="IDOC/E1EDK01/BELNR"/>
                        <xsl:text>A </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text>ORD 238            </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:value-of select="IDOC/E1EDK01/BELNR"/>
                        <xsl:text>The Wolf Organization        </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:value-of select="IDOC/E1EDK01/BELNR"/>
                        <xsl:text>PO Box 2044                  </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text>York, PA  17404-2044         </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
                        <xsl:apply-templates select="IDOC/E1EDP01"/>
                        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
         <xsl:template match="IDOC/E1EDP01">
              <xsl:text>                </xsl:text>

  • How to create multiple extract from one map

    Hello ,
    I have a map which extract data from source and create a output text file. Now, I need to create 10 different files from the same mapping with same format but different name. So I want to generate file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt etc . My map currently has one target file , i donot want to create 10 target files operator in the map itself, is there a way to achive this functionality ie I want to call the same map 10 times. Do I have to do it from outside.
    Thank you.

    Hi Suhail
    Why not create 10 maps? These don't take up much space, only a few Kb, and you would be able to generate a unique file per map, which would be the correct approach.
    If you don't want to have duplicate maps, would the data in the output files be the same or would it need to change based on some condition?
    If the data is the same you can do this externally by just making x copies of the original file.
    If the data needs to change you either need to have multiple maps, as mentioned at the beginning, or you would somehow need to change the source data. You cannot change the name of a mapped output file, this is because OWB maps use a hard-coded file name making it impossible to change the name of the file dynamically.
    However, let's say you are able to change the source data, perhaps using a view. If you had x copies of the view script you could generate it x times, calling the map x times. Each time you would run the map it would generate file1.txt, and you would need to rename it to file2.txt before recompiling the view and rerunning the map to get another file1.txt. This would be renamed file3.txt and you could then repeat the process as many times as you like.
    Does this help?

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