Multiple spry:selects on Multiple Datasets

I have a main xmldataset A from which 2 other datasets B and C are populated via A datasets' A.getDocument() and are thus dependencies of A
dataset A has its own spry:region with a spry:select
B and C share a spry:region also with respective spry:select
<ul spry:region="A"><li spry:repeat... spry:select="class">....</ul><ul spry:region="B C"><li spry:repeat="B" spry:select="class"><ul><li spry:repeat="C" spry:select="class"></li>.....
When I first only had A's region the spry:select worked fine
but when I added B only B's spry:select worked and then when I added C only C worked
How do I get all region spry:select to STAY selected on each's own currentRow()?
P.S. what is spry:selected and can someone elaborate on the documentations definition of Spry:Selectgroup?

Please have a look at the following
<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Untitled Document</title>
        .MasterDetail {
            font: 100% Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
            margin: 2px;
        .MasterDetail .MasterContainer {
            background-color: #EAEAEA;
            border: 1px solid gray;
            width: 35%;
            float: left;
            height: 400px;
            overflow: auto;
        .MasterDetail .MasterColumn {
            font-size: 75%;
            background-color: #CCCCCC;
        .MasterDetail .MasterColumnHover {
            background-color: #EAEAEA;
        .MasterDetail .MasterColumnSelected {
            color: white;
        .MasterDetail .DetailContainer {
            border: 1px solid gray;
            width: 60%;
            float: right;
            overflow: auto;
        .MasterDetail .DetailColumn {
            margin-bottom: 1px;
  <div class="MasterDetail">
    <div spry:region="dsItem" class="MasterContainer">
      <div class="MasterColumn" spry:repeat="dsItem" spry:setrow="dsItem" spry:hover="MasterColumnHover" spry:select="MasterColumnSelected">{day}</div>
    <div spry:detailregion="dsItem" class="DetailContainer">
      <div class="DetailColumn">{title}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{description}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{link}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{category}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{category/@domain}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{comments}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{pubDate}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{timestamp}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{guid}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{fbid}</div>
      <div class="DetailColumn">{fbid/@colour}</div>
    <br style="clear:both" />
  <script src="SpryAssets/xpath.js"></script>
  <script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js"></script>
    var dsItem = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("package/xml.php", "rss/channel/item");
The master container contains the date. It does not matter how you want to format the date as long as it has a spry:setrow. This will determine the row to show in the spry:detailregion.

Similar Messages

  • Using spry select on multiple forms in same page

    My apologies if this has already been answered but after a few searches I've not found my solution....
    I have a web page with 2 different forms (completely different open form and close form tags) that I'm trying to get the Spry Select Widget to work in.
    Both forms' Spry Select widgets interact as expected with the user with one exception; the second form continues to submit to the action page even if the user is trying to submit an invalid value (the docs suggested using the value of -1 so that's what I'm using). The appropriate error gets displayed to the user but the form continues to submit, which I don't want. Is there a limitation that I missed regarding the use of multiple forms in the same web page with the Spry Select Widget?
    FWIW, I'm running the app on ColdFusion and even the cfform/cfselect won't work with the Spry Widget.... I've named and id'd all forms and form elements and still no luck.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Brad,
    The preamble looks reasonable.  I would like to make sure you are clear on the process.
    The data needs to be rendered twice (i.e. a 2 step job).  In the first step you create a trace file with the page count for each document in it...\trace"^define User:PageCountForTrans_@:TransCount. @$page.@LF."."
    In the second step, that trace file is brought back in as a preamble file.
    Please confirm that you are in fact passing the data twice.

  • How to apply different styles to multiple spry accordian panels?

    Hi all,
    I have a website that I'm building that has multiple spry accordian features on it.
    I am trying to apply different styles to each accordian. A problem arises when I try to place an accordian within another accordian.
    I have styled two different background images for two of the accordians for the styles (AccordionPanelTab, AccordionPanelTabHover and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) which work fine.
    When I try and place an accordian within another accordian the background image for this accordian for the styles (AccordionPanelTab and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) has the different style applyed that I stated in the accordion.css file, however the style (AccordionPanelTabHover) has the same style as the accordian it is within even though in the accordion.css file I stated a different background image.
    I hope all this makes sence below is my source and CSS Code.
    I appriciate any help that can be given to help resolve this issue I am running in too.
    Source Code
    <div id="content">
    <p><span class="first_header_word_packages">Welcome</span> <span class="header_word_packages">to our packages page</span></p>
    <p class="content_txt">Here you can build the website package that matches your business needs as well as being able to work out the cost of your site without having to worry about scary hidden costs at a later date.</p>
    <p class="content_txt"> We have two packages available for our customers;</p>
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Text Goes Here</p>
        <div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
          <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
        <p>Text Goes Here</p>
        </div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
        </div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
    <div id="Accordion3" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
             <p>Text Goes Here</p>
          <div id="Accordion4" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
            <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
         <p>Text Goes Here</p>
        </div><!-- end #Accordion4 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion4 -->
        </div><!-- end #Accordion3 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion3 -->
    </div><!-- end #content -->
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryAccordion.css - version 0.5 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    /* This is the selector for the main Accordion container. For our default style,
    * we draw borders on the left, right, and bottom. The top border of the Accordion
    * will be rendered by the first AccordionPanelTab which never moves.
    * If you want to constrain the width of the Accordion widget, set a width on
    * the Accordion container. By default, our accordion expands horizontally to fill
    * up available space.
    * The name of the class ("Accordion") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style the
    * Accordion container.
    .Accordion {
              border-left: solid 1px gray;
              border-right: solid 1px black;
              border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
              overflow: hidden;
    /* This is the selector for the AccordionPanel container which houses the
    * panel tab and a panel content area. It doesn't render visually, but we
    * make sure that it has zero margin and padding.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanel") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel container.
    .AccordionPanel {
              margin: 0px;
              padding: 0px;
    /* This is the selector for the AccordionPanelTab. This container houses
    * the title for the panel. This is also the container that the user clicks
    * on to open a specific panel.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanelTab") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel tab container.
    * NOTE:
    * This rule uses -moz-user-select and -khtml-user-select properties to prevent the
    * user from selecting the text in the AccordionPanelTab. These are proprietary browser
    * properties that only work in Mozilla based browsers (like FireFox) and KHTML based
    * browsers (like Safari), so they will not pass W3C validation. If you want your documents to
    * validate, and don't care if the user can select the text within an AccordionPanelTab,
    * you can safely remove those properties without affecting the functionality of the widget.
    .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #CCCCCC;
              border-top: solid 1px black;
              border-bottom: solid 1px gray;
              margin: 0px;
              padding: 2px;
              cursor: pointer;
              -moz-user-select: none;
              -khtml-user-select: none;
    /* This is the selector for a Panel's Content area. It's important to note that
    * you should never put any padding on the panel's content area if you plan to
    * use the Accordions panel animations. Placing a non-zero padding on the content
    * area can cause the accordion to abruptly grow in height while the panels animate.
    * Anyone who styles an Accordion *MUST* specify a height on the Accordion Panel
    * Content container.
    * The name of the class ("AccordionPanelContent") used in this selector is not necessary
    * to make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style an
    * accordion panel content container.
    .AccordionPanelContent {
              overflow: auto;
              margin: 0px;
              padding: 0px;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab that is
    * currently open. The class "AccordionPanelOpen" is programatically added and removed
    * from panels as the user clicks on the tabs within the Accordion.
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #EEEEEE;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab as the
    * mouse hovers over it. The class "AccordionPanelTabHover" is programatically added
    * and removed from panel tab containers as the mouse enters and exits the tab container.
    .AccordionPanelTabHover {
              color: #555555;
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
              color: #555555;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of all the panel tabs when the
    * Accordion has focus. The "AccordionFocused" class is programatically added and removed
    * whenever the Accordion gains or loses keyboard focus.
    .AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #3399FF;
    /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of the panel tab that is
    * currently open when the Accordion has focus.
    .AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
              background-color: #33CCFF;
    /* Rules for Printing */
    @media print {
      .Accordion {
      overflow: visible !important;
      .AccordionPanelContent {
      display: block !important;
      overflow: visible !important;
      height: auto !important;
    #Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion2  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion3  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion3 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion3 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion4  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion4 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion4 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {

    Okay guys,
    I figured it out, if anyone was having the same problem as me and looking on this thread for the answer, here it is.
    Firstly if you're wanting to seperatly style two or more Spry Accordions that are not within each other e.g.
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion1 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
    <div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion2 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
    You don't have to do this, as long as you have seperate ID's for the divs (which dreamweaver automatically does anyway) you'll be fine.
    However if for some reason you want to put one accordion inside another like I did e.g.
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    <div id="Accordion2" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
       <p>Content Goes Here </p>
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion2 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion2 -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 Content -->
      </div><!-- end #Accordion1 .AccordionPanel -->
    </div><!-- end #Accordion1 -->
    Too style Accordian 1 & 2 so their tabs both have different backgrounds and Hover background when the content panel is open and closed you have to style it in the CSS they following way;
    #Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    #Accordion2  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelClosed .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion2 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    Normally when styling two seperate spry accordions you can just use the following code
    #Accordion1  .AccordionPanelTab {
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelTabHover,
    #Accordion1 .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
    The only difference with styling a Spry accordion within another to ensure they have different hover backgrounds when the content panel is open and closed is ".AccordionPanelClosed".
    Hope this helped anyone who was having the same issue I was.

  • Creating multiple  Spry menu bars in one site

    I've been creating a website and I am required to use multiple templates to manage all the different sections of the site.  To make it much less of a hassle, once I created one template, I simply saved that template as another template so I would not have to start all over again.  On the first template I created a spry menu bar with a certain amount of buttons.  And because I created the other templates with that template, those templates had the same menu bar containing the same settings.  The problem is, because of the specified settings of the spry menu bar, if I change the amount of buttons from the original to one less, the whole bar on that template will get off center and messed up because the settings for the menu bar are not set to that certain amount of buttons, but if I change the settings to suite that amount of buttons, then the settings for all the templates change and that messes up the other menu bars on those templates because they have a different amount of buttons.  Currently my templates all contain 10 buttons and I am wanting to create a new menu bar with only about 4 - 6 buttons.  I thought going up to insert and inserting a brand new menu bar would do the trick but when I did that it inserted a menu bar that had all the settings of the already-created menu bar, (ie same background images, and hovers, etc.) as well as the width which, because the width is suited for 10 buttons, it does not properly make the default 4 button menu bar center correctly.  And if I try to change the settings on this menu bar then the same thing happens with everything changing and getting messed up.
    So after this long explanation, my question is, how can I insert multiple spry menu bars into one site that are not correlated with each other in terms of all the settings so that when changed, will not affect each other?  I am guessing I am having this problem because I created all the templates from one template so they are all interlocked, but the page that I tried to insert the brand new menu bar on was not created from any of the templates and was the first page I made at the very start. Here is the link to the site. The first page that opens up is the page that I tried to insert the brand new menu bar on.  If you click on band choir or elementary you will see the menu bars with 10 buttons that are all interlocked in terms of settings.  Also, I'd like to note that if I delete a button in one template, it does not delete that same button in the other templates, nor does it add a button to the other templates if I add one.  Only the physical appearance changes because the settings are meant for only one amount of buttons.  Sorry for the novel!

    Alright well I just tried to use 2 complete different templates.  I created one brand new template from scratch, added the menu bar, gave it an ID of "band", and configured it to suite 10 buttons accordingly.  Then I started off from scratch again with a starting html page with a different css style sheet and added the menu bar and gave it a different ID of "choir" but the settings of the two different bars still act as one set of settings!  I dont know how to fix this problem.  Please tell me what to post if anything will help you. Im guessing the solution is very simple but I have tried everything.
    here is the code for the two different menu bars (one in each template)
      <ul id="Choir" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
          <li><a href="#">Programs</a>      </li>
          <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Blog</a>      </li>
          <li><a href="#">Directors</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Gallery</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Forms</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Calendar</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Links</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
    <ul id="Band" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
          <li><a href="">Programs</a>      </li>
          <li><a href="">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Blog</a></li>
          <li><a href="" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Directors</a>
              <li><a href="">Cooper</a></li>
              <li><a href="">Teschler</a></li>
              <li><a href="">Lee</a></li>
          <li><a href="" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Shows</a>
              <li class="MenuBarHorizontal"><a href="">Field</a></li>
              <li><a href="">Concert</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Gallery</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Forms</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Calendar</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Links</a>      </li>
          <li><a href="">Contact</a></li>
    I currently do not have any links attached to any of the buttons in the choir bar.  Something went wrong and now I have to make the whole site over again so it is not very accessible.  Please post back asap!

  • How to set a payload field value only once for multiple instances selected?

    The user needs to set a payload field value and then he can approve the task so the task can continue through the process, that's fine when the user selects one instance and sets the value in the task details section and then clicks the approve button, but how do we achieve the same behavior in a multiple way?, I mean the user can select multiple tasks in the workspace (in this case the details task page is not available and instead the following label appear "Multiple tasks selected") then if the user clicks the Actions drop down -> APPROVE he only gets the message "your request was processed successfully", so how can the user modify the payload field value only once for all the selected tasks so when he clicks APPROVE the value is populated in all the instances selected.

    In the action which displays the edit page just set the form idx value before displaying the jsp.

  • The file size of selected file in input file control is shown as 0 for multiple file selection in Safari 5.1

    The file size of selected file in input file control is shown as 0 for multiple file selection in Safari 5.1. If you select single file, then it is able to return file size correctly. However, if you select multiple files, then the file size of each of the selected file is always returned as 0 from javascript. This works correctly in Safari 4.0 but it does not work in Safari 5.1.
    How do I get the correct file size in Safari 5.1 ?

    If you want to post (or send me) a link to the lrcat file, I'd take a look at it for you, and give you a break-down what's consuming all the bytes. But it might be fun to learn how to do that yourself (e.g. using SQL). I use SQLiteSpy, but other people have their favorites.. (or you can use a command-line client if you prefer..). One way: just run "drop table "{table-name}" on each table then look at filesize (do this to a copy, not the real thing).
    Anyway, it's hard to imagine keywords and captions etc. taking much of the space, since even if you had 1000 10-character words of text metadata per photo average that still only adds up to 117MB, which isn't a substantial portion of that 8G you're seeing occupied.
    Anyway, if you've painted the heck out of most of them and not cleared dev history, that'll do it - that's where I'd put my money too...
    One thing to consider to keep file-size down:
    * After reaching a milestone in your editing, take a snapshot then clear edit history, or the top part of it anyway (e.g. leave the import step), using a preset like:
    Clear Edit History.lrtemplate
    s = {
        id = "E36E8CB3-B52B-41AC-8FA9-1989FAFD5223",
        internalName = "No Edit",
        title = "Clear Edit History",
        type = "Develop",
        value = {
            settings = {
                NoEdit = true,
            uuid = "34402820-B470-4D5B-9369-0502F2176B7F",
        version = 0,
    (that's my most frequently used preset, by far ;-})
    PS - I've written a plugin called DevHistoryEditor, which can auto-consolidate steps and reduce catalog size - it's a bit cumbersome to use a.t.m. but in case you're interested...

  • How to edit the properties for existing variables in BEX query, so that I can get multiple input selections

    Dear fellow developers,
    I'm trying to edit an existing variable using BEX query, so that it can allow multiple input selections.
    As you can see in the screenshot attached, the option is selectable during creation.
    However, during editing of an existing field, this field (Details -> Basic Settings -> Variable Represents) is not selectable.
    Does anyone knows why, and how to remedy this?

    Yes you can do it at the table level.
    Go to SE11 enter table name as RSZGLOBV.
    Enter the technical name of variable in VNAM field..You need to change the value in VPARSEL column.
    Please make sure to get the where used list of this variable so that you can know the impact,if something goes wrong.
    Also change it in DEV and then transport across the landscape.
    PS:Same thing has been described in this blog as well
    Changing BI variable parameters
    Message was edited by: Anshu Lilhori

  • How to apply different styles to multiple spry collapsible panels?

    Hello every.
    I would really appreciate some help with this problem I am coming up against.
    I am creating a website which has multiple Spry collapsible panels in it. I applied the styles I wanted for the first Spry collapsible panel I did in the styles panel with no problems what so ever.
    However when I go to apply the styles I want for my second and every other Spry collapsible panel, when I applied the style I wanted it changed the first panel I did. I’ve tried giving all my collapsible panels different Div ID’s but no luck. I just can’t seem to apply different styles to each of my collapsible panels.
    Can someone please advise me how to do this?
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Kind regards

    I've figured the most of it out.
    By giving the Spry Collapsible Panel that you want to style differently a separate ID and class and then duplicating the original Spry Collapsible Panel style in the CSS style panel on the right and renaming them the same name as the panel you want to style differently it will allow you to style it differently to all the other panels apart from the Hover.
    I've tried everything! Below is the code I'm using for the two Collapsible Panels I want to style Differently.
    I only want to have different Tab backgrounds and Hover backgrounds
    1st Spry CollapsiblePanel
    <div id="CollapsiblePanel1" class="CollapsiblePanel">
        <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="0">Tab</div>
        <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent">Content</div>
    CSS Style
    .CollapsiblePanelTabHover, .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTabHover
    2nd Spry CollapsiblePanel
    <div id="CollapsiblePanel2" class="CollapsiblePanel2">
      <div class="CollapsiblePanel2Tab" tabindex="0">Tab</div>
      <div class="CollapsiblePanel2Content">Content</div>
    .CollapsiblePanel2TabHover, .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanel2TabHover
    As I said the Tab works both I have two seperate background images for the Tabs but I can only seem to have one background for the hover.
    Has anyone any ideas on how to get around this?
    Kind regards

  • JTree multiple nodes selection problem !

    I can not make my JTree to be in multiple node selection mode.
    I have custom tree model and tree node class, the tree model class
    implements javax.swing.tree.TreeModel, and the tree node is an ordinary
    Java object.
    In this setting, my JTree is always in single selection mode.
    I have tried set the selection model after the JTree has initialized, and
    it didn't work.
    What I missed in TreeModel implementation ? Or should my tree node class
    also implements javax.swing.tree.TreeNode ?
    Don't tell me just call
    It didn't work.

    Just in case anyone wants to know, I did find the magic number of files, and what the problem is. I talked with tech suppot at Adobe, and they know the problem exists, but won't fix it. I did put in a request in the "Request a Feature" form. Read on:
    The magic number is 40 Canon 1Ds Mark III Raw files, and clicking on three or more keywords. The key to not having the numbers of keywords counted incorrectly in the filter pane is to click on the keywords as fast as you can before it starts to write to the metadata. If you click on each keyword one at a time, and wait about a second or more between selecting the keywords, then the counts in the filter panel for the number of keywords is not correct in relation to the number of files that you have chosen to apply keywords to. The cure for this is to click as many keywords as possible as fast as you can before the software starts incorporating the keywords into the metadata.
    I would suggest to Adobe, that a nice feature would be that one could click on as many keywords as one would want, to as many files one would want, and then have a button or icon that would enable one to then apply all the keywords at once, instead of applying them as you click them as it is now. I also would love it if Adobe fixed it now instead of waiting to fix it in the version of CS5. Someone on Adobe's support line told me that Adobe would rather wait to put this into the CS5 version than fix it now. I don't think that is right, but heck, I am only one guy who depends on this software to provide images keyworded to my clients in a timely manner. I would never run my business like this Adobe. If there is a problem, and there is, please fix it now, or give me some of my money back since your product has a design flaw that is having a negative impact in my ability to to my job and run my business.
    Daniel Root
    Portland, OR

  • Cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList when edit the forum in sharepoint

    hi ,
    i  have custom forum for new and edit, in new forum we have controls drop down values, when select drop down1   values that related values are displayed in dropdown2 , when edit  item  that  time we getting error
    Cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
    Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList.
    Source Error:
    HttpException (0x80004005): Cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList.]
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList.VerifyMultiSelect() +124
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) +10956501
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +42
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) +13
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +42
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +42
    ASP._controltemplates_amat_appayrequest_webparts_appayrequest_appayrequestusercontrol_ascx.__Render__control1(HtmlTextWriter __w, Control parameterContainer) in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES\AMAT.APPayRequest.Webparts\APPayRequest\APPayRequestUserControl.ascx:350
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +115
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +42
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm.RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer) +253
    System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm.Render(HtmlTextWriter output) +87
    System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm.RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer) +53
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +42
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) +240
    System.Web.UI.Page.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +38
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +4240

    Could you please share your code with us? Also explain how you are binding DDL.
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Select the multiple nodes in a tree

    Hi Experts,
    We need to select the multiple nodes in a tree.Whatever we are selecting,that has to be added in the table as a tree structure itself.
    For ex:
    If We select the A then A,A1 and B1 has to be added in a table.Please help me out for this.
    Edited by: Armin Reichert on Jan 29, 2008 2:33 PM

    You have to create a recursive node and use the tree by nesting UI component
    Following tutorial will be of use
    Recursive Node
    TreeByNesting [original link is broken]

  • Selecting from multiple tables, into one internal table

    What is the best & most efficient method of selecting from multiple table (in my case 6,) into one internal table?
    Points will be rewarded and all responses will be highly appreciated.

    I have simple example :
    First one - Join 5 tables
    data : f1 type i,
              f2 type i,
              f3 type i.
    get run time field f1.
    write the query 4 or 5 tables join.
    get run time field f2.
    f3 = f2 - f1 ( Total time).
    Second one - joins 3 table and use for all entries
    data : f1 type i,
              f2 type i,
              f3 type i.
    get run time field f1.
    write the query 3 tables join and use for all entries
    get run time field f2.
    f3 = f2 - f1. ( Total time )
    Finally you can have time diffrence between the both sql statement.

  • ALV Grid multiple row selection, disabling some

    Does anyone know if it is possible to have an ALV grid with multiple row selection allowed but for some rows the row selection is disabled?
    Kind regards,

    Hi John,
    You can add a check box and select multiple rows. I am using the same technique. I have used OO.
    a) Use Even handler "Double Click"
    b)Using "SELECT_ALL_ENTRIES  CHANGING PT_OUTTAB TYPE STANDARD TABLE" and I am sorting based Check box selection.
    Need more help please let me know. I will send you the code.
    Message was edited by: Lanka Murthy


    HI TO ALL,

    Hi Gabriel,
    Let me try to answer some of your questions:
    1) The "Requires Secure Access" attribute of a resource handler controls whether this handler must be accessed/consumed only over SSL (HTTPS). Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service is only offered over SSL, so this attribute does not have any effect on RESTful services deployed in this environment (because secure access is always required and there is no other way). That said, if you want to access such web service from your own APEX instance, your instance must have Oracle Wallet configured with appropriate SSL certificate.
    2) The URI parameters are not required. If your web service returns data for many entities (for example, list of employees in employees/), you may not need a parameter. If your web service returns data for one specific entity (for example, details of one employee in employees/{id}), you may want to identify that entity with a URI parameter.
    3) You can have many URI parameters, for example: customers/{id}/orders/{order_id}.
    4) Yes, these are the same HTTP methods/verbs you would use from PHP.
    5) If you are trying this POST example from your own APEX instance (not Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service) and you are trying to access a web service over SSL, then it is likely that the Oracle Wallet used by your instance does not include the required SSL certificate(s), or the Oracle Wallet is not configured at all.
    6) I recommend to check RESTful Web Services for the Oracle Database Cloud white paper and Oracle REST Data Services Developers Guide. Oracle REST Data Services is the technology that enables RESTful services in the Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service.
    You can certainly create your own web services in the Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service and consume them from the same environment.

  • Multiple column selection in OBIEE 11g

    I have multiple checkboxes each checkbox represent one of measure of my fact table
    Now user wants to select the multiple check boxes to generate a dashboard report on the basis of these selected check boxes.
    Report only show the selected measures how I can do that in OBIEE
    Actually I want to generate graph on the basis of selected measures.
    I have created all columns in my report but I show the data only for selected columns when I draw the graph
    All columns’ legend are shown I want to exclude all columns that are not selected so that their legends are also not shown in graph.
    How I can do that.

    user13559093 wrote:
    Hi david,
    I read your post, the one thing i couldn't understand is about dummy column and hiding.
    you told i can a new column and hide that column, but still i could't figured it out.
    so, if possible can you explain me in more detail.
    your help is appreciated.
    Rahul@Amith, Venkat's blog is not what the user is looking for. It doesn't apply.
    Rahul, did you try what I asked? What specific part of what step did you not know what to do. My steps were detailed so I'm not sure what to "explain" unless you tell me exactly what you didn't get. If you didn't do anything and just want me to explain it again, then I say, do it first. The step-by-step instructions can be followed without "knowing what it's going to do," but when you do it, you'll see what I mean.
    Remember, this is a free forum. You are not paying me to help you so you need to show that you are doing your homework by testing what I say to do. So go back and read the post again and actually do the steps. If you don't know how to do a specifc step, then ask about that.
    This method will solve your requirement, put effort into applying it.

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