MULTIPLE UPLOAD file problem

I have a problem with multiple upload file tool.
Because my server need, in order to upload files in its folders, to be logged only with ftp user (that is unique).
Now, I need that when I upload a file its name will be stored on db table "file_name". But in order to put data in database i have tobe logged also with user that is allowed to access on mysql db.
So I understand that I should nedd to types of authentication at the same time...
I think it depends on my type of hosting that is windows, and there is not the possibility to change CHMOD, so the error when I try to upload a file is that the folder has not write permissions...
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot

Hi ascaro231,
wow, that is one bag of problems on the remote side :-(
to be logged only with ftp user
although PHP itself provides native FTP functions
(e.g. for uploading files and also changing folder & file permissions), ADDT´s file upload features don´t support this protocol
and there is not the possibility to change CHMOD
CHMOD *will* have to be supported by your host, because this is how ADDT changes folder & file permissions.
Well, to me it seems that your host doesn´t provide some very basic and truly common-standard PHP settings -- and honestly, disabling the regular PHP file upload features is ridiculous.
Any suggestions?
go for a better host -- this is just inacceptable.
Are you hosting with "Aruba" BTW ? They have both Windows and Linux hostings, and AFAIK it´s possible to switch the hosting type.
Günter Schenk
Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

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  • Again JSF upload file problem.

    I am using My Faces to upload files. There is a way to limit the size of uploaded files.
        </filter>When I try to upload bigger than 7 MB file, I receive the following log.
    2007-05-23 13:58:20,796 [http-8080-Processor24] INFO org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.MultipartRequestWrapper - user tried to upload a file that exceeded file-size limitations.
    org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase$SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because it's size exceeds allowed range
         at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.parseRequest(
         at org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.MultipartRequestWrapper.parseRequest(
         at org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.MultipartRequestWrapper.getParameter(
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    By now, OK. Here comes the problem: The behavior of application is correct after this, which I can see from the rest of my log, BUT my browser continue to say that the request is being processed and that the page continues to load, which is not true, and I can not find where is the reason.
    Do you have any idea?

    Check this code if it is useful
    REPORT  ZSRK_046                                .
    DATA : FIR_FILE(512) VALUE '\DE_Development\EP 6\Port\dept\Program Office\TEST.json'.
           END OF TP_DATA_TAB.
    DATA : WA(512).
        IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
        WA_DATA_TAB-TEXT = WA.
        CLEAR : WA_DATA_TAB, WA.

  • Uploading file problem in JSF using myfaces-extensions.jar.

    Dear All,
    I'm new to JSF and trying to upload files using myfaces-extensions-1.0.9.jar and commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar.
    I have upload.jsp and result.jsp and a bean named after press the submit button it should navigate to result.jsp and shows some info.
    My problem is that it successfully run but when submit its not working and remain same page.
    {<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="windows-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="x"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <h:form id="MyForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
    <h:messages globalOnly="true" styleClass="message"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="3" border="0" cellspacing="5">
    <h:outputLabel for="myFileId" value="File: "/>
    <x:inputFileUpload id="myFileId"
    <h:message for="myFileId"/>
    <h:outputLabel for="myParamId" value="Param: "/>
    <h:selectOneMenu id="myParamId"
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="MD5" itemValue="MD5"/>
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-1" itemValue="SHA-1"/>
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-256" itemValue="SHA-256"/>
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-384" itemValue="SHA-384"/>
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-512" itemValue="SHA-512"/>
    <h:message for="myParamId"/>
    <h:outputText value=" "/>
    <h:commandButton id = "test" value="Submit"
    <h:outputText value=" "/>
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!-- =========== FULL CONFIGURATION FILE ================================== -->
    <faces-config version="1.2"
    Can anybody there for help me whats the problem. I'm using netbeans 6.1 with bundled tomcat 6.0 and no error is shown.

    Hey All,
    I've got my solve. Now Its working.

  • Urgent !!!!!!!!!!!!!Uploading File problem

    Hi I stucked on a problem...... I want to upload file from html page....On this page I want only a upload button so that when I click on this button file will upload from my client m/c to server m/c.... I have code n all but browse button on html I want to remove this browse button n want to give the file path somewhere in the code that on html page there will only the uplod button and by click on this button file will upload from client to server.......server path already there in code.....Please do the needful  Abhishek  I m putting the code here:-  /*  NOTE: This file is a generated file. Do not modify it by hand! */  package upload;   //custom imports for FileUpload //add your custom import statements here  import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import*; import com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest; import java.util.*;   public class FileUpload extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet { protected boolean create() throws java.lang.Exception {  return true; }   public FileUpload() { // Constructor.  } private void unhandledEvent( String listenerName, String methodName, java.lang.Object event ) {  } /** * destroy Method */  public void destroy() { super.destroy(); // TODO: implement } /** * doGet Method */  protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { System.out.println("abhishek"); response.setContentType( "text/html" );  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();  out.println("<HTML>");  out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>FileUpload</TITLE></HEAD>");  out.println("<BODY>");  out.println("<H1>FileUpload</H1>");  out.println("Hello World!");  out.println(" Default Implementation From PowerJ  ");  out.println("</BODY></HTML>");   // TODO: implement } /** * doPost Method */  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();  try{ response.setContentType("text/html"); out.println("<HTML>"); out.println("<head><Title>Decoded Uploaded File</title><head>");  out.println("<body>"); out.println("<H1>UploadFile</h1>");  // path must be absolute to upload dir // This is the decoder class that extracts the parameters and transfer file // request argument = Http input stream // c:\\temp\\upload = directory to save file // 15*1024*1024 = 15mb max size file MultipartRequest multi = new MultipartRequest(request, "c:\\temp\\upload",15*1024*1024);   // Lists form parameters out.println("Params:"); Enumeration params = multi.getParameterNames(); out.println("<pre>");  while (params.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String)params.nextElement(); String value = multi.getParameter(name); out.println(name + " = " + value); }  out.println("</pre>");   // Show details of uploaded file out.println("Files:"); Enumeration files = multi.getFileNames();  out.println("<pre>"); while (files.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String)files.nextElement(); String filename = multi.getFilesystemName(name); String type = multi.getContentType(name); File f = multi.getFile(name); out.println("name: " + name); out.println("filename: " + filename); out.println("type: " + type); if (f != null) { out.println("f.toString(): " + f.toString()); out.println("f.getName(): " + f.getName()); out.println("f.exists(): " + f.exists()); out.println("f.length(): " + f.length()); out.println(); } out.println("</pre>"); }  }catch (Exception e){ out.println("<pre>"); e.printStackTrace(out); out.println("</pre>"); } out.println("</body></html>"); } /** * init Method */  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); // TODO: implement } /**************************************** * data members ****************************************/   // add your data members here }  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  UploadFile.html  <html>  <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <title>File Upload using EAS</title> </head>  <body>  <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload/FileUpload">  <b>File Upload using EAS </b>    Select file to send: <input type="file" name="name" size="30">    Your Name: <input type="input" name="yourname" size="20">     <input type="submit" value="Send File" name="submit">   </form>  </body>  </html> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  You can download the oreilly files from :- (same code is also here)

    I m putting the code again with code tags:-
    code is here
    package upload;
    //custom imports for FileUpload
    //add your custom import statements here
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest;
    import java.util.*;
    public class FileUpload extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    protected boolean create() throws java.lang.Exception
    return true;
    public FileUpload()
    { // Constructor.
    private void unhandledEvent( String listenerName, String methodName, java.lang.Object event )
    * destroy Method
    public void destroy()
    // TODO: implement
    * doGet Method
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    response.setContentType( "text/html" );
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("Hello World!");
    Default Implementation From PowerJ
    // TODO: implement
    * doPost Method
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<head><Title>Decoded Uploaded File</title><head>");
    // path must be absolute to upload dir
    // This is the decoder class that extracts the parameters and transfer file
    // request argument = Http input stream
    // c:\\temp\\upload = directory to save file
    // 15*1024*1024 = 15mb max size file
    MultipartRequest multi = new MultipartRequest(request, "c:\\temp\\upload",15*1024*1024);
    // Lists form parameters
    Enumeration params = multi.getParameterNames();
    while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
    String name = (String)params.nextElement();
    String value = multi.getParameter(name);
    out.println(name + " = " + value);
    // Show details of uploaded file
    Enumeration files = multi.getFileNames();
    while (files.hasMoreElements()) {
    String name = (String)files.nextElement();
    String filename = multi.getFilesystemName(name);
    String type = multi.getContentType(name);
    File f = multi.getFile(name);
    out.println("name: " + name);
    out.println("filename: " + filename);
    out.println("type: " + type);
    if (f != null) {
    out.println("f.toString(): " + f.toString());
    out.println("f.getName(): " + f.getName());
    out.println("f.exists(): " + f.exists());
    out.println("f.length(): " + f.length());
    }catch (Exception e){
    * init Method
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
    // TODO: implement
    * data members
    // add your data members here
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
    <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <title>File Upload using EAS</title>
    <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload/FileUpload">
    <b>File Upload using EAS </b>
    Select file to send: <input type="file" name="name" size="30">
    Your Name: <input type="input" name="yourname" size="20">
    <input type="submit" value="Send File" name="submit">

  • Upload file problems

    I have a jsp form which is used to upload file...following is the code..
    <form name='fileUploadFrm' METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action='/myServlet?prma=1&prmb=2' onSubmit="return validateForm(this);">
    <H2>Upload File <H2>
    <table class="tabledatadisplay" border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='3'>
    <tr><td>File Name/ID:</td><td> <input name='fileName' type='text'></td></tr>
    <tr><td>File Description:</td><td><input name='fileDesc' type='text'></td></tr>
    <tr><td>File:</td><td> <input name='fileContent' type='file'></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan='2'> </td></tr>
    <tr><td> </td><td><input name='attach' type='submit' value=' Upload File ' onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to upload the file.');"></td></tr>
    intially i used two hidden fields prma and didn't work so I changed the action string to include both the hidden fields...
    Now I get null values when I use the following code in myServlet
    I do get the file, i mean from the file input element
    I am using multiparser myServlet, I could able to read the contents and save it to database, but I couldn't able ot retrieve the text field and hidden field values in myServlet
    strange...can't figure out wy it is so????
    someone pls help me with this...

    Hi I am also working on the same problem and my next task is to display the contents to the browser and give him an option to either only open the document or save it to hard disk. I am doing it through setting the response.setContentType(content-disposition, attachment, filename") but it does not display the contents, it shows the dialog box but not the contents. please help me if u can...i m sending u some helping code..
    PreparedStatement preparedStatement2 =
    conn.prepareStatement("SELECT content,filename FROM tab_file );
    ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement2.executeQuery();
    Blob blob = resultSet.getBlob(1);
    byte [] b = blob.getBytes(1, length );
    ServletOutputStream servletOut = response.getOutputStream();

  • Visual Web JSF Portlet Upload file Problem in Websynergy

    I am using Websynergy milestone 3 release. I have tried to build AS A PORTLET the sample code, "Uploading Files in NetBeans Visual Web JSF Applications" ( using netbeans 6.5. The solution deploys successfully but unfortunately, the file Upload control does not work in the websynergy portlet environment. No file seems to be uploaded. The same code works very well in non-portlet environment. Is there a work-around for the Portlet environment?
    Looking forward to some help!

    I am using Websynergy milestone 3 release. I have tried to build AS A PORTLET the sample code, "Uploading Files in NetBeans Visual Web JSF Applications" ( using netbeans 6.5. The solution deploys successfully but unfortunately, the file Upload control does not work in the websynergy portlet environment. No file seems to be uploaded. The same code works very well in non-portlet environment. Is there a work-around for the Portlet environment?
    Looking forward to some help!

  • Uploading files problem.

    I have got a confusion in uploading files from user machine.
    we use <input type='file' name='fileName'/> tag for that.
    now at server side how we get the file:
    request.getParameter('fileName'); ?
    if yes then:
    but getParameter function returns a string, and a file data (eg image file) can't represented as a string.
    if no then:
    what function of request object we should use for that purpose.
    Now my second query is I have to get the size of the image, how will I be doing that.
    Please help me in this context.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Uploading file is a special request of HTTP.
    You have to handle the request a different way.
    Check on the JSP / Servlet forum for more information.
    Sebastien Degardin

  • Multiple Upload Image Problem - Resize GIF files

    The Multiple Image Upload script seems to handle .jpg images without problems.
    However, .gif files return the error:
    "Error converting image (image resize). Image processing library not available or does not support operation. (imagemagick library is not working or not found)."
    The problem is caused by the fact that script that I'm using tries to pass a parameter that is not valid for gif processing:
    myimage.gif' '-quality' '80'
    The "quality" parameter works only for jpeg and .png files as described here:
    Please ensure that the script makes difference between .gif and .jpeg files and use the correct parameters so we can resize the images properly.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Marcio,
    Can you tell me the inconveniance of using GD instead of Imagemagick, or its, shortly similar?
    sorry, but never worked with ImageMagick so far, so I can´t compare
    The "quality" parameter works only for jpeg and .png files as described here
    yeah, it seems that this is a small bug in ADDT´s "includes/common/lib/image/KT_Image.class.php" file. Was just checking the code in there, and indeed it adds this extra parameter regardless the image type -- but I do have an idea how this file can be modified to not use this parameter if the file in question has the suffix ".gif".
    If you feel a little adventurous, I´ll happily invite you to modify some code in this file -- please let me know if you´re ready for some instructions. However, if so, please make a backup of this file first...
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • "Your Mac OSX startup disk has no more space available for application memory" - uploading files problem

    Hi everyone,
    I'm running a late-2012 27 inch iMac - 3.4GHz Intel Core i7, 32GB 1600 MHz DDR3 with the 3TB fusion drive, OS 10.8.4. At present there is 1.92TB of available storage.
    I have received this message "Your Mac OSX startup disk has no more space available for application memory" just before a full on crash multiple times in the past couple of days whilst using WeTransfer to send over some large files (500MB+). The applications I have had open at the time have been: Activity Monitor, App Store, Firefox, and Finder. Over the course of uploading the files, the active system memory has gone from 1.04GB and steadily increased until it more or less maxes out around 29GB, at which point the Page Outs rocket up to around 40GB/s and the swap memory fills up pretty quickly until the computer basically can't take any more and blacks out.
    This is a pretty new thing, haven't really had an issues before. My main software used: Sibelius 7 & Logic Pro X. I've also recently started working with Final Cut Pro X, which seems to have been struggling at points. I've tried closing everything, restarting the computer and not opening anything (specifically NOT FCPX) before attempting an upload. I've even gone so far as to remove FCPX from my system, and yet the problem is still recurring. Both "kernal_task" and "WindowServer" have been running high on CPU when these problems have occurred.
    Does anyone know what might be the issue and how it could possibly be resolved?
    Really appreciate any help, I'm in the middle of a fairly sizeable project and the deadlines are just around the corner.

    There is excessive swapping of data between physical memory and virtual memory. That can happen for two reasons:
    You have a long-running process with a memory leak (i.e., a bug), or
    You don't have enough memory installed for your usage pattern.
    Tracking down a memory leak can be difficult, and it may come down to a process of elimination.
    When you notice the swap activity, open the Activity Monitor application and select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar, if not already selected. Click the heading of the Real Mem column in the process table twice to sort the table with the highest value at the top. If you don't see that column, select
    View ▹ Columns ▹ Real Memory
    from the menu bar.
    If one process (excluding "kernel_task") is using much more memory than all the others, that could be an indication of a leak. A better indication would be a process that continually grabs more and more real memory over time without ever releasing it. Here is an example of how it's done.
    The process named "Safari Web Content" renders web pages for Safari and other applications. It uses a lot of memory and may leak if certain Safari extensions or third-party web plugins are installed. Consider it a prime suspect.
    If you don't have an obvious memory leak, your options are to install more memory (if possible) or to run fewer programs simultaneously.
    The next suggestion is only for users familiar with the shell. For a more precise, but potentially misleading, test, run the following command: 
    sudo leaks -nocontext -nostacks process | grep total
    where process is the name of a process you suspect of leaking memory. Almost every process will leak some memory; the question is how much, and especially how much the leak increases with time. I can’t be more specific. See the leaks(1) man page and the Apple developer documentation for details.

  • Tricky upload file problem

    I have created a page to allow people to upload a file, OR
    just insert the url of the file. I am getting errors when I choose
    the option not upload the file.
    The first page has two input fields, one is text and the
    other is file - they both go to the same page. And I use
    enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form header.
    The second page checks to see if the form variable containing
    the file name exists - if it does, it loads the file. If not, then
    it just uses the url supplied in the text field.
    I can upload a file ok, but when I don't want to upload a
    file, and just enter the url, it comes back with an error. Is what
    I am trying to do possible, or do I need two different forms with
    two different destination pages??

    Originally posted by:
    I have created a page to allow people to upload a file, OR
    just insert the url of the file. I am getting errors when I choose
    the option not upload the file.
    The first page has two input fields, one is text and the
    other is file - they both go to the same page. And I use
    enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form header.
    The second page checks to see if the form variable containing
    the file name exists - if it does, it loads the file. If not, then
    it just uses the url supplied in the text field.
    I can upload a file ok, but when I don't want to upload a
    file, and just enter the url, it comes back with an error. Is what
    I am trying to do possible, or do I need two different forms with
    two different destination pages??
    Assuming you are doing as you have actually indicated, you
    pretty much figured out the problem already, but I'm not certain
    you realize it.
    With the exception of checkboxes (
    and some weird radio button configs) all form fields
    exist whether they are blank or not.
    What you should be doing on your action page is checking to
    if the fields are blank,
    not whether they exist. Make sure you use the TRIM function
    when you do this as well so it's not possible for people to submit
    the field with just a space in it.
    <CFIF TRIM(fileformfield) NEQ "">
    do action for file upload
    <CFIF TRIM(urlformfield) NEQ "">
    do action for url addition
    You could use a CFELSE in there, but I prefer to test for
    either possibility since (
    theoretically) the form fields could be submitted with
    blanks in each of them. Also, (theoretically) they could submit the
    form with both fields completed, so then you may also want to
    incorporate some cross-testing so that if both are filled out, you
    either choose one as the default, or you send an error back to the
    user to choose one or the other.

  • BT Cloud - Uploading Files - Problem

    I just wish to upload and share files using BT Cloud but cannot figure out how it works - which is surprising as I've been in the IT industry for more years than I care to remember - so I don't know how non IT professionals think of it all. I have watched the video on Youtube - it shows an add files button to click and add files. I am not seeing such a button on the screen in front of me - only an "Add to BT Cloud Sync". Can you please advise. If BT Cloud is purely designed for back-up purposes it is not what I am looking for,

    Ken2310 wrote:
    Yes I understand all that Ribblelancs.  Thanks for the reply though, see me other response.  
    The sharing by email appears to work, using Outlook as a client. I receive similar mails from web mail users overseas which provide links to a website (not BT), showing family photos, videos etc.
    However, I would not use BT Cloud to link to masses of files: it's a matter of personal choice.
    There may be a security problem if you try to send links to exe files.
    Note that the link as sent is https, which the recipient could add to browser favourites.
    Re BT Cloud Help / Instructions.
    It may be that the links to Help are outdated when accessed from within the application. If you go to Help from within the BT Help pages, the results refer to the latest version of BT Cloud.

  • Webutil upload file problem

    I use webutil_file_transfer.Client_To_AS_With_Progress(
    ,'Upload to Application Server in progress'
    ,'Please wait'
    but I can't upload the file it always returns boolean false

    Since you are uploading to the server, the Forms user account must have privileges to write files on the server. This is the most common cause of a failed upload. Double-check with your system admins and make sure the Forms user account has sufficient privs.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

  • Upload file problem

    i am using struts.....
    i want to upload a file from client to server......but i am using enctype="multipart/form-data" in my prompt out a err message
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.entertainment.system.EntertainmentFilter.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    please help.....thank you

    at com.entertainment.system.EntertainmentFilter.doFilter( is your own filter I'm assuming and line 70 of that filter is causing your exception. So check out that line to see what the offending code is.
    I'm guessing that line does something with a parameter you retrieved, which is most likely null. A multipart form requires an API that can parse a multipart request, you cannot get file uploads (or other multipart fields) using the HttpServletRequest. I suggest you try out Apache commons FileUpload.

  • Safari Upload file dialog box lets me click links and buttons on parent window.

    Safari Upload file dialog box lets me click links and buttons on parent window. I can even click Choose file button and open multiple Upload File dialog boxes. How can I show Upload file dialog box as modal?
    Operating system: Windows 7 and Windows XP.

    Safari Upload file dialog box lets me click links and buttons on parent window. I can even click Choose file button and open multiple Upload File dialog boxes. How can I show Upload file dialog box as modal?
    Operating system: Windows 7 and Windows XP.

  • Multiple Domain files, Multiple Sites, Publishing Problems

    I am frustrated beyond belief. I'm an old hand-coder, coming from BBEdit, but I've been using iWeb almost exclusively since its release, because it really is a great product for quick, easy, stylish designs.
    However.... In that year, my collection of sites has grown to 12. Discovering that iWeb becomes a major dog when dealing with that much material, I found and followed the instructions - today - to separate my sites into individual domain files, and edit them individually. iWeb is much snappier and publishing goes much more quickly.
    The problem? Well... after editing, "Publish to .Mac" rarely works. Only "Publish All to .Mac" will get the site online (something about an error with the index.html file). But "Publish All to .Mac", I've just discovered, DELETES the other websites that I have previous published. All day I've been doing updates and publishing my sites, only to discover that the uploads have all been wiped out by the most recent one!
    I'm a big enough fellow to admit that my knowledge isn't total nor perfect - so please, would someone out there with a better handle on iWeb than I (preferably someone who actually deals with multiple domain files rather than someone who thinks they can guess the problem) please clue me into how we make use of this program non-destructively?
    I suppose I could always publish everything to folders and upload it to my iDisk (which itself remains ridiculously slow after how many years now? Sheesh!), but that detracts from the elegance of the .Mac integration, the counter features, - not to mention the little fact that I'm a paying .Mac customer and this darn thing should just work, no?

    I was where you were also. You should give iWebSites a try. It's to iWeb what iPhoto Library Manager is to iPhoto.
    I use iWebSites to manage multiple sites.. It lets me create multiple sites and multiple domain files.
    If you have multiple sites in one domain file here's the workflow I used to split them into individual site files with iWebSites. Be sure to make a backup copy of your Domain.sites files before starting the splitting process.
    This lets me edit several sites and only republish the one I want. Just remember to put a copy of your current Domain.sites file somewhere else on your HD in case the splitting gets messed up. It went very smoothly for me and I now manage 19 or so sites.
    Do you Twango?

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