Multiple values from database on a single text item

i am trying to do the following
on a single text item in a form
(under form property pallete->records->number of items displayed is 5) run a triger "when-new-block-instance" with the following pl/sql statement
menu_item VARCHAR2(35);
select label into menu_item
from menu_options;
however, once i run the form it gives me
WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger raised unhandeled exception ORA-01422
however, if in the pl/sql statement contains only
execute querry;
then it works fine
The problem i beleive is the fact that the first querry retreives multiple values or recordset instead of A record.
How can i go arond this and allow the form to list all the values in this form. Eventually i will need to add conditional SQL statments and that is why just execute querry will not work.
Also, is there a way to dynamically assign a number to "number of records shown" property?
All help is very much appreciated!

Hi, Marko
I teach Forms, and I usually find a bad idea to use SQL statements directly (in particular when you can "make" Forms to do what you want).
Inside PL/SQL, a SELECT..INTO statement is supposed to select a single row, otherwise an error occurs.
If by "conditional SQL statements" you mean restricted (filtered) queries, you don't need to write SQL to do this.
You can set the DEFAULT_WHERE block property to a different value before using EXECUTE_QUERY, like:
SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY('your_block', DEFAULT_WHERE, 'where menu_id > 100');
And the answer to your second question is no, you cannot dynamically change the number of records a block is displaying.
You can limit the number of records your block queries from the database table using Maximum Records Fetched block property (available in Forms 6 and above, not sure about Forms 5). However, this will only work as expected if you set Query All Records to Yes.
Hope this helps,

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  • Retrieve multiple images from database to servlet

    Hi there,
    I try to retrieve more than one images from database to Servlet/JSP . However, I get only one images in the result set. Here is my code. Please Help .
    How do I display more than one images ( multiple rows ) from database to Servlet ?.
    When I retrieve, I got 3 rows of binary data, but I don't know how to display it on the Servlet/JSP pages.
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import com.sybase.jdbcx.*;
    public class RetrievePhoto extends HttpServlet {
    static ResultSet rs;
    static CallableStatement NGSstmt = null;
    static Connection NGScon = null;
    static SybDriver _driver = null;
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws
    ServletException, IOException {
    ServletOutputStream os = res.getOutputStream();
    String driver = ""
    String URL = "";
    String Host = "";
    String UN = ""; //assign your username here
    String PW = ""; //assign your password here
    try {
    Class c = Class.forName( driver );
    _driver = (SybDriver) c.newInstance();
    DriverManager.registerDriver( (SybDriver) _driver );
    NGScon = DriverManager.getConnection( URL + Host, UN, PW );
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    os.println( "Unable to load the Sybase JDBC driver. " + e.toString() );
    } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) {
    // Got some other type of exception. Dump it.
    os.println("Exception - java lang " + ex.getMessage() );
    String PID = req.getParameter("PID"); //passing parameters from Servlet
    try {
    String SQLcmd = "{call RET_PHOTO_BY_PID(?)}";
    NGSstmt = NGScon.prepareCall( SQLcmd );
    //execute the query
    synchronized (NGSIDBstmt)
    NGSstmt.setString(1, PID); //passing parameter to store procedure
    rs = NGSstmt.executeQuery();
    byte[] stuff = new byte[1024];
    int bytesRead = 0;
    InputStream is = null;
    // Get the first row
    while( ) {
    is = rs.getBinaryStream("PHOTO");
    for (int i=0;; i++) {
    bytesRead =;
    if ( bytesRead == -1 ) break;
    os.close(); //close outputstream
    } catch ( SQLException sqle) {
    os.println("Error in SQL2Exception" + sqle.getMessage());

    When I retrieve, I got 3 rows of binary data, but I don't know how to display it on the Servlet/JSP pages.I will pick this bit of your post, because you seemed to have several partly-overlapping questions.
    You are going about this wrong. You need to decide what your HTML will look like before you start writing servlet code. In this case you want to have something like a table, with an image in each row, right? Now what does the HTML for that look like? It's a <table> element, and so on, but what about the images? Well this is HTML, so it can't contain the binary images. It has to contains links to the images, and the browser will download the image from each of those links and put all of the downloads together into the page it displays.
    That means you can't do it all with one servlet. You need a main servlet that generates the HTML, with the <table> element and the links to the images. Probably you need some DB calls here to find out how many images you're going to have, but you don't need to get them in this servlet. You just need to generate a link for each of them.
    Then you need a second servlet that gets an image. It's going to get a single row from the DB and return the binary image you read from that row. Make sure to use "image/jpg" or whatever's appropriate instead of "text/html" in your response's content type here.
    I will leave you to carry on from here. First step is to design the HTML that your main servlet will produce; remember that the links it generates need to carry enough information for the second servlet to be able to find the right image in the DB.

  • How to get multiple values from the list

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    <%     // clicked on Select District Button
    Vector vselectedDistrict = new Vector();
    Vector vdistrictID = new Vector();
    String tmpSelectDistrict = "";
    tmpSelectDistrict = request.getParameter("bSelectDistrict");
    if(tmpSelectDistrict != null)
         // get multiple values from the list
         String[] selectedDistrict = request.getParameterValues("usrTDistrict");
         if((selectedDistrict != null) && (selectedDistrict.length != 0))
                             for(int i=0;i<selectedDistrict.length;i++)
              vdistrictID = dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
              for(int i=0;i<vdistrictID.size();i++)
                   out.println("district = " + selectedDistrict[i]);                         out.println("district ID= " + vdistrictID.get(i).toString());
    // get vdistrict from the database here......
    <select name="usrTDistrict" size="5" multiple>
    <%     for(int i = 0; i< vdistrict.size(); i++)
         <option value="<%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%>"><%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%></option>
    <input type="submit" name="bSelectDistrict" value="Select District">
    Lets say the item that i selected from the list is 'Xplace' and I clicked on the Select District button,
    what I got is this error message:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string 'Xplace' to class java.util.Vector for attribute usrTDistrict: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager
    So where is going wrong and what the message means?. Any help very much appreciated. Thanks

    These are just guesses that might hopefully steer you in directions you haven't looked in yet.
    I presume you used triangle brackets (< >) to avoid having the Jive Forum think it was the "italics" tag?
    Are you certain this: dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
    expects a Vector as its second parameter? And returns a Vector?
    I don't believe you've shown how you use the javabean, or its code? Perhaps it should be rewritten to accept an array of strings instead of a Vector?

  • Unable to access values from database in login page..

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    So Please help me.
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    <body background="a.jpg">
                        <CENTER><font size="5" face="times" color="#993300"><b>Welcome to the"<U><I>XYZ</I></U>" of ABC</font></b></CENTER></marquee>
         <form name="login_form">
              <CENTER><font size="4" face="times new roman">
              <input name="username" type="text" class="inputbox" alt="username" size="20"  />
              <input type="password" name="pwd" class="inputbox" size="20" alt="password" />
              <input type="hidden" name="option" value="login" />
              <input type="SUBMIT" name="SUBMIT" class="button" value="Submit" onClick="return check();"> </CENTER>
    try {
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:1st_login");
    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
    String query = "SELECT username, password FROM 1st_login WHERE username='";
    query += request.getParameter("username") + "' AND password='";
    query += request.getParameter("password") + "';";
    ResultSet resSum = statement.executeQuery(query);
    //change: you gotta move the pointer to the first row of the result set.;
    if (request.getParameter("username").equalsIgnoreCase(resSum.getString("username")) && request.getParameter("password").equalsIgnoreCase(resSum.getString("password")))
    //now it must connected to next page..
    <h2>You better check your username and password!</h2>
    }catch (SQLException ex ){
    System.err.println( ex);
    }catch (Exception er){
    <input type="hidden" name="op2" value="login" />
         <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="english" />
         <input type="hidden" name="return" value="/" />
         <input type="hidden" name="message" value="0" />
              <font size="2" face="arial" color="#993300">
         <p align="center"> <B>ABC &copy; PQR</B>
    and in this code i am getting following error
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    C:\Project\SRS\build\generated\src\org\apache\jsp\ cannot find symbol_
    4 errors
    C:\Project\SRS\nbproject\build-impl.xml:360: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\Project\SRS\nbproject\build-impl.xml:142: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 6 seconds)

    As long as you're unable to compile Java code, please use the 'New to Java' forum. This is really trival.
    To ease writing, debugging and maintenance, I highly recommend you to write Java code in Java classes rather than JSP files. Start learning Servlets.

  • [UIX] How To: Return multiple values from a LOV

    Hi gang
    I've been receiving a number of queries via email on how to return multiple items from a LOV using UIX thanks to earlier posts of mine on OTN. I'm unfortunately aware my previous posts on this are not that clear thanks to the nature of the forums Q&A type approach. So I thought I'd write one clear post, and then direct any queries to it from now on to save me time.
    Following is my solution to this problem. Please note it's just one method of many in skinning a cat. It's my understanding via chatting to Oracle employees that LOVs are to be changed in a future release of JDeveloper to be more like Oracle Forms LOVs, so my skinning skills may be rather bloody & crude very soon (already?).
    I'll base my example on the hr schema supplied with the standard RDBMS install.
    Say we have an UIX input-form screen to modify an employees record. The employees record has a department_id field and a fk to the departments table. Our requirement is to build a LOV for the department_id field such that we can link the employees record to any department_id in the database. In turn we want the department_name shown on the employees input form, so this must be returned via the LOV too.
    To meet this requirement follow these steps:
    1) In your ADF BC model project, create 2 EOs for employees and departments.
    2) Also in your model, create 2 VOs for the same EOs.
    3) Open your employees VO and create a new attribute DepartmentName. Check “selected in query”. In expressions type “(SELECT dept.department_name FROM departments dept WHERE dept.department_id = employees.department_id)”. Check Updateable “always”.
    4) Create a new empty UIX page in your ViewController project called editEmployees.uix.
    5) From the data control palette, drag and drop EmployeesView1 as an input-form. Notice that the new field DepartmentName is also included in the input-form.
    6) As the DepartmentName will be populated either from querying existing employees records, or via the LOV, disable the field as the user should not have the ability to edit it.
    7) Select the DepartmentId field and delete it. In the UI Model window delete the DepartmentId binding.
    8) From the data controls palette, drag and drop the DepartmentId field as a messageLovInput onto your page. Note in your application navigator a new UIX page lovWindow0.uix (or similar) has been created for you.
    9) While the lovWindow0.uix is still in italics (before you save it), rename the file to departmentsLov.uix.
    10) Back in your editEmployees.uix page, your messageLovInput source will look like the following:
        destination="lovWindow0.uix"/>Change it to be:
        partialTargets="_uixState DepartmentName"/>11) Also change your DepartmentName source to look like the following:
        disabled="true"/>12) Open your departmentsLov.uix page.
    13) In the data control palette, drag and drop the DepartmentId field of the DepartmentView1 as a LovTable into the Results area on your page.
    14) Notice in the UI Model window that the 3 binding controls have been created for you, an iterator, a range and a binding for DepartmentId.
    15) Right click on the DepartmentsLovUIModel node in the UI Model window, then create binding, display, and finally attribute. The attribute binding editor will pop up. In the select-an-iterator drop down select the DepartmentsView1Iterator. Now select DepartmentName in the attribute list and then the ok button.
    16) Note in the UI Model you now have a new binding called DCDefaultControl. Select this, and in the property palette change the Id to DepartmentName.
    17) View the LOV page’s source, and change the lovUpdate event as follows:
    <event name="lovSelect">
            <set value="${bindings.DepartmentId.inputValue}" target="${sessionScope}" property="MyAppDepartmentId" />
            <set value="${bindings.DepartmentName.inputValue}" target="${sessionScope}" property="MyAppDepartmentName" />
    </event>18) Return to editEmployees.uix source, and modify the lovUpdate event to look as follows:
    <event name="lovUpdate">
            <set value="${sessionScope.MyAppDepartmentId}" target="${bindings.DepartmentId}" property="inputValue"/>
            <set value="${sessionScope.MyAppDepartmentName}" target="${bindings.DepartmentName}" property="inputValue"/>     
    </event>That’s it. Now when you select a value in your LOV, it will return 2 (multiple!) values.
    A couple things to note:
    1) In the messageLovInput id field we don’t use the “.path” notation. This is mechanism for returning 1 value from the LOV and is useless for us.
    2) Again in the messageLovInput we supply “_uixState” as an entry in the partialTargets.
    3) We are relying on partial-page-refresh functionality to update multiple items on the screen.
    I’m not going to take the time out to explain these 3 points, but it’s worthwhile you learning more about them, especially the last 2, as a separate exercise.
    One other useful thing to do is, in your messageLovInput, include as a last entry in the partialTargets list “MessageBox”. In turn locate the messageBox control on your page (if any), and supply an id=”MessageBox”. This will allow the LOV to place any errors raised in the MessageBox and show them to the user.
    I hope this works for you :)

    Thanks Chris,
    It took me some time to find the information I needed, how to use return multiple values from a LOV popup window, then I found your post and all problems were solved. Its working perfectly, well, almost perfectly.
    Im always fighting with ADF-UIX, it never does the thing that I expect it to do, I guess its because I have a hard time letting go of the total control you have as a developer and let the framework take care of a few things.
    Anyway, I'm using your example to fill 5 fields at once, one of the fields being a messageChoice (a list with countries) with a LOV to a lookup table (id , country).
    I return the countryId from the popup LOV window, that works great, but it doesn't set the correct value in my messageChoice . I think its because its using the CountryId for the listbox index.
    So how can I select the correct value inside my messageChoice? Come to think of it, I dont realy think its LOV related...
    Can someone help me out out here?
    Kind regards

  • Selecting multiple values from a search help

    Hi Experts
    Anyone knows if it is possible to select multiple values from a search help?

    You cannot select mutiple values from search help as it is linked to inputfield and hence it will accept single value only. But at the same time, you may able to pass row of values to different inputfields.

  • Fetching values from database into a drop down box

    in my JSP page there are 3 drop down boxes for date of birth......
    what i need is i want to get the values from database into that drop down box when i access the JSP page.......
    session is there....'m getting all other values.......
    I will attach the JSP page.....
    Please help me...........
    Thanks in Advance......
    <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglib/struts-bean.tld' prefix='bean'%>
    <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglib/struts-logic.tld' prefix='logic'%>
    <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglib/dyna.tld' prefix='dyna'%>
    <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/taglib/struts-html.tld' prefix='html'%>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title><bean:message key="page_title"/></title>
    <link href="<bean:message key="context"/>/CSS/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="<bean:message key="context"/>/js/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="<bean:message key="context"/>/CSS/screen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    Membership mShip = null;
    <script language="javascript" >
    function checkDate(Form){
    var d;
    d = Form.year.value+"-"+Form.month.value+"-";
    alert("Date is:"+d);
    Form.dob.value = d;
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
         <jsp:include flush="true" page="../templates/header.jsp"/>     </td>
    <td class="menuTD">     
         <jsp:include flush="true" page="../templates/menu.jsp"/>     </td>
    <td class="sub_menuTR"> </td>
    <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td class="column" valign="top" width="170"><jsp:include flush="true" page="../templates/left_panel.jsp"/></td>
    <td valign="top" align="left">
              <dyna:message error="error" warning="warning" message="message"/>
              <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="80%" valign="top" align="left">
                   if(session != null){
                   mShip = (Membership)session.getAttribute("member");
                        <form action="updateContactDetails.dy" method="post" name="form1">
                        <input type="hidden" name="m" value="<%=request.getParameter("m")%>" />
                             <table width="100%" border="0">
                                  <td>First Name</td>
                                  <td><input name="first_name" type="text" id= "first_name" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "first_name" />" /></td>
                                  <td>Last Name </td>
                                  <td><input name="last_name" type="text" id="last_name" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "last_name" />" > </td>
                                  <td><input name="address1" type="text" id="address1" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "address1" />" ></td>
                                  <td> </td>
                                  <td><input name="address2" type="text" id="address2" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "address2" />" ></td>
                                  <td>Suburb/City </td>
                                  <td><input name="city" type="text" id="city" value= "<bean:write name = "member" property = "city" />" ></td>
                                  <td><input type="text" name="state" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "state" />" ></td>
                                  <td><input type="text" name="postcode" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "postcode" />" ></td>
                                  <td>Contact Phone</td>
                                  <td><input type="text" name="home_phone" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "home_phone" />" ></td>
                                  <td><input type="text" name="mobile" value = "<bean:write name = "member" property = "mobile" />" ></td>
                                  <td>Date of birth</td>
                                  <td nowrap="nowrap"><select name="day">
    <option value="01">1</option>
    <option value="02">2</option>
    <option value="03">3</option>
    <option value="04">4</option>
    <option value="05">5</option>
    <option value="06">6</option>
    <option value="07">7</option>
    <option value="08">8</option>
    <option value="09">9</option>
    <option value="10">10</option>
    <option value="11">11</option>
    <option value="12">12</option>
    <option value="13">13</option>
    <option value="14">14</option>
    <option value="15">15</option>
    <option value="16">16</option>
    <option value="17">17</option>
    <option value="18">18</option>
    <option value="19">19</option>
    <option value="20">20</option>
    <option value="21">21</option>
    <option value="22">22</option>
    <option value="23">23</option>
    <option value="24">24</option>
    <option value="25">25</option>
    <option value="26">26</option>
    <option value="27">27</option>
    <option value="28">28</option>
    <option value="29">29</option>
    <option value="30">30</option>
    <option value="31">31</option>
                                  <select name="month">
                                       <option value="01">January</option>
                                       <option value="02">February</option>
                                       <option value="03">March</option>
                                       <option value="04">April</option>
                                       <option value="05">May</option>
                                       <option value="06">June</option>
                                       <option value="07">July</option>
                                       <option value="08">August</option>
                                       <option value="09">September</option>
                                       <option value="10">October</option>
                                       <option value="11">November</option>
                                       <option value="12">Decembber</option>
                                       <select name="year" onChange = "checkDate(this.form);" >
                                       <option value="1957">1957</option>
                                       <option value="1956">1956</option>
                                       <option value="1955">1955</option>
                                       <option value="1954">1954</option>
                                       <option value="1955">1955</option>
                                       <option value="1956">1956</option>
                                       <option value="1957">1957</option>
                                       <option value="1958">1958</option>
                                       <option value="1959">1959</option>
                                       <option value="1960">1960</option>
                                       <option value="1961">1961</option>
                                       <option value="1962">1962</option>
                                       <option value="1963">1963</option>
                                       <option value="1964">1964</option>
                                       <option value="1965">1965</option>
                                       <option value="1966">1966</option>
                                       <option value="1967">1967</option>
                                       <option value="1968">1968</option>
                                       <option value="1969">1969</option>
                                       <option value="1970">1970</option>
                                       <option value="1971">1971</option>
                                       <option value="1972">1972</option>
                                       <option value="1973">1973</option>
                                       <option value="1974">1974</option>
                                       <option value="1975">1975</option>
                                       <option value="1976">1976</option>
                                       <option value="1977">1977</option>
                                       <option value="1978">1978</option>
                                       <option value="1979">1979</option>
                                       <option value="1980">1980</option>
                                       <option value="1981">1981</option>
                                       <option value="1982">1982</option>
                                       <option value="1983">1983</option>
                                       <option value="1984">1984</option>
                                       <option value="1985">1985</option>
                                       <option value="1986">1986</option>
                                       <option value="1987">1987</option>
                                       <option value="1988">1988</option>
                                       <option value="1989">1989</option>
                                       <option value="1990">1990</option>
                                       <option value="1991">1991</option>
                                       <option value="1992">1992</option>
                                       <option value="1993">1993</option>
                                       <option value="1994">1994</option>
                                       <option value="1995">1995</option>
                                       <option value="1996">1996</option>
                                       <option value="1997">1997</option>
                                       <option value="1998">1998</option>
                                       <option value="1999">1999</option>
                                       <option value="2000">2000</option>
                                       <option value="2001">2001</option>
                                       <option value="2002">2002</option>
                                       <option value="2003">2003</option>
                                       <option value="2004">2004</option>
                                       <option value="2005">2005</option>
                                       <option value="2006">2006</option>
                                       <option value="2007">2007</option>
                             </select ></td></tr>
                                  <td><input type="hidden" name = "dob" /> </td>
                                  <td nowrap="nowrap"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>
    <td width="40"></td>
    <td width="200" valign="top">
                   <div id="headlines">
    <jsp:include flush="true" page="../templates/profile.jsp"/>
    <td> </td>
    <td><jsp:include flush="true" page="../templates/footer.jsp"/></td>

    i think normally u will get data from databsae as objects.they are like java beans having getter and setter you create a collection of those objects like collect all the objects coming from database into an arraylist or....
    suppose you want to populate the dropdown box with say "username" from database object s, your code will look like that
    <html:select property="name">
    <html:options collection="databaseList" property="username" />
    "databaseList" is collection(say.. ArrayList) of objects you are getting from database.this dropdown will contain all the "usernames" you are getting from database.

  • How to pass multiple values from workbook to planning function ?

    I have created Planning function in Modeler and it has one parameter(Variable represents = Multiple single values).
    When executing the planning function by create planning seq. in the web template : I see value of variable store data like ...
        A.) input one value -> V1
        B.) input three values -> V1;V2;V3
    This function execute completely in web.
    However, I want to use the planning function in workbook(Excel).
    The value of variable can't input V1;V2;V3... I don't know how to pass multiple values from workbook to parameter(Multiple single values type) in planning function ?
    thank you.

    Please see the attached how to document (page no 16).
    <a href="">how to</a>
    Hope this was helpful

  • How to select multiple values from the parameters in BI Publisher report

    How to select multiple values from the parameter drop down in BI Publisher, and how to handle this mulitple values from the report sql...

    Hi kishore,
    I have used all the steps as you mentioned in your previous reply....including checking Mulitple Selection Check Box..
    Iam able to get the results when I am selecting one value..
    and also I am able to handle multiple values the in the query by using IN :Parameter, but seems when we select more than one value from the parameter drop down i think the Bi Publisher is sending the values in concatenated form something ilke
    ex: "'ACCOUNT','HR','SALES'" ,and when trying to display the parameters values in the output, its throwing the error as 'missing right paranthesis' ....on the whole do you have any solution which would handle
    1.Single selection.
    2.Multiple selection.
    3.'ALL' Values.
    4.Separating the concatenated string into individual strings and dispaly them on the output of the case of Mulitple selection.
    Concatenated String from BI Publisher:"'ACCOUNT','HR','SALES'"
    Expected Output on the report:ACCOUNT,HR,SALES
    reply to this would be much appreciated....

  • How to select multiple values from the Parameters in the concurrent program

    How to select multiple values from the Parameters defined in the concurrent program...and i believe multiple selection is not a direct feature of EBS, but is there any workaround solution to acheive mulitple selection?

    I think there's no way to do that using standard feature.
    Some workaround I use :
    1. If the number of selections are fixed, you could use multiple parameters for the same valueset. For example :
    Selection1 : <choose first selection>
    Selection2: <choose 2nd selection>
    If you don't use it then leave it empty.
    2. Use text varchar valueset and enter it manually and separate by comma (or other value) , eg : selection1,selection2,selection3....etc.

  • Return multiple values from dynamic lov in apex 3.2.1

    I need to create a dynamic lov that displays multiple values from a table and RETURNS multiple values into display only fields in a form page to be saved to the database
    For example
    dynamic list of value name SERVER
    select name || ',' || life_cycle d, name r
    from sserver
    order by 1
    This SERVER LOV is attached to the P4_SSERVER_NAME field in the form.
    However this only returns sserver. name into the P4_SSERVER_NAME field in the form. I would need to capture the life_cycle field as well and populate the P4_LIFE_CYCLE field in the form as well. How does one do this?
    I have searched this forum however could not find a thread that fit my situation. i saw that in 4.2 there is dynamic action however unable to upgrade at this moment.
    any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
    thank you

    Hi CRL,
    One method is to set the value of your P4_LIFE_CYCLE item via APEX_UTIL.set_session_state
    To do this you need to create a Page Process
    Type PL/SQL anonymous block
    Process Point On Load - Before Header
    The source for the Process might look like this: DECLARE
       l_life_cycle   VARCHAR2 (50);
       SELECT life_cycle
         INTO l_life_cycle
         FROM sserver
        WHERE :p4_sserver_name =;
       APEX_UTIL.set_session_state ('P4_LIFE_CYCLE', l_life_cycle);

  • Selecting Multiples Values from Multiselect Box

    Here is my requirement ,
    Multiselect List Box should display Simulator_Type Values
    Simulator_Type Values           Values to search for in the column simulator type
    AC - small signal                              AC
    HB - Carrier                                    HB
    SP - Linear Noise                            SP - L
    SP - s parameters                           SP - s
    TR - Transient                               TR
    DC - operational point                     DC
    ET - Envelope Transient                  ET
    SSNA                                           SSNA
    [nothing]                                      nilDepending on the values selected in the multiselect values the data has to be dipayed where the value is in the simulator type column
    For Eg : AC - small signal is selected in the :p1_simulator_type multiselect box, The data where the word AC is in simulator_type column should display
    Examples of data in the simulator_Type column:
    ac, dcOp, Periodic Steady-pss
    AC - small signal
    AC Small Signal, Operating Point, Periodic Steady
    AC - small signal, SSNA
    DC - operational point
    ET - Envelope Transient
    So , here if i select AC - small signal from the multiselect list box , then the data where "AC" is there in simulator_type has to be displayed , in this case the data associated with
    ac, dcOp, Periodic Steady-pss
    AC - small signal
    AC Small Signal, Operating Point, Periodic Steady
    AC - small signal, SSNA
    has to be displayed...
    currently i have the report query below which is working but only when one simulator type is selected ....
    * from   DW_RFA_JOBDATA
    and RFA_SUBMIT_TIME < :P1_END_DATE    
    AND RFA_SIMULATOR_TYPE like '%'||:P1_SIMULATOR_TYPE||'%'Could any body please let me know how do i get data when multiple values are selected...
    Please let me know any further explanation is needed for the question
    Thank you
    Edited by: priyapinky on May 5, 2010 9:26 PM
    Edited by: priyapinky on May 5, 2010 9:54 PM
    Edited by: priyapinky on May 6, 2010 8:48 AM

    It seems to me like you don’t really understand how multi select items work in APEX. This type of items (we are talking about multi-select list, checkbox and the shuttle item) don’t really returned multiple values. They returned a single value that contains multiple segments, each include one valid option. By default, each segment is delimited with a colon (:). In your case it means that if you chose two values from your static LOV, the returned value will look similar to “HB:DC” (or any other combination of options). Now you need to work with this value.
    The way your RFA_SIMULATOR_TYPE column build, you can’t really work with the multi-select value, as you’ll never find a match to it, as this is actually an artificial value that only exist as a result of your multi-select.
    Regarding the new query you are trying, you wrote yourself that “i am getting the data with all the simulator_type select”, and that is correct. Where in this query you are using your filter (:P1_SIMULATOR_TYPE)? This is not the way to go.
    You need to break the compound value returned by your multi-select items, and work individually with each segment. You can do that in two ways. The simple one, as I already suggested, is to add another column that will contain only the code describing the simulator (similar to the returned value of the static LOV). In this case, using the instr() function you are checking if the column value is included in your filter (it’s a revered angle – you are actually checking if the single column value is included in your filter and not if the filter included in your column).
    The second option is a bit more complicated and it involves slicing the filter itself and dynamically build your query, using the “SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query)” report option. In this case we are going to use the APEX built-in function APEX_UTIL.STRING_TO_TABLE(). The following is a very simple code example that you’ll need to adapt to your scenario:
      q      varchar2(4000);
      q := 'select * from emp where ';
      filter := apex_util.string_to_table('10:20');
      for i in 1..filter.count loop
        if i = 1 then
          q := q || 'deptno = ' || filter(i);
          q := q || 'or deptno = ' || filter(i);
        end if;
      end loop;
      return q;
    end;In your case the parameter for the string_to_table is your filter item, and you can use LIKE as your comparison operator.
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Forthcoming book about APEX: Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Returning sql statement instead of values from database

    hi am reading value from database but my problem is am get sql statement values instead of values in database
    my code is

    There is no doubt: you get what you want:
        return s_getValue;

  • How to get string value from database table using Visual Studio 2005?

    Im developing plugin in illustrator cs3 using visual studio 2005. I need to get the values eneterd in database. Im able to get the integer values. But while getting string values it is returning empty value.
    Im using the below code to get the values from database table
    bool Table::Get(char* FieldName,int& FieldValue)
            _variant_t  vtValue;
            vtValue = m_Rec->Fields->GetItem(FieldName)->GetValue();
        return 1;
    Im using the below code to get the values.
    AIErr getProjects()
        char buf[5000];
        int i;   
        std::string  catName;
        Database db;
        Table tbl;
        errno_t err;
        err = fopen(&file,"c:\\DBResult.txt","w");
        fprintf(file, "Before Connection Established\n");
        //MessageBox(NULL,CnnStr,"Connection String",0);
            fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
        fprintf(file, "After Connection Established\n");
    if(!db.Execute("select ProjectID,ProjectName from projectsample",tbl))
            fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
        int ProjectID;
        int UserID;
        int ProjectTitle;
        char ProjectName[ProjectNameSize];
            int j=0;
                fprintf(file,"Project ID: %d ",ProjectID);
                ProjectInfo[ProjectArrCnt].ProjectID = ProjectID;
                //MessageBox(NULL, buf,"f ID", 0);
                fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
                fprintf(file,"ProjectTitle: %s\n",ProjectName);
                fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
            //MessageBox(NULL, "While", "WIN API Test",0);
        //MessageBox(NULL, ProjectInfo[i].ProjectName.c_str(),"f Name", 0);
        fprintf(file, "Connection closed\n");
            //MessageBox(NULL,buf,"Proj ID",0);
            //MessageBox(NULL,ProjectInfo[i].ProjectName.c_str(),"Project Name",0);
        return 0;
    In the above code im geeting project D which is an integer value. But not able to get the project name.
    Please some one guide me.

    As I said in the other thread, this really isn't the place to ask questions about a database API unrelated to the Illustrator SDK. You're far more like to find people familliar with your problem on a forum that is dedicated to answering those kinds of questions instead.

  • How to select multiple values from a listbox

    I have a list box on my UI which is not allowing me to select multiple values
    I want to use multi select list box .. When i go to source of UI component and change that to select many listbox my page is not rendering it is giving error
    When i drag & drop the component i am unable to drop it as a multi select list box that option is not coming.
    I am working on Jdev and I am using ADF/BC components
    How to select multiple values from a listbox ?

    I want to use multi select list box .. When i go to source of UI component and change that to select many listbox my page is not rendering it is giving errorank
    And what is the error ?

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