Multiple web-services

How can we create BPM using more than one web-service

Yes, you can do this. Basically, you are creating two web services which
use same backend SLSB. Web service takes care of one-way invocation part.
"Radhe" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:3f2040f6$[email protected]..
I need to implment 2 webservices, one Sync and another Async.
Right now I am thinking of having 2 SLSB to implement two web servives.
Is it possible to implment to implment both the services using the sameState
Less session Bean (SLSB).
For example call one method for Sync Service and another for Async Servicewithin
the same SLSB.

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    System.setProperty("", keyStoreType);
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    Hi  ,
    No, due to the issue is happening only on one computer.
    The error "(401) Unauthorized" usually indicates that the connection has been established but the permission check fails.  InfoPath Form Services uses the application pool identity of the web
    application to connect to resources.
    Does the account  which login the computer have permission to connect to User Profile Service Application?
    For a workaround, you can go to IIS Manager , set the User Profile Application Pool to Anonymous Access and try again.
    Also you can have a look at the blog:
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    For this purpose OWSM allows you to use Template Policy Pipelines.
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    But I have to agree with you here: the templating functions are rough on the edges, e.g. limited editing capabilities.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards, Sjoerd

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    Yeah I totally agree, It's like someone giving you a bunch of new appliances for your home but then telling you that your not going to have any electricity.  This product is pretty much usless to me now.
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    Thanks for the prompt reply.
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    Collaxa, Inc.

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    --web service                                                                                                                                                                           

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  • Launch multiple web services with 1 click

    Hi all,
    I am looking into an extension of our ApEx solution. Current situation:
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    Hi all,
    I am looking into an extension of our ApEx solution. Current situation:
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    Thanks in advance,
    Han Dao

    If you are querying for Name, PhoneNumber, and SSN, and you queried for all people with a phone number that started with 867, you would have a potentially long list of people.  So to keep track of all of the people, we store each record in XML complex elements.  The root node is just any name you want, and the repeating element is the complex element name. 
    So using the example from above, I'm going to specify the following:
         Root Node: Result
         Repeating Element: Person
    So now when I do a query, my resultXML will look like:
    If your query returned multiple results (like ours would probably), it would look like:
    So Result and Person is just to give a little bit of structure to the xml result (containers really).  So you can name them whatever is helpful for you.
    The column name mappings map the query columns (Name, PhoneNumber, SSN) to some node in the XML (Name, PhoneNumber, SSN).  So you don't need to specify which field maps to what in the form.  Just copy the column names to the element name so you have a 1-to-1 naming.  If you want to manipulate the XML a bit though, you could do:
    Column Name               Element
    Name                            YourName
    PhoneNumber                Phone
    SSN                              Secret
    which would then make your xml look like:
    It lets you change the XML element names to whatever you want. Otherwise by default they take on their column names.
    In your form, you could bind to the WSDL through the Data Connections pane and point it to your web service.  This will then create form elements that you can just drag and drop allowing you to have the information available when the service gets ran.  Once the service is called, you can modify the field's data to get whatever information you need in order to populate other form fields. 
    If that is too confusing, feel free to send me your form (e-mail is on profile page) and I'll add comments to it to show you how to set up the form for the web service call (and also give me the link to your webservice)

  • Implementing Multiple Web Service operations

    Currently using JCAPS Supposedly there is a way to implement a web service with multiple operations without using bpel. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this except by creating multiple WSDLs, each having one operation which invokes one jcd. Is there a way to do this with one WSDL?

    when you import a WSDL, you have to export the XSD nodes to an OTD in order to use them in a WebService Collabale JCD. With this JCD you create your own operation.
    Normally you have a Request and Reply element in your WSDL.
    I think you can define more of these "operations" in your WSDL which you can export to XSD nodes and then use in separate JCDs (= operation).
    You can handle only 1 operation per WebService collable JCD.
    Hope this helps some.

  • Multiple web services on single server causing object undefined errors

    I've currently got a bit of a strange problem within a web service that is proving difficult to debug.
    There are the web service urls :                -> /var/www/html/            -> CF mapping to MYSERVICE          -> /var/www/html/     -> CF mapping to MYSERVICE_test
    In both instances the cfcs that contain the code to be translated into a WSDL reside in /api/..., in the case of this example, /api/common.cfc.  wsargs constists simply of refreshwsdl true.
    If I call the following 2 lines ...
         obj_myservice = CreateObject('webservice','',wsargs);
         obj_myservice_test = CreateObject('webservice','',wsargs);
    I then call the same method in both, and they are successful.  When checking the "Data & Services" -> "Web Services" panel within the CF control panel, only the web service "" is listed, and not
    If I reverse the order in which the WSDL's are loaded then this switches, and gets listed under "Web Services" but does not.  In essence it appears as though for some reason the CF server overwrites one with the other.  The exact "object undefined" error is proving difficult to reproduce reliably.
    This appears to happen no matter which server is accessing the web service, be it the same server or a remote server.  All servers involved are running CF8.  Accessing the 2 WSDL files in a browser results in the 2 WSDLs being rendered correctly with different namespace values.
    On the same server are 2 more services
    These reside in the /api2 directories on the same 2 subdomains, api. and testapi.   MYSERVICE2 and MYSERVICE2_test appear to conflict with each other.  MYSERVICE and MYSERVICE_test appear to conflict with each other.  MYSERVICE and MYSERVICE2 do not appear to conflict with each other.
    Is there a configuration change or anything like that which I should be aware of that would prevent me doing the above?  The 2 /api/ directories are nearly identical with the exception that the namespace and complex type names have been set to & MYSERVICE in the first, and & MYSERVICE_test in the second url.
    I have also tried mapping /MYSERVICE and /MYSERVICE_test within /opt/coldfusion8/WEB-INF/jrun-web.xml to no avail.
    Any help would be appreciated.  If there is any useful information that I have missed off please let me know and I'll dig it out.
    - Simon H

    As an extension to the above
    Server                Test service         "Live" service
    1 ("dev")                devtest                   devlive               http://dev(test/live)
    2 ("test")                testtest                   testlive               http://test(test/live)
    I currently have a test script (TEST1) that performs the following :
    CreateObject + call method from devlive
    CreateObject + call method from devtest
    CreateObject + call method from testtest
    The script errors on the third, when it attempts to call a method from devtest.  On the server on which this test script is running, by the end of this, there are the following 2 web services in the Coldfusion control panel :
    I have a second test script (TEST2) on a second server distinctfrom the first test script server, on which the following is performed :
    CreateObject + call method from testlive
    If I execute TEST2, then it executes fine.  If I execute TEST1 straight after, then I receive the following error on TEST1
    faultCode: {}Server.userException
    faultString: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'objectFetchReturn':  could not find deserializer for type {http://common.types.WEBSERVICE_test}details
    Where WEBSERVICE.types.common.details is a complex type (/api/types/common/details.cfc). If I then run the TEST2 script again straight after, the same error appears (with WEBSERVICE in place of WEBSERVICE_test).  If I execute TEST2 twice in a row, or TEST1 twice in a row, then the error disappears"test" server has got jrun-web.xml  edited to include the following, which "dev" does not.
    I hope that this extended explaination helps.
    Simon H

  • Issue with making multiple web service calls without ccBPM

    I have an issue -
    Sync call from ECC -> check global param if EMPTY
                                    -> if NOT EMPTY call Web service 1
                                         -> parse the return value
                                         -> call Web Service 3 ( pass the value from global param in the SOAP header to WS3)
                                         -> pass the return value back to ECC
                                   -> if EMPTY call Web Service 2
                                        -> parse the return value
                                        -> call Web Service 3 ( pass the value from WS2 in the SOAP header to WS3)
                                        -> pass the return value back to ECC
    Is it possible to design this scenario without using ccBPM? To start with, I can always read the global parameter but cannot find a way to read the response from WS1 or WS2 and pass it to WS3 without a ccBPM. Even if I use a ccBPM I still have the issue of passing the value (either global param or WS2 return val) in the SOAP Header to WS3.
    If I open a S/A bridge, all the subsequent WS calls are converted to async calls. Not sure how that will work out.
    For the last step, looks like I might have to manually build the data types without using the WSDL (XML SOAP envelope rather than a WSDL) to generate the Service Interface to prevent the Adapter from building the envelope. Is there any other way that I havent investigated?
    Any suggestions ?
    Any suggestions ? Please advice.

    I guess the indentations got messed up.
    I have an issue -
    Sync call from ECC -> check global param if EMPTY
                                   -> if NOT EMPTY call Web service 1
                                         -> parse the return value
                                         -> call Web Service 3 ( pass the value from global param in the SOAP header to WS3)
                                         -> pass the return value back to ECC
                                   -> if EMPTY call Web Service 2
                                        -> parse the return value
                                        -> call Web Service 3 ( pass the value from WS2 in the SOAP header to WS3)
                                        -> pass the return value back to ECC

  • Multiple web service calls - Split message,1 WS call for each message

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    We have to modify this design as follows,
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    Thanks in advance for all your help/ideas.

    Can you please help me out with this logic? Thanks!

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