My problem is this:
I have made a web site Muse which has a form when I edit the page in Dreamweaver to insert you to form a jQuery UI datepicker does not work.
However when I go into the source code and you remove the following scrip, if it works.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.location.protocol != 'https:') document.write('\x3Cscript src="" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
But it gives me the following alerts the previous
Maybe missing certain files on the server or be incorrect. Clean browser cache and try again. If the problem persists, contact the website administrator.
MuseJSAssert: Error calling selector function:TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'jQuery.browser.msie')
I can help someone. thank you very much

Many thanks for your interest, I understand perfectly what you mandodo me. But the erro gives you a script that inserts Muse, does not work the other script. The scritp is:
  if (document.location.protocol != 'https:') document.write('\x3Cscript src="" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
I sent the file, for your review.
if(typeof Muse == "undefined") window.Muse = {}; window.Muse.assets = {"required":["jquery-1.8.3.min.js", "museutils.js", "", "jquery.musemenu.js", "webpro.js", "musewpslideshow.js", "jquery.museoverlay.js", "touchswipe.js", "museredirect.js", "inicio-sin.css"], "outOfDate":[]};
Muse.Redirect.redirect('desktop', '', 'phone/inicio-sin.html', '');
document.documentElement.className += ' js';
       !images/logo_cabe.png|id=u1564_img|height=161|alt=|width=400|class=block|src=images/logo_c abe.png!
Localización y Contacto
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Asunto / Motivo de la consulta:
La clínica es un espacio amplio, moderno y funcional dividido en varias zonas para una correcta distribución y comodidad para nuestros pacientes y los profesionales
Nuestro compromiso es ofrecer a nuestros pacientes, nuevos servicios utilizando los más avanzados recursos. Esto nos obliga a evolucionar constantemente tanto en formación como en la utilización de nuevas técnicas y aparatología a disposición del paciente buscando su bienestar y las mejores soluciones.
Síguenos en
        !images/facebooklogo.png|id=u4921_img|height=40|alt=|width=40|class=block|src=images/faceb ooklogo.png!
Calle Rosario Márquez, nº 43
13412 Chillón - Ciudad Real
926 719 348
Localización y Contacto
if (document.location.protocol != 'https:') document.write('\x3Cscript src="" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
window.jQuery || document.write('\x3Cscript src="scripts/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
   $(document).ready(function() { try {
(function(){var a={},b=function(a){if(a.match(/rgb/))return a=a.replace(/\s/g,"").match(/()/gi)[0].split(","),(parseInt(a[0])<<16)(parseInt(a[1])<<8)parseInt(a[2]);if(a.match(/\#/))return parseInt(a.substr(1),16);return 0};(function(){$('link[type="text/css"]').each(function(){var b=($(this).attr("href")||"").match(/\/?css\/(\.css)\?(\d)/);b&&b[1]&&b[2]&&(a[b[1]]=b[2])})})();(function(){$("body").append('
for(var c=$(".version"),d=0;d<Muse.assets.required.length;){var f=Muse.assets.required[d],g=f.match(/()\.(\w)$/),k=g&&g[1]?g[1]:null,g=g&&g[2]?g[2]:null;switch(g.toLowerCase()){case "css":k=k.replace(/\W/gi,"_").replace(/()/gi,"_$1");c.addClass(k);var g=b(c.css("color")),h=b(c.css("background-color"));g!=0||h!=0?(Muse.assets.required.splic e(d,1),"undefined"!=typeof a[f]&&(g!=a[f]>>>24||h!=(a[f]&16777215))&&Muse.assets.outOfDate.push(f)):d++;c.removeClas s(k);break;case "js":k.match(/jquery-[\d\.]+/gi)&&
typeof $!="undefined"?Muse.assets.required.splice(d,1):d+;break;default:throw Error("Unsupported file type: "g);}}c.remove();if(Muse.assets.outOfDate.length||Muse.assets.required.length)c="Puede que determinados archivos falten en el servidor o sean incorrectos. Limpie la cache del navegador e inténtelo de nuevo. Si el problema persiste, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sitio web.",(d=location&& bug/gi))&&Muse.assets.outOfDate.length&&(c="\nOut of date: "Muse.assets.outOfDate.join(",")),d&&Muse.assets.required.length&&(c="\nMissing: "Muse.assets.required.join(",")),alert(c)})()})();
/* body */
Muse.Utils.transformMarkupToFixBrowserProblemsPreInit();/* body */
Muse.Utils.prepHyperlinks(true);/* body */
Muse.Utils.resizeHeight()/* resize height */
Muse.Utils.initWidget('.MenuBar', function(elem) { return $(elem).museMenu(); });/* unifiedNavBar */
Muse.Utils.initWidget('#slideshowu1404', function(elem) { $(elem).data('widget', new WebPro.Widget.ContentSlideShow(elem, {autoPlay:true,displayInterval:5000,slideLinkStopsSlideShow:false,transitionStyle:'fading ',lightboxEnabled_runtime:false,shuffle:false,transitionDuration:500,enableSwipe:true,elas tic:'off',resumeAutoplay:true,resumeAutoplayInterval:5000,playOnce:false})); });/* #slideshowu1404 */
Muse.Utils.fullPage('#page');/* 100% height page */
Muse.Utils.showWidgetsWhenReady();/* body */
Muse.Utils.transformMarkupToFixBrowserProblems();/* body */
} catch(e) { if (e && 'function' == typeof e.notify) e.notify(); else'Error calling selector function:' + e); }});
Juan Carlos Navarro Rodríguez
[email protected]
Tlf. 957 32 51 97

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  • SQL Verification Problem / Muse Form Issue (Server uses MySQL muse uses SQLite) I'm in desperate need of help

           Alright well here is my issue... I have been trying to fix it on my own for the past week non stop and I have finally came to a solid conclusion as to the cause of the issue.
       I always get the error "The server has encountered an error..." in red text when anyone tries to submit a form and also when I try and test it myself. This led me to test the server / site for compatibility or issues by using the test: /scripts/form_check.php
    I got the first two checks green (pass) and the third test threw a red check meaning I was having an issue with SQL verification. This then led me to days of trying to work with my hosting provider ( trying to solve the problem and I was told that they use mySQL on their servers and that they couldn't do anything on their end to solve the issue. I read alot that we are recommended in this case to try and get our host to add the SQLite database to their server or whatever it is they would do, long story short I guess many people are able to ask their host to make SQLite work and most accept and add SQLite functionality to their servers but unfortunately my hosting provider doesn't want to do this and they said they were sorry and that I would need to either switch the script to work with mySQL or figure something else out...
       I took a lot of time building my site and I dont want to take the form out. I absolutely need it... I know many post on here saying "forms dont work, oh poop " or "adobe sucks I dont want to use business catalyst grrr" but I tried to find the source of the problem and I've successfully came to the conclusion that my issue is that my script wants to use SQLite but in order for my sites forms to work the server needs to have SQLite as well... My idea is that if I can configure the script and the site itself to use mySQL instead of SQLite the SQL verification will then not be an issue and my websites forms will function with no issues. I am curious if a member of the staff with adobe has experience with this particular issue and can help me out? or if a member of the adobe community has solved this problem? If not I am hoping that with the description I provided that someone with knowledge of mysql, sqlite or code in general could help me modify the script or write a new script that will allow the forms to work properly. I know its a long shot, I say that because this discussion is full of people who used muse in favor of dreamweaver because just like a large number of people in the muse discussion area, I'm a graphic designer, with plenty of computer experience, art and design skill and I am extremely familiar with photoshop. Muse is perfect in so many ways. In fact, like I mentioned above, I don't even have a complaint at this time about muse. I understand the form issue in this case, and I imagine in thousands of other users situations, is all just a matter of scripts and compatibility.. Its just a little issue between the SQLite scripts we are all given when we export our muse website and the SQL version our various hosting service may be using on their servers.
       Just incase I missed anything, to provide just a bit more info on the topic and myself for anyone who may be able to help:
    I can alter the text inside of the scripts easily if anyone happens to know any lines of code that easily solve this issue (making the muse contact forms, which are native to SQLite, functional on a server using mySQL)
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    If you see this text in your browser, PHP is not configured correctly on this hosting provider.
    Contact your hosting provider regarding PHP configuration for your site.
    PHP file generated by Adobe Muse CC 2014.1.6
    function formthrottle_check()
        if (!function_exists("sqlite_open"))
            return '1';
        $retCode ='5';
        if ($db = @sqlite_open('muse-throttle-db', 0666, $sqliteerror))
            $res = @sqlite_query($db, "SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='Submission_History';",  $sqliteerror);
            if ($res == null or @sqlite_num_rows($res) == 0 or @sqlite_fetch_single($res) != 1)
                $created = @sqlite_exec($db, "CREATE TABLE Submission_History (IP VARCHAR(39), Submission_Date TIMESTAMP)",  $sqliteerror);
                    @sqlite_exec($db, "INSERT INTO Submission_History (IP,Submission_Date) VALUES ('', DATETIME('now'))",  $sqliteerror);
                    $retCode = '2';
            if($retCode == '5')
                $res = @sqlite_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Submission_History;",  $sqliteerror);
                if ($res != null and @sqlite_num_rows($res) > 0 and @sqlite_fetch_single($res) > 0)
                    $retCode = '0';
                    $retCode = '3';
            $retCode = '4';
        return $retCode;
    function formthrottle_too_many_submissions($ip)
        $tooManySubmissions = false;
        if (function_exists("sqlite_open") and $db = @sqlite_open('muse-throttle-db', 0666, $sqliteerror))
            $ip = @sqlite_escape_string($ip);
            @sqlite_exec($db, "DELETE FROM Submission_History WHERE Submission_Date < DATETIME('now','-2 hours')",  $sqliteerror);
            @sqlite_exec($db, "INSERT INTO Submission_History (IP,Submission_Date) VALUES ('$ip', DATETIME('now'))",  $sqliteerror);
            $res = @sqlite_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Submission_History WHERE IP = '$ip';",  $sqliteerror);
            if (@sqlite_num_rows($res) > 0 and @sqlite_fetch_single($res) > 25)
                $tooManySubmissions = true;
        return $tooManySubmissions;

  • Muse forms not working

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    getting PHP and SQL error message.
    site hosted on Go Daddy.
    Designer, not coder.

    I see this is not answered.
    I am having the same problem. my email is at Go daddy.

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    Hey Sanjit & Brad,
    Thanks for getting back to me. So, I tried changing the address as Sanjit suggested, and yes an error message came up. But then I tested Brad's theory and looks like the form works with another email address other than that of the actual website email:( So I guess based on Brad's link I should reroute the form to the other (non-godaddy) email...or contact go-daddy to see if they can correct this? Would that be the final answer?
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    Simply choose Server Behaviours --> + --> Update Record

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    Hi Rebecca,
    By tabs do you mean the form fields? If yes, then you can simply rearrange them by repositioning the other fields using mouse.
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    You can try to use composition and then insert form in target area , where user on click to trigger can access the form but this would require to create separate forms for specific sections.
    Or you can create forms and then change action url of the form which on submission will take to different page where the user will fill out next form and so on.
    In both cases you have to create separate forms and use them like one single form.

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    The checkmarls are simple images. If you scale up the check mark or look at it in higher magnification, it of course appears blurry.
    You may want to replace the check marks by graphics of your own (perhaps scaleable SVGs)
    Select a check box, open the states panel and see the different states; change the graphics for the desired state by using the "Fill"-command in command strip on top of the application window.

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    From the official help page -
    If you want to create and style forms with Muse and then upload your site to a different web hosting service, the forms will display as you designed them, but they will not function. If you have experience working with code, you can use Muse to export your site and then open the files in an HTML editor. Update the source code of the form to make it compatible with the form processing technology used by your hosting provider before you upload the files to their server.

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    Please refer to this thread, Upload file button

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    Hi Davz,
    You can use the Muse forms on a third party host. But if you create a form in BC and embed it in Muse, you can't use it on a third party host. It can be used on BC only.

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    LOL..... No guru's or employees/staff can answer this simple question ?????
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  • The FTP server configured for this site doesn't seem to match the URL you entered. Make sure that you use the Upload to FTP Host feature in Muse to publish the site directly to the final location and that you are logging on to In-Browser Editing with the

    When i tried to login in i see that:
    The FTP server configured for this site doesn't seem to match the URL you entered. Make sure that you use the Upload to FTP Host feature in Muse to publish the site directly to the final location and that you are logging on to In-Browser Editing with the same user.
    What does it mean? What is problem?

    I have just created my First website using Muse and Its all been uploaded to my FTP server but i cant access the in browser editing which was the whole reason why i re-done the website for my client using muse
    its saying the following
    "The FTP server configured for this site doesn't seem to match the URL you entered. Make sure that you use the Upload to FTP Host feature in Muse to publish the site directly to the final location and that you are logging on to In-Browser Editing with the same user. server configured for this site doesn't seem to match the URL you entered. Make sure that you use the Upload to FTP Host feature in Muse to publish the site directly to the final location and that you are logging on to In-Browser Editing with the same user."
    Yet i Can access my website fine ""
    My ftp server responds to either the IP Address or the DNS Address
    so i am not understanding how it thinks its different. when its fully referenced
    any help would be appreciated.

  • Adobe Muse Forms and GoDaddy

    Has anyone come up with a solution for the consistent problem between Adobe Muse forms and GoDaddy hosting? I just spent an hour with GoDaddy and they said everything on their end was working. It was a script problem. I can't seem to get any answers from either Adobe or GoDaddy.

    From your description is seems clear the issue is not with the Muse generated scripts. Those are identical regardless of what e-mail address you're sending to. If sending to your personal e-mail address works, but sending to an address on the same domain as the site does not, that most likely indicates one of two things: 1) The e-mail address is not setup correctly. (I assume that's not the case and you can send to the address from other sources without issue?) 2) Or, something on the server is configured to block e-mail from being sent to addresses on the domain of the site. Some hosting providers do this by default.
    I expect this case is the latter and you have yet to reach a tech at GoDaddy who's familiar with this aspect of their e-mail processing via PHP sendMail.
    The lack of SQL is a non-issue. SQL is not required for the correct processing of your form. When available SQL is used to limit the number of form submissions that will be accepted from a single IP address (site visitor) in a short amount of time. This "throttling" is performed to limit submissions from spammer's robots. Your form will work fine regardless of whether SQL is available. If you do receive spam from your form, adding a CAPTCHA is more effective at reducing or completely eliminating spam. Another less cumbersome method for site visitor's is simply to add a required checkbox will a label of something like "I'm a human" since spammer's robots will frequently not figure out they need to check the checkbox in order to get the form to submit.
    There's nothing Muse can do to avoid a restriction on the server that prevents specific e-mail addresses from being sent to, short of providing or connecting to a completely different e-mail processing service than what's provided with your hosting. We may provide that option at some point in the future (for other reasons), but that's not an option right now.
    If GoDaddy's support continues to point at Muse when told that sending to e-mail addresses not on the site's domain works fine and sending to addresses on the site's domain does not, and also told there's absolutely no difference in the PHP code for the two cases, then send me an e-mail and we'll talk to GoDaddy together.  [email protected]

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