Muse web file lost :O

I had to reformat my computer. I lost my file from my web muse. Can I download my website published to muse?
Tuve que formatear mi ordenador. Perdí mi archivo de mi web muse. ¿Es posible descargar mi web publicada a muse?

Hi Carlos,
It is unfortunately not able to import a published site into Muse. Muse is able to open only the native .muse files.

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    Please refer to the following link Re: Embed offline-video in Muse

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    Your iWeb data is stored, not in your actual published html files, but in a file called Domain.sites which is stored in your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder. If you want to work on your site on another computer, copy this file to a thumb drive to move it around.
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    I have an Automator app on my site that will help you backup your Domain file(s). Click here to download it or visit for more info. The app will make a .zip file of your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and save it to a location of your choosing.
    Then check out Mozy for an online place to store your backups - I just found this and it seems great. They just recently released a Mac friendly version of their app - it automates the upload and encryption. You select the files you want to backup and it does the rest. You can set it to upload automatically after so many minutes of inactivity or once a day. It does it all in the background so you don't have to worry about it! 2GB of storage are free - plenty of room for most people's iWeb Domain.sites backups!
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    Hello Sanjit,
    Thank you for your reply.  My developer seems to be averting the issue for reasons I do not know?   My Web Hosting Company assures me that my website <>  is pointing to my server, however, my developer assures me that it is pointing to his server??? 
    Kind Regards,
    Tracey Armstrong
    Cell:  072-524-0058
    Email:   <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
    Website:   <>

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    You need to share your .muse file with this other person.
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    Please call into SBSC @ 1-8866-606-1866 and speak with next available engineer on this issue.

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    You may need to design the site again in older version OR may be copy and paste in place from new to old except what is new in the latest version.
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    Kind Regards,

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    If not change the default application to open PDF files to Preview.
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    HI and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    Try maintenance...
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Empty Cache. When you are done with that...
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.
    Since you are running Snow Leopard, *make sure Safari is opening in 32-bit mode, not 64.* Right or control click the Safari icon in the Applications folder, then click: Get Info In the Get Info window click the black disclosure triangle next to General so it faces down. Select 32 bit mode. Also, (in that same window) *make sure Safari is NOT running in Rosetta*.

Web pages now include a small icon or 'favicon' which is visible in the address bar and next to bookmarks. These icons take up disk space and slow Safari down. It is possible to erase the icons from your computer and start fresh. *To delete Safari's icon cache using the Finder, open your user folder, navigate to ~/Library/Safari/ and move this file "webpageIcons.db to the Trash.*
    Relaunch Safari.

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    Am I am doing something wrong?
    Help is most welcome.
    Thanks a lot!

    For the first question, what is your screen resolution and number of colors being used? Please check if you're using low screen resolution of number of colors in display settings. Increase it to the best possible. On Windows 7, calibrate your display again and check.
    For your second question, try pressing tab and Shift tab keys after modifying the numbers and switch between Width and Height until you see the changed preview. In CS6 the apply button was removed which is causing this issue. This has been noted in other forums as well.

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