Music and movies

I have updated my iPad and I can't find some of my music and movies.  How can I find them?

spotligh search
swipe down in the middle of the screen
type name of movie or song to search

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    (I think the daughter got he better end of the deal!)   I believe if you change the password and user id one of the devices it will stop that from occurring. But I'm not the one to tell you how to do it; someone like "Illaass" (Illaass seems to know how to correct / fix almost anything!) will know how if you don't. Just look for the "cat" icon.

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    If you get an error that says can't backup, try moving the existing backup file to a safe location and thry again. again. You can find the location of the backup file here:
    iPhone and iPod touch: About backups

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    But in terms of my initial query; thanks for responding. But no, this is NOT the cause of the problem. I have auto sync and sync over wifi activated, but have also selected manually manage music and videos. Plus, all of my music and videos are on my macbook, absolutely all of it, so if it my phone was syncing with my macbook everything would still be on the phone. Life would be peachy if my phone jsut copied everything that was on my macbook, but unfortuantely it keeps deleting tracks for no apparent reason.
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    If you still have the crashed Win computer, you may be able to recover your music and movies from the hard drive. If you have a friend with a hard drive USB connection kit and a PC, they should be able to help.  Otherwise, check locally for computer services that might do that for you (I think Best Buy Geek Squad may be able to help). If the drive itself is in good shape, it shouldn't be too expensive. 

  • Can I use my APT as storage for my music and movies?

    I m Using MacBook Air and APT 160
    I have three questions:
    1- Can I use my APT as storage for my music and movies I need the space in my MacBook Air? If yes please tell me how?
    2-What is the best way to pair my APT with my MacBook Air through WiFi “g” or “n” or what is the latest, which will save me time?
    3-What is the best external drive that might fit my need?

    Waleedan wrote:
    I m Using MacBook Air and APT 160
    I have three questions:
    1- Can I use my APT as storage for my music and movies I need the space in my MacBook Air? If yes please tell me how?
    No, it is not a storage solution as if you need to get the things off it you can't. If you deete things from iTunes they'll delete at the next sync. Provided you have backup copie on an external drive or CD/DVD, you could delete the actual file from the Finder leaving the database entry in iTunes - in this way you free space on the laptop but files stay on AppleTV.
    An alternative would be to change itunes Preferences (Advanced tab) not to import into the library, then for things you don't want on the Macbook Air, have them on external drive, drag and drop to itunes, sync, then disconnect drive for portable use. Again when the files aren't available they won't be deleted, unless you delete the itunes database reference.
    2-What is the best way to pair my APT with my MacBook Air through WiFi “g” or “n” or what is the latest, which will save me time?
    n is faster.
    3-What is the best external drive that might fit my need?
    Your options are basically small portable drives most of which are USB powered (though may require powered hubs if you have a hub) or larger desktop externals requiring power adapter and more space.
    For value the desktop externals give more capacity per pound/dollar, and will also have bigger capacity maximums at a given time (bigger and bigger capacity discs being developed all the time).
    Try and work out the capacity/pro
    ice point and if a portable might be useful, then you have a variety of option.
    Peronally I like Western Digital, Seagate and Freecom models, but they're all fairly good these days, and even popular brands can fail. I avoid Maxtor and IBM/Hitachi having had failures in the past, but all drives eventually fail.

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    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    Can I have access to all my imported music and movies in iTunes even though my external hard drive went bad with the acutal files, if i purchase iCloud through iTunes.

    You say "ripped" music.  That is not stored on iCloud unless you subscribe to Match.  As for iTunes Store purchases:
    Downloading (using iOS or computer) past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store - - enabled with iTunes 10.3 and newer; not all media formats are available in all countries (see: iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match Availability by Country -; apps, books (not audiobooks), music, t.v. shows, and movies (some - not all studios have permitted this).  Downloading previously purchased movies and TV shows requires iTunes 10.6 or later.  Discontinued items not available. For items not included in the iCloud list (e.g., ringtones, audiobooks), or locations or computer systems where iCloud is not (yet?) available, you only get one download per fee paid.  Apple notes it is your responsibility to back up your purchases.
    Select the iTunes Store on the left side of iTunes.
    Click on Purchased on the right side under Quick Links.
    You can re-download your available previous purchases.
    Of course if you had a backup of your files you would have been back up adn running iTunes by the time you read all this.

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    How do you transfer iTunes music and movies from an old PC to a new PC.  I have all data svaed on an external hard drive.

    This article should outline the options

  • I had to get my laptop cleaned and all my itunes music and movies are gone how do i get them back?

    i had to get my laptop cleaned and all my itunes music and movies are gone how do i get them back?

    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer for just such an occasion.
    Use your backup copy to put everything back.

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