Music Edition Biggest Market Hype Ever!

Nokia have produced so many Music Edition Handsets & there so called Music Edition phones so be taken off the market & customers should be refunded for that. Hope other Music Edition users will agree n post there opionions here so Nokia can actually work on new firmwares to rectify the problems below which i find unacceptable by Nokia.
My Findings:
Wen customers buy (Music Edition) phones they expect to get a phone with audio quality as N91 via headphones not some low quality Audio output via headsets!
Also connecting different headsets or supplied headsets with Music Edition handset the audio output is very low. N91 has 8 Equalizers & these so called Music Edition only have 5 equaliers wat da heck is dat about? Also some users here will say N91 has special audio chip, the only special audio chip is the dam speaker coz the N95 has 8 equalizers so it all firmawre patches that make difference.
Another thing is that N91 4GB edition has no audio visualizations & were as N91 8GB has & what the heck is that about?
What I fink...
In terms Music Edition means you get a phone that is great with any headsets/audio adapter & the sound quality should be like N91 & music edition phones should have the support for Bluetooth Stereo headsets & by the way it dont need no extra hardware it only needs firmware patching...
Also all the Symbian OS 9.1 Music Edition handsets should contain 8 Equalizers than the normal low quality 5 Equalisers.
Hope Nokia firmware team work on firmware for the Music Edition phones for the supporting same features as N91 8GB. that way they wont have to waste time making firmware wid limited use were as they can just use 1 firmware for Music Edition which contains same features as a REAL nokia N91 8GB.
If they can not be bothered to do that they should change there slogon to Music Edition Lite
Music Edition are Maket Hype by Nokia.. If any moderators delete me post i will take this further coz I am explaining the truth to users about Nokia Music Edition phones.
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Kudos!Nokia N96 (v20.050 / RM-247) | Competitions!

Hey 6280 , we know the things we will write here nokia officials wont read and this is made to contribute people who are having the important issue as Shayestha told, so, please contribut with us.
I would like to thank Shayestha first very much.
But hey, you have raised two or three main important things:
1. Firmware patches equally dividing to all sets by nokia to be as much same as possible to N91 is quite hard for em as they want to keep it as the flagship . But the fact is the devices (except N91) are labelled as Music Edition are having pop-ports, and to my knowledge it is almost difficult to have as much similar sound quality to nokia with the pop-port hardware connection to that direct 4 mm headphone connector, damn!.
2. You've told bout the integrated /dedicated music chip-this should be implemented on future music phones/not to produce the ------- hyped phones.
3. I guessed 5700 will be as same as N91-but damn! It has gone down to that audio quality-that is frightening.
Number 3 is infact a fact of which I am really afraid because 5700 has much more superior hardware improvements that that oif that damn-fated N91 and I'm kinda tired of that ----.
Couple of days ago, a member named waynester asked that he ripped off the CDtracks to 320 kbps and that N91 failed to play em/stopped em intermittantly-this is a HDD problem-which I faced several times which has now become an important major issue to apple ipod video buyers-they're also complaining bout it. .
So, if this is the case, I guess nokia/other music player companies should focus more on improving flash memory amount to upto 30 GB-hdd sucks

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    Fink nokia should take off music from their slogan n keep only gaming on ! u would expect nokia to make better music phone as we move into the future but instead der music build quality just keeps going down the drain. If nokia say it is EU Restriction on volume how come Sony Ericsson phones dont have EU Restriction on volume? Its nokia they dont want to make a phone that does everyting All in One so thereofre they limit things on ther handset!
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    However finally the N81/N95 8GB are only going to get 2 - 4 firmware updates & that's, it going to become dead like the N93 firmware. where expensive model widout any updates! This is marketing hype by nokia. all der doing is just misleading customers n also adding 8GB wow! on n95 u can bu MicroSD upto 32GB n dat is a wow!
    So becarefull peoples! btw me returned n81 back to vodafone.
    If you find my post useful then click on
    Kudos!Nokia N96 (v20.050 / RM-247) | Competitions!

    10-Nov-200706:02 PM
    indra_n80 wrote:
    its not hype at all.the real hype is the iphone which is actually rubbish
    Again, iPhone is not rubbish, cuz your signature says you have an iPhone without phone facility.


    Nokia have release many Music Edition Phones. Non of them stand up to the hype it's suppose to!
    Music Edition means it should have 8 Equalizers for better audio qaulity via headsets especially Nokia Music Headset HS-20! why 5 equalizers?
    All Music Edition Problems!
    - Buggy Music Player [N73 ME/N91 4GB]
    - Volume via headsets low although everything set to FULL in Equazlier & Stereo Widening Turned on.
    - 5 Equzliers? Where 8 Equalizers gone?
    ALL Music Edition users post your comments!
    its appauling what hype Nokia give! automatically when it says Music Edition it needs to be a Music Device like da N91 in audio quality. IF not it should be changed! MEL = Music Edition Lite
    Pathetic think Nokia need to upgrade firmware for all recent music edition handsets supporting 8 Equalziers & 4GB Mini-SD cards coz that is future for Music Storage.
    If you find my post useful then click on
    Kudos!Nokia N96 (v20.050 / RM-247) | Competitions!

    I'm not an owner of an N-Series Music Edition phones but i'm on the other boat the "XpressMusic".Yeah your point is good.Why offer a Music edition phone with a measly 5-band EQ? Is that the best they can offer? XpressMusic phone with a 5-band EQ? But i clearly understand them,all phones must not have same features to have a fair share market to the other phone models.
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  • About N73 Music Edition

    Hails to everyone!
    I hope this is not a boring topic to start with
    I am considering to buy an N73 Music Edition, and I wanted to learn your personal opinions about the issue.
    Would you recommend/suggest buying one? Or would you advice to go with other phone brands?
    Thanks in advance

    13-Aug-200703:47 PM
    clonmult wrote:
    13-Aug-200702:26 PM
    grayburn wrote:
    Maybe you need a firmware upgrade.
    I'm on the v4 firmware, and its still slow though.
    Menu speed has improved a little for sure, but most things are still relatively painful, especially when compared to something like a SE K800 (which uses the same darned processor, running at a similar speed, around 200mHz).
    I had the ME software on my N73 and had no problems what so ever.
    How you doing anyway mate,it's Mr G btw from Whatmobile!
    Grayburn @ & say Hello!!!
    If you appreciate ANY help from a member,then show it by clicking on the Blue Star button, cheers

  • Classical music editing (maybe a plugin?)

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    For the tracks being assembled (with all the carefully chosen regions), the nudge box in SDII and the TC Works program would show the wave for a region end (let's call it region A), a bar to represent the region end, a bar to represent the next region beginning (region B), a wave for the beginning and end of that region, a bar to represent Region B's end, a bar to represent the next region's beginning (C), and finally, the beginning of the wave for region C.
    Like this:
    A | | B | | C
    Above were pre-roll and post-roll controls.  Below were two play buttons, one for A into B, one for B into C, according to pre-post roll amounts.  The boundary bars were selectable, individually or in groups.  There was a pair of nudge buttons (left/right) with a place to enter a nudge amount setting (in milliseconds).  Pressing the button would shorten or lengthen any region by the nudge amount according to which border bars were selected.  At each border bar pair, you could select a crossfade type (equal power, X, or any combination of fast/slow in with fast/slow out) and a cross fade length (again in milliseconds).  Finally, there was a button to advance through the regions, from ABC to BCD (then CDE, etc. to the end of the track).
    With access to such a box -- and, of course, these all things that are controllable in Logic -- classical editors initially piece together a recording, but spend most of their time fine tuning the places where regions meet, with no need for mouse dragging.  In a typical 10-15 minute piece of music, there could be 50-100 regions, each ranging in length from a minute to less than a second.
    There is no program I know of that has this kind of nudge box now.  Further, what never happened, to my knowledge, was applying this kind of interface to more than a stereo track.  In the old days, classical sessions were either recording to stereo (mixed down on the spot), or mixed down before editing. Now, typically, the final mix down happens during mastering, after the edits are done.
    Is it possible for a plug in to replicate this kind of editing control in Logic Pro X, but for multiple tracks (say, applied to a track stack)?  If so, I know a LOT of people, including me, who would pay handsomely for it.  It would save us folks hours and hours of work on each project, providing an ideal workflow for this particular task.
    If anyone knows a plugin writer who might be interested in corresponding further with me on this topic, please write to me at:
    [email protected]
    If I am incorrect in anything I've said about Logic's capabilities, please let me know.  The program is deep and rich, and beyond classical music editing, I'm am very pleased with it, and just scratching the surface. In classical music editing, I can get it to do what I need it to do, but am unable to find a comfortable and efficient workflow.  I'd love some advice about this.
    Thank you very much,
    David Froom

    Hi David, although I can't provide any solutions you're not already aware of, I was wondering if you have tried to use the Junction pointer to Roll edit outgoing- versus incoming-takes?
    I've given up hope a long time ago for a stereo editor in Logic 'alla' this mastering program from TC Works. Instead of that I've adapted my workflow to suit Logic's edit capacities. And lets face it, even the clumsiest editor app outperforms razor blade/ scissor editing in now a days. I fully agree with what you are saying though! Having had my share of complex classical music editing of all sorts in Logic, withstanding scrutiny of even the most critical (british) producers, I can say that I can accomplish just about any classical music editing task in this very program. And about efficiency……..well, thats a different kind of story.
    Have a nice day!

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    27-Jul-200704:42 PM
    psychomania wrote:
    A black N95 with 8gb of memory is supposed to be in production so I'm guessing that this will be the music edition.
    And you all should know it the 8 GB of nonSDHC/HCSD standard cards are announced and will heat the markets later this year, then what is the pointof the rumor of N95 8 GB?Specially if it is targetted only to that 8 GB memory,moreover without GPS?
    And I think nokia is smart, they will make a music phone for the successor for N91, not N95.
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    So disappointed with Nokia....

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    Install pcsuite to a laptop with blutooth or desktop with bluetooth dongle. Activate the bluetooth on the phone then pair it.
    Knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted!
    If you find it helpfull, it's not hard to click the STAR..

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    I am going to buy myself a MacBook Pro in the near future and was wondering if the new Retina Display model would be worth the extra cash. I will mostly be doing photo/video/music editing.

    if you're not in a big rush - why not hold off until Adobe and Microsoft releases an update to support the Retina Screen.
    Don't get me wrong - the Macbook Retina is a good and videos look great - but when it comes to Photoshop, it's a little blurry and the fonts in Excel and Word is pretty blurry too.....I own one....
    In any event, if it's something you can live with - then by all means - go for it.....
    Otherwise - get the non Retina Macbook Pro - it's cheaper, and it's user upgradeable in both RAM and Hard Drive.
    Good luck.

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  • My nokia N-70 Music Edition Screen displayed blank...

    nokia N-70 Music Edition Screen displayed blank after few hours.After Removing battery,put again & start it becomes ok for few hours.I have already updated the Software Nokia N-70 but no advantage.
    Wht should i do?

    strange enough some of the pre-installed apps on the N70 are on the memory card and not the phone memory. which means formatting the memory card will remove everything. it's difficult to get everything back but try these :
    1- try to find what you need on the n70 support page
    check phone software.
    2- if you have the download app installed on your phone , run it and check for the app there.if not check the nokia download store.
    3- if your mamory card is not the original provided with the phone, locate your old memory card. using a computer copy and paste the following folders from the old original one to the new one:
    * resource
    * sys
    * private (copy the subdirectories only and not the whole folder)
    4- if something is still missing after all this, i guess it's gone for good
    Fear not those who argue but those who dodge


    " GALLERY : Feature not supported ! and below that there occurs a words ''Bipanda presents'' "
    i think , this is due to the malfunctioning of some softwares (photograhic tools) whish i installed on thinking so..i removed all such softwares...i cant recitify my problem yet...
    please some one help me in this regard....bye..
    Moderator note: e-mail address removed. For your own security, please do not publish personal contact information in the public boards.Message Edited by michaels on 05-Nov-2007 08:07 PM

    If you do a soft reset by *#7780#-it wont harm anything, but does a little improvement to system malfunction.
    If you have to a hard reset, then first uninstall the 3rd parties, backup contacts, messages by PC Suit, then do it by *#7370#.
    Then it will refresh the phone system and no problems off that.

  • N73 Music Edition

    I am having problem with my N73 Music Edition phone. It freezes frequently. Need to remove the battery to restart again.
    I have updated the firmware a month back but this problem remains. If we use keys quickly the freezing occurs very often.
    Firmware: V4.0736.3.2.1
    RM-133 @ Nokia N73 (08) (this is the latest till today)
    All my data are in memory card.
    Could anyone help me to identify/solve the problem.

    if you have the latest firmware installed and it's freezing up, then your only other option is taking it to a nokia care center. they may be able to resolve the problem or replace your mobile. whatever is the best solution.
    everything happens for a reason
    check out my blog @

  • N73 Music Edition A2DP Problem Inspite of FW: v4.0...

    I am using a Motorola "Snoop" S9 A2DP headset with m N73 with the latest FW :v4.0736.3.2.1 (04/09/07). The Problem I face is that whenever I listen to music when I am on the move (on my Motorcycle or Walking)the music Skips as if the Bluetooth connection is lost or being interrupted although the status lights on the headset as well as the status indicator on the Phones Screen both show that both the Headset and the Handset are connected. First i thought that the problem lies with the Headset so I tried a Sony Ericsson HBH-DS970 A2DP headset but the same problem cropped up with the same as well. So now i zeroed upon my handset so i re- Flashed it using Nokia's Software Updater, Still no resolution, So i thought this might be a hardware problem So i tried Using the Motorola Headset with a Different Handset ( My Friend's N73 music Edition with the same FW).
    In Fact both the Headsets(Motorola S9 and the Sony Ericsson HBH-DS970) work fine with an N95. I wonder if this is a design or Incompatibility flaw with the N73 Handset itself.
    Experts Please provide your valuable inputs and help me resolve this Problem.

    No answer to your problem still ?
    Have you find the solution ???
    Message Edited by antomaga on 13-May-2008 10:10 AM

  • Problems with Camera on Nokia n73 music edition

    I have a nokia n73 music edition and this is the issue
    When I slide down bac cover to open camera sometimes the I don't get image from back camera at all but only from front.
    Another this is that today I opened the camera and with the shouter I couldn't take pictures.
    I pressed it but nothing occured.
    I tried to update the software but no luck because it says that phone has newer software.
    I also when I go to the Camera through the main menu then it shows the video of front camera

    Format your memory card and try again. Remember to backup all your stuff in the memory card before formatting.
    If you still have problems, then try these options one by one:
    1. Turn off your phone and leave your battery out for 5-10min. Then, put them back in and turn on the phone.
    2. Restore factory settings: type *#7780# at the standby screen. Enter 12345 for the security code or the one you've changed it to.
    Before you try the next two steps, backup your phone memory using PC Suite.
    3. Soft reset: type *#7370#. Enter the security code when prompted
    4. Hard reset (Last resort, nothing else works): Turn off your phone, press and hold down these keys: 3, * and the call (Green) button. Turn on your phone without releasing them. Leave the keys only after you see the Nokia logo on the screen.
    If none of these work, then take it to the nearest Nokia Care Point.
    PS: There's no use posting more than once, under irrelevant threads. It'll only delay help
    5800 XpressMusic (Rock Stable) | N73 Music Edition (Never Say Die) | 1108 (Old and faithful)
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