Mutual PORT convention for series components connected to a subcircuit EM structure

there exist an example in MWO for "Axiem_Mutual Ports". given a schematic layout, you can define your edge ports for series components as mutual group. so it is pretty straightforward.
however, in some instances where you need to include an EM structure as a subcircuit in the schematic and you want to connect a component to this EM structure. the question is how do you properly set up the Mutual port group naming for your component? this is because there is nothing to connect to for the 2nd PORT of the mutual illustrative example is attached...
mutual port em.jpg ‏203 KB

Not sure what you mean.  You have 2 ports with different numbers in the EM structure.  When the EM structure is placed in a circuit schematic as a subcircuit, it should have 2 ports, even if they are de-embedded mutually in the EM structure.  Your picture looks like a circuit schematic, where the line/rectangle with the ports is set up for extraction with extraction ports (?).  If so, then all you need to do is connect the line appropriately in the schematic and layout, and then perform the extraction.

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    I saw so many port in Time_wait state to the db server in netstat. This suggests that you are not using any type of connection pooling, but instead are opening and closing connections pretty quickly, although it depends on what you mean by "many"; 10 or 100 might be a good number for a busy system, depending on your application. On some operating systems under high load, it could potentially be a problem if you are getting into many hundreds or thousands, but other issues usually drive people to using connection pools long before this issue would.
    however, I noticed on my side, there are two ports involved for each database
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    Well, if you unpack src.jar and consult the component classes you'll find how they set up their names.
    You can also call setName yourself to set a different name.
    - David

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    INST-08010: Error in validating the port range for auto port allocation. At least 3 ports should be free within the range 9500-9699 for the Weblogic Components for BI (WLS Managed Server, Managed Server SSL and NodeManager).
    Ensure that a minimum of 3 ports are free within the range 9500-9699 for auto port allocation to work correctly for the Weblogic Components for BI (WLS Managed Server, Managed Server SSL and NodeManager).
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    your hosts file have duplicate name that point to two different IP addresses.

  • INST-08010: Error in validating the port range for auto port allocation

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    Ensure that a minimum of 2 ports are free within the range 7000-7500 for auto port allocation to work correctly for the Adminserver and Adminserver SSL.
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    Ensure that a minimum of 3 consecutive ports are free within the range 9500-9699 for auto port allocation to work correctly for the OPMN, in addition to 3 free ports required for Weblogic Components for BI (WLS Managed Server, Managed Server SSL and NodeManager).
    My Operating System  below:
    Linux Red Hat 5.9 X86 64bit
    My uname -a are below:
    Linux redhat59 2.6.18-348.el5 #1 SMP Wed Nov 28 21:22:00 EST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    My /etc/hosts file are  below:
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail.   localhost.localdomain localhost redhat59
    My /etc/sysconfig/network are below:
    My /etc/sysconfig/iptables are below:
    # Generated by iptables-save v1.3.5 on Tue Dec  3 17:01:17 2013
    :INPUT ACCEPT [425:33860]
    :OUTPUT ACCEPT [307:40164]
    # Completed on Tue Dec  3 17:01:17 2013
    My ifconfig are below:
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:00:55:9B:C9
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:200216 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:95849 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:110668992 (105.5 MiB)  TX bytes:209784134 (200.0 MiB)
    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
              inet addr:  Mask:
              UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
              RX packets:109200 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:109200 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
              RX bytes:257845896 (245.9 MiB)  TX bytes:257845896 (245.9 MiB)
    my /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 are below:
    # Virtio Network Device
    Have any suggestion please?
    Many Thanks

    In set debugFlag=false or you can just remove it.
    NodeManager is a charm after that. it can take any number of ports.
    Cheers !!

  • [ERROR]:INST-08010: Error in validating the port range for auto port allocation

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    In set debugFlag=false or you can just remove it.
    NodeManager is a charm after that. it can take any number of ports.
    Cheers !!

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    Do I need to use a different port for the projector? Should I buy a video card?
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    Many thanks for all your help

    You might do better on a forum other than this one, which is "Using iPhone"

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    Dear expert,
    I want to know the standard way of mutual exclusion control
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    Do you have any recommendations?
    Fukuhara Yohei

    Hello, we raised an OSS note.
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    Open an Internet Explorer browser page.In the address bar type -
    Leave username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
    Click on "Applications and Gaming" tab and then click on "Port Range Forwarding" subtab...
    On the first line in Application box type in ABC, in the start box type in your starting port number and End box type in your end port number, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box and click on Save Settings...Make sure the start port number should be lesser than End Port...
    Provide the following IP Address on the unit where you want to play the game...
    IP Address :-, Subnet Mask :-, Default Gateway :- if this works...

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    Hi, 1. With the 2 port 10Gb iSCSI RJ45 -> Will thie negotiate down to 1Gb iSCSI connectivity? Yes 2. With 2 or 4 ports 16 Gb FC\10Gb iSCSI optical -> A customer received the "Cable,Direct Attach CU SFP+ 10G,2M". Do they have optical GBICs with fiber connections? Yes, combined FC/iSCSI SFP modulesWill this negotiate down to 1Gb speed or is that just for the RJ45 connections? Yes, will negotiate to 1Gb speed 3. Can the onboard 1Gb ports be used for storage connectivity? No, those are for storage system management only, not host IO

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    we plan to deploy several NetWeaver Components (BW, EP, HR-e-recruitment, MDM), which all need TREX. The requirements for each system are relatively small, so we think about installing one TREX-system for all components. Is this feasible, does anybody have experience with this scenario? What if on of the connected components is upgraded or another component has to be added later on?
    thanks in advance for your input

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  • How do you set up Port Forwarding for ARD 2.2 in AEB N?

    I'm a novice at Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) - not an IT guy, so it has to be pretty basic and detailed.
    How do you set up Port Forwarding for ARD 2.2 on the Apple Airport Extreme BS router, 802.11 N. I have one at each end of the internet connection. At one end I have an Airport Extreme N router with 2 macs and eventually 1 windows XP machine (if I can) that I would like to be able to connect to over the interenet (the clients) and at the other end, I have a Mac with ARD 2.2 installed also with an Airport Extreme N router. Note: Both routers use Static IP addresses and all computers use static IP's internally not through DHCP. What are the settings or directions to do this.
    I have read and printed out the directions for Configuration of ARD 3.0 that are posted many times in the ARD discusion group, but it uses a Linksys router ( posted by Dave Sawyer). The Mac router is different, particularly with the place to set a Private IP address. I'm not sure about alot of things, but especially about the Private IP address, what number do I set it to, the one that is in my Network connections list? It automatically changes to a different number in AE N setup for Port Forwarding (by one) as if it is not suppose to the same?????
    Are there any directions available that are as straight forward for the Airport Extreme N router, as the one's that are listed here for the Linksys Router's? ( )
    Any and All help will be greatly appreciated.
    P.S. I know I should have 3.0 but bought 2.2 just weeks before 3.0 came out and they would not give me an upgrade price, so I'm waiting for 4.0 to upgrade.

    Try the following for each AirPort Extreme ...
    AEBSn - Port Mapping Setup
    To setup port mapping on an 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn), either connect to the AEBSn's wireless network or temporarily connect directly, using an Ethernet cable, to one of the LAN port of the AEBSn, and then use the AirPort Utility, in Manual Setup, to make these settings:
    1. Reserve a DHCP-provided IP address for the host device.
    Internet > DHCP tab
    o On the DHCP tab, click the "+" (Add) button to enter DHCP Reservations.
    o Description: <enter the desired description of the host device>
    o Reserve address by: MAC Address
    o Click Continue.
    o MAC Address: <enter the MAC (what Apple calls Ethernet ID if you are using wired or AirPort ID if wireless) hardware address of the host computer>
    o IPv4 Address: <enter the desired IP address>
    o Click Done.
    2. Setup Port Mapping on the AEBSn.
    Advanced > Port Mapping tab
    o Click the "+" (Add) button
    o Service: <choose the appropriate service from the Service pop-up menu>
    o Public UDP Port(s): 3283
    o Public TCP Port(s): 3283
    o Private IP Address: <enter the IP address of the host server>
    o Private UDP Port(s): 3283
    o Private TCP Port(s): 3283
    o Click "Continue"
    o Click the "+" (Add) button
    o Service: <choose the appropriate service from the Service pop-up menu>
    o Public UDP Port(s):
    o Public TCP Port(s): 5900
    o Private IP Address: <enter the IP address of the host server>
    o Private UDP Port(s):
    o Private TCP Port(s): 5900
    o Click "Continue"
    o Click the "+" (Add) button
    o Service: <choose the appropriate service from the Service pop-up menu>
    o Public UDP Port(s):
    o Public TCP Port(s): 5988
    o Private IP Address: <enter the IP address of the host server>
    o Private UDP Port(s):
    o Private TCP Port(s): 5988
    o Click "Continue"
    (ref: "Well Known" TCP and UDP ports used by Apple software products)

  • I'm looking for some help connecting linksys IP Cameras to my home network to monitor my property when I'm travelling. I used to do this with linksys WAPS, but since I've discarded all my old linksys networking and standardized on airport, I can't get the

    I'm looking for some help connecting linksys IP Cameras to my home network to monitor my property when I'm travelling.  I used to do this with linksys WAPS, but since I've discarded all my old linksys networking and standardized on airport, I can't get these things working.  I know that I have to identify my camera through the DHCP table and set up port forwarding and there is the problem. 
    My network consists of 4  base stations set up in a roaming network - same network name and passwords.  I need to do it this way so I don't have to switch network when I move from one side of the house to the other, go to the cabana, or my shop in the barn.  The network works pretty well since I went to a roaming set up.  Good performance, yata, yata, yata.
    However, the roaming network requires the AEBS's to be set up in bridge mode, rather than sharing an ip address.  When the AEBS is set to  bridge mode, you don't see a DCHP table or have the ability to identify your IP Cam through the AEBS - and hence, no port forwarding. 
    I am able to identify and set up my Linksys IP Cam by locating the ip address on my FIOS router, even though, it's plugged into an AEBS.  I set it up, see the video, remove the ethernet cable from the IP Cam, restart - and I can't get to it from an AEBS.  In researching this, it appears, I should be setting up the AEBS to "share an IP Address", going to the DHCP table and identifying the camera's IP address and setting up port forwarding.  However, you don't see any of the DHCP or port forwarding options in Airport Network Utility when configuring in bridge mode. 
    I'm hoping I'm missing something here and that the solution isn't to set it up at the FIOS router level, but I'm beginning to think that's my only hope.  What concerns me there is that I should be able to see the IP cam on the network without port forwarding since I'm not coming from outside, and I can't even do this unless it's connected hard wire.
    I'd appreciate any insight into this that anyone might have.  I've hit the wall with what I know.

    In a roaming network, your "main" router is the device that would require port mapping/forwarding to be configured in order to access the IP camera from the Internet. This router is also the one that would be provide the private IP address for the camera which you will want to be a static one.
    So as you described your network, the IP cameras should be getting an IP address or you assigned it a static one and this is the address that you would enter in the Private IP address (or equivalent depending on the router used) field when setting up port mapping.
    If you are not able to access this camera from the local network, then this should be troubleshot first.

  • I have a time capsule connected directly to fiber connection. I have connected a windows server directly to TC and configured it for remote desktop connection. From my interanet I can access srvr but not from my home. What config I need on TC?

    I have a time capsule directly connected to fibre optic point out. All pcs and macs are connected wirelessly to the internet. I have connected a windows server pc to TC. When configured for Remote desktop connection, I can access windows server from within interanet but don't know how to access it from internet. I guess I need to change some settings in TC to get some ip adress for the remote desktop connection from my home. Anyone who can help me out? Appreciate it.

    I am a little lost now.. I have read again your title and your first post.. and they seem inconsistent.
    In the title you state.
    From my interanet I can access srvr but not from my home.
    Interanet is not a word I know.. I assumed intranet...are you talking about internet or intranet? And just to be clear say WAN or LAN.. !! Is your home part of the interanet??
    In the first post you state,
    I can access windows server from within interanet but don't know how to access it from internet.
    Now this is more normal.. the issue is not in the home at all, it is accessible from there but fails from internet. If this is correct, then you can do a few obvious things to determine where the problem is.
    But first I need to know are you actually testing from a different internet connection to your home lan.. you are not just trying the public IP from inside the LAN as that will fail due to the TC not doing NAT Loopback.
    I am also assuming the TC is the only router in the network, and has the public IP on the WAN interface.
    And I am also assuming you have turned on the ping responder and you can actually ping your public ip from the internet and get a response. This helps no end in figuring out where there are issues. Strange but I have no idea if there is a ping responder in the TC WAN so you might need to forward that as well. Also if you have a dynamic public ip address are you using dyndns or no-ip or some other service to connect.
    1. Test bypassing the TC.. plug the internet connection straight into the windows server,, and test if you have access. If yes, the TC is the problem.. if not, your setup on the windows server is wrong.. look at firewall in particular.
    2. Assuming from test 1 the TC is the problem, Post the screen shots of the port forwarding setup for us to look at.. that is by far the easiest way to check it out.
    There are lots of references to port forwarding in the TC.. eg
    The things that generally go wrong are firewall on the computer that is accepting the port.
    The ISP doesn't allow connections on a particular port. (not likely in your case)
    The router is behind another router.. double NAT will kill any port forward.
    Upnp has already allocated a port.. not an issue as TC doesn't use upnp although a reboot of everything after you set port forwards is well worth it.. amazing how things don't stick properly without a reboot.
    IP on the receiving device is not static and so changes.
    Not enough or right type of ports are opened. This is always messier than it looks as one port is often not enough for two way communications.

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    My ejb3.0 Entity is created from Emp table in scott/tiger schema of an Oracle 10g database. I am guessing I made some mistake creating the datasource or uploading the driver, because when I run my application, I get a long exception stack trace. The bottom-most entry in the stack trace is:
    Caused by: Error while accessing porting layer for ORACLE database via getSessionId().
         ... 90 more

    Actually, now (after the GRANT described in my reply before) the Exception has changed to:
    Caused by: Error while
    accessing porting layer for ORACLE database via
         ... 90 more

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