Mv command was deleted by mistake

Hello all,
I was in the process of renaming a bash script to "ms". However, I mistakenly typed "mv" by accident. The bash script "mv" is correctly renamed. However, the mv (move/rename) command is not longer present.  Whenever, I type "mv", I get: "-bash: mv: command not found."  What is the ideal way to re-install the move command again. Thank you.

Scimmia wrote:
jasonwryan wrote:A couple of points: one, as I mentioned above, what you described would not remove /usr/bin/mv.
I know it's not really important, but how so? If he's in /usr/bin and renames something else to "mv", it would remove the original mv AFAIK.
I hadn't even entertained the idea that someone would be in /usr/bin/ moving stuff around as root. In fact, just on principle, I refuse to...

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    Please read this article: ages-on-iphone/
    Hope I helped

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    Before we get too far, please clarify this part:
    I have a 2009 iMac 4,1
    A 2009 iMac cannot be an iMac 4,1; they are 9,1 and higher. Did you mean to type "2006?" That would be an iMac 4,1. We need to pin down the model issue before proceeding.
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    col1= :B1
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    From your description of the command 'hanging' I would suspect that Oracle has chosen an execution plan that is not a correct fit for your data profile because the statistics are incorrect or non-existent.
    Check out these threads:
    You may want to consider fixing statistics on this table (sounds like you do a delete and insert every day). However it's tough to say without knowing the impact it might have on other SQL statements as well as without knowing the volatility of this table.

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    If this was a purchased video then you can go to your purchases and redownload.  If it was a video you put on the iPhone then you will not be able to recover a deletion.

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    You can put everything into the "Automatically add to iTunes" folder, but there are occasional horror stories about those files going missing. You can also add the entire media folder, but occasionally that can create duplicate entries in the library, particularly if you have split the media folder to a separate location on a drive that isn't permanently connected to your computer.

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    Well, go to a library or friends house & download file.  Do not expand. copy to zip drive. etc.
    Here is how to download iCab from the terminal.  the curl command reads html page.  I fished out the download link.  I think you want 501.  To get link, click on what download you want.  In the page that comes up . Look at the http source.  search for auto & copy link.
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    # copy the following line to terminal.
    curl -O
    # Or
    curl -O
    # my termina commands.  Put file in home folder.
    mac $ curl -O
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    26 6592k   26 1729k    0     0  44360      0  0:02:32  0:00:39  0:01:53 40984^C
    mac $ pwd
    mac $ ls i*
    mac $ ls -l i*
    -rw-r--r--   1 mac  staff       1M Jul 16 13:49
    mac $

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    We have developed an LSMW for GL Uploads and got deleted by mistake . we are not able to trace or retrieve back.
    Please suggest how to get the script back or atleast how to find who has deleted ( user Id).
    PLease help .

    Once worked on project where functional specialist deleted an entire LSMW project.  We restored the development instance to get back.  The other option was to rebuild it, as best we could, from our memory of what had been developed.   I'd guess that your solution will be to redevelop what has been deleted.

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    Anthony Beard wrote:
    I always use monospaced fonts for email, by preference; it's easy to line up things. The problem is the font. Change the font to something other than what you're using, I just selected Arial and then the italic feature worked!!! Hope this helps!
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    can we find that when it was deleted.
    can we find who deleted it?

    Just for Example :-
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    what you would do..??
    Tracing.. ??
    I think better Option is Trace for Specific Session, which ever he is willing to you.
    How does that help in this scenario and otherwise also ? No one is gonna enable trace like this for the users.
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    Pavan Kumar N

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    the command is
    *sudo rm -rf ~/Desktop*
    (you'll have to enter your admin password to make it work). Could you explain why you want to do this? If you have a TM backup and a serious problem with your system I would recommend doing a full system restore from TM.
    Message was edited by: V.K.
    Found your other post. (I even replied to it). You should definitely do a full system restore from TM. It will reformat your drive and cure the problem with the missing space.

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    PowerBook G4, 1 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Mail v.2.1 (752/752.2): POP account

    Thanks, macjack! You went a little deeper and addressed the assumption behind my post, which was that the deleted message was gone forever. Your suggestion to check out mail2web was a godsend! I found the message there (as my Mail preferences were set to "Remove copy from server...for one week"), sent it to my account, and received the retrieved message in Mail. At the risk of sounding like an ad, I'm going to tell all my friends about mail2web! Oh, and I changed my preferences to save my messages on the server for one month, just in case. Thanks again for the great tip!

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