Mxmlc shell script update

Hey, first time playing around with flex i stumbled over a hickup in the mxmlc shell script undex linux.
I could not symlink to the mxmlc script to simplify setting up multiple versions/environment.
The flex SDK I am using is 3.4.1 build 10084.
I modified the shell script to lookup the java binary using JAVA_HOME instead of relying on PATH, and setup the automatic path resolution to resolve absolute url's using readlink.
I also decided to use exec to make sure that file descriptors and signals where directly passed to the executed java process.
I am sure that it isn't perfect, there might be some issues about finding JAVA_BIN under cygwin, but I sure would like to se symlinks resolved properly upstream.
Hope this is useful!

Just encountered a problem, the first readlink must be: 'readlink -f $path' in unices, since readlink (only) just gives you the symbolic link, which would be relative to the actual file.
Fix attached here.

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    sqlplus -s / <<END
    set feedback on;
    update tran2 set sno=1;
    when i am using update command in shell script like above
    it is updating the database well...but i just want to know how many rows it is updating and i dont want to commit
    for that
    sqlplus -s / <<END
    set feedback on;
    update tran2 set sno=1;
    set feedback off;
    It's working fine
    is there any other method to do the same

    Well what's exactly your requirement? The current requirement doesn't make a lot of sense.
    How many row is going to be updated depends on where clause, if you have no where clause that essentially updating whole table, the number of row updated is count of your rows.

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    May i know the procedure to accomplish this
    Thanks in Advance

    First you should not include the whole path to your report in the call ...
    Use like this:
    /ora/u01/oracle/v101/as2/bin/ report=an_stati destype=file desname=/ora/u01/oracle/v101/as2/test.pdf desformat=pdf
    In $ORACLE_HOME/bin/
    1) Verify that you have updated the REPORTS_PATH variable to include your folder where you have the report in question
    REPORTS_PATH=/ora/u20/app/qits/env1/run:$ORACLE_HOME/reports/templates:$ORACLE_HOME/reports/samples/demo: ....
    2) Verify that the REPORTS_TMP variable is pointing to a valid location and that the oracle user has access to write on it.
    After that, post the content of the tracefile located at $ORACLE_HOME/reports/logs/{in-process report server name folder}/rwserver.trc
    If no file is present then it means that you need to enable trace in your reports's conf file.... go to the $ORACLE_HOME/reports/conf folder and and locate the .conf file that correspond to your in-process reports server name (as specified in the file)... open/edit the file to enable trace logs ..
    Change the following line:
    <!--trace traceOpts="trace_all"/-->
    to <trace traceOpts="trace_all"/>
    Bounce the reports server and try to run the report again, this time the .trc file should be generated, post the content so that we can take a look.

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    Question 1 appears a little vague, please elaborate. If you're looking to capture a return value from the command execution, you will need to pipe the return value to a file, then read from there.
    The execution information is stored in the SNP_STEP_LOG table in the Work Repository. You will need to do a series of joins to retrieve the exact table that was updated. Good luck with this...

  • Executing a shell script from a Trigger

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    My requirement is,
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    All file name will amend with current date.
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    But...I just thougt instead of writing a shell script to do the above one, Why shouldn't I capture the date in a table (New table needs to be created) and use ORACLE TRIGGER to run the shell script to move the files from common area to input file directory to process those files?
    My Proposal in ORACLE :
    Create table business_date
    rep_date varchar(15),
    curr_timestamp timestamp
    Once the oracle partition created , one row will be inserted into the above table. This adjustment needs to be implemented partition script.
    Once this table get record, TRIGGER should call SHELL SCRIPT to move the files from common area to input area.
    If I implement ORACLE TRIGGER, The script which will check whether the file got updated or not for 15 mins is not required. Right? Inputs from experts are welcome!

    But...I just thougt instead of writing a shell script to do the above one, Why shouldn't I capture the date in a table (New table needs to be created) and use ORACLE TRIGGER to run the shell script to move the files from common area to input file directory to process those files?
    Triggers should not be used to do transactional work. There is no COMMIT in a trigger. What happens if the trigger runs the shell script and then a ROLLBACK occurs? You will have run the shell script when it shouldn't run.
    Create a stored procedure to run the shell script. Call the stored procedure when the partition is created.
    If you were using 11g and interval paritioning you wouldn't need to create the partitions manually. Oracle could create the partitions automatically.

  • Error Using dbms_scheduler to call a shell script

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    job_name => 'TPP_SEND_EMAIL_JOB',
    job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
    job_action => '/opt/ENV/code/BIL/users/usrbil01/Hemz/sndmailscrpt.ksh',
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=MINUTELY; INTERVAL=30',
    enabled => true,
    comments => 'Send Email on ISU update'
    sndmailscrpt.ksh: Script to send email is embedded within the shell script
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    ORA-27370: job slave failed to launch a job of type EXECUTABLE
    ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:accessing extjob wrapper failed with status: 2
    ORA-27301: OS failure message: No such file or directory
    ORA-27302: failure occurred at: sjsec 3
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    I am not aware of any db related permissions that needs to be given, is this related to that or is there somethin i need to do for execution to be successfull
    Request you to let me know the exact solution and also the steps i need to take in order to ensure successfull execution of this script.
    Please also let me know if there is any other way wherein i can call a unix script from a database trigger on run time(i.e, whenever insert/update on a particular column in database)

    Hi All,
    Thank you for your inputs.
    I am now pressed to explore the option of utl_mail as this dircetly sends mail from database. This is suggested as an option for my delivery now.
    I am able to install utl_mail and send a mail using the block below:
    sender => '[email protected]',
    recipients => '[email protected]',
    subject => 'Testing utl_mail',
    message => 'The receipt of this email is checking on working of UTL_MAIL '
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('error: '||sqlerrm);
    The block gets executed successfully, but i have not received a mail yet, is there a table or oracle log from where i can trace the delivery status for the mai, or if the mail is successfully sent too?
    I have heard from users in this forum for support of mime type "HTML", Should i pass the whole html body in the *'message'* input parameter here or can i pass a html template name with path present else where?
    Please do assist me in this regard.

  • Passing a FILENAME from a LINUX SHELL Script to an SQLPLUS Script

    I written a LINUX Shell Script to receive a FILENAME. This FILENAME is the name of the file that I want to SPOOL into.
    So, below are two items.
    The first item is the LINUX Shell Script that has the FILENAME
    The last item is the SQLPLUS Script that is suppose to receive the name
    The LINUX Shell Script:
    #! /bin/sh
    LOGFILE="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") Oracle REPORT LOG.TXT"
    FILENAME="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") PROD Unfinished Spot Bids.CSV"
    echo "File Name for the spool is:" "$FILENAME"
    #spool "$FILENAME"
    #sqlplus /nolog @run_test_query.sql
    #sqlplus -S @Unfinished_Spot_Bids_Run_V1.sql >$LOGFILE
    sqlplus -S /nolog <<EOF >$LOGFILE
    /* I want to pass to the SQL file below */
    /* The value that is contained in the the variable $FILENAME */
    /* How do you do that? */
    set echo on
    #if {$RV -ne 0}
    #exit $RV
    echo "The return code fronm the sqlplus was:" "$RV"
    Here is the SQLPLUS Script
    CONNECT glog_read/parker@OTMPROD
    set linesize 32000 trimspool on pagesize 3000
    set echo off
    set heading off
    /* I want to parameterize the name of the file below */
    /* This file is executed from inside a LINUX Shell Script */
    /* That LINUX SHELL script is passed a file name */
    /* I want that filename used in the "SPOOL" statement below */
    /* So, how do I do that? */
    spool PROD_Unfinished.CSV
    prompt Shipment Update Date|Shipment Number|No of Shipments|Auctions per Shipment|No. of Carriers Notified|No of Bidders|Duration of Auction|Elapse time for first bid|Elapse time for last bid|Elapse time of bidding|Lead Time of Auction to P/U|High Bid- Low Bid Diff|
    set feedback off
    to_char(c.update_date, 'FMMonth, YYYY')||'|'|| b.SHIPMENT_GID
    ||'|'|| count (distinct (b.SHIPMENT_GID))
    ||'|'|| count(distinct(a.i_transaction_no))
    ||'|'|| count(*)
    ||'|'|| sum (case when a.responding_gl_user_gid is null then 0 else 1 end)
    ||'|'|| min (numtodsinterval((b.expected_response - b.insert_date),'day'))
    ||'|'|| min (numtodsinterval((a.update_date - a.transaction_time),'day'))
    ||'|'|| max (numtodsinterval((a.update_date - a.transaction_time),'day'))
    ||'|'|| numtodsinterval((max(a.update_date) - min(a.update_date)),'day')
    ||'|'|| numtodsinterval((max(b.shipment_time) - max(c.insert_date)),'day')
    ||'|'|| (max(a.bid_amount) - min(a.bid_amount))
    from tender_collab_servprov a, tender_collaboration b, shipment c
    where a.i_transaction_no = b.i_transaction_no
    and b.shipment_gid not in (select sqa.shipment_gid from tender_collaboration sqa, tender_collab_servprov sqb where sqa.i_transaction_no = sqb.i_transaction_no and sqb.acceptance_code = 'A')
    and a.i_transaction_no in (select i_transaction_no from tender_collaboration where tender_type = 'Spot Bid')
    and b.shipment_gid = c.shipment_gid
    AND c.update_date >= trunc(last_day(to_date((to_char(add_months(SYSDATE,-2), 'MM-DD-YYYY')),'MM-DD-YYYY')) + 1)
    group by c.update_date, b.SHIPMENT_GID
    order by c.update_date, b.shipment_GID;
    spool off

    ParadicePGMR wrote:
    First, I was getting an error on the SPOOL ${FILENAME}. Also, my file did have spaces and I did replace it with "_". It still did not work on the SPOOL Command. So, with or without the _, I never got the SPOOL command to work!
    It seems that the FILENAME value from the LINUX script was not being passed into the SQLPLUS procedure.
    How do you pass LINUX variables into the SQLPLUS procedure>
    Not sure if I had the right usage => ${FILENAME}above is correct syntax


    Hello Guys,
    I know this not the right forum but i am not sure where i should post this.
    Pelase help
    I am running a shell script which is giving me error
    Username:SQL*Loader-128: unable to begin a session
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Nov 19 13:02:04 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Nov 19 13:02:06 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    Enter user-name:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    0 rows updated.
    Commit complete.
    SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition
    SQL> SQL> Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Thu Nov 19 13:02:06 EST 2009In shell script i have used the same username and passwd which i am using from command line
    the shell script is calling sql loader to load file
    and for that also the username and passwd is same.
    i am able to run sqlldr command from command line dont knw why here its giving error
    here is my shell script
    set -a
    . $HOME/.edw.env
    . $admlib/
    LOGFILE=${LOGDIR}/log/test`date '+%m%d'`.xtr
    set +a
    cd $LOGDIR
    if test ! -f $admsrc/sigma6/ppadala/copg/DM_Daily_EFolderCloseCancel_Report_11192009.txt
       echo "Error: DM_Daily_EFolderCloseCancel_Report_11192009.txt does not exist and/or is not a regular file." >> ${LOGFILE}
       exit 1
    echo 'End of Checking for the existence of the file - Successful'>> ${LOGFILE}
    sqlldr control=$admsrc/sigma6/ppadala/copg/Close_Cancle.ctl log=$admsrc/sigma6/ppadala/copg/Close_cancle.log
    userid=${DB_USER}/${DB_PWD} silent=\(HEADER,FEEDBACK,DISCARDS\)>> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
    case $? in 0) :;;1|3) echo "Error: SQL Loader" >> ${LOGFILE}
         exit 1;;
    sqlplus << EOD
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]
        echo "Error: SQL Plus for script Processing" >> ${LOGFILE}
        echo "Resi Unit Scheduling Report Refresh failed" >> ${LOGFILE}
    ) > ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
    echo `date` >> ${LOGFILE}
    if [ -f ${LOGFILE} ]
    mail -s "Resi Unit Scheduling" "[email protected]" < ${LOGFILE}
    sleep 3
    `ck_error ${LOGFILE}`
    fiplease help guys

    Thanks for the reply
    In Close_cancle.log also its the same msg which i posted.
    logon denied..............
    and this is the log file contents when i do set - X on
    + cd /u2144009/src/sigma6/ppadala/copg
    + test ! -f
    + /u2144009/src/sigma6/ppadala/copg/DM_Daily_EFolderCloseCancel_Report_1
    + 1192009.txt echo End of Checking for the existence of the file -
    + Successful
    + 1>> /u2144009/src/sigma6/ppadala/copg/log/test1119.xtr
    + sqlldr control=/u2144009/src/sigma6/ppadala/copg/Close_Cancle.ctl
    + log=/u2144009/src/sigma6/ppadala/copg/Close_cancle.log
    Username:SQL*Loader-128: unable to begin a session
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Nov 19 17:32:17 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    + userid=copg/copg silent=(HEADER,FEEDBACK,DISCARDS)
    + 1>> /u2144009/src/sigma6/ppadala/copg/log/test1119.xtr 2>& 1
    + :
    + sqlplus
    + 0<<
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Nov 19 17:32:58 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    Enter user-name:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    0 rows updated.
    Commit complete.
    SQL> SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition
    SQL> SQL> Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    + [ 0 -ne 0 ]
    Thu Nov 19 17:32:59 EST 2009Edited by: user10647455 on Nov 19, 2009 2:35 PM

  • Shell script for batch compilation of forms 10g on AIX 5.3L AS

    Hi All,
    Can anybody provide me the Shell script for batch compilation of forms 10g and reports 10g on AIX 5.3L AS?

    Hi Alex,
    I tried with the below script as well as the one you had posted.
    export ORACLE_HOME
    export TNS_ADMIN
    export LIBPATH
    cd ../forms
    for i in `ls *.pll`
    echo Compiling Library $i ....
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/frmcmp module=$i userid=mydbuser/mydbuser@mydb
    batch=yes module_type=library
    compile_all=yes window_state=minimize
    export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/OraHome_3
    export ORACLE_TERM=vt220
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/OraHome_3/lib:/opt/oracle/OraHome_3/jdk/jre/l
    cd ../forms
    for i in `ls *.pll`
    echo "Compiling Library $i ...."
    /opt/oracle/OraHome_3/bin/frmcmp module_type=form userid=mydbuser/mydbuser@mydb
    module=$i batch=yes compile_all=no
    window_state=minimize upgrade=no
    echo "PLL Compilation done"
    But there was a same kind of error thst turning up all the time.
    Compiling Library Agf.pll ....
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler): Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    FRM-10043: Cannot open file.
    Form not created
    I hence updated the permissions on the pll as below
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle oinstall 335872 May 19 16:31 Agf.pll
    But the problem is still persisting.
    My environment details are as below.
    I am working on Win XP machine. Connected to my AS via telnet and xmanager. I have set my DISPLAY to my local IP.
    Is there any thing more that I need to do? If so then let me know.

  • Trying to run program off network location using GPO with Power shell script.

    Hello All,
    Not much of a script writer. I am giving it a shot.  My issue is that I need to run a application update across our network and I am trying to do it with as little hands on as possible. So I was planning to push a GPO with a power shell script in it
    to run the program with elevated privileges. 
    Little background:
    We are running on a domain and end users do not have admin rights.
    The application is stored on a share on our network that is open to all domain users.
    The installer user name and password is a temp one and will only be valid for the 30 min window when everyone logs in at the beginning of the day.
    So this is what I have so far.
    $username = "USER"
    $password = "PASSWORD"
    $credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList @($username,(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force))
    Start-Process PSQLv11Patch_Client_x86.msp -Credential ($credentials) -WorkingDirectory \\Server\Folder\Folder1\Folder2\filder3\PSQLv11sp3_x32\
    But for some reason I keep getting :
    Start-Process : This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified.
    At line:10 char:1
    + Start-Process PSQLv11Patch_Client_x86.msp -Credential ($credentials) -WorkingDir ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand
    Any help you could give would be great.

    Hi jdfmonkey,
    Has anyone provided an answer to your original question?  I am trying to use Start-Process to launch a process using another logged in user's credentials, and am not able to get it working:
    start-process Process.exe-WorkingDirectoryC:\Scripts-Credential$cred
    I get the same error that you mentioned:
    start-process : This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified.
    At C:\Scripts\Process.ps1:2 char:1
    + start-process Process.exe -WorkingDirectory C:\Scripts -Credential ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand
    When I leave off the credentials:
    It works correctly.  Does anyone have a solution to make this work correctly?
    Please ask your own question.  You issue is nothing like the current thread.  You clearly are using a user account that has no access to the folder.  It is a permissions issue.  It is not a scripting issue.
    If you need further help please start your own question.

  • Do the shell script have to login into Oracle Apps

    I am calling the Document Processor Java API from a shell script. The problem I have that its unable to find the
    file within the control file.
    Is this because somewhere a shell variable needs to be set, or a login need to be made into the Oracle Apps, so this template stored in XML Publisher is accessible.
    Please advise!

    Another things you can do is
    tmp_res := apps.fnd_web_sec.CHANGE_PASSWORD('TESTUSER','changeme',false);
    update fnd_user set password_date = null where user_name = 'TESTUSER'';
    Once you do this, when the TESTUSER logs in with the password=changeme, he/she will be redirected to the change password page.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • Oracle declare function in shell script

    Please tell me oracle declare function now able to run in shell script?
    I am calling in shell script like @/myscript.sql it is not working properly, reset update and other oracle command is working fine in shell script.

    I am running below code.
    sqlplus system/manager@prod_db <<ENDOFSQL
    update apps.fnd_concurrent_queues set node_name = 'host1', target_node ='host1' where node_name='host3';
    update apps.fnd_concurrent_queues set node_name = 'host2', target_node ='host2' where node_name='host4';
    l_node_id number;
    select node_id into l_node_id from fnd_nodes where NODE_NAME = 'host5';
    VALUE := ('NODE_TRUST_LEVEL', 3, 'SERVER',l_node_id,null,null);
    Below ERROR i am getting after running above code via shell script with oracle user
    0 rows updated.
    0 rows updated.
    Commit complete.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-06512: at line 5

  • Pl/sql procedure with shell script

    Hi Guys,
    I will be updating some of the columns in the database thru SQL UPDATE stament. I want to make this process automatic. I.e instead of running manually this uodate process, i want to write a unix script which run on cron job. In the update stament I have to compare date like e_create_date > to_date (........, 'yymmdd') and date should be 2 days previous then to date and I would ike to create the spool file which I would like to send through mail.the script will run automatically.
    I am confused how to write shell script & sql procedure and how to call it inside the shell script. How can this be done.
    Help Appreciated.

    save the Store procedure as a create_SP.sql in OS
    save another testrun.sql
    as follows
    If you are on a Unix or Solaris OS then
    open a Shell Script as follows :
    and name as or test.ksh
    export var
    sqlplus username/password
    -- this created a store procedure on the database
    @testrun.sql $var
    This will execute the SP with parameter from OS Variable.

  • BI Admin Tool - Setting connection pool via shell script - Is it possible?

    Here's the problem I am trying to solve.
    I am using a J2EE application that uses OBIEE for reporting.
    The *.rpd file is installed at a particular location when our J2EE product is installed.
    I then copy the *.rpd file to the BI home on a different server using a shell script.
    The shell script that deploys the *.rpd file does the following:
    1. Shuts down BI processes that are running
    2. Deletes the old *.rpd file
    3. Copies the new *.rpd file
    4. Starts all BI processes
    I am happy with the way we have automated this process, but would like to take it one step further.
    The *.rpd file does not have the connection pool hard-coded in it. And we want to keep it that way.
    What we would like to do is - pass the connection pool parameters to the shell script (that is used for *.rpd's deployment) and have it automatically update the *.rpd file. Is it possible to do this at all? How do we go about accomplishing this?
    Or in other words - Is there a way to update the connection pools WITHOUT hard-coding it in the *.rpd file or WITHOUT using the BI Administration Tool.
    Currently, we manually update the connection pools in the Physical Layer using the Oracle BI Administration Tool.
    The version of BI Administration Tool being used is installed on a Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 machine. The BI Server itself is running on an Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.0 box.
    Do let me know if you need more information that would help answer this question.
    Thank you.

    Thank you - fiston and Gagan.
    I am going with fiston's solution - since it is easier to implement. I am on the QA team and the automated deployment is to lessen QA's deployment time.
    While one of our developer's said that she prefer's Gagan's solution - it would be over-kill to make changes to the application's schema for the said purpose.
    I will further make another post as to whether or not the automated deployment worked for us.

Maybe you are looking for