My agents vs job manager

when I look in Job Manager it shows 4 scheduled jobs
but when I look in my agents in BI it only shows 1 that is scheduled, all others show disabled.
why are these different,

yes, they were in Shared/agents/  rather than in users/myID/agents

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    Hi ITBobbyP,
    According to your description, you need to know the what does SQL Server Reporting Services do when fire a subscription, right?
    When you create a subscription several things are added to the RS server
    A row is placed in the Subscriptions table identifying the name of the report, along with parameter settings, data driven query info and so on to process the subscription
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    Please refer to the links below to see the details.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    as the Job Request is a CRM message at the end (usually of transaction type SLFN or rahter SLFJ) you have to configure your assigned business partner properly (in transaction BP). Your business partner has to be configured as employee so that he is allowed to process CRM messages. It is basically the same configuration required as for the SAP Service Desk.
    Best Regards

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    please begin with reading SAP Note 1122497 - Process Scheduling for SAP Solution Manager.
    The Application Area for this case is "SV-SMG-PSM".
    You have to install the add on SAP CPS by Redwood. It is a part of license of SAP Netweaver.
    The add on component is ST-PSM.
    Best regards
    Thomas Hiesener

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    Hi Varsha,
         who the agent is getting selected for that step of wrkflow.... r they using any rule or they are referring and org structure..
    if they are referring org structure then it will take the next  line manager of that employee...
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    Regards Dev

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    Did you change your JDK path by any chance? Also you are getting a strange error message. It is trying to point to both D:\OracleBIData\jobmanager and C:\OracleBIData\jobmanager. Is there anything that you changed prior to doing this?

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    who can help me? thanks!
    Edited by: 816112 on 2010-11-27 上午4:19

    Check with your email provider about the correct server settings, and compare that with your account settings.
    There is no point guessing or trying arbitrary combinations of settings.

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    A default JEE agent is created when you create domain, which is named as OracleDIAgent.
    1. In Studio, duplicate the agent, change its name to genAgent, change the web application context to genagent.
    2: Go to datasource of genAgent, drop all datasources.
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    5: Update the domain using the template that just generated.
    Go through the Configuration wizard. (I did not modify anything or configure anything here).
    6: The wizard will give information says the deployment was successful.
    7: Bring up the admin server and ODI_server1. 

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    Thanks and Regards

    Can you give me some details on your environment setup? BI Server OS? Database Server OS? Database type and version? OBIEE version? Do you have all your environmental variables setup? java home, oracle home, etc?
    If you give me more details, I should be able to help.
    Hi Joe,
    BI is integrated in our ówn softwares, which get developed in US. Anyway is installed on a Windows XP OS against an Oracle Database on 10g , Oracle version All the environment variable are setup correctly, i can access
    the catalog mager, administration etc..
    I do not know the exact version of OBIEE at the moment since I am not in the office yet.
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks and Regards

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    [nQSError: 46105] Error executing process: "D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -cp D:\Oracle BI\server\bin\JobManager\startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -data D:\OracleBIData\jobmanager -configuration D:\OracleBIData\jobmanager
    the system cannot find the path specified.
    But surprisingly, there is no exeistence of the path "D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\bin\"
    and "D:\OracleBIData\jobmanager"
    In the environment variables, I have already given the paths necessary..
    D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin;
    please help...

    refer : Job Manager

  • Unable to open Job manager

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    I am trying to open job manager, but i am getting the error nQserror 46105 error executing process 'c::/program files/java/bin/javaw.exe" -xpm1024m-cp c:oracle/server/bin/jobmanager/stratup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.main-data c:oracle/bidata/jobmanager.The system cannot find path specified .
    Can someone please help me with this asap.

    It seems you are talking about OBIEE. If so go to Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition and post your question there as this forum isn't related to OBIEE.

  • Disable SNMP agent in Job Server

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    So we are planning to disable the SNMP agent in job server. Is there any implications if i disable the SNMP agent?
    DS Version 4.0

    It should not create any issues.

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