My Aironet 1310 present a error: flashfs[0]: unable to allocate available block, can i recovery?

Please:  help me about what do it. I connect by console and present this error and disable the keyboard,
Xmodem file system is available.
flashfs[0]: unable to allocate available block.
The system has been interrupted, or encountered an error
during initializion of the flash filesystem.  The following
commands will initialize the flash filesystem, and finish
loading the operating system software:

Using a TFTP Server to Return to a Previous Release
Hope this helps.  Please don't forget to rate useful posts.  Thanks.

Similar Messages

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    you could try to override the automatic memory management and setup your SGA to be larger by setting SGA_TARGET. If that doesn't help yet, you could even try to configure the memory size for the components in SGA manually, but I guess this won't be necessary.
    After your import is done, I'd recommend to use automatic memory management again.
    See the XE 2 Day DBA for details, especially the section on [url]Managing Memory. It's not a complete guide, but a rough introduction, but it'll probably help you understand the memory concepts in the database.
    Keep in mind that you may only assign 1 GB of memory in total when you setup your memory manually.

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    From the power injector to a switch you get link, but never see the bridge in CDP from the switch.

    I have seen this more than once. The bridge is toast. I have tried replacing the injector when this happens with no luck at all. The only fix was to replace the bridge. With that said, I would assume you have the coax on the outside properly sealed. Rain will get in the coax connections and cause you problems if you did not seal the coax terminations.

  • Testcase for error - "Unable to allocate thread control block"

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    db_stat: Unable to allocate thread control block
    BDB: 4.8, OS: Ubuntu 9.10
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/ipc.h>
    #include <db.h>
    #define DIRECTORY "/tmp/db"
    int main()
    // open environment
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    int status = db_env_create( &handle, 0 );
    status = handle->set_cachesize( handle, 0, 32*1024*1024, 0 );
    status = handle->set_thread_count( handle, 0x100 );
    key_t key = ftok( DIRECTORY, 'M' );
    handle->set_shm_key( handle, key );
    status = handle->open( handle, DIRECTORY, flags, 0644 );
    if( status != 0 )
    exit( 1 );
    // raise error
    chdir( DIRECTORY );
    for( int i=0; i < 0x1000; ++i )
    system( "db_stat -e | grep process/thread | wc" );
    return 0;

    I am still looking into this, but upon closer examination here is the situation, basically as reported.
    The test calls set_thread_count which sizes the memory. In __env_attach(), (dbenv->thr_max is used to size the region. So you are correct, the higher the value used in set_thread_count, the larger the size of the region will be. Eventually that memory will be depleted, and __env_alloc_size() returns ENOMEM, after multiple calls to system(db_stat). __env_alloc_free() is not called. This is the part I am still investigating.
    The test uses system to fork a separate processes for db_stat and the failing stack is:
    lt-db_stat: assert failure: ../dist/../env/env_failchk.c/426: "ret == 0"
    lt-db_stat: __os_stack+0x2b
    lt-db_stat: __os_abort+0x1d
    lt-db_stat: __db_assert+0x47
    lt-db_stat: __env_set_state+0x53c
    lt-db_stat: __env_attach_regions+0x38b
    lt-db_stat: __env_open+0x154
    lt-db_stat: __env_open_pp+0x334
    lt-db_stat: lt-db_stat
    So db_stat is opening an environment, attaching to its region, and then __env_set_state() calls __env_alloc(). It is __env_alloc() which fails with ENOMEM after some point when there is no more space to be allocated from the shared region. And I'm still looking into that space would be returned to the shared region.

  • Aironet 1310 errors...

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    the client" or "DOT11-4-UPLINK_LINK_DOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, parent lost: To many retries". The connection betwen AP's is down at regular intervals and not established again. The connection has upped only after disconnect and reconnect the power injector power jack. Time to response is less than 100 ms for ping. We have changed IOS ver 12.3(8)-JA2 and unfortunately it doesn't help, though the errors has noticed less, but Time to response is between 70 ms and 5000 ms. It is too bad for normal work in our ofices, we wanted to have Time to response about 50 ms. Could you advise something?

    Packet to client MAC reached max retries, remove the client" is happened when your client try to associate AP which doesn't support client function correctly (usually authentication type doesn'tmatch).

  • Aironet 1310 - not able to establish UDP vpn

    We hv installed aironet 1310 in AP as well as root and non root bridge combination with IOS 12.4(3g)JA1.
    config works fine for the normal operation like getting client connected to ap, getting IP from DHCP server on the network. The problem is with the UDP vpn. We hv an application which after getting DHCP ip establish the UDP vpn connection which always fails. Aironet 1310 is connected cisco switches.
    At some of the AP/bridge playing with the cisco switch setting (speed and duplex) it do work. But that is only a try and error method. But with few other root bridge even trying the same combination doens't work.
    Has anyone experience such issue ? Is there any config changes to be made for such UDP vpn ?
    Early help would be appreciated.

    tnelson 2000 wrote:
    > Using a BM 3.9 SP1 C2S VPN, client is unable to make the connection and
    > receives an IKE errror. On the IKE screen I see:
    > 3-30-2009 11:20:08 am ***Receive Main Mode message from
    > 3-30-2009 11:20:08 am
    > I-COOKIE=CCA3E8F0ED6F3E17,R-COOKIE=BE5D97D18110D902,MsgID=0,1stPL=KEY-PAYLOAD,state=-1688846356
    > 3-30-2009 11:20:08 am The first payload of the message #1 is not the SA
    > Payload!
    > 3-30-2009 11:20:08 am sending notify message type: 4 to
    > 3-30-2009 11:20:08 am ***Send Unacknowledge Informational message to
    > 3-30-2009 11:20:08 am
    > I-COOKIE=CCA3E8F0ED6F3E17,R-COOKIE=BE5D97D18110D902,MsgID=AF8AD706,1stPL=NOTIF Y-PAYLOAD,state=-1688846244
    Something in the path is tampering the packet. Probably a nat router.
    > I have another client that is setting just outside of our firewall that
    > makes the connection just fine.
    > I've provided the following ports to the client's ISP to open:
    > TCP Port 353
    > UDP Port 353
    > UDP Port 2010
    > TCP Port 500
    > TCP Port 213
    > Protocol ID of 57
    > Are these correct?
    Not at all
    If so, what else should I look for that would cause
    > this? Thank you for any help. I need this resolved ASAP as this is a
    > government agency that require remote access for payroll.
    udp 4500
    udp 500
    IP Protocol 50
    Also here tid10088980 you'll find useful info

  • Can reset aironet 1310 password and keep Previous setting

    HI...I got 4 aironet 1310,but i don't have password into Eanble mode!!
    I follow this document "Password Recovery Procedure for the Cisco Aironet Equipment.pdf" to recovery password.
    It succeed reset password to default,but it also reset Previous setting to defalut.
    Can I reset aironet 1310 password and keep Previous setting? Plz!!
    I really need help for this,thanks.
    p.s My english not good

    years too late, but this might be helpful for someone else:
    - Reboot the aironet
    - As soon as you see the following, hit the ESC key twice to interrupt the booting process
    flashfs[0]: 147 files, 7 directories
    flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
    flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 7741440
    flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 5544960
    flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 2196480
    flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 32 seconds.
    Base ethernet MAC Address: 70:81:05:3a:75:0a
    Initializing ethernet port 0...
    Reset ethernet port 0...
    Reset done!
    ethernet link up, 100 mbps, full-duplex
    Ethernet port 0 initialized: link is up
    Loading "flash:/c1310-k9w7-mx.124-25d.JA/c1310-k9w7-mx.124-25d.JA"...############
    - If you would like to view the old config, type the following command from the bridge: prompt
    more flash:config.txt
    - for password recovery, delete or rename the env_vars and config.txt files in flash:
    bridge: dir flash:
    Directory of flash:/
    2 -rwx 5 private-config
    3 -rwx 277 env_vars
    5 drwx 256 c1310-k9w7-mx.124-25d.JA
    4 -rwx 1048 private-multiple-fs
    155 -rwx 1487 config.txt
    - when you are finished, boot the AP by typing in boot and hitting enter

  • Aironet 1310

    hi everybody i am santosh , i have a cisco aironet 1310 running 12.4(10b)JA1 and c1310-k9w7-mx.124-10b.JA1/c1310-k9w7-mx.124-10b.JA , it was working fine but suddenly i found that it has gone to AP mode while all these days it was working in Bridgemode . could any one tell me how to revert it back to bridge mode .

    You are correct.  The power injector is just that and the bridge unit actually has all the intelligence in it.    The power injector is just your interface connection to the unit for console and ethernet and provides power to the bridge.

  • Upgrading IOS on Aironet 1310

    I want to upgrade the IOS on a couple of our Aironet 1310s but do it wirelessly. The bridges I am upgrading are not accessible at the time I wish to carry out the work which is why I am not doing it via a wired connection. It isnt an ideal situation but an alternative requires an outage during working hours.
    A recently purchased 1310 had a sticker on it saying the radio interface is disabled by default in newer IOS images. Does this mean that when I upgrade the software it will automatically disable the radio interface when I reload? If that is the case I will have no alternative but to organise an outage.

    hope this URL will be of help.
    rate if it helps ....

  • Aironet 1310 config

    I have a remote location at one of my plants that needs voice for safety purposes, but would cost far too much to trench and install fiber. I plan to use 4 Aironet 1310 wireless bridges to connect to a 3560 8 port switch from two different directions. We need redundancy since the signal from one 1310 link could be blocked. Is it possible to configure the bridges to failover in case of loss of signal from one pair? For that matter, how do I configure these two connections to the network to avoid conflict with voice packets?

    There is no way to do this by configuring something on the bridges, as there are no
    features on the bridges that we can configure on them to say: "Monitor
    another wired link between these two sites, and if that one goes down, then
    associate with the other bridge to start passing traffic over here, or use
    both links load-balancing traffic between each other.

  • Aironet 1310, power injector and poe cable

    Can the power injector delivered with aironet 1310 be supplied by a PoE RJ45 cable rather than the traditionnel DC adapter?
    The problem is, i thought Aironet 1310 was PoE. Which means it can be power supplied by a rj45 cable.
    But, when i openned my brand new 1310 box, i realized that 1st, it needs that Power Injector to work and that 2nd, Power injector needs a power supply...
    Usually when i buy a PoE access point, I just plug in my PoE rj45 cable and its power supplied :)
    Anyway, i hope there's an issue for this because where the 1310 should be placed, there's only a PoE rj45 cable arriving.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi lachapelle,
    Sadly the 1310 cannot be powered by PoE ,but, the Power Injector can be up to 100 meters away from the unit.
    Dual coaxial cable to run from the power injector to the 1300. See attached notes:
    Cisco Aironet 1300 Series
    Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Access Point/Bridge Power Injector
    The Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Power Injector,converts the standard 10/100 BaseT Ethernet interface that is suitable for weather protected areas to a dual F-Type connector interface for coax cables that are more suitable for harsh outdoor environments. The Power Injector also provides power to the outdoor unit over the same cables with a power discover feature and surge protection. To support longer cable runs from your wireless network switch or router, the Power Injector LR is designed to accommodate up to a 100 meter coaxial cable run plus 100 meters of indoor cat5 cable?enabling total cable runs up to 200 meters. The Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Outdoor Access Point/Bridge ships with the Power Injector LR2 and an AC power supply.
    From this link:
    Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installation Guide
    Ethernet Ports
    The access point/bridge dual-coax Ethernet ports consists of a pair of 75-ohm F-type connectors, linking the unit to your 100BASE-T Ethernet LAN through the power injector. The dual-coax cables are used to send and receive Ethernet data and to supply inline 48-VDC power from the power injector to the access point/bridge.
    The access point/bridge receives inline power from the Cisco Aironet Power Injector (hereafter called the power injector). Dual-coax cables are used to provide Ethernet data and power from the power injector to the access point/bridge. The power injector is an external unit designed for operation in a sheltered environment, such as inside a building or vehicle. The power injector also functions as an Ethernet repeater by connecting to a Category 5 LAN backbone and using the dual-coax cable interface to the access point/bridge.
    From this link:
    F-Type Connectors
    Dual coaxial cable carries full-duplex Ethernet, DC power, and full-duplex console port (RS-232 connection)
    From this link:
    Hope this helps!

  • Aironet 1310 Antenna question

    ive got a question about the antenna of the aironet 1310. is there any difference between AIR-BR1310G-E-K9 and AIR-BR1310G-E-K9-R in basic configuration?
    we had a bridge between 2 AIR-BR1310G-E-K9. but the non-root bridge went broken due its age. (connector pin was broken and couldnt get it out)
    we had an AIR-BR1310G-E-K9-R on spare, so we only replaced the antenna but we coulnd not get a connection between the 2. diddnt change to power injector or config.
    after som fiddling with the broken antenna we managed to get the pin out. changed the wire between the antenna and power injector and placed it back. and it worked like a charm.
    so does anyone has an awnser for me? add 2 pictures. the only difference i can see are the 2 extra ports on the K9-R.

    The 'R' at the end is supposed to specify that it's the model with RP-TNC connectors for an external antenna.  The model without the R should have an internal antenna.

  • Aironet 1310 Bridges keep losing connection

    There was a similar thread about this last year and I tried what was listed in there to no avail.  I have 2 Aironet 1310 bridges, one as a route bridge and the second as a non-route with clients.  These worked great for nearly a year, we had no problems keeping the connection up.  They were not connected for the last few months but nothing was changed on the configuration, when I put them back up they reconnected just fine and worked for about an hour, not they randomly disconnect with the same message in the log entries below.  Is there something wrong with them now?  The are using the same antennas as before and are in the same exact locations.
    logs from root bridge
    Nov 29 13:52:53.311: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client XXXX.XXXX.XXXX reached max retries, removing the client
    Nov 29 13:52:53.311: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station XXXX.XXXX.XXXX Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
    Nov 29 13:52:53.568: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station Test XXX.XXXX.XXXX Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Nov 29 13:55:16.260: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client XXXX.XXXX.XXXX reached max retries, removing the client
    Nov 29 13:55:16.260: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station XXXX.XXXX.XXXX Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
    Nov 29 13:55:16.550: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client XXXX.XXXX.XXXX reached max retries, removing the client
    Nov 29 13:55:16.550: Client XXXX.XXXX.XXXX failed: reached maximum retries
    logs from non-root
    Nov 29 2010 13:52:55: %DOT11-4-UPLINK_DOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, parent lost: Received deauthenticate (2) not valid
    Nov 29 2010 13:52:55: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to down

    I am not at the remote location any more, but the route bridge had a signal of -78 dB and a SNR of -22 dB.  The non-route has -77dB for signal and a SNR of -22 dB.  The location has line of sight, over water with nothing in the way. 
    Since I last posted I changed the fragmentation and RTS thresholds back to default from 4000 and it has been up for 24 hours now.  I am hoping that it has made the difference.

  • Lost The Cisco Aironet 1310 Web Interface????

    I've been having connection issues with my (2) Aironet 1310, which are setup in a bridge p2p mode.  A few weeks ago we had a power outage due to a lighting storm.  Well, it knocked out my non-root bridge (not connecting to the root).  So I brought it back to check the configurations, but when I try to use the web console all I get is the following page:
    When I click the "Web Console" link it takes me to the following page:
    Is there a way to get the original web console page back?

    here is the command..
    archive download-sw / force-reload /overwrite tftp:///
    archive download-sw / force-reload /overwrite tftp:///c1310-k9w7-tar.124-21a.JA1.TAR
    to get the .TAR, go to the folder where the image is saved and then Tools >> folder options >> view >> check >> show hidden files and folders.
    Now click on the image and then copy the image name and then paste the same on the CLI... then this come as IMAGE.TAR that is.. c1310-k9w7-tar.124-21a.JA1.TAR instead of c1310-k9w7-tar.124-21a.JA1
    it should be c1310-k9w7-tar.124-21a.JA1.TAR
    lemme know how this works out for you!! if you face any difficulties while upgrading please open up a TAC case.. we wil solve this in less than 5 minutes... and the network wil be back up!!

  • Multicast for Aironet 1310 WGB and 1242 AP

    I have configured a Aironet 1310 bridge as a WGB and is connected to a Aironet 1242AG AP wirelessly!
    A sensor(IP device) is wired into the 1310WGB. The sensor needs MULTICAST to operate!
    I checked the DETAILED STATUS of the RADIO and both the 1310 and 1242 are blocking multicast!
    The RELIABLE MULTICAST TO WGB option is enabled on the 1242AP already! No luck as yet!
    Any thoughts??

    Have you seen this thread??
    Worked for me.

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