My Caller's I.D's don't appear any more!

Hi hope someone can help. I have had my Nokia Lumia 625 for 4 month, however, just recently when I receive & make phone calls the caller I.D. Does not appear despite this I.D. still being in my phone book. Hope you can help sort this as it is a real nuisance having to remember phone numbers , thanks.

Welcome to the Nokia Support Discussions, abbeylee.
Did you change any settings on your phone before this happened? Is this occuring with all of your contacts? When's the last time you've updated your phone? 
Let's try a hardware reset as an initial fix. No worries, this will not delete any of your personal data. To do it, press and hold the power and volume down keys simultaneously for 10-15 seconds, release the keys if the phone vibrates, and then the phone will restart. Do not forget to set the date and time correctly after doing this workaround. 
Keep us posted!

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    Jneklason wrote:
    I know this email is confusing and really hard to understand...perhaps now you will know how i've been feeling--lost and confused with all the mis-information, with a hit and miss phone, and out of time with all the 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs EACH wasted on this issue.
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    Maintenance and Service Guide
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    Thank you again for posting and have a great day.
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
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    I work on behalf of HP

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