My contacts only sync in part.

I sync my contacts from Addressbook to iphone but cannot convince iTunes to transfer ALL the contacts. It seems to make arbitrary choices as to what to include.  All my groups transfer, but only part of the group members complete the trip.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance......

You might need to check with your Exchange administrator to have them check the connection between your device and the Exchange server. He should be able to test your connection between the two devices. If it seems to be working alright, you can always try resetting your network settings to see if that helps.

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    akialan wrote:
    yes! i'm using icloud and have the same problems with you! sigh...
    hope BB would take action very soon!!!
    That doesn't sound too good. I found it is not syncing my new connections in LinkedIn either. I am using Z10STL100-2/, however.

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    You can turn off in-app purchases on the iPad via Settings > General > Restrictions > In-App Purchases 'off' - depending upon the iOS version on the iPad you might also have a Require Password setting on the Restrictions screen which you can set to 'Immediately'
    There is a copy of the iPad manual here, which you can download :
    And more info about restrictions :

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    Thank you all

    Make sure you created a combo vCard backup of your master contact list in a compatible format (not all vCards are compatible).  If you're not sure, use the app My Contacts Backup to create one.
    Then go to from your computer, open your contacts, click All Contacts, select any single contacts and press Control-A to select them all (they should all be highlighted), then press your Delete key to delete them.  Confirm that the contacts are all deleted.  On your phone, go to Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars>Default Account (in the Contacts section) and make sure you have selected iCloud as your default.  (If you don't have multiple accounts syncing contacts on your phone you won't see this setting and can skip this step.)  Then open the email and tap the vCard attachment to import your master contact list back to your phone, and to iCloud and your other devices.

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    You might need to check with your Exchange administrator to have them check the connection between your device and the Exchange server. He should be able to test your connection between the two devices. If it seems to be working alright, you can always try resetting your network settings to see if that helps.

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    Unless you subscribe to iTunes Match, iCloud doesn't sync music.  Just set up every person's devices on a separate iCloud account and your iCloud data and photo stream will remain separated.  Each iCloud account will need a separate ID, but it does not need to be the same as your iTunes ID.  You can continue to share the same iTunes ID and maintain separate iCloud accounts with separate IDs for iCloud.
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        Making sure you are able to manage and maintain your cloud storage is very important! auntthoo, please use this FAQ to help you manage and delete unwanted content from your VZ Cloud! Just scroll about a quarted of the way down, and under the General Section, you will see instructions for this feature!
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

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    Dear Gkaiseril
    Thank you very much for your answer!
    This I fears already J
    With JavaScript I have even less an idea than with the program Acrobat Pro XI. Is there not a other solution to solve this problem.
    Is it may possible that’s you can show me how such a JavaScript could look like or you know may a existing script?
    Anyway, thank your help.
    Nice regards

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    Any errors?
    What application are the contacts stored in?

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