My iCalendar on the Web

I seem to recall that Apple promised that, in Leopard, our iCal calendars could be published to the Internet, just like our iWeb-pages. We could approach them with a password and also add and change data. Even using a PC when in Tokyo or Kuala Lumpur. Where can I find that option??? Or was this just a dream of mine?

In Leopard's iCal, you can publish to a WebDAV server, just like you can in Tiger.
The good part is that you iCal in Leopard let's you sync with any compliant CalDAV server, including the one that comes with Mac OS X Server 10.5 Leopard called iCal server (which is open source). There are many other organizations which are ready launch or integrate other servers. It's not just syncing, but entire collaboration where you can invite, check busy, schedule resources (conf room, etc.) etc. True group calendaring, which is sorely needed in the workplace.
Many of the organizations are part of the consortium, which is working on Calendaring standards. Apple has been at the forefront of this arena.
I've seen where you can publish calendars to websites, but that's not included directly by Apple, as far as I know.

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    Below I listed my code from a procedure.
    the first part of the procedure is alot of converting, but if you skip down to the part between the 2 sets of double lines this fairly standard.
    PACKAGE BODY pmc_lib IS
    -- Procedure to run the report.
    procedure run_reports(v_report_name in varchar2, -- Report Name with or w/o a path.
    v_commode in number default synchronous, -- commode
    v_execmode in number default runtime, -- execute mode
    v_file_sys in number default filesystem, -- dummy
    v_param_list in paramlist, -- parameter list
    v_show_modes in varchar2 default null) is -- used for testing,
    -- if set to anthing but null, the report properties will display
    -- on the screen through an alert prior to printing.
    v_errorcode number;
    v_errortext varchar2(600);
    v_initialized boolean := false;
    v_prop_reportserver varchar2(200);
    v_report_path varchar2(200);
    v_user varchar2(100);
    v_user_sessionid number;
    v_forms_version varchar2(100);
    v_default_report_server varchar2(200);
    v_default_server_domain_path varchar2(200);
    v_connect_string varchar2(3) := get_application_property(connect_string);
    v_user_name varchar2(35) := get_application_property(username);
    report_id report_object;
    reportserverjob varchar2(100);
    v_jobid varchar2(100);
    rep_status varchar2(100);
    v_url varchar2(500);
    v_url2 varchar2(500);
    v_parameter_value varchar2(100);
    v_destype_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_desformat_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_desname_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_value_n number := 0;
    v_param_type number := text_parameter;
    v_prop_execmode number;
    v_prop_commode number;
    v_prop_destype number;
    v_prop_filename varchar2(200);
    v_prop_source_block varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_query_name varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_desname varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_desformat varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_reportserver varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_other varchar2(200) := null;
    v_mimetype varchar2(200) := null;
    v_selected_mimetype varchar2(200) := null;
    report_not_generated exception;
    report_id_not_found exception;
    v_forms_version := get_application_property(version);
    v_prop_reportserver := get_report_object_property('report1', report_server);
    v_report_path := null;
    v_user := v_user_name || '/' ||
    get_application_property(password) || '@' ||
    if v_connect_string = 'NNN' then
    v_default_server_domain_path := '';
    v_default_report_server := 'rep_pmcoracapp01_frhome1';
    v_default_server_domain_path := '';
    v_default_report_server := 'rep_oradevsrv_frhome1';
    end if;
    v_initialized := true;
    -- Check to see what version of forms is running.
    if substr(v_forms_version, 1, 1) <> '6' then
    -- Check to see if WEB version is running
    -- This may be an unnecessary check.
    if (get_application_property(user_interface) = 'WEB') then
    report_id := find_report_object('report1');
    -- id_null won't work on a report_id in Version 6, may put back in 10g once version 6 is gone completly
    -- if id_null(report_id) then
    -- raise report_id_not_found;
    -- end if;
    -- Because of Convertions from old system the following are needed.
    -- 1) If 'execmode' is runtime, then change it to batch.
    if v_execmode = runtime then
         v_prop_execmode := batch;
         v_prop_execmode := v_execmode;
    end if;
    -- 2) If Report name has an attached path, then remove it.
    v_value_n := instr(lower(v_report_name), 'k:\pmc\new\');
    if v_value_n = 0 then
         v_prop_filename := v_report_name;
         v_prop_filename := substr(v_report_name, v_value_n + 11);
    end if;
    -- From looking at the FORMS, 'destype' parameter is always passed in from the FORM.
    -- It is either 'preview' or 'file'.
    -- This is here for the converstion from Forms 6 to 10g.
    -- If for some reason destype has not been passed in as a parameter, you will get a FORM error,
    -- saying the parameter does not exists.
    -- 3) If 'destype' is one of the following, then change it to cache.
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'destype', v_param_type, v_destype_param_value);
    if lower(nvl(v_destype_param_value, 'null')) in ('preview', 'file', 'null') then
    v_prop_destype := cache;
    -- 3a) If 'destype' was = 'file' then check the 'desformat' and 'desname'.
    if lower(nvl(v_destype_param_value, 'null')) = 'file' then
    -- 3b) Get 'desformat' value
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'desformat', v_param_type, v_desformat_param_value);
    -- 'delimited' was not working, so change all 'delimited' to 'delimiteddata'.
    if lower(nvl(v_desformat_param_value, 'null')) = 'delimited' then
         v_desformat_param_value := 'delimiteddata';
    end if;
    -- 3c) If 'desformat' is NOT one of the following, then change it to pdf.
    if lower(nvl(v_desformat_param_value, 'null')) not in ('pdf', 'xml', 'rtf', 'delimiteddata') then
    v_prop_desformat := 'pdf';
    v_prop_desformat := lower(v_desformat_param_value);
    end if;
    -- 4) Get 'desname' property.
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'desname', v_param_type, v_desname_param_value);
    v_prop_desname := lower(v_desname_param_value);
    end if;
    v_prop_destype := lower(v_destype_param_value);
    end if;
    when others then
    -- If a desformat is rtf, xml, or delimited then get a mimetype to pass to the url
    if lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'rtf' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/msword';
    elsif lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'xml' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/';
    elsif lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'delimiteddata' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/';
    end if;
    -- 6) If the Following are not set within the Report Object then
    -- set them to the following defaults.
    -- These are al required to be set for the Report Object to Function.
    -- These are the defaults for AAPMC.
    v_prop_execmode := nvl(v_prop_execmode, batch);
    v_prop_commode := nvl(v_prop_commode, synchronous);
    v_prop_destype := nvl(v_prop_destype, cache);
    v_prop_desformat := nvl(v_prop_desformat, 'pdf');
    v_prop_reportserver := nvl(v_prop_reportserver, v_default_report_server);
    -- Set All Report_Object Properties
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_execution_mode, v_prop_execmode);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_comm_mode, v_commode);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_destype, v_prop_destype);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_filename, v_prop_filename);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_source_block, v_prop_source_block);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_query_name, v_prop_query_name);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_desname, v_prop_desname);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_desformat, v_prop_desformat);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_server, v_prop_reportserver);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_other, v_prop_other);
    -- Run Report_Object
    reportserverjob := run_report_object(report_id, v_param_list);
    v_jobid := substr(reportserverjob, length(v_prop_reportserver) + 2, length(reportserverjob));
    -- If Report Status is not 'FINISHED', then loop till it is.
    if reportserverjob is not null then
    rep_status := report_object_status(reportserverjob);
    while rep_status in ('RUNNING', 'OPENING_REPORT', 'ENQUEUED') loop
    rep_status := report_object_status(reportserverjob);
    end loop;
    if rep_status <> 'FINISHED' then
    raise report_not_generated;
    end if;
    -- Create 1st part of url.
    v_url := 'http://' || v_default_server_domain_path || '/getjobid' || v_jobid || '?server=' || v_prop_reportserver;
    -- Check for mimetype.
    if v_mimetype is not null then
    v_url := v_url || v_mimetype;
    end if;
    -- Final part of url.
    v_url2 := '"' || v_url || '", "", "fullscreen=no, titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, status=no, resizable=yes"); self.close()';
    -- This is the built-in that calls a new browser window
    raise report_not_generated;
    end if;
    end if;
    -- Destroy the parameter list.
    -- This section if for Client Server, Version 6 of forms.
    -- It will do the same as before the conversion.
    -- It is only used before the complete conversion.
    if v_report_name is null then
    end if;
    v_value_n := instr(v_report_name, 'k:\pmc\new\');
    if v_value_n = 0 then
         v_prop_filename := 'k:\pmc\new\' || v_report_name;
    v_prop_filename := v_report_name;
    end if;
    end if;      
    -- create history record of the report being run
    insert into pmc_report_history values(
    when report_id_not_found then
    show_user_alert('ERROR: Cannot Find Report Object!', null);
    when report_not_generated then
    show_user_alert('ERROR: Report Not Generated!', null);
    when others then
    v_errorcode := SQLCODE;
    v_errortext := SQLERRM;
    show_user_alert('ERROR : ' || v_errorcode || ' = ' || v_errortext, null);

    What you could try is downloading the report to the client pc using WEBUTIL_FILETRANSFER.URL_TO_CLIENT, then open the locally save file using something like:
    CLIENT_HOST('cmd /c rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler "localfilename"');

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    Awaiting for ur quick response...

    Please Ignore my above message.
    Thanks for ur Response.
    After ur valuble inputs we have added the required dependencies and sucessfully created the projects, then building of the  projects was also sucessfully done and  EAR file was created.
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    In the Activity Log we are able to check the Activities as Suceeded but the Deployment column is not showing any status.
    When i  right click on my activity Id the deployment summery is also disabled.
    So finally my Question is that where can i get the deployment log file, and where can i check the deployment status for my application..
    Any pointers in this regard would be of great help..
    Awaiting for ur valuble Responses..

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    When you next have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.
    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Scroll back in the log to the time you noted above. Select any messages timestamped from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • How to change the size of the web item text in WAD 7.0

    Dear All
    I am quite new to WAD and I am having a problem with changing the font size of a web text item
    I have searched already and someone suggested changing the Design property to  HEADER1 or HEADER2 etc and then I should be able to change the font / size.
    I have done this but to no avail
    I want to have large heading across the top of the web template
    am I using the wrong web item ?
    I know I can key the text directly into the web template and change the font from the menu bar  but I need it in an item as I want to export them through to PDF later
    Would be grateful of any help

    Thank you all for your quick responses (I will award points once this is sorted)
    On the information you have supplied this has opened up yet another new part of WAD that I have not experienced ...TAGs
    Shubhranshu - I have done what you said but as I have never used tags I have just had a look around and found that I can insert Any Tag but not sure if I should be doing that.  If it is inert any tag , I chose FONT from the drop down and cbmAttributes defaulted into the custom tab for the class name but not sure what it wants in the Attributes and CSS Style tab, it won't accept what I am putting which is leading me to believe that I shouldn't be doing it that way.
    Venkat - thanks for the links they will prove very useful.  I've had a look and although they talk alot about the XHTML code for tags they don't actually say how you do it in the editor - I would like to produce one that way first and then see the code it generates for it.  I'm a bit apprehensive with changing the code direct as I don't want to mess anything up.
    Thanks again for your help

  • Hello All... Back after a brief absence, things look a little bit different. I'm trying to take a 16 minute mini dv video and compress it for use on the web. I'm interested in any suggestions you may have on settings for the video and audio tracks. I'v

    Hello All...
    Back after a brief absence, things look a little bit different.
    I'm trying to take a 16 minute mini dv video and compress it for use on the web. I'm interested in any suggestions you may have on settings for the video and audio tracks. I've tried using Sorenson 3 (15 frames, key frames set to automatic, 320 x 240) for video and IMA 4:1 (mono) for audio. The resulting video looked great but the file size came in at about 255 Mb.
    PowerMac G5 1.8 Dual   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    Message was edited by: Dan Foley

    Thank you for the replies.  Everyone was correct about the jack, interface, and phasing problems.  I have been unplugging my motu audio interface and then using headphones at work.  I have not changed any detailed audio output settings in logic.  When I read that the jack might be a problem I tried switching headphones.  This actually helped.  I am using dre-beats headphones and they seem to be having issues with the mac/jack-(the phasing/panning problems.  I can use these headphones with other devices but not the mac.  I have to use ipod ear buds and the phasing seems fixed.  Hopefully this information is helpful to someone else. 
    If anyone knows how to correct this issue please let me know its difficult to know what my final mixes are going to sound like and I have had to keep bouncing everything into i-tunes- sync to ipod and then listen in my car radio. 

  • Can not test the web service in JDeveloper.

    Hi there...
    I created an AppModule, added two custom methods, and generated a webservice for that. When I want to test the webservice I get the error "The Webservice Tester cannot be invoked because the WSDL document of the selected service cannot be read."
    If I right the webservice and select run, I can view the web page to invoke the methods, However I am wondering why I can't test the service inside the developer.
    The settings of my system are as follows:
    OS: windows 7 64bit
    JDeveloper: Studio Edition Version , Build JDEVADF_11.1.1.3.PS2_GENERIC_100408.2356.5660
    I did not install any update for JDeveloper...
    So if anyone is having an idea what this problem is let me know.
    thanks .

    It seems that even if the test web service option does not work and i get the error, it is possible to run the web service, and then by clicking on the link in the log the tester in jdeveloper appears.
    Don't know the reason for such strange behavior.

  • Manual refresh of queries in the Web

    in the web the default action following any change to the navigation state of the query-result is that an automatic refresh of the query is performed.
    We want to enter a series of navigation-steps. It would be inefficient for the query
    to automatically refresh each time a navigation-step was entered. Is it possible to halt the auto refresh from executing and instead switch to a manual refresh mode which means that the users can enter a series of navigation-steps and when they are ready, they simply press a refresh button?
    Thanks in advance!

    options could be ..
    1. Have the query automatically expand to a specific level for all queries...
    2. Have a prequery window where the selection parameters are specified and then let the user enter the drilldown level for the query and then take the values from this template and then pass the same to the main query as URL parameters .. you can refer the Web API 3.x to find out how to do the same and also search for Command Line URLs.. this option would require some innovative javascript and command Line specifications..
    Assign points if useful

  • Capture an image using the web camera from a web application

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    Could anyone please share the steps what have to be followed for capture an image using the web camera from a web application.
    I have a similar requirement like this,
    1) Detect the Webcam on the users machine from the web application.(To be more clear when the user clicks on 'Add Photo' tool from the web application)
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    1) Detect the Webcam on the users machine from the web application.(To be more clear when the user clicks on 'Add Photo' tool from the web application)There's not really any good way to do this with JMF. You'd have to somehow create a JMF web-start application that will install the native JMF binaries, and then kick off the capture device scanning code from the application, and then scan through the list of devices found to get the MediaLocator of the web cam.
    2) When the user confirms to save, save the Image in users machine at some temporary location with some unique file name.You'd probably be displaying a "preview" window and then you'd just want to capture the image. There are a handful of ways you could capture the image, but it really depends on your situation.
    3) Upload the Image to the server from the temporary location.You can find out how to do this on google.
    All things told, this application is probably more suited to be a FMJ (Freedom for Media in Java) application than a JMF application. JMF relies on native code to capture from the web cams, whereas FMJ does not.
    Alternately, you might want to look into Adobe Flex for this particular application.

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  • Depreciation run in 2007- batch posted in 2008.Csq: Can not close FY07

    Hi SAP Guru, My client has an issue with a depreciation run of 12/07 posted in 12/08. FY=calendar year. How can this be solved since a depreciation run CANNOT be reversed. They created an extra asset acquisition in dec 2007 but forgot to run deprecia

  • Firefox V4 opens Windows error message "Cannot find...."

    I updated Firefox to version 4. Now, every time I open Firefox a Windows Error popup appears stating... Windows cannot find '

  • It seems my battery is losing charge more quickly than I would expect

    I am new to the iPad, so htis battery usage may be normal, but I seem to be losing about 4-5% in an hour's worth of browcing on Safari or using an app. When I had asleep overnight it even lost battery.  I've turned off 'push notifications' & location

  • Linking .exe Projects

    I am currently working on a Captivate 2 project. In the past I have had to break up projects because of the memory issue and link them together. I have always done this using the .swf output. To make life a litttle easier I am looking to link 3 short