My ipad is messing up

i get on my ipad go to the app store and select to download an app it shows that its downloading but when i go to my home screen its not their. i pick up my iphone and on the iphones home screen the app i have selected for the ipad is on the iphone. why ?

The app will be downloaded on all of your devices if you have Settings > iTunes and App Stores > Automatic Downloads set for Apps on each device.
New apps on the the iPad will go on App Page 2 (and beyond).

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    Hi Joamaru,
    Based on your description, it sounds like you may need to have your iPad serviced. You may find the following page helpful:
    Service Answer Center - iPad
    - Brenden

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    re-install it, thats what I did and it worked for me. Just un-install it and re-install it and you should be good to go.

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    Try reset all settings
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings
    Note: Data will not be affected but settings will be reset.

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    Answers (4)
    Answerer 1YES! this happened to me with my iPad. It would disconnect and screw with our wifi. go to the apple store and tell them this, the will give you a new one and now mine works(:

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  • Ipad restore problem error 102

    Hi All,
    I've diligently backed up our iPad and used TM to archive the backups. 
    Unfortunately now, when I need to restore from a backup I am getting the following error from AppleMobileBackup:
    ERROR: Restore message response: 102 mkdir error: No such file or directory (2) at path "/var/mobile/Library/SafeHarbor/com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle/Container/Documents/S ite Wireframe & Mockup.graffle/QuickLook" (MBErrorDomain/102)
    From reading that it looks like it is having trouble creating a directory on the iPad for some reason. I guess something wasn't getting saved correctly in the backup and thus can't get restored properly or this iPad directory was in a strange state when it was backed up.
    I've searched the Web and there are some similar problems to this with different details (e.g. can't rename file) for the 102 error but no real solution.
    I've tried a number of my backups going back a number of months and they all seem to have this error. I guess something on the iPad got messed up a while back and all the backups since then have it included, unfortunatley.
    I'm wondering if anyone has a solution that can help me complete this restore?
    I'm really not worried about Omnigraffle, I would happily reinstall it, but don't want to lose the rest of the backup. 
    I wonder if there is a way to make the backup continue / complete ignoring this error?
    Or perhaps to remove everything with regards to Omnigraffle from the backup? 
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    PS Not really happy when I have backed up all these times and now it is not working.  I think Apple's restore software seems a bit too fragile and should work around issues like this to do the best it can.
    This is for an iPad 1 with iOS5.1.1 restoring from latest iTunes on Mac OS X Server 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.

    Hi BKN,
    Thanks for your post and sorry to hear you are in the same situation (but it's good not to be alone ;-)
    Some notes on your comments (can't seem to easily split quoted messages here):
    1. I don't  seem to get the "Unexpected connection closure..." error from iTunes that you get (not sure that is significant though)
    2. With regards to the special character(s) in the filename.  I have hex edited the manifest.mbdb and changed my "&" to a "A" in the filename and the problem still existed (with an "A" in the error path), so I hope we can rule that out. 
    3. I have not really used Omnigraffle iCloud syncing, just turned on iCloud at the end of the change-over period and haven't used it for file sync-ing (at least not that I know of), so perhaps can rule that out.
    4. I have Dropbox running on Mac and client is on iPad (and iPhones).  I don't think my Omnigraffle docs have come anywhere near Dropbox though, again not use Omnigraffle on iPad for a while.  Have used on Mac quite a bit though.
    5. I am still running Lion on my MacBook Pro and the machine doing the iTunes syncing is a Mac mini running Snow Leopard Server, so I think we can rule out iCloud issues, again since I haven't really gotten into iCloud yet. 
    I have done a lot of investigating and experimenting (with no luck unfortunately).  I have used iBackupRobot (free version that works well, click cancel past the registration dialogs to get full functionality I believe) and Hex Fiend as mentioned above. 
    I also tried another one (called iBackupRestore or something like that but it required mono and X, which I had, but ran very slowly and failed - I think it only works for iOS4 or less). So, don't try that.
    With iBackupRobot I extracted my problematic document and associated files. It gave me:
    Documents_Site Wireframe & Mockup.graffle
    Documents_Site Wireframe & Mockup.graffle_data.plist
    Documents_Site Wireframe &
    Documents_Site Wireframe & Mockup.graffle_QuickLook_Preview.pdf
    Documents_Site Wireframe &
    Documents_Site Wireframe &
    _ is for /
    The .info files just contain details of the mapping from real filename to the hex filenames inside the backup (useful to find the files and remove them as I did, see below). 
    I noticed that the data.plist file seemed to be empty so I filled it with content from another data.plist file in Omnigraffle's documents.  Interestingly, the error message changed a bit then (IIRC) to this:
    20/10/12 10:47:40 PM
    2012-10-20 22:47:40.605 AppleMobileBackup[30109:903] ERROR: Restore message response: 102 mkdir error: No such file or directory (2) at path "/var/mobile/Applications/8AF90D98-FB52-4E3E-877F-FD0A0F45C0A1/Documents/Site Wireframe & Mockup.graffle/QuickLook" (MBErrorDomain/102)
    Note the path no longer includes SafeHarbor (which I believe is the temporary storage area whilst apps are being loaded etc). So some progress but a very similar error.
    I have tried removing the hex-name files from the backup but MobileBackup detects them and says the backup is corrupt and will not proceed.  The problem is I can't see how we can edit the manifest.mbdb (apart from simple hex editing). 
    I've tried editing the plist files Manifest.plist and info.plist file (with Property List editor) but again no luck, deleting items (Omnigraffle application entries) is detected as a corrupt backup and MobileBackup will not proceed.
    It is interesting how it is the QuickLook folder that is listed in the error.  Mine contains a Preview.pdf file which seems to be fine. 
    I'm also not sure what the error message actually means.  I guess it mean that when trying to create the QuickLook directory the path up to there didn't exist (e.g. the "Site Wireframe & Mockup.graffle" directory or one of its parents didn't exist).
    I could be wrong though. 
    I visited an Apple Store and tried to talk to a Genius but didn't get much help from the iPad Genius (should have registered for a Mac Genius apparently), he admitted he wasn't a Mac or iPad Genius (good on him) and went out back to ask his guru colleague. 
    He came back and said his colleague thought the real error was the -1, which he said indicated a hardware fault. 
    I don't think they knew what they were talking about, on some Apple support pages it does refer to -1 being something about hardware / comms fault, but I also think it is just a catch-all error code for iTunes when it doesn't know what else to report. 
    He suggested trying on another iPad but I don't have one and he wouldn't let me use one of theirs. I guess I could buy one and return it after testing for a refund, but I doubt it is a hardware problem myself. 
    I was hoping they may have some secret way to force the restore to continue or to selectively ignore certain applications on restoring (which may come to iTunes one day I hope).  It seems the Apple stores don't specialise in this kind of suppor though. 
    He suggested ringing Apple phone support / Applecare but I wasn't too keen on trying to explain this and share details over the phone.  I might give it a go, even though you had no success because I might luck out on someone who knows more etc.
    I think I have done a full reset, sync'ed all apps and then tried the restore - fail.
    I have tried so many things I am now having trouble remembering what I tried and how each failed. 
    My restore seems to go pretty well for quite a while before it fails, so I think it is restoring it's just getting an error when doing this one document for Omnigraffle and can't get past that. 
    If we could stop it restoring Omnigraffle I think we would be good to go but, as mentioned above, I can't see how we could do that without some serious editing of the backup, especially the plists and manifest.mbdb, but I am not expert ont hose.
    Very sad to hear that Apple had no ways to work around a file or error.  I think it is a fault in their restore software - it is too fragile, not catching the said error and fixing the directory path. But I am not holding my breathe for them to assist (but will try to get help).
    Thanks for your notes and please keep me informed of how you go / if I can help in anyway. 
    Unfortunately, I am very busy at work these days and can only work on this on the weekends.

  • Please help! iPad locked while using it with Apple TV

    If anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it!
    For some reason, my mom's iPad (first generation) is having an issue with the password. My mom uses her iPad daily, so she certainly didn't forget her 4 digit password, and yet, we can't unlock the iPad. We've tried so many times that we are currently locked out for an hour.
    I have no idea if the following is the reason that the password no longer works, but I might as well descibe what I was doing that may have caused it to stop working.
    I bought a new soundsystem for my mom's television. We also have an Apple TV hooked up to the TV. I was testing out the sound system by trying to Netflix from Apple TV through the new sound system. In what I imagine to be a totally unrelated problem, the sound system wasn't working with the Apple TV unless the sound system is connected directly to Apple TV (via optical cable).
    Anyways, in the midst of trying to figure all of this out, I was using my mom's iPad to control the Apple TV (as opposed to using the remote control that comes with the Apple TV). I was having no issues using the gestures on the iPad to control the Apple TV. Then, after so many minutes of the iPad being idle, I re-awakened the iPad to see that I needed to input the 4 digit password. I asked my mom for her password, tried several times, and it didn't work. Then I had my mom try herself, and the 4 digit pw didn't work. We had to wait several minutes before trying again. We're now at the point where we're having to wait 60 minutes to try an input the 4 digit pw again.
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    I connected my mom's iPad to my Mac (she doesn't have her own computer) to see if that would work, but my Mac is saying that my mom's iPad is locked.
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    I suggest that in addition to waiting out the 60 minute period, try resetting the iPad.  (Do both.)
    Reset it by holding the on/off and home buttons together for about 10 seconds till the Apple logo appears.

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    Inset up iPad email for my AT&T account. Now when I open email on computer, the emails I open are blank.  What have I done? They are all fine on iPad. Also, new emails are only going to iPad. Thank you!

    Hi caesarome I have tried to set it up again by choosing Yahoo from the list of providers - but that just took me into a 'set up Yahoo email' page (sign in or create account) . I couldn't use my sky email address or password in doing that. I now have a new yahoo email account [email protected] that I don't want. On the ipad mail it just shows an empty inbox for my Yahoo email (although my sky email address is still there under settings>mail) - no sent, trash, drafts etc. I have also followed other advice that sets up the email again using 'other' provider but changes the host names under incoming and outgoing mail server to and  That hasn't worked either. The iphone (with exactly the same settings that I had on the ipad before messing around) works fine!

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    Thank you for the response. I tried that and it still doesn't work. I don't understand why an individual recording won't work and the others will. Unless the professor who set up the iPad somehow messed with the setting...I  have no clue.

  • Can I use my same itunes that I use with my iphone and sync it to my ipad?

    Can I use my same itunes that I use with my iphone and sync it to my ipad? That is, can I sync all my existing apps, etc that i use on my iphone to my ipad, without messing anything up?

    iPhone apps will not be able to use the full screen resolution, but most if not all will work.

  • Magnets in Ipad harmful to pc's?

    Will the magnets in my Ipad 2 mess up my laptop computer?  It's acting funny, and I've been resting my Ipad on it lately.  Or is that just a coincidence?

    In the old days, a magnet could corrupt floppy discs. But magnets don't cause problems today.
     Cheers, Tom

  • ITunes Match Sync Erases ID3 Tags

    I have had no problems with the iTunes Match syncing between the iTunes that was on my PC (version, I don't know, but it was older than 11.4) and my iPhone and iPad.
    But today I upgraded iTunes to the latest and greatest version (11.4), and now everything is MESSED UP. When I connect this new iTunes to my iTunes Match account, now all of a sudden all of the playlists on both my iPhone and iPad got messed up and came out of the Playlist Folders they were in and are now top-tier playlists. When I try to move them back into their appropriate folders in iTunes and re-sync, the re-sync effectively erases from iTunes the changes I just made. For example, it puts the playlist right back to where I moved it FROM. If I try to create new playlists, the sync erases them from iTunes. Even if I try to update an individual song's ID3 tag (like, for example, if I add some text to the "Grouping" field of a single song) and re-sync, the updated text disappears and reverts back to what it was before I synced. I don't even have my iPhone or iPad connected by cable to the computer, so it's not like iTunes is getting confused between whether to sync via cord or via iTunes Match.
    I don't know what to do. Is my iTunes update corrupted? It seems to be functioning fine otherwise. No alerts. No bad DLLs. Nothing weird other than the iTunes Match syncing problem.
    Any suggestions?

    You should check with the head unit manufacturer; they can most likely answer your question.

  • FaceTime lagging and no longer works!

    I have the iPad 2 and the main reason was for FaceTime with relatives in Asia. I am located in Canada. Here's a quick rundown of the situation.
    First day I got iPad 2 I used FaceTime with relatives in Asia. Worked wonderfully. A week later we tried again but this time it was lagging miserably. The call connected, I could see a blurry image for about 5 seconds before the image froze. The sound I was receiving was also very choppy. I could hear bits and pieces but not enough to understand. I restarted router and iPad but same situation. Double checked other computers that are wireless at home and working fine and getting 15Mbps based on The connection in Asia was fine, they sent a short video showing what they saw, perfect motion picture and audio. Everything was on my end.
    I then tried Skype App on iPad and it worked perfectly fine to Asia with no issues or lag.
    Tried googling issues and wifi issues seem to be everywhere however mine does stay connected. It seems under heavy strain it disconnects, FaceTime Netflix YouTube etc. I then tried FaceTime with a friend in the same city. FaceTime still had issues but not as severe. Friends side was still seamless while my iPad is messed up.
    Is there a fix or anyone having the same issues? Please help!

    Some folks have discovered that changing their DNS service fixes FaceTime connection issues.
    The ideal way is to configure your modem/router with DNS service, but often settings in System Preferences/Network on your Mac will override the router settings. Try either of these;
    Google Public DNS
    Also, try a reset. Press & hold the Power and Home buttons together for 10+ seconds, ignoring the red power-off slider, until you see the Apple logo.

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