Dear team,
i have received my iphone on 18/11/2011.  On the other hand i can not use my iphone because of simlock.
Could you remove simlock from myiphone and inform me asap please?
<Personal Information Edited by Host>

You will need to contact your service provider for a new sim card. 

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    It is not a problem.  it is the way it should work.
    ALL U.S. iphones are carrier locked and CANNOT be legally/legitimately unlocked at all.
    AS wjosten says, return it if you can.

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    You do not contact Apple at all.
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    Apple does not unlock iphones. The carrier would have to do this and most carriers do not offer unlocking.
    Swisscom does not offer unlocking:

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    You do not contact Apple at all.
    T-mobile has ot handle it.  Talk to them

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    Go to an Apple Store and change it.

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    Hi Cagri, Yes good for you doing some research before you buy. As stated the US iPhone is simlocked and cannot be officially unlocked. If you are going to be close to Canada you can buy a unlocked phone from an Apple Retail Store. If you do so, please bring a micro sim from your carrier to ensure it will work before you head home. Also note that is you buy an iPhone from another country, if any warranty issues you will need to ship the phone to someone you know in that country, Canada or UK, and have them bring it to Apple for service. All at your expense. While you may be initially saving 1/3 of the cost, it could cost you much more down the road.
    Hope this info will help you.
    Good Luck.

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    Only the carrier an iPhone was sold as carrier locked with can officially unlock the iPhone, or send the unlock request to Apple on the owner's behalf.
    How did you check to determine the iPhone is carrier locked with a carrier in the UK? However you checked that should also provide the carrier the iPhone is carrier locked with.
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    Have a look here I can't determine whether Apple HK sell
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    Generally if unlocked is available it is
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    ps  we are all users here No Apple presence ...User Community only

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    should be! I'm prepared to sent my passport (copy), prove of residents that I
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    can get the simlock of the phone.
    official users would like to answer?

    I'm not an official user (I don't work for Verizon), but after many posts on the subject of getting a simlock removed I think you may be out of luck since you did not get it done prior to ending your relationship with Verizon. One of the requirements is that you must be a current customer and the phone has to be on an active line (or been on the line at some point...apparently you can upgrade to a different device but still get a sim unlock done on a previous device as long as you meet the other requirements and you have been a customer for 60 days I believe). You can try emailing Verizon Customer support just to be might get an official answer quicker that way then you will on here for a Verizon employee.

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    I updated my iphone today and received the same message. When I reconnected to iTunes, neither my phone nor iTunes would recognize they were connnected. I went to a local AT&T provided that reset my phone to factory settings, had to reconfigure visual voicemail, etc. my phone is a blank slate. I was told to go home, connect to iTunes and the previously synced information would load to my iphone. I have since connected my phone that was working to my PC, it will not recognize. I followed troubleshooting so a PC will recognize and iTunes would recognize and turned my phone off, then on again. My re-set phone has now been stuck with the Apple logo for 15 minutes, no buttons will power it down. It is frozen in restart and I think I can do nothing but schedule any appointment with an Apple Expert.

  • Hi, I' ll be San Antonio from 8-10th of Oct and want to buy an iphone 5. According to forums there is no unlucked yet. Thus, can i get simlocked but not contracted phone from any store? and is that possible to use that phone in Turkey without any prob.

    Hi, I' ll be San Antonio from 8-10th of Oct and want to buy an iphone 5. According to forums there is no unlucked yet. Thus, can i get simlocked but not contracted phone from any store? and is that possible to use that phone in Turkey without any prob.

    If you purchase the phone at the full contract price and have no term left on your carrier contract, the carrier will unlock it for you. That's what I am doing with AT&T. I'll pay the full purchase price for the phone and since I don't have a contract with them, they will unlock it for you. It can be difficult to get it done since most of their customer service is very ill informed but I have had many discussions with them on their chat that I have records of them stating they will unlock any phone if you do not have an existing contract. It's the law.

  • Désimlocker Iphone 4S pour utilisation en Nouvelle-Calédonie

    Ai acheté le 17/01/2012 un iphone 4S (chez SFR) en france et je cherche à le désimlocker depuis la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Pourriez-vous m'aider SVP! On m'a
    dis qu'il faut attendre trois mois (ok délais passé), et ensuite contacté SFR pour avoir confirmation du Désimlockage! J'attend une réponse mais toujours rien. J'ai essayé de mettre une carte sim d'ici ( opérateur en Nouvelle-Calédonie "OPT") mais sans succès, le téléphone ne detecte pas de carte sim.
    Si je vous donne les références en détails du de l'Iphone, serait-il possible de me dire si "Désimlockage fait, SVP"
    Et me donner le processus à suivre...
    Merci beaucoup
    En attente de vous lire

    Eric, you can help low memory problems by periodic reboot.  Hold both the power and home buttons until the apple logo appears and the iPad restarts, ignore the red slider if it appears.
    The iPad 1 has 256 MB memory, the iPad 2 has 512 MB memory, the iPad 3 and 4 have 1 GB memory.

  • Bonjour. Je veux désimlocker mon iPhone 5 : quelle est la manipulation à faire ? merci

    Bonjour. Je souhaite désimlocker mon iPhone 5 mais je ne trouve pas comment faire sur l'iPhone ou sur iTunes.
    Merci de votre aide

    Toutes mes excuses pour mon mauvais français, Google Translate m'aide. Voulez-vous désimlocker votre iPhone pour utilisation avec un autre réseau? Comment avez-vous acheté votre iPhone? Neuf?

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