My iPod chargers keep breaking.

I have had my iPod 5th gen for almost a year and have already gone through 3 lightning usb chargers. I don't understand why they keep breaking and I'm worried if maybe my device could somehow be messing them up? I don't harm my chargers and treat them well, especially since I've already gone through three of them. When I plug them in the wall charger end, which I've also changed hoping maybe that would work, it makes a ringing noise before I even plug in my iPod. I have no idea what is effecting what, I just want help

I have been using the same Lightning cable for both my iPad 4 and 7G iPod Nano for 1 1/2 years with no problems.
The cable is covered by the same one year warranty that covers the iPod.
Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
  Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Hey Katryn88, 7 or 8 cables?!? Really? Must be a an iPod 5, lighting cable. The lighting cables have a history of failing / shirting out, but that many cables would seem to be something your doing, you're not as careful as you think! Avoid sharp bending, twisting or pulling on the cable. Always remove the cable from your iPod by taking hold of the end, never by pulling on the cable. When storing, wrap the cable loosely. OK. That said, have you looked at the charging port of your iPod? Is it free of damage? No loose or missing pieces, no cracks. Is the port tight, no movement. Also with a strong light and a magnifying glass look inside the port for damage and foreign debris, namely lint. Packed lint will cause a bad connection and prevent you from charging. If you find lint / foreign debris, attempt to remove it. By blowing it out, or use a soft artist brush. If you must use a probe, a wooden toothpick works well. Just be careful to not touch, bend or damage the gold pins on the long side of the port. Also make sure the locking springs, the silver bumps on the short ends, are free of debris and push back when touched. Good luck, and develop a lighter touch. Cheers.

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    my God yes..exactly the same problem. The cables must be very poorly made as there are many other people that have the same problem. I would love to contact Apple directly but this seems to be impossible. Does anyone know how to email them to discuss this. They need to know that there is a problem . I am sick of having to spend nz $30 for yet another cable as they break after 6-8 weeks...if they last that long.
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    Are they Apple chargers, or a. n. other brand? If they are another brand, are they really cheap ones, that could possibly be less durable??
    Do you mean broken physically? Perhaps you're being too rough with them.
    Or does it simply stop producing power? You are sure it's the charger and not the cable, aren't you? If it's not the cable, then perhaps your power supply to your house is faulty and casuing them to fail.
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    please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have gone through 4 chargers in the last 2 months!!! i will admit that the first one broke because i was being a little to rough with it but since then i have been EXTRA careful with my other ones. i cant take it back to apple because the warrenty expired. and we are low on money so i am forced to buy cheeper ones from amazon. my last charger only lasted a couple of weeks before i got a message on my screen saying " this cable or acsessory may not work reliably with this ipod" 
    ~ i have the ipod touch 5 gen
    ~ my last cord that broke was not bent at all
    ~ i need a quick cheep fix
    ~ 20$ is to much

    dcarrots wrote:
    ... i am forced to buy cheeper ones from amazon.
    Don't. As you found out they don't last. They are likely to be quite expensive when they damage your iPod, burn down your house, or worse. Counterfeit adapters are very common on Amazon, and they are not safe to use.
    See if Apple will accept yours in accordance with this program:
    $10 is a steal.
    Don't wait. The program ends in a few days.

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    Why are you buying .The chargers are under 12 month warranty

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    You are really confused Peter Gillespie.
    I replied to you that
    "I took mine to the Apple store and they refused to replace it saying I had not been careful keeping it straight when charging whilst it was still under warranty.
    The product I have mentioned protects the cable whilst still retaining its flexibility.
    Anyway, it has worked for 4 members of my family so far and we have had them over 6 months and one of the chargers in question does have a split and stll works after using the product"
    This reply was in response to your comment below:
    "If less than 12 months old then it is under warranty ,unless Apple bellieve it is user abuse rather than a manufacuring issue that caused the "failure""
    My reply was not, as you incorrectly imply, to your earlier post where you stated:
    "The strange thing is that as stated hundreds of millions of users have no issues with the cables
    Yet clearly some users do have an issue ,time and time again what does that tell you ?"
    I never replied "strangely", it appears you have a serious misunderstanding of the flow of this thread and it is clear you are making a lame attempt to be the hero.
    I simply highlighted a product which has served it purpose and that is all. I am not into lying about who said what to whom because it is very clear to see for those who understand.

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    Using the battery level meter in this manner is comparable to using your car's fuel gauge to calculate miles per gallon. The only thing that matters is the total amount of operating time from full charge to auto-shutdown.
    Use the wall-mount charger that came with the iPad and charge overnight.  Do NOT use an iPod/iPhone charger.  Do NOT use a computer's USB port.  Then, operate it normally until auto shut-down (ignore any low level alerts that may appear).  An irony is that doing that test to determine the total operating time is also the procedure necessary to calibrate the battery level meter.
    I'm not claiming that you do not have a problem.  I am stating, however, that we don't yet know.  If the above test does, in fact, indicate a problem, read this.
    Also, according to Apple:
    Use Your iPad Regularly
    For proper reporting of the battery’s state of charge, be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).
    Elsewhere, Apple elaborates and explains that two half-discharges (or four quarter-discharges, etc.) equals one full discharge.

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    Start here:
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    Hi Erdelestre,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities!
    See this article for some tips about troubleshooting AirPlay:
    Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring
    Troubleshooting performance issues with AirPlay or AirPlay Mirroring
    If you are experiencing intermittent playback or significant network lag with AirPlay or AirPlay Mirroring, it could be due to a weak Wi-Fi connection, interference, or the distance between the Wi-Fi router and your iOS device, Apple TV or AirPort Express. Try the following suggestions:
    Ensure that other devices are not trying to stream to the same Apple TV at the same time.
    Turn off Bluetooth on your iOS device by tapping Settings > General > Bluetooth.
    Ensure that your Wi-Fi router is set up with the recommended settings for the best performance.
    Certain external devices, such as microwave ovens and baby monitors, may interfere with a Wi-Fi network. Try moving or disabling these devices.
    If possible, try to locate your Wi-Fi router in the same room as your Apple TV and iPhone/iPad.
    If your wireless and wired networks are the same, try connecting your Apple TV to the router via Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi.
    If the Wi-Fi router has an external antenna, check to see that is it connected properly and in good condition.
    Use the Wi-Fi network troubleshooting guide to resolve interference and other issues.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    When using the airplay from my iPhone or iPad the picture and audio works well. No breaking of picture or audio.
    When I try do the same from my new mac book pro the picture and audio keep breaking up, which is very frustrating considerng the new mac should have a better connection then that of older devices.
    I have a Mac book pro with Retina display, 2.6 Ghz, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, OS X 10.9.2.
    Have the latest Apple TV.
    The issue has nothing to do with the router as the same wireless connection is used for the iPhone and iPad.
    Looking for some genuine help..

    WiFi connections will always be flaky and re-liable at best.  Especially with home grade WiFi hardware.  You will save your self a lot of headache if you use Wired connections for the MBP and ATV.
    considerng the new mac should have a better connection then that of older devices.
    Why would that be?  They are all using the same wireless standard, connecting to the same wireless router.  The MBP being a year or two newer does not magically make it's network connection faster just because you think it should be.  
    The issue has nothing to do with the router
    That is in fact exactly what it is.  Or more specifically using WiFi.
    as the same wireless connection is used for the iPhone and iPad.
    No they arn't.  They may all be connecting to the same device, but they each have a serrate connection, on different frequencies, in different locations, that are getting hit with different random levels of background noise and interference.

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