My Ipod seems dead just after the warranty expired. It is charged.

is it worth getting service? it was my first big purchase.

Could you give us a little more information regarding what happened to your iPod?

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    Mavericks has had a lot of compatability issues and are slowly being fixed.  This is why I haven't upgraded yet.
    Either downgrade back to Mountain Lion or just wait for a software fix.

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    I was able to get to a support person who helped me fix this without charge. I guess it was my bad for not trying the right way to access support.
    Anyway, they answer is this.
    I had to create a new account on my computer. When I logged into the new account it immediately wanted an AppleID. I used my daughter's e-mail address for the AppleID. This setup the internet accounts correctly with her e-mail address. I was then able to access e-mail in both the browser and Mail. Not that complicated but nothing that I would have easily thought up on my own.
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    Hi 1283ar.
    Unfortunately, iOS 7 is too hard to push for the iPhone 4 and therefore has a lot of effects turned off to try to get it to run as smoothly as possible.
    However, it becomes better and better with each update coming but it's hard to do anything about the hardware on an already released phones.
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    At an authorized dealer, they told me that probably it was a short circuited battery.
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    The only unusual bios message I get is "No TPM or TPM has problem". I guess this has to do with cryptographic protection, so I imagine it has nothing to do with this issue.
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    To be honest I doubt that someone here in the forum would be able to provide an exactly answer to this issue
    I think its nearly impossible to say whats wrong without running any hardware checks.
    But for me it sounds like an motherboard issue possibly its power supply electronic issue which is a part of the motherboard.
    What to say maybe you need new motherboard but the new mobo is an expensive part and in my opinion you should firstly check if its worth to replace the motherboard or to purchase an second hand notebook for the same cash.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer          
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

  • I get home after buying my ipad mini play with it for a bit then try to sync my songs, movies and photos on and it syncs fine. I then look back at the ipad and seem to find on the top right saying " not charging "

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    The quickest way (and really the only way) to charge your iPad is with the included 10W USB Power Adapter. iPad will also charge, although more slowly, when attached to a computer with a high-power USB port (many recent Mac computers) or with an iPhone Power Adapter (5W). When attached to a computer via a standard USB port (most PCs or older Mac computers) iPad will charge very slowly (but iPad indicates not charging). Make sure your computer is on while charging iPad via USB. If iPad is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPad battery will continue to drain.
    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery
    At this link,3014-11.html , tests show that the iPad 2 battery (25 watt-hours) will charge to 90% in 3 hours 1 minute. It will charge to 100% in 4 hours 2 minutes. The new iPad has a larger capacity battery (42 watt-hours), so using the 10W charger will obviously take longer. If you are using your iPad while charging, it will take even longer. It's best to turn your new iPad OFF and charge over night. Also look at The iPad's charging challenge explained
    Also, if you have a 3rd generation iPad, look at
    Apple: iPad Battery Nothing to Get Charged Up About t/
    Apple Explains New iPad's Continued Charging Beyond 100% Battery Level beyond-100-battery-level/
    New iPad Takes Much Longer to Charge Than iPad 2 d-2.html
    Apple Batteries - iPad
    Extend iPad Battery Life (Look at pjl123 comment)
    New iPad Slow to Recharge, Barely Charges During Use uring_use.html
    Tips About Charging for New iPad 3 ad-3.html
    How to Save and Prolong the battery life of your new ipad
    Prolong battery lifespan for iPad / iPad 2 / iPad 3: charging tips
    iPhone, iPod, Using the iPad Charger
    Install and use Battery Doctor HD
    In rare instances when using the Camera Connection Kit, you may notice that iPad does not charge after using the Camera Connection Kit. Disconnecting and reconnecting the iPad from the charger will resolve this issue.
     Cheers, Tom

  • I have a 3rd generation iPod Touch and just did the update to IOS 5. Now I can't connect to my Netgear wifi router. My iPhone connects fine along with all of my other laptops etc. I have the router set with WPA-PSK [TKIP] security and an access list.

    I have a 3rd generation iPod Touch and just did the update to IOS 5. Now I can't connect to my Netgear wifi router. My iPhone connects fine along with all of my other laptops etc. I have the router set with WPA-PSK [TKIP] security and an access list. I've confirmed the mac address is included on that list and that the password is correct. Under choses netwrok I select the network and it just goes into a spin. I have tried removing the password and the access list settings and it still will not complete the connection to the router thus no internet access. The routers firmware is also up to date. This thing worked fine before this update and I've already tried to restore from backup. Any ideas or is the wifi nic bad in this thing with the new apple firmware update? Any fix?

    Thanks Bob, I don't know why but it all of a sudden worked a few days later. It's a mystery but at least problem solved.

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    The gyro no longer works when using the remote app on my iPad. I updated to iOS 7.0.1.
    This seem to happen after the update. Any suggestions?

    Dear Apple friends,
    I have the exact same problem with some apps.
    Even when I try some websites in Safari and Chrome that require loading big chunks of data they crash.
    Today it crashed in two new places. In the notification center and when I opened newstand app I no longer was able to return to the main window and the dock disappeared.
    I have my ipad retina for about three months now but latelly this issue has became more frequent. What should I do?
    Should I update to the latest firmware and do what raymond73 said?
    Is there a fix for this issue?
    Has Apple said anything about this? Because I see that this issue is happening to a lot of people.
    Is it possible to downgrade to iOS 6?
    Is it a firmware problem? That can be fixed in future releases? Or an hardware issue?
    Should I wait or go to the place I bought it and try to get the money back?

  • My iPhone 4 has become dead slow after the iOS upgrade. Any pointers pls?

    Hello All,
    My iPhone 4 has become dead slow after the iOS upgrade. I use the phone for business purpose and it has become painful to use the phone becuase of the poor performance.
    I don't want to change phones based on iOS releases. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    How to update my iPhone4,iOS 7.0.6

  • Is there a way to stop a query just after the cursor/plan is produced by CBO?

    Following suggestions of Kerry Osborne’s Oracle Blog » Blog Archive » Explain Plan Lies – Kerry Osborn…
    on the lies of "Explain plan" (and of "set autotrace on"  too) I'd like to try to stop a query/DML before actually it starts, just after the plan was produced and sql_id assigned.
    Is there any CLEAN way (other than trying CTRL-C) to do that?

    PaolFili wrote:
    Thanks rp.
    I think my question is a little dofferent, but your reply give me an idea.(which has clear disadvantages , but can do the work).
    The problem is obtain in Lybrary Cache a plan,a SLQ_ID,PLAN_HASH for a query ( i.e. a 10days running query) that I cannot start-up.
    So my (suggested from your reply) idea is:
    1) to LOCK EXCLUSIVE (a table level) , **if it's possible** every table accessed in the query ( Yes, it can be really expansive in some production environment, but sometimes can be necessary ..)
      using :  LOCK TABLE table IN EXCLUSIVE MODE
    for each table accessed from query
    2) Startup the query that will be suspended form the lock on tables accessed + kill the sid,serial#,@Inst_id for the query.
    3) UNLOCK tables from EXCLUSIVE using "ROLLBACK"  in the session where LOCK TABLE.... was send.(to remake  tables to work for other queries)
    Any other ideas?
    you're planning on using locks to stop a query and you think in order to do so you need exclusive locks  on every table accessed in the query? And you are prepared to do that on a production system?
    And all of this is needed to troubleshoot a query that was running for 10 days -- i.e. a query that was available for all kinds of diagnostics during 10 days?
    Sorry, I think it wasn't a good idea for you to read that Osborne's blog post -- you should've started with more basic things. Way more basic.
    Best regards,

  • Macbook air Wi Fi and sound stops every time it goes to sleep. i have to  restart it every time to use wifi and sounds. this started happening just after the latest upgrade to X. any reasons why its doing that and how to fix it.

    Macbook air Wi Fi and sound stops every time it goes to sleep. i have to  restart it every time to use wifi and sounds. this started happening just after the latest upgrade to OS X. any reasons why its doing that and how to fix it.

    Test after taking each of the following steps. Back up all data before making any changes.
    1. Make sure the network is on the preferred list by following these instructions. It's important to read the article carefully, as it's the starting point for any further efforts to solve the problem. If you skip any of the steps, the problem may not be solved.
    2. Follow the instructions in this support article under the heading "Symptom: The network connection drops unexpectedly."
    3. Make a note of all your settings for Wi-Fi in the Network preference pane, then delete the connection from the connection list and recreate it with the same settings. You do this by clicking the plus-sign icon below the connection list, and selecting Wi-Fi as the interface in the sheet that opens. Select Join other network from the Network Name menu, then select your network. Enter the password when prompted and save it in the keychain.
    4. From the Location menu at the top of the Network preference pane, select Edit Locations. A sheet will drop down. Click the plus-sign button to create a new location. Give it any name you want. In the new location, set up the Wi-Fi service with the same settings you used before. Click Apply and test.
    5. Launch the Keychain Access application. Search for and delete all AirPort network password items that refer to the network. Make a note of the password first.
    6. In some cases, the problem has been resolved by repairing permissions on the startup volume.
    7. Turn off Bluetooth and test.
    8. Reinstall OS X.

  • I havent got a warranty card with my itouch 4 but how do i enroll my ipod to be eligible for the warranty?????

    I havent got a warranty card with my itouch 4 but how do i enroll my ipod to be eligible for the warranty?????

    You can check your status here: Apple - Support - Check Your Service and Support Coverage
    and so can Apple Support if you contact them.Apple - Support - Service Answer Center

  • Had a ipod touch 4, just purchase the ipod touch 5 why didn't my notes transfer over?

    had an ipod touch 4, just purchased the ipod touch 5, everything transferred to my new touch 5 except my notes. Any ideas why my notes didn't transfer?

    Did you follow these instructions?
    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device

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