My iTunes opens up, brings up sign in and crashes and freezes. What do I do?

Any time that i attempt to get into my itunes it opens up, freezes, pulls up the sign in page and then freezes and crashes there....***?! what to do

Is this an name that you use ?
Has it ever worked in iChat ?
If it is an name you can change the password here at Apple's iForgot site.
Keep the new password to 16 characters or Less for use with iChat as the AIM servers that you connect to cannot cope with larger ones.
8:02 PM      Tuesday; June 14, 2011
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
 Mac OS X (10.6.7),
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    I agree with you that something needs to change.
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    novul wrote:
    what if i have mcafee security what do i do
    how do i disable it
    I would try to uninstall McAfee:

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    Apple have this article on troubleshooting freezes:
    It might also be worth trying this, which can solve excessive processor use
    1. Quit iTunes.
    2. Start an elevated command prompt (Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Right Click "Command Prompt" -> "Run as Administrator")
    3. Once in the command prompt, type "netsh winsock reset" and hit ENTER.
    4. Reboot your machine.
    5. Restart iTunes.
    And this

  • Itunes 7.0.1 won't launch and freezes my pc

    Didn't want to hijack some other topic as I don't seem to have the exact same problems as people are describing.
    My symptoms
    - When launching Itunes.exe first time I get the license page, as soon as I click agree nothing happens, and my pc won't launch any applications. . The desktop is responding to every click though. It won't even restart/shutdown, only thing working is a hard restart on the pc case.
    The itunes.exe instance stays on the process list, and I'm unable to close it.
    - When launching after the first time I get the exact same, just without the license page (so I figure that info was saved).
    - Quicktime launches perfectly
    I'm running Avast antivir (haven't seen that mentioned anywhere, to be the cause of trouble)
    Not running any firewall app, apart from win xp (sp2) firewall.
    Now I've tried all the stuff I've seen suggested on these boards I believe, I'll just summarize what I've done so far:
    - Uninstalled/reinstalled (multiple times)
    - Cleaned as suggested
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\
    C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
    - Ran ccleaner to remove a blank entry in startup config
    and still no dice.
    My startup table looks like this (a bit crowded)
    Rundll32 nvclock
    3D!Turbo Experience
    Adobe Reader Hurtigstart
    EPSON Status Monitor 3 Environment Check 2
    Logitech Desktop Messenger
    Logitech SetPoint
    Microsoft Office
    Adobe Gamma
    just to add, Itunes is uninstalled atm, that's why it's not on the list.
    As you can see I've got a Nvidia gfx card, and I've updated the driver to 91.47 without any luck.
    I saw you asked in another thread about K-Lite codec pack and I've installed version 2.71 full.
    So, where do I go from here? everything worked perfectly with itunes 6 but since 7 came out I haven't been able to update my ipod :/

    Tried uninstalling K-lite codec pack, ran the ccleaner once again, installed itunes with avg disabled, all in vain.
    I would appreciate if anyone had any ideas as to what to do next.

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