My macbook iphoto is not on my mac anymore

I have no idea where it went. I have not noticed it until now but is there anyway to reinstall it

Sure - simply reinstall from the original source

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    Have a read here

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    I just downloaded iPhoto 9.1.5 from App. store. Now iPhoto does not open. What now?

    Same question.
    Before anyone can help, they need information to work with. Basic stuff:
    - What version of iPhoto.
    - What version of the Operating System.
    - Details. What were you doing when the problem arose?
    - Did it ever work properly?
    - Are there error messages?
    - What steps have you tried already to solve the issue.
    Anything else you can think of that might allow someone else to understand your issue.
    With this kind of information somebody can develop a starting point for troubleshooting the issue.
    Posts that consist of "iPhoto doesn't work. Help" or "iPhoto won't print" or "Suddenly I have no photos!!!!!!!!!!" mean that any helper is simply guessing. With information, s/he may be able to get your issue resolved sooner.

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    The pre-2006 iMacs this forum services run neither Snow Leopard nor Lion. Both require an Intel processor. Also, retail install OS disks usually don't contain iLife--it would be on the original disks that came with your computer. However, it would not be "in the open" on the DVD or CD. You need a utility like "Pacifist" to extract single file from the restore disks, or use the custom install option to reinstall just the iLife apps.
    PS: If "About this Mac" shows you have an Intel Processor, post back and I can ask the Hosts to move your post to that forum.

  • Renaming Pictures inside iphoto and not finding on .mac upload

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    Imported photo's into iphoto and went to info panel and changed titles to meaningful names.
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    Any hints appreciated.
    20" imac Desktop   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Changing the title of a photo in iPhoto only changes the title in iPhoto. The actual file name is not touched. The only way you can change the file name and not mess up the library is to either rename them before importing into iPhoto or export the changed file out of iPhoto using the File->Export->File Export menu route with the option to use the Title selected. Then the new files will have those new names. If you try renaiming the files while in the Finder inside the iPhoto Library folder you will damage the library and have to start afresh. So Don't tamper with files in the iPhoto Library folder from the Finder.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    On the Mac that won't connect using wireless:
    Open System Preferences and click on Network
    Click the Airport connection on the left
    Click the Advanced button on the lower right
    Look for the name of your wireless network and delete it using the - (minus) button at the bottom of the connection list. Delete any other networks that you do not need as well
    Apply changes
    Open Hard Drive > Applications > Utilities > KeyChain Access
    Under the Kind column, look for any listings of Airport Network Password and delete them
    Restart your computer
    Keep your Mac close to the TC for now and click the AirPort icon at the top of the screen and try to log on to your wireless network.

  • Monitor not recognized by Mac anymore?????

    This is big and what is APPLE doing to solve this issue??
    I just copy some posts from the forum to show how big this issue is, there is 8 more pages with the same problem, and i am one of them!!!!
    Yes, me. I have an HP w2207 who worked with my 3 y.o. old MacBook (OS 10.4.??) via the DVI-port flawlessly. Then bought a brandnew MacBook Pro with 10.6.X and the external monitor stopped being recognized. It works now that I have changed the connection to the VGA-port of the monitor (and bought yet another adapter for the MacBook Pro) but the quality is not what I'm used to.
    MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.1) HP w2207 external monitor
    Posts: 15
    From: Salt Lake City, UT USA
    Registered: Dec 4, 2007
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Dec 1, 2009 1:29 PM in response to: cruzcj
    Reply Email
    Yes. I've tried 7 different Macs including a MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard (10.6.2) and my external monitor doesn't work with it either.
    For me here's a recap:
    Installed SL on a Mac Pro connected to a 23" Cinema via DVI and Olevia 537 via HDMI Input #1 and now that input no longer works with Mac computers.
    Reinstalled 10.5.8 on the Mac Pro and HDMI #1 still didn't work, so I plugged the Mac into HDMI #2 and it worked.
    Reinstalled SL on the Mac Pro connected to a 23" Cinema via DVI and Olevia 537 via HDMI Input #2 and now that input no longer works with Mac computers.
    Since then, every device (PCs, DVD Players, Video Cameras, etc...) I connect to either of the HDMI inputs work fine. However, neither HDMI input works with ANY of the 7 different Macs (regardless of OS version) I've tried, except for a 10-year-old G4 running Panther or Tiger.
    The monitor had previously worked with the MacPro (HDMI input #1) and a G5 (HDMI input #2) for almost 2 years.
    When I plug the MacPro into any other monitor via HDMI, it works fine. Same thing with the G5.
    My theory is still that the installer for Snow Leopard somehow made my monitor's HDMI inputs incompatible with Macs. I'm so frustrated that I'm ready to buy a new monitor, but since there's no guarantee that a new monitor won't be adversely affected by Snow Leopard, I'm still dubious.
    MacPro, MacBook Pro, PowerMac G5 Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Stephen Darling...
    Posts: 59
    From: London, UK
    Registered: Sep 24, 2004
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Dec 5, 2009 8:22 AM in response to: Roger Kaufmann
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    Another "me too" post...
    Not sure exactly when it stopped working (since I don't use it every day) but my Viewsonic VX2455wm stopped working with my MacBook recently too. Checked with another MacBook (six months newer than my Late 2006 model) and that exhibited the same problem. Both machines have fully patched Snow Leopard installs. Both started with Tiger. Mine is regularly connected to the external monitor, the other has never been connected. I'm connecting using a DVI cable and a mini-DVI-DVI adapter.
    The monitor appears to work correctly. I've checked with a Windows laptop connected on the VGA port. I want to test with another DVI-enabled machine to see whether or not its the cable.
    MacBook C2D 2Ghz Mac OS X (10.6.2) iPhone
    Posts: 4
    From: California
    Registered: Nov 28, 2009
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Dec 13, 2009 10:38 PM in response to: Stephen Darling...
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    My wife's 15" MBP arrived on Wednesday. Connected it tonight to her new Dell 23" ST2310 via a MiniDisplayPort to VGA and it works fine.
    MacBook Pro 15" 2.8GHz Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Posts: 4
    From: Sweden
    Registered: Dec 15, 2009
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Dec 15, 2009 12:06 AM in response to: Roger Kaufmann
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    Hi Guys
    I have the same problem with my new Dell 2209WAf. It worked fine before i changed from L to SL.
    I didn't know what happened so i have spend hours and hours to resolve the problem.
    Hours with Mac support and friends didn't change anything, i still cant make my Dell to work, or show up in preferences. I am working as a photographer and this issue is a real problem.
    I just heard from Mac Support that Apple is working on it.....well, doesn't help us with the problem today.
    So Apple, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! NOW! this problem should NEVER showed up, this is something you should have fixed before telling all the Macers to upgrade!!!
    Macbook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Posts: 2
    From: Illinois
    Registered: Dec 16, 2009
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Dec 16, 2009 1:18 PM in response to: Gaston55
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    Experiencing the same issues. However, on bit different hardware.
    I'm using the XLR8 ProView USB input devices. Using these devices on a mixture of 10.5.8 and 10.6.2 systems (2 MacBooks, 2 Mac Mini and 1 iMac).
    I can confirm the following:
    When attempting to mirror video, or extend the desktop, using a mini-DVI to S-Video/Composite device on OSX 10.6.2 no video is sent to the mini-DVI device (inputing into the XLR8).
    When attempting to mirror video, or extend the desktop, using a mini-DVI to S-Video/Composite device on OSX 10.5.8 video is sent to the mini-DVI device (inputing into the XLR8).
    Let me also state, that the mini-DVI port on the Mac Mini's do work. They have been connected to 19" monitors and working without issue. Today, the mini-DVI devices were replaced with minidisplay port devices, which are use in conjunction with the mini-DVI ports.
    It would appear, in my case, that the problem is that the mini-DVI port on both the MacBook and Mac Mini, running 10.6.2, as a secondary display device is not operating properly.
    iMac Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Todd Camp
    Posts: 2
    From: Chicago
    Registered: Dec 19, 2009
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Dec 23, 2009 12:41 PM in response to: RWildman465
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    Same problems here. I reloaded OS 10.4.6 which is what shipped with my MBP1,2 17" 2.16 Intel Core Duo 2GB ram and after installing that, i was able to select 1920x1080 for my external HP w2338h, DVI-VGA, never been able to connect DVI-HDMI. On SL, the max rez I was able to "use" was 1600x1200 which looked horrible. So this leads me to suspect that this must be an issue with SL.
    I spoke with Apple Tech support on Sat and was no help. The only suggestion was that I take my MBP and Monitor to the Apple Store. Those of you who are fortunate enough to live in Chicago in the winter, then you know that option really isn't that feasible, it is but just a giant pain.
    Early 2006 MBP 17" Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Posts: 1
    From: Minneapolis
    Registered: Dec 27, 2009
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Dec 27, 2009 9:57 AM in response to: Todd Camp
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    I have an iMac 9,1 Intel Core 2 Duo that I bought last June. It came with Leopard, but I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Currently, it's running 10.6.2. My HP w2207 Widescreen monitor works perfectly with it using the DVI port on the HP and the mini-display (not mini-DVI) port on the iMac.
    However, I just bought the top-of-the-line iMac 11,1 Intel Core i5 QuadCore three days ago and it crashes nearly every time that it wakes from "sleep" when the HP w2207 is connected to it. It doesn't even recognize that the w2207 is connected to it. Additionally, when the w2207 is connected, it (a) looks terrible - very dim and very granular, and (b) causes the iMac QuadCore to operate very sluggishly. When I disconnect the HP w2207, the iMac QuadCore is lightning-fast.
    Much like my older iMac, the QuadCore is running 10.6.2 and I'm using the mini-display port.
    iMac 11,1 & iMac 9,1 Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Marjorie Colletta
    Posts: 20
    Registered: Mar 17, 2005
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Jan 6, 2010 6:07 PM in response to: Roger Kaufmann
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    This is a Me too post, I have a MacBook and NEC Multisync Monitor that worked fine before I upgraded to 10.6.2. I've tried to get it to work without any luck. I've written NEC to see if they have a solution.
    MacBook 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Posts: 12
    Registered: Jun 1, 2006
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Jan 11, 2010 6:24 AM in response to: Roger Kaufmann
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    Another me too post. I have a new 17" MacBook Pro with 10.6.2 installed. Trying to connect to an HPL2245wg - sometimes it works flawlessly - other times not at all. Some mornings I spend 30 -40 minutes rebooting, unplugging and plugging the monitor, Detecting Displays, changing the Graphics Card (Energy settings) - all to no avail. Very, very frustrating Apple - please figure out what is going on with this issue....and get it fixed!
    17" MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.2) Very happily gave all my XP-stuff away!
    Posts: 2
    From: Australia
    Registered: Sep 30, 2009
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Jan 20, 2010 2:31 PM in response to: Roger Kaufmann
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    Wow, me too. Did a minor software update (apple released it) last night, got on this morning and BANG - my main 24" Dell display is NOT working.
    This is ******, apple have surely f**ked up here. It's never had a hitch, ever, since i bought it 9 months ago.
    We are all reporting the same thing - software update, and then no working external display...
    Macbook Pro 2.2 15" Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Posts: 13
    Registered: Aug 10, 2006
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Jan 20, 2010 2:59 PM in response to: Roger Kaufmann
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    I seem to have found a fix for myself. I was having terrible issues with the screen blinking and flickering constantly. I tried to reset the SMC with everything unplugged and the computer would not reboot at that point on it's own which led me eventually to reinstalling SL.
    Reinstalling SL is quite painless actually as it installs on top of your profile. After reinstalling I ran software update which installs the cumulative upgrades. Now I usually don't have any problems but must follow the instructions to run in clamshell mode to the letter.
    After a week of running in clamshell mode I started having an issue with the dock not lining up so I put the computer to sleep, disconnected the monitor and restarted with nothing connected. After that, followed the clamshell mode instructions again and have been working fine again all week.
    I've also disabled my screen-saver, and deleted the windowserver preferences as part of my debug process but not sure if that has contributed to my new found stability.
    Mac OS X (10.6.2)
    Posts: 2
    From: Duisburg
    Registered: Apr 16, 2008
    Re: External monitor not recognized!
    Posted: Jan 21, 2010 1:08 AM in response to: Roger Kaufmann
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    Me too. I have a MacBook Pro 2,2 running the latest Snow Leopard 10.6.2. After I have installed yesterday's security patch it does not recognize external displays on the DVI port any longer. Tried it with a 23" DELL at the office and a 23" Samsung at home. Both have worked without any problems for years.
    I am curious to learn how this behavior is related to security...

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    ali b

  • Macbook Pro does not enter sleep mode anymore

    Hey guys!
    I have found several threads relating to this topic, none of them offering a solution, which worked for me.
    I recently updated from Tiger to Leopard (clean install), since then my computer won´t go to sleep automatically. I can put it to sleep manually or close the lid, it will sleep and wake up without any problems.
    However, it will not go into *sleep mode automatically* when inactive. The display will sleep, with the sleep light constantly on and not pulsing, fans keep going.
    What i have tried so far:
    - closing all applications
    - disable all network sharing
    - SMC reset
    - PRAM reset
    None of those did work out for me.
    I really do hope someone can help me out here, as i don´t want my computer to burn calories 24/7.
    Thanks in advance

    dawandeh969 wrote:
    how do i check for those processes? there are a lot of processes running, what are haxies?
    You would set the time to sleep to a short time and simply watch the top processes to see if a new one pops up.
    Haxies are tools that modify the OS directly. TinkerTools is one of them. They are safe to use, but sometimes problematic.
    i checked for the login items:
    iCalAlarmScheduler and EyeTV Helper are activated.
    I would remove both of them, but I think the EyeTV Helper is the problem.
    Some have reported the EyeTV Helper being a problem in waking the computer up at odd hours, but it might also affect sleep. You remove them with the little ( - ) sign at the bottom, not the "hide" checkbox with does nothing important.
    Cmd-Opt-Eject puts my macbook to sleep, yes.
    Just checking that a force-sleep works. I use it all the time.

  • Camera / USB card reader not connection to macs anymore - fine with PCs

    Hi there,
    I have a Canon EOS 50 which has a CF card - I normally connect this to our macbook pros with a crd reader via usb. Alternatively, I connect the camera directly.
    Yesterday, something started to go wrong.
    I was connecting the card to download photos - at first it recognised the card as an external drive, but was taking ages to read the photos. Then it flashed an error message up that it couldn't read the format of the disk (it had previously for about a year!).
    Now when I connect the card via either reader or by connection to the camera, it doesn't recognise the card at all.
    I tried this on both my mac book pros we own. Same issues.
    Canon HD camcorder connects absolutely fine via usb, as does Ipod - so it isn't the usb port.
    I think the cards are ok- (same issue with two different CF cards)
    The camera connected no problem to my brother-in-law's vista machine, and downloaded the image files.
    I tried connection with two different usb cables as well.
    Any ideas as to what has happened?

    Last year I purchased a USB card reader to have available with my laptop when I travel. It experienced the same problems you are having. It also wouldn't work with my G4.
    I looked on the manufacturer's web site and sent their Customer Support an email explaining the problem. They sent me a new reader at no cost. It works. Suggest you do the same.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Iphoto does not recognise my cameras anymore

    Up to a week ago my iphoto 11 running snow leopard worked fine and now when I connect my 2 canonixuis 85 is the computer does not see them nor does it open the iphoto program. 3 weeks ago I got the new Lumix waterproof (i think FT3) and it connects fine though has it's own lead. I tried a different lead for the canons and still nothing.
    A little frustrating as have a heap of photos to download onto the computer. I searched last night and they said to go to disk utility and do a repair disk permissions and still nothing (but I didn't have the camera connected nor turned on.
    I keep the computer always updated so can't remember if in the last few weeks there was a update that may be causing this glitch.
    Any help from anyone would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for your help, very much appreciated, but I have identified the problem. Once I deleted the nokia sync software (for photos and videos only), turned off the computer and came back later, turned on the computer and hooked up the 2 cameras everything worked fine.
    Just to be a pain to myself I loaded up the nokia software again and bingo the computer no longer sees my cameras - deleted software again and yes the computer and iphoto now see the cameras.
    Just for additional info the nokia software allows the the so called sync to happen but iphoto opens but it doe not prompt for photos / videos to be downloaded straight into the iphoto but into a folder on the system via the nokia sync software and then you go into iphoto and imovie to do a import into those programs. What I am guessing is this round about way of getting photos into a location that you are use to is a little painful, and I believe it interrupts with other cameras and since they don't have additional software nor can nokia sync see them the connection sits in limbo land meaning while the nokia software for n9 is there nothing else can be downloaded from other camers.
    Solution - delete nokia sync software from the computer and use works computer (PC) to down load the odd photo and video to a usb stick and bring it home.
    Hope this helps someone else out there.

  • Sent an email and its missing from my mail.. It was not sent it and it is not in my Mac anymore. I invested a lot of time on them and I just lost them?

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    Uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes has no affect on the media on the computer or the account it is linked to.
    If the media was purchased under another iTunes account, then it is permanently tied to that account.
    Using mulitple iDevices with one computer

  • USB Card reader works on MacBook Pro but not Mac Pro

    I have a random "All-in-1" card reader from Quantaray. I'm trying to mount my CF card because it takes forever and a day to import HD video directly from my Canon 5D Mk II.
    It works on my MacBook Pro (Mid 2010). Both computers are running 10.6.8. All I have to do is plug it in and it appears on the desktop on my Macbook. But not on my Mac Pro.
    I've already tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. No dice
    It shows up in the System Profiler under the USB High Speed port as a usb card reader but I can't find it anywhere; not even in Disk Utility.
    Any ideas?

    First, you must identify the application that created the file. If it truly was Macromedia Flash, fine. Once you know which app created the file, make certain that the same application exists on the Mac Pro. If it does, set the file to open in that application: Open a Getinfo window for the file, then use the "Open With..." dialogue to choose Macromedia Flash (or the correct application) to open the file.

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