My nested CASE WHEN THEN ELSE is not working.

I'm working on a report that will provide a status on a component based on a defined Matrix.  The status to report is determined in a hierarchal fashion...the highest seqence number status existing is reported. 
I've capped the sequence number at 10 (@SeqNumCap_sav)
The matrix table is defined as such:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix](
[MatrixAssyLine] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[MatrixComponentProduct] [char](15) NOT NULL,
[MatrixComponentStatusSequence] [decimal](3, 0) NOT NULL,
[MatrixComponentStatus] [char](3) NOT NULL,
[MatrixStatusDescription] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
[MatrixReportedDescription1] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[MatrixReportedDescription2] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[MatrixReportedDescription3] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[MatrixReportedDescription4] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[MatrixReportedDescription5] [nvarchar](50) NULL
This is a sample of the tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix data:
MatrixAssyLine MatrixComponentProduct MatrixComponentStatusSequence MatrixComponentStatus MatrixStatusDescription MatrixReportedDescription1 MatrixReportedDescription2 MatrixReportedDescription3 MatrixReportedDescription4 MatrixReportedDescription5
E Mast/PullRod    1 W   The part has been stamped or welded. Class3PullRods NULL NULL NULL NULL
E Mast/PullRod    2 P   The part has been clicked off in a paint hang station. TSMastPaintHang NULL NULL NULL NULL
E Mast/PullRod    3 Y   The part has been clicked off in paint pulldown. TSMastPaintUnload NULL NULL NULL NULL
the tblProductionControlComponentReporting is defined as:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblProductionControlComponentReporting](
[WorkUnit] [nvarchar](15) NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Completed] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[UserID] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[StationID] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[Undo] [bit] NULL,
[CompletedUndo] [datetime] NULL,
[UserIDUndo] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[StationIDUndo] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[ComponentPartNo] [varchar](15) NULL,
[ComponentClass] [varchar](3) NULL,
[ComponentQty] [decimal](6, 2) NULL,
[ComponentScheduleDate] [datetime] NULL,
[ComponentScheduleShift] [decimal](1, 0) NULL,
[ComponentScheduleWorkunitSequence] [int] NULL,
[ComponentComment] [varchar](200) NULL
A sample of the tblProductionControlComponentreporting data:
assyline WorkUnit Description Completed UserID StationID
E 639422 Class3PullRods 2014-09-15 13:15:44.607 GLOBAL\agmesusr ag2100156
E 639422 Class3PullRods 2014-09-15 13:15:44.607 GLOBAL\agmesusr ag2100156
E 639422          TSFrameFabDeliver 2014-09-25 11:31:44.380 NULL MCA
E 639422 TSMastPaintHang 2014-09-25 22:56:43.740 009932 AG2100294
The problem is that the below code is returning multple records which is causing an error ... if I resequence the above Matrix table data where #3 becomes #10, 2 becomes #9 and 1 becomes #8, the query works fine - but this approach doesn't allow for easy
expansion of the data.  Can anyone help me see the problem here?
use eschedule
declare @Workunit varchar(max)
declare @SeqNumCap_sav dec(3, 0)
set @WorkUnit='639422'
set @SeqNumCap_sav= (select top 1 SequenceValueCap from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix_SequenceCap order by SequenceValueCap)
Mast_PullRodStatus = case
--Seq 10 Mast/PullRod Component Status
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod' and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=@SeqNumCap_sav and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
(select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=@SeqNumCap_sav
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 9 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-1)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-1)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 8 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-2)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-2)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 7 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-3)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-3)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 6 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-4)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-4)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 5 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-5)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-5)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 4 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-6)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-6)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 3 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-7)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-7)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
--Seq 2 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-8)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod' and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-8))
--Seq 1 Mast/PullRod Component Status
else case
when (select top 1 [description] from tblproductioncontrolcomponentreporting
where ([description] = (select MatrixReportedDescription1 from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-9)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))))
and Workunit=@WorkUnit
--and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit))
) is not null
then (select MatrixComponentStatus from tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix
where MatrixComponentProduct='Mast/PullRod'
and MatrixComponentStatusSequence=(@SeqNumCap_sav-9)
and (MatrixAssyLine=(select assyline from tblProductionControlHeader h where h.workunit=@WorkUnit)))
else ' '
Assume Assyline='E'
Eva Leggett

Good job posting the DDL.
Your example data should be in a table format though.
DECLARE @tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix TABLE (MatrixAssyLine char(1) NOT NULL, MatrixComponentProduct char(15) NOT NULL, MatrixComponentStatusSequence decimal(3, 0) NOT NULL, MatrixComponentStatus char(3) NOT NULL, MatrixStatusDescription nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, MatrixReportedDescription1 nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, MatrixReportedDescription2 nvarchar(50) NULL, MatrixReportedDescription3 nvarchar(50) NULL, MatrixReportedDescription4 nvarchar(50) NULL, MatrixReportedDescription5 nvarchar(50) NULL)
INSERT INTO @tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix (MatrixAssyLine, MatrixComponentProduct, MatrixComponentStatusSequence, MatrixComponentStatus, MatrixStatusDescription, MatrixReportedDescription1, MatrixReportedDescription2, MatrixReportedDescription3, MatrixReportedDescription4, MatrixReportedDescription5) VALUES ('E' ,'Mast/PullRod' ,1 ,'W' ,'The part has been stamped or welded. ','Class3PullRods ' ,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO @tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix (MatrixAssyLine, MatrixComponentProduct, MatrixComponentStatusSequence, MatrixComponentStatus, MatrixStatusDescription, MatrixReportedDescription1, MatrixReportedDescription2, MatrixReportedDescription3, MatrixReportedDescription4, MatrixReportedDescription5) VALUES ('E' ,'Mast/PullRod' ,2 ,'P' ,'The part has been clicked off in a paint hang station. ','TSMastPaintHang ' ,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO @tblAssyLineComponentStatusMatrix (MatrixAssyLine, MatrixComponentProduct, MatrixComponentStatusSequence, MatrixComponentStatus, MatrixStatusDescription, MatrixReportedDescription1, MatrixReportedDescription2, MatrixReportedDescription3, MatrixReportedDescription4, MatrixReportedDescription5) VALUES ('E' ,'Mast/PullRod' ,3 ,'Y' ,'The part has been clicked off in paint pulldown. ','TSMastPaintUnload ' ,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
DECLARE @tblProductionControlComponentReporting TABLE (WorkUnit nvarchar(15) NOT NULL, Description nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, Completed datetime NOT NULL, UserID nvarchar(30) NULL, StationID nvarchar(30) NULL, Undo bit NULL, CompletedUndo datetime NULL, UserIDUndo nvarchar(30) NULL, StationIDUndo nvarchar(30) NULL, ComponentPartNo varchar(15) NULL, ComponentClass varchar(3) NULL, ComponentQty decimal(6, 2) NULL, ComponentScheduleDate datetime NULL, ComponentScheduleShift decimal(1, 0) NULL, ComponentScheduleWorkunitSequence int NULL, ComponentComment varchar(200) NULL)
INSERT INTO @tblProductionCOntrolComponentReporting (WorkUnit, Description, Completed, UserID, StationID) VALUES (639422, 'Class3PullRods', '2014-09-15 13:15:44.607', 'GLOBAL\agmesusr', 'ag2100156')
INSERT INTO @tblProductionCOntrolComponentReporting (WorkUnit, Description, Completed, UserID, StationID) VALUES (639422, 'Class3PullRods', '2014-09-15 13:15:44.607', 'GLOBAL\agmesusr', 'ag2100156')
INSERT INTO @tblProductionCOntrolComponentReporting (WorkUnit, Description, Completed, UserID, StationID) VALUES (639422, 'TSFrameFabDeliver', '2014-09-25 11:31:44.380', NULL, 'MCA')
INSERT INTO @tblProductionCOntrolComponentReporting (WorkUnit, Description, Completed, UserID, StationID) VALUES (639422, 'TSMastPaintHang', '2014-09-25 22:56:43.740', '009932', 'AG2100294')
Your code is a mess, it would take longer to untangle it that it would to solve your problem.
Can you give us an expected output, and perhaps the rules governing what your case statement should be doing?

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    900487 wrote:
    In my database, two variable ID and time (varchar2) are there. If you are storing Days in a column store it as NUMBER or INTERVAL data type. The way you have stored the value looks incorrect.
    What you can do is extract the number portion of your time column and apply the CASE statement. Something like this
    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select 12 id, '1 days' time1 from dual union all
      5  select 23 id, '244 days' time1 from dual union all
      6  select 12 id, '2 days' time1 from dual union all
      7  select 14 id, '4 days' time1 from dual union all
      8  select 15 id, '6 days' time1 from dual union all
      9  select 17 id, '9 days' time1 from dual
    10  )
    11   select id,
    12          time1,
    13          case when time1 = 1              then '1 day'
    14               when time1 between 2 and 7  then '2 to 7 days'
    15               when time1 between 8 and 15 then '8 to 15 days'
    16               else 'not matching'
    17          end "update time"
    18     from (
    19              select id, to_number(regexp_substr(time1, '^[[:digit:]]*')) time1
    20                from t
    21          )
    22  /
            ID      TIME1 update time
            12          1 1 day
            23        244 not matching
            12          2 2 to 7 days
            14          4 2 to 7 days
            15          6 2 to 7 days
            17          9 8 to 15 days
    6 rows selected.


    Hello everyone,
    We have a function return Y or N.
    We have 2 table YTable YT and NTable NT.
    We are using UNION now.
    FROM (
    SELECT CL1N FROM NTable WHERE FUNCTION = 'N') ONEWe are wondering to use CASE, WHEN, THEN, END.
    Is it possible or NOT?
    If you have a chance, please share your experiences.
    Thanks in advance,
    If you have more questions, please let us know.
    Edited by: New Yorker on Aug 31, 2010 10:08 AM

    New Yorker,
    According to the given SQL block, the case function can not be used. You can use the case function with multiple table joins but you can only use the CASE WHEN ELSE END block for one column.
    If i got your question correct, that is my answer to your question.

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    Honey26 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I need to create a formula using nested case when statement. The formula to be created is below:
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    If([AWRV]=0; "0";
    If([AWRV]<=15; ">0 and <=15";
    If([AWRV]<=25; ">15 and <=25";
    If([AWRV]<=50; ">25 and <=50";
    If([AWRV]<=75; ">50 and <=75";
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    If([AWRV]<=200; ">100 and <=200";
    If([AWRV]<=500; ">200 and <=500";
    If([AWRV]<=1000; ">500 and <=1000";
    If([AWRV]<=5000; ">1000 and <=5000";
    If([AWRV]<=10000; ">5000 and <=10000"; ">10000"))))))))))))
    How to recreate using Nested case when? I tried in many different ways but it is displaying syntax error in obiee11g. This is very critical. Can anybody shed light on this issue pls?
    Thanks in advance,
    ThenmozhiTry the below:
    CASE WHEN "Fact - Open Chargeback"."Sub Chbk Amt" < 0 THEN ' <0'
    WHEN "Fact - Open Chargeback"."Sub Chbk Amt" = 0 THEN '0'
    WHEN "Fact - Open Chargeback"."Sub Chbk Amt" BETWEEN 0 AND 15 THEN '>0 AND <=15'
    Hope this helps.

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    Honey26 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I need to create a formula using nested case when statement. The formula to be created is below:
    =If([AWRV]<0; "<0";
    If([AWRV]=0; "0";
    If([AWRV]<=15; ">0 and <=15";
    If([AWRV]<=25; ">15 and <=25";
    If([AWRV]<=50; ">25 and <=50";
    If([AWRV]<=75; ">50 and <=75";
    If([AWRV]<=100; ">75 and <=100";
    If([AWRV]<=200; ">100 and <=200";
    If([AWRV]<=500; ">200 and <=500";
    If([AWRV]<=1000; ">500 and <=1000";
    If([AWRV]<=5000; ">1000 and <=5000";
    If([AWRV]<=10000; ">5000 and <=10000"; ">10000"))))))))))))
    How to recreate using Nested case when? I tried in many different ways but it is displaying syntax error in obiee11g. This is very critical. Can anybody shed light on this issue pls?
    Thanks in advance,
    ThenmozhiTry the below:
    CASE WHEN "Fact - Open Chargeback"."Sub Chbk Amt" < 0 THEN ' <0'
    WHEN "Fact - Open Chargeback"."Sub Chbk Amt" = 0 THEN '0'
    WHEN "Fact - Open Chargeback"."Sub Chbk Amt" BETWEEN 0 AND 15 THEN '>0 AND <=15'
    Hope this helps.

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    Hello Sarahd200037,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    To troubleshoot the microphone on your iPhone please follow the steps in the article linked to below.
    iPhone: Microphone issues
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    please help me get my sign in working
    <sub>edit: removed personal information for your protection. (philipp)</sub>

  • The sleep/wake function would not show in general to turn it on. I have a Targus case but the function will not work. What's going on?

    The sleep/wake function would not show in general to turn it on. I have a Targus case but the function will not work? The place it should be their is. Auto lock,  Password lock,  and Restrictions

    Keirosform wrote:
    The sleep/wake function would not show in general to turn it on.
    Ther is no "sleep/wake" setting in Settings > General.
    Auto lock,  Password lock,  and Restrictions
    Yes, these are the only three settings..
    I have a Targus case but the function will not work?
    What function? It won't go to sleep?
    Press the Power button on top. Does it sleep?

  • As i was using my itouch(2nd gen)there was a sudden and drastic increase in temperature on the rear portion(metal portion) and since then it is not working.Has anyone come across a similar problem?Any Suggestions?

    As i was using my itouch(2nd gen)there was a sudden and drastic increase in temperature on the rear portion(metal portion) and since then it is not working.Has anyone come across a similar problem?Any Suggestions?

    Sounds to me like the battery has failed.
    You can take it to an Apple Store.  They MAY be able to do something..  Or, you can find parts and "How-To" repair guides on the internet.  eBay and Google are your friends...

  • HT201413 done download update but half way stop then my iphone not working

    connect to pc and start download update as half way error then my iphone not working to start up

    you might want to attempt backing up the device to iTunes and then restoring again.
    maybe even place the device in recovery mode and then restore again as a last resort.

  • Using CASE WHEN THEN in dynamic Region Source area

    Hi all,
    I've been knocking my head around on this one for a while. Hope someone can show me some guidance. So far, the SQL Query in the Region Source works ok except after the THEN ''||'LINK'||'' . All text between the single quotes displays, and not just the hyperlink LINK. (My goal is to this simple test working, then go back an substitute in APP_ID, Page#, SESSION variables.) But I'm stuck with this problem. Searched the forum but this is as far as I got. Below is the code I'm using in the Region Source area. Perhaps a region attribute setting is needed but I'm unsure. Thanks for any assistance. -Mike
    select DISTINCT
        WHEN WINNER_NAME = 'India Retail Support Team'
       THEN '<A HREF="">'||'LINK'||'</A>'         *----------------HREF link (LINK) is working fine here but doesn't work ok in Region Source.
        END WN,
    where FY = '2012'
    and TYPE = 'Service Award'

    As previously requested, please update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "user10734329".
    I've been knocking my head around on this one for a while. Hope someone can show me some guidance. So far, the SQL Query in the Region Source works ok except after the THEN ''||'LINK'||'' . All text between the single quotes displays, and not just the hyperlink LINK.Not clear from this what the problem is. It appears to me that LINK is all of the "text between the single quotes". What do you mean by "all text"? (An example on is a good way to resolve such ambiguities...)
    The usual cause of unexpected results when the separation of concerns is breached and HTML is directly generated in report queries is having the Display Text As report column attribute wrongly set. Ensure it is Standard Report Column rather than the default Display as Text (escape special characters).

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  • Crashing safari

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