My nomad jukebox 2 displays half the scr

well, like my subject says, my nomad jukebox 2 has started to display half the screen. i've treated it well and never dropped it, so i don't seem to understand why it would suddenly do this. is there a way to fix this problem? thank you.

You can try resetting it, and maybe reloading the firmware. The sticky at the top of this board has more detail on getting into Rescue Mode:
Choose Reload OS there, and have a firmware update ready to load onto the player (you can download that under Support> Downloads Drivers and go through the selection - or do Search By Filename for the file JB2PCFW__20_03.exe )

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    Settings, Mail/Contacts/Calendar, your email account, Mail Days to Sync.
    You can choose the amount of time you want synced

  • Touch vs. Nomad Jukebox (yes, the ORIGIN

    I am getting antsy and bored waiting for the Touch firmware to be released. I was looking for a game and saw my good ol' reliable blue nomad jukebox sitting on the shelf. I gave it good hug. For over fi've years that CD-player sized original HDD based MP3 player has gone everywhere with me. Until a few weeks ago when i bought a Zen Touch.
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    Play mode available directly from Current Track screen.</LI>
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    I choose what comes up when the jukebox starts, and what volume. That way i don't scream bloody murder going from my car to my headphones.</LI>
    Tracks, artists, and albums starting with 'the' have 'the' ignored on the Jukebox. The Clarks is filed between Chumbawumba and Coldplay on the JB.</LI>
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    No "push me to play everything and screw up your playlist" button on the Jukebox.</LI>
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    Better battery life</LI>
    Promise of better firmware</LI>
    I'm an audiophile-geeky-gadget guy. I own 99.98% the MP3's i have on my PC. NapsterToGo, Y!MU, amongst others are appealing to me, as i refuse to 'stick it to the man' by illegally pirating music. You say only the record industry is getting screwed over - don't forget the musicians have a paycheck too. Hoping for support, just like we got support when DRM first came to be for our JB's, our Zen's and such, i loyally bought your Touch. I even remember the combo beta/stable firmwares.
    When a product that you made over fi've years ago has more features, functions, and capabilites than something you've released recently - that's quite a tradgedy.
    I remember a bus ride sophmore year in HS, my first MP3 player. The night before i spent hours ripping the songs to the player until 5am. It was cool, people were amazed, i sold them on this "thing" that held every song that they owned. It was both 337 and Chic.
    Now people see the Touch and ask, "is that the new iPod?"
    I found that sales is like a marriage. You need a first impression, you need your customer to fall in love with the product, and you need to keep them interested as long as possible. Well, after fi've years... i want a divorce. I won't buy an iPod - Apple will lose share because of their control-freak nature on their products. But i won't be buying Creative products anytime soon, or even again.
    This message was a bit of humor to begin with - i started fiddling with my JB this evening. Then it got me to thinking, what happened to the creative that used to post new drivers/firmwares/updates every week or so? Where'd they go?
    Where's that old Creative Labs that was just that... Creative?
    EDIT: I thought you might like to know that the FW on the JB is 4.0/2.98beta... the last dual boot beta creative put out. Still available on the site
    Message Edited by harikari on 07-26-2005 08:3 PM

    harikari wrote:
    When i first got my JB, it had battery life comprable to an iPod, about 2 hours. With the ability in later firmwares to tweak HD settings, i could extend it to about 6 with minor inconviences like load time and some gapping.
    It depends on the files though. With 28kbit/s MP3s you would get about 4 hours, maybe more with higher capacity batteries.
    At the time, the only other portable audio was CD, and think of how many people still have and use CD players. True it was a projectile weapon...
    Actually I liked that its form factor was similar to a CD player. It meant getting cases was easy, although I went for the skin case.
    And i liked the NiMH batteries, they could be used in anything, and they lasted much, much longer than alkaline. You know why the JB says "Use only Creative NiMH?" One, so you didn't recharge alkaline cells; two, alkaline cells ran the player for <EM>maybe</EM> and hour and a half, to
    They were certainly worried about using the wrong batteries in it, although of course any NiMH batteries, ideally high capacity, work.
    Oh, and i booted the JB and Touch (cold boot)... took about the same amount of time. Touch was a 'touch' faster.
    Not if you add content to the NJB though. Every time you change content it has to rebuild the library.

  • Re: Help with Nomad Jukebox 3 and Creative Softw

    Okay I need help with the following...(bare with me!)
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    Okay now one more thing just to inform you that from my Creative Play Center I am converting a concert that I downloaded and it's currently in wav format. I am converting it to MP3. Now when I do that in the Play Center window it now shows me the wav and MP3 format for each individual song. That's cool that it doesn't completely erase the wav format, however when I want to download each song in MP3 format I have to go to each individual MP3 which is fine but everytime the Transfer Options Box opens which asks me the Title, Artist and Genre each time.
    Is there a way that I can just fill out the information once, so I don't have to do that for each MP3?
    Thank you for helping me understand the Creative software and helping me know what I can and can't do!

    I found the CD burning module for MediaSource hidden in the download for the Audigy soundcards, at least in the European downloads area. Take a look and if you can't find I'll have another look for it.
    To edit the file you need a WAV editor. I'm guessing Creative might bundle something with their soundcards, or you can look on the Internet and take your pick from the cheap to the mega expensi've. Audacity might do it, and it's free so worth checking.
    MediaSource is the replacement for PlayCentre, but I think it just comes down to which you prefer (but they are very very similar). Note that you have to download the Nomad pack for MediaSource to get it to work with MediaSource.
    When you transfer your converted MP3 to the player it's asking you for tag data, which is vital for the Music Library on the player. You can of course edit this tag information either in MediaSource direct, or probably more optimally in a dedicated tagging program. A list of favourites are here

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    Under Support> Downloads you'll see a list of product types.
    First select MP3 Players, then Zen (Hard Disk Dri've/Micro), and in the last list NOMAD Jukebox.
    Install the files in this order:
    NOMAD Jukebox Driver Installer[/url]
    filename: JukeboxDrivers.EXE
    Creative MediaSource Software Update version 2.03.29[/url]
    filename: CMS_PCAPP_LB_2_03_29.exe
    Plugin-> Creative MediaSource - NOMAD Pack for Creative NOMAD Jukebox/Jukebox C (version .0.04)[/url] filename: CMS_JBTPlugins__0_04.exe
    CatMessage Edited by Catherina-CL on 0-04-2005 0:8 PM

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    You could try using Firefox's Safe Mode to reset your toolbars. Not sure whether this is a toolbar problem, but it's probably worth a try.
    First, I recommend backing up your Firefox settings in case something goes wrong. See [ Backing up your information]. (You can copy your entire Firefox profile folder somewhere outside of the Mozilla folder.)
    Next, check this article on how to start Firefox in
    [ Safe Mode] and use the dialog to reset toolbars.
    Any luck?

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    none of the choices on the rescue mode seem to help get me past this problem.
    Any help out there will be hugely appreciated?

    You can try the advice here in the Zen FAQ at at your OWN RISK. If you don't want to try this or are under warranty then contact Creative Support.
    If you aren't under warranty you can contact Creative Support to see if they will repair it. If you want to try repairing it yourself, taking the risk the hard disk is at fault, then you can follow Rudi Cheow's excellent guide. There's also a thread here at the Zen forum on compatible dri'ves, and the last page of Rudi's guide also has information on this.

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    Hi BJ1986,
    According to your description, I think this issue is caused by the IE browser that runs the report. To trouble shoot this issue, I suggest that we can try to clear internet temporary files, cookies and others in IE browser. And also add this site
    as a trusted site in IE browser to check this issue again.
    If this issue is still existed, it can also be occurred due to the setting or third party add-ons of Internet Explorer (IE). In this scenario, you can try to run IE in compatibility mode to check the issue again. Or I suggest that you can refer to the
    steps below to troubleshoot the issue:
    Click Tools -> Internet options.
    Switch to the Security tab, click Local intranet, and then select Default level.
    Switch to the Advanced tab, and click Restore advanced settings.
    Temporarily disable third party add-ons. For detailed steps, please see the link below:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    I plug it into the usb dri've, and it doesnt show up. I look on My Computer, and it shows up as an audio device, and other. I go to my mediasource organizer, and it doesnt show up. I can access it on my computer, but it takes longer and I have no way of organizing my songs. I tried to re-install it, but it still doesnt work. It also doesn't work on my brothers 60gb one. Any help?

    Did you install the Nomad Jukebox Type 2 plugin also? If not, go to the download page and install those in order for the MediaSource application to identify the player.

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    I also read a artical on tom's hardware about this,
    but he gave a link
    that is not available. He mentioned that it need to clone the fist 65536 sectors from the old disk to the new one, but I have not the old hard disk( I bought a second hand nomad jukebox without the original hard disk). How should I do?
    Does someone have the image file of the fist 65536 sectors from the old disk?
    Thank you!

    That was the old method before Creative published their Bootcode Flasher software.
    Follow the instructions here:
    All files mentioned are available somewhere on Nomadness. Also check out the sticky thread in their JB section of the forum as it lists what hard dri'ves will work in a JB and which ones won't. I hope you haven't already bought your upgrade hard dri've.
    I used the above method without any problems and now have a 20GB JB.

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    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

  • I keep getting internet explorer cannot display web page when trying to download itunes. This only shows on half the page where the download link would be. My internet connection is fine.

    I keep getting internet explorer cannot display web page when trying to download itunes. This only shows on half the page where the download link would be. My internet connection is fine.  Any idea what the problem may be?

    You won't see anything obviously related to iCloud, Jimmy. But if you go to the home iTunes Store page while logged into your iTunes Store account, you should see a Purchases link now under the Quick Links header. That's the only part of iCloud active at this time.

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    Upgraded to FF18.0 from the prior version (Mac OS 10.8.2) and it works great on my MacBook Pro Retina display. However, if either a 27" Thunderbolt Display or 27" LED Cinema Display is also plugged in and the browser is on the separate display there is a problem:
    Right or control clicking the browser window anywhere on the left half of the separate display brings the pop up menu on the laptop in very small font (presumably at the higher resolution of the separate monitor). The problem also occurs with links on web pages that have preview pop ups when you hold the cursor over the link.
    These were not issues in the FF17.x version I was previously using.

    Try to disable hardware acceleration in Firefox.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    ''[edited to fix incorrect Tools > Options menu link]''

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    if yes plz tell me how .
    Thank you in advance.

    Not with standard api's

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