My Procedure did not commit

Hi Guys,
I created a Procedure name proc_add which is use in application process, my problem is that I still have this error .
ORA-20001: ORA-01403: no data foundErreur signalée ETAPE : 3
here is the code :
create or replace PROCEDURE proc_add
     (n_app_r in number,
     n_civ_r in number,
     v_ville in varchar2)
     id_Ville number;
     id_adresse_res number;
     id_Type_Rue number;
     Etape := 0;
     -- Prendre l id du type de rue de la residence
     select IdTypeRue into id_Type_Rue from TYPE_RUE where Nom = t_rue_r;
     Etape := Etape + 1;
     -- Prendre id de la ville de la residence
     select idVille into id_Ville from VILLE where Nom = v_ville;
     Etape := Etape + 1;     
     -- SAVEPOINT ajout_adresse_res;     
     insert into ADRESSE (NumeroAppartement,NumeroCivic, IdTypeRue, IdVille) values(n_app_r,n_civ_r, id_Type_Rue, id_Ville);
     Etape := Etape + 1;
     -- Prendre idadresse de la residence
     select IdAdresse into id_adresse_res from Adresse where
          NumeroAppartement = n_app_r AND
          NumeroCivic = n_civ_r;
     Etape := Etape + 1;          
     ROLLBACK; -- TO ajout_adresse_res;
     RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001,SQLERRM(SQLCODE) || 'Erreur signalée ETAPE : ' || Etape);
Here is the eror I got:
ORA-20001: ORA-01403: no data foundErreur signalée ETAPE : 3
ETAPE 3 means it doesn't commit the insert code.

looks like your query
select IdAdresse into id_adresse_res from Adresse where
NumeroAppartement = n_app_r AND
NumeroCivic = n_civ_r;
returns no value.
And I think your commit-statement must be before the exception statement.

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    The log file data still did not commit.  I took a full backup and also tried to shrink the database.  Now the database file is ~1GB and the log has grown to ~286GB.  Please advise and note I am a systems administrator and not a DBA by trade.

    I am quite sure your database recovery model is full and you have not taken Transaction log backup, Have you ?
    I also doubt you have enough space to take log backup. If you can please take log backup, may be twice to truncate logs and then shrink log file. Only transaction log backup truncates the log ( almost every time unless some long running transaction
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    If it is UAT you can change recovery model of database to simple and then shrink the logs. After that change recovery model to full and take full backup of database.
    PS: Schedule regular log backup for your databases in full recovery model
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it.
    My TechNet Wiki Articles

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    Hey Hey!
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    Paris, Texas. 

    Based on your description, for this question is more related to NetQueryDisplayInformation() API, in order to get better help, we may ask for suggestions in the following MSDN forum.
    MSDN Forum
    Besides, we can try to use a script to get all domain users. Regarding this point, the following script can be referred to as reference.
    How to list all active directory users in a particular domain using PowerShell
    In addition, for scripts, we can also ask for help in the following forum.
    The Official Scripting Guys Forum
    Best regards
    Frank Shen 

  • [svn] 4375: Previous commit did not fix whitespace issue for FxTextArea as advertised.

    Revision: 4375
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-12-22 09:24:42 -0800 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008)
    Log Message:
    Previous commit did not fix whitespace issue for FxTextArea as advertised. The [CollapseWhiteSpace] metadata has to be on the text getter for FxTextArea. It does not work on the getter for FxTextBase, although it does work for FxTextInput.
    QE Notes:
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-17683
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 4375
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-12-22 09:24:42 -0800 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008)
    Log Message:
    Previous commit did not fix whitespace issue for FxTextArea as advertised. The [CollapseWhiteSpace] metadata has to be on the text getter for FxTextArea. It does not work on the getter for FxTextBase, although it does work for FxTextInput.
    QE Notes:
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-17683
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • I did not find my submitrequest id while start the GLLEZL interface from backend.

    Hello experts
    I have write a package to start the interface for General Ledger-Import(GLLEZL).
    CREATE OR REPLACE Package body XXGL_INT_BUDGET_PKG is     PROCEDURE UPLOAD_BUDGET_JV(P_BUDGET_ID IN NUMBER) IS       lv_request_id NUMBER;       irun_id number;       errbuf          VARCHAR2(2000);     BEGIN       SELECT gl_journal_import_s.NEXTVAL       INTO irun_id       FROM DUAL;       dbms_output.put_line(irun_id);       INSERT INTO gl_interface_control       (status, set_of_books_id, je_source_name, group_id, interface_run_id)       VALUES       ('S', 1001, 'Spreadsheet', null, irun_id);       /* Launch the concurrent request */       lv_request_id         := fnd_request.submit_request(             'SQLGL',             'GLLEZL',             '',             '',             FALSE,             to_char(irun_id),             '1000',             'NO',             '',             '',             'NO',             'NO',             'Y',         chr(0),             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',             '');                   dbms_output.put_line('req_nu - '||lv_request_id);       IF (lv_request_id = 0) THEN         errbuf := fnd_message.get;         fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.Log, errbuf);         gl_message.write_log('LEZS0001');         IF (fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status('ERROR', errbuf)) THEN           NULL;         END IF;       ELSE         gl_message.write_log('LEZS0000', 1, 'REQ_ID', to_char(lv_request_id));         IF (fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status('NORMAL', NULL)) THEN           NULL;         END IF;       END IF;       IF lv_request_id = 0       THEN           UPDATE XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG             SET attribute1 = 'ERROR IN RUNNING PAYABLE IMPORT PROGRAM',attribute2 = lv_request_id,status='ERROR'           WHERE BUDGET_ID =P_BUDGET_ID;       ELSE           UPDATE XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG             SET attribute2 = lv_request_id, attribute1 = 'PROCESSED',status='PROCESSED'           WHERE BUDGET_ID=P_BUDGET_ID;       END IF;              end UPLOAD_BUDGET_JV;     Procedure xx_glbudget_int_prc(p_budget_id number,errbuf out varchar2,Retcode out varchar2)     is         cursor BUDGET_CUR         IS         SELECT a.BUDGET_ID,a.BUDGET_NAME,a.FIN_YEAR,a.BUDGET_FREQUENCY,a.BUDGET_TYPE,a.ORG_ID,a.BUDGET_CATG,a.BUSINESS_LINE,a.COST_CENTER,         a.BUDGET_AMOUNT,a.CREATED_BY,b.LINE_NUMBER,B.LINE_ID,         b.STATE,b.BUDGET_ACTIVITY,b.PROJECT,b.AMOUNT,b.WD_TOWN,b.CODE_COMBINATION_ID,         b.STATE_NAME,b.CODE_COMBINATION         FROM XXGPIL_BUDG_HDR a,XXGPil_budg_lines b         where a.budget_id=b.budget_id and a.budget_id=p_budget_id;         /*AND APPRVL_STATUS='Approved'*/         lv_status varchar2(50);         lv_sob_id Number(15);         lv_user_je_source_name varchar2(25);         lv_user_je_category_name varchar2(25);         lv_cur_code varchar2(15);         lv_actual_flag varchar2(1);         lv_err_flag varchar2(2);         lv_flag varchar2(2);         l_fnd_user number(15) := 5581;     BEGIN         BEGIN         for rec in budget_cur         loop         insert into XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG(status,         set_of_books_id,User_JE_Source_name,user_je_category_name,currency_code,         actual_flag,ACCOUNTING_DATE,DATE_CREATED,CREATED_BY,entered_dr,entered_cr,         accounted_dr,accounted_cr,segment1,segment2,segment3,segment4,segment5,segment6,segment7,segment8,segment9,segment10,BUDGET_ID,LINE_ID)         values('NEW','1001','Spreadsheet','Budget','INR','A',trunc(sysdate),trunc(sysdate),rec.created_by,rec.amount,rec.amount,rec.amount,rec.amount,         rec.ORG_ID,rec.STATE,rec.BUSINESS_LINE,REC.BUDGET_ACTIVITY,REC.COST_CENTER,'000000','0000','000000','000000','00000000',REC.BUDGET_ID,REC.LINE_ID);         end loop;         END;         /* END OF INSERTING DATA FROM XXGP_BUDG_HDR AND LINES TABLE TO  XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG TABLE */         DECLARE         CURSOR GL_CURR IS         SELECT status,         set_of_books_id,User_JE_Source_name,user_je_category_name,currency_code,         actual_flag,ACCOUNTING_DATE,DATE_CREATED,CREATED_BY,entered_dr,entered_cr,         accounted_dr,accounted_cr,segment1,segment2,segment3,segment4,segment5,segment6,segment7,segment8,segment9,segment10         FROM XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG where status='NEW';         BEGIN             FOR rec in GL_CURR             LOOP                 lv_flag := 'A';                 lv_err_flag := 'A';                 BEGIN                 SELECT distinct Status into lv_status from XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG Where status = 'NEW';                 EXCEPTION                 When no_data_found Then                 lv_status := null;                 lv_flag := 'E';                 lv_err_flag := 'E';                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The status is not correct so change the status');                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data is inserting'|| lv_status );                 END;                 BEGIN                 SELECT set_of_books_id into lv_sob_id from gl_sets_of_books                 where set_of_books_id=rec.set_of_books_id;                 Exception                 When no_data_found Then                 lv_sob_id:=null;                 lv_flag := 'E';                 lv_err_flag := 'E';                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The SOB is not correct change SOB ID');                 End;                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data is inserting'|| lv_sob_id );                 BEGIN                 SELECT user_je_source_name into lv_user_je_source_name FROM GL_JE_SOURCES                 WHERE user_je_source_name=rec.user_je_source_name;                 EXCEPTION                 WHEN no_data_found THEN                 lv_user_je_source_name := NULL;                 lv_flag := 'E';                 lv_err_flag := 'E';                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The SOURCE NAME is not correct change It');                 END;                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data inserting is'|| lv_user_je_source_name );                 BEGIN                 SELECT user_je_category_name INTO lv_user_je_category_name FROM GL_JE_CATEGORIES                 where user_je_category_name=rec.user_je_category_name;                 EXCEPTION                 When no_data_found Then                 lv_user_je_category_name:=NULL;                 lv_flag := 'E';                 lv_err_flag := 'E';                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Category name is not correct Change it');                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data inserting is'|| lv_user_je_category_name );                 END;                 BEGIN                 SELECT currency_code into lv_cur_code from FND_CURRENCIES                 where currency_code=rec.currency_code;                 Exception                 When no_data_found Then                 lv_cur_code:=null;                 lv_flag := 'E';                 lv_err_flag := 'E';                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Currency code is not correct ');                 End;                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data inserting is'|| lv_cur_code);                 BEGIN                 SELECT distinct ACTUAL_FLAG into lv_actual_flag from XXGP_GL_BUDGET_STG where budget_id=p_budget_id and status='NEW'                 and actual_flag in ('A','B','E');                 Exception                 When no_data_found then                 lv_actual_flag := null;                 lv_flag := 'E';                 lv_err_flag := 'E';                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Flag is not correct');                 END;                 FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The dat inserting is... '|| lv_actual_flag);                 IF lv_flag = 'A' THEN                 INSERT into GL_INTERFACE (                 STATUS, SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME ,USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME,                 CURRENCY_CODE,ACTUAL_FLAG,                 ACCOUNTING_DATE, DATE_CREATED,CREATED_BY, ENTERED_DR,ENTERED_CR,                 ACCOUNTED_DR,ACCOUNTED_CR,segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5)                 VALUES (                 lv_Status, lv_sob_id, lv_User_JE_Source_name, lv_user_je_category_name,                 lv_cur_code,lv_actual_flag,rec.ACCOUNTING_DATE, rec.DATE_CREATED,                 1318,rec.entered_dr, rec.entered_cr, rec.accounted_dr,rec.accounted_cr,                 rec.segment1, rec.segment2, rec.segment3, rec.segment4, rec.segment5);                 END IF;                 --call to start General-Import Journals interface--                                 lv_flag :=null;                 lv_err_flag:=null;             END LOOP;                                     UPLOAD_BUDGET_JV(p_budget_id);             --COMMIT;         END;     End; END XXGL_INT_BUDGET_PKG;
    Following is the code i used to run the package:
    (L_errbuf||' AND '||L_Retcode
    I did not find my request in oracle applications GL responsibility.
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unless you mistakenly logged into his account then the most probable explanation is that he is using your ID. As for yours not showing up, have you enabled Find my phone on your device.
    The best thing to do would be to change your password, this will stop him seeing any of your information. Of course this would cause a problem for him if he is using your account since he will get locked out of using his devices when you do this. It could be interesting, he may need to admit what he's been doing and ask you to release his devices so he can use them.

  • I am trying to open my iTunes on a Windows XP laptop and get the error message 42404 "iTunes application could not be opened.  Please repair or reinstall QuickTime".  I did that and it did not help.  Any ideas?

    I am trying to open my iTunes on a Windows XP laptop and get the error message 42404 "iTunes application could not be opened.  Please repair or reinstall QuickTime".  I did that and it did not help.  Any ideas?

    Let's see if a more rigorous uninstall/reinstall procedure gets us past that, nancy. See the following troubleshooting document:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP

  • 9630 Keyboard/Buttons not working; hard resets and multiple reloads of OS did not correct

    My BlackBerry 9630 Tour is a little more than a year old. Yesterday the keyboard, trackball, and all buttons stopped working while I was typing out an email. I could not power off the Blackberry without removing the battery for a hard reset. Unfortunately, even after many hard resets, the problem persisted, so I went to the forums for help and tried everything that seemed relevant (multiple times) with no success.
    After reviewing a number of tech support posts, this problem does not appear to be unique to any given model of BB and contact with liquids is cited as a common but not the only cause for this condition.
    I was outside on a very hot and humid day when the malfunction occurred so it is possible some perspiration may have come into contact with the keypad, convenience buttons, or trackball and caused the lockup.
    I'm looking for someone with more smarts than me to help me troubleshoot, identify the actual problem, and identify the proper corrective actions. See below for a synopsis of my actions taken, with the exception of taking it to the shop for repair/replacement.
    The corrective actions listed on the forums and blogs are varied but essentially fall into two primary solutions:
    1. If moisture is suspected to be the issue, let the BB dry out overnight
        a. Pull the battery, naturally air dry or use a blow dryer, let it sit unplugged with no battery for at least 12 hours 
        b. If this doesn't immediately work, try a clean install of the OS (see below)
        c. If this doesn't work, take to the shop and they'll either replace the keyboard and/or trackball or replace entire unit
    2. If moisture is not suspected to be a factor then perform a backup followed by a clean install of OS
         a. Backup your files using Desktop Manager Backup and Restore
         b. Do a clean reinstall OS using Desktop Manager Application Loader
             i. The OS installation process is dicey  and takes a little patience and focus-- you have to wait for the Desktop Manager to properly recognize the device before it can proceed on some of the steps and it may take several iterations to get completely through the process and get the "successful installation" message.
             ii. Further, you may need to keep the battery removed during the initial steps in the process and only insert it when the process gets to the point of actually trying to copy files into the BB memory
                * The BB LCD will display an icon that looks like a battery with a slash through it letting you know the process cannot proceed until a battery is inserted and the Desktop Manager Application Loader will also give you an error indicating it cannot find the device.
                * After inserting the battery, it will take a few seconds or more for the computer to recognize the USB device and for Desktop Manager to respond with the BB password pop-up window.
                * After typing in your BB password, the installation should continue.
        c. If you can get the OS successfully reloaded and your keyboard/trackball/buttons work -- great -- now restore your files and settings using Desktop Manager Backup and Restore and get on with your life.
        d. If this does NOT work after multiple successful clean OS installations apparently you are completely hosed; the only other option is to get it to the shop for repair or replacement.
    1.. Does anyone have a troubleshooting procedures that will identify whether moisture is the root cause or not?
    2. Is there another corrective procedure that's been missed?

    Took  BB to Sprint Store and technician took it apart, saw no evidence of moisture or any other damage, and concluded that the keyboard had failed. Not an uncommon occurance.
    Also, he told me you cannot simply replace the keyboard, it is integral to the systemboard, so you need to replace the entire device.
    He did commend the troubleshooting approach used prior to going to the store -- most folks won't take the time to do even basic troubleshooting (like taking out the battery), they just go to the store and say "fix it please". He confirmed that the steps outlined in the initial post were correct and did not have any other solutions.
    Take away:
    If you want to do some troubleshooting yourself to check for moisture, the process was pretty straightforward. After watching the technician, most folks with a little technical or mechanical aptitude should be able to manage the dismantling process. You just need a small phillips head screwdriver and a little patience. Good lighting and a magnifying glass or reading glasses also help!

  • My Ipod touch will not turn on,charge or anything for no aparent reason? Did not drop get ,wet or anything else!

    Is there anything that might possibly be done to try and fix this? I have only had my touch for about 10 months. It was working fine and when I was using it to take photos it said low battery,I hit ignore took a few more pix then put it away.When I got home I plugged into USB to charge and nothing happened??? The screen is just BLACK-no sign of life at all and it has been plugged in all night! Is it dead? Will it ever turn on again? Is there another way to try and get it to work? If anybody could please help me out with this I would really appriciate it.This was a very expensive toy to only have worked less than a year! I have always taken very good care of it,its never been dropped,gotten wet,or manipulated in any way.I have always used a cover and screen protector! But like a dummy I did NOT get the extended warrenty. Is it garbage now? PLEASE HELP IF POSSIBLE thanks so much!!!!!

    Have you tried to Hard reset it (force to boot) by holding the Power button and the Home button both at the same time  for 10 to 20 seconds and once you see the apple logo release them all
    -if does not work repeat the same procedure by pluging it you ipod into a wall-charger and if instead you see the battery logo with with the lit across it this would mean that you need to charge it
    this is a typical problem that  happen when the battery is complety drained out
    -keep in mind if you finally triger the system to make the battery logo appear you good to go !!!

  • Windows Patching - Error when logging in - "The Specified procedure could not be found"

    I am in the process of windows patahcing our estate with SCCM 2012 R2. All going well, except for 3 machines which have the error: "The Specified procedure could not be found" when the user logs in. I have tried to log in my self, created a new
    local account (via my machine remotely), but still no luck. Have checked Event Viewer and Windows Update but cant see where it failed. Been checking the net for fixes but no luck. The machine is a Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise 32 bit, info for server if needed
    is SCCM 2012 R2. I have attached the WindowsUpdate log, incase that can help? I dont want to spend ages removing previous updates (via SCCM) as I dont have the time!
    Wont let me attach the windowslog!If any one can help, be great!

    Let's make clear your issue.
    Did you logon these 3 computers?
    Have you tried to install the Windows Update manually for these 3 computers?
    If no, have a try.
    If yes and the error still persists, try to
    reset Windows Update components for test.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error: The specified procedure could not be found

    Apparently the password expired on my Windows 7 BETA installation. Upon restart the system notifies me and asks for a new password. After confirming the password I get the error:
    "The specified procedure could not be found"
    I cannot log in at this point. The old password won't let me in and I can't change it. The administrator account I found is disabled by default.
    Is there any way to log in?

    Okay, here is your dilemma.
    You cannot login to your only account and the local administrator account is in its default disabled mode.
    There is a solution, albeit totally unsupported.  Go to and download the latest SystemRescueCd.  Burn a CD from the ISO.  When you boot with the SystemRescue CD, you will type ntpass and hit <enter>.  From there, make sure you read the screens.  You will have make selections depending on how you loaded Windows 7 (clean vs. upgrade vs. dual boot, etc).  Using this disk, you CAN enable the local administrator’s account and login in.
    I just did the procedure using Windows 7, build 7000 with SystemRescueCd 1.1.6.
    Good luck.

  • I cannot open pages;  I am told I can't open pages while updating. I did not know I was updating.  I cannot open a new pages document.  My menu list is ok, but when I click on a document it won't open. Can you help?

    I cannot open pages.  The message says, can't open pages while being updated.  I did not knowingly update anything.
    The program is stuck in this mode. can you help?

    Your copy of Pages may have gotten stuck when downloading. This article explains how to fix a stuck Mavericks download; the same procedure should help with any application:
    How to fix broken Mac OS X Mavericks download issues | Digital Trends ad/

  • Can not commit distributed transaction

    We get error "can not commit distributed transaction" during
    commit the transaction in which we have create NEW entities.
    Update-transactions on existing enitites work correct.
    Our problem is probably due to seauences for object IDs: we are using oracle native sequences:
    <sequence name="SeqErrRecObj" strategy="nontransactional" factory-class="native(Sequence=BUYING.SEQ_ERRRECOBJ)"/>
    As soon we use strategy="nontransactional" in managed environment,
    we get "can not commit distributed transaction" error by creating new instance.
    Switching to strategy="transactional" seems to eleminate this problem.
    I did not found any hint in about this in documentation.
    Can some one confirm our assumption that using nontransactional oracle sequences in manageg (WebLogic 9.2) environment
    is responsible for "can not commit distributed transaction" error and "strategy=transactional" is the right solution.
    Probably we are completely wrong and tehre is some other explanation for this error ?
    kind regards
    Andre Teshler

    Hi Andre,
    It sounds like you have not configured a non-transactional datasource. See section "4.2.1. Managed and XA DataSources" in the <kodo>/docs/jdo/pdf/manual.pdf. Connection is for the managed datasource and Connection2 for the non-transactional.
    David Ezzio

  • Avoid JDBC sender error: Execute statement did not return a result set

    My JDBC sender adapter towards MS SQL server works fine, with an Execute statement calling a stored procedure that returns the source data needed. The stored procedure itself updates the status of database table records, so that only the unread records are returned each time the stored procedure is called.
    However, the communication channel monitoring sets a red flag for the JDBC sender adapter, when there are no values to fetch from the database table (using the stored procedure). Message says: "Database-level error reported by JDBC driver while executing statement 'EXECUTE FetchMessage 1, 9000'. The JDBC driver returned the following error message: ' The statement did not return a result set.'. For details, contact your database server vendor."
    This is not an error situation, as I do not expect there to be any values to fetch from the database at all times.
    I do not see how to change the stored procedure to avoid this error.
    Is there a parameter to be set on the JDBC adapter that I can use, so the red flag is avoided?
    Thanks for any input!
    Oeystein Emhjellen

    Hi Oeystein Emhjellen.
    The problem is Store Procedure that has to generate always a ResultSet (or cursor). If it doesn't have a output, you have to generate an Empty ResultSet.
    Like a SELECT Statement:
    If there are data, SELECT get an output result but if it get nothing the SELECT Statement get a empty ResultSet.
    Ask to your database team.
    I hope it helps you.


    I have created a scenario  FILE -XI- RFC
    File is picked by file adapter  - Its working fine
    I have used BPM
    Its working fine and return an Invoice Number and Fisical year .
    When i Check this in the R/3 System , in Invoice no Does not Exist .
    Message mapping is ok
    SXMB_MONI all are ok
    Receiver file i got the invoice no and fisical year .
    So  should i do BAPI_COMMIT seperately ........
    Any solution ................
    thanks in advance

    hi jude,
    Commit Control for Single BAPI Calls
    If you want to use this communication channel to call BAPIs as remote-enabled function modules that change data in the database, set the indicator.
    If executed successfully, the transaction is written to the database by calling the function module BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT explicitly. If an error occurs, the transaction is rolled back by BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK.
    The result is determined by the value of the field TYPE in parameter RETURN. If successful, the tables are empty and the values “”, “S”, “I”, and “W” are displayed. All other values are regarded as errors.
    To change this setting, set the indicator BAPI Advanced Mode.
    <b>In the Successful RETURN-TYPE Values table, enter the values that should lead to a successful execution.</b>
    Mandeep Virk

  • ORA-02041: client database did not begin a transaction

    Hello All,
    I am making calls from oracle 8i to oracle 9i.
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    It is maybe not exaclty the same situation but this thread may help you:,F4950_P8_CRITERIA:362818006460

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