My renders look different on FCP 7!

I've recently upgraded to FCS 3 & Snow Leopard.
At some point I needed to fix an old project created on FCP 6 and re-render it. The project of course opened fine, and I fixed what I needed and sent out to render (Exported QT and then compressed to Animation PAL via Compressor).
Looking at the final render, it looked somewhat odd. I then opened the previously rendered file (done in FCP 6) and played them side by side in QT7.
First of all the aspect ratios were different; although the info palette showed correct sizes for both videos (720x576), the actual size was different, as though one was corrected for 1:1 viewing and the other wasn't. Opening both movies in QTX was weirder: they had the same window size but the newly created movie seemed stretched and cropped to fit 1:1 viewing.
I then opened the movies in VLC, and lo and behold, they both were sized the same.
But the more major issue is that the newly rendered movie looks "softer". The previously rendered movie is crisp and sharp with contrasty colors, while the new one is just milder in color and detail; the difference is not extreme, but noticeable.
I cannot think of any reason why this could happen, because the render settings remained the same. I even tried playing around with different settings, as well as rendering directly from FCP, among other things, but nothing changed.
I'm fresh out of ideas, and quite frankly, pretty frustrated from this, as I need to make a tape master pretty soon.
Is this a bug in QT? FCP7? Snow Leopard? Or just some hidden setting I might have overlooked?
Your help will be much appreciated.

In Quicktime 7 > Preferences... window you should see a bunch of options - make sure that you have checked "Use high-quality video setting when available" and "Enable Final Cut Studio color compatibility". Note also that default gamma handling in Snow Leopard is now at 2.2:

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    Message was edited by: Adam Salky
    Message was edited by: Adam Salky

    The issue here, and its surprising you are coming up empty with the search because it is discussed almost hourly, is a gamma difference in Quicktime.
    Up to Snow Leopard, MacOS has based their luminance transfer characteristic (gamma) coefficient of 1.8 to display graphic images on a Cinema Display or other panel. This makes sense to Apple, since they assume that almost 100 percent of their client base are using their computers for Photoshop, word processing and so on... and 1.8 is the prepress rendition that is standard industry-wide.
    Broadcast video, on the other hand, uses a Rec709 gamma characteristic that is in the range of 2.2, which is more than a few percent different. It isn't your Quicktime media that is actually darker and a different color, it is the way Quicktime is decoding and displaying it within the MacOS, which is why it can look different on the same screen. Unless you instruct FCP to operate under Rec709 2.2 gamma, it will default to the system OS Colorsync 1.8 coefficient.
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    In general, it depends.  
    You can't be responsible for every other computer & user in the world ... even though at times they'll try and make you so. The best anyone can do is run a calibrated "shop" and know you're delivering good technical content. Test it on other calibrated systems, and over broadcast monitors if such are available somewhere you know. For clients with specific needs, TEST. Send a test over and have them check it ... for most TV use this is crucial. For say adds on movie theatre screens between shows, arrange to take a sample over before they "open" for the day and have it played on their equipment onto the screen ... see what it looks like, adjust & retest as necessary.
    For web use ... that's a total crapshoot off the mark.Best you can do is again, see that your system is as accurately calibrated as you can. Set the preferences for video players on your machine to use your system's calibration rather than their internal, which will ALWAYS do something odd to the signals. But not only odd ... unpredictable computer to computer. If your system is fully calibrated, your work over the web will hopefully average out pretty decent.
    For web-delivery clients, still ... do initial testing to see that they are happy with the results you give them. If on their computer they want it bluer, and ... you know that means it's gonna really be BLUE on many machines ... perhaps showing them on a laptop that it does look good as-is on another system or some sort of client education moment may need to happen. I've heard plenty of complaints that the client demanded someone deliver something too dark ... and then complained back at them because they got comments from others that the material was too dark. Love that, eh? Client demanded they change it darker even though told it would be too dark for most computers ... then groused at them that it was too dark. Right. Oh frabjous joy.
    Over in the video lounge here and on a couple other sites ... the threads on Stupid Client Demands have at times been a riot and at times something to near cry over. As a 30+ year stills portrait photographer, we've had the same thing at times from clients ... a demand to just plain print their images GREEN or something. Most of which we've complied with, some we ... didn't. What an interesting variety of brains and eyes there are about the planet ...
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    BrowserLab product manager
    BrowserLab Team Blog:
    Twitter: @brucebowman, @adobebrowserlab

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    As shown in LR:
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    Laura Shoe

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    you must click on image to see CS3 rendering - browser is not accurate
    Anyone no what's going on?
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    any suggestions on how i can fix this problem?

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    Any help would be appreciated. This has happend in several templates now.

    I have never tried importing the .ifr file from LT because I want to see what it looks like before it goes to FCE.< </div>
    You get used to estimating timing and anticipating your results with experience.
    Tom said that basically it doesn't play well in the time line because it gets compressed by a factor of 5 when it goes to DV AND that even though I'm using a 19" Apple Studio Display, that the display is not showing it like it would play from a DVD to a TV. < </div>
    Tom Wolsky knows all this stuff inside and out.
    And interlacing gets in the way or something like that, and yeah I'm so newbee my wings are still tired just getting to this hive.< </div>
    We were all new at this at one time or another. Welcome tot he family.
    But this brings up another question. Since exporting the sequence to a QT self-contained movie and burning it on a DVD means that it gets even further compressed into mpeg, how is that the LT scenes actually display much better on a TV (which is way larger) than in the canvas? Is that where the interlacing thing comes in? < </div>
    Umm, no.
    I have never really understood why video has 2 images in one frame when film gets buy just fine with one. Can you point me in the right direction to learn about that?< </div>
    Different universes of time. But when film gets transferred to vidoe, those single frames get interlaced and interleaved with a process known as 3-2 Pulldown. That will give you a headache because there are many different types of pulldown.
    Anyhow, why buy a video monitor if it's all going to sort itself out in the bake and shake process going to DVD? < </div>
    That's a stylistic question you will answer for yourself in a few months.
    And if one really should have a "video monitor" are there any decent ones that aren't megabucks? My understanding is that it's going to look different on the TV any how, correct? < </div>
    It's not that easy, TV and video are different, too.
    So does this mean that when we create in LiveType, we are creating a NON-Interlaced image that looks so sharp & clear on the non-interalced computer screen? And that the interlacing gets put in during the rendering process in FCE? And that interlacing makes the LiveTyp image look like it's got ants in its pants (fuzzy)on the computer screen? < </div>
    There's an option in your prject settings to use NONE, LOWER or UPPER fileds for your movie. Set it to LOWER. If you use NONE< you will get a progressive render.
    <div class="jive-quote">Do I have it or do I have to go back to school?< </div>
    It might help but we do that every day around here. Don't sweat the small stuff but, now that you have some fundamental grounding in video basics, you could benefit dramatically from reading the LT manual and doing the tutorials one more time. They'll make some sense this time around.

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    I tried to check the site display in multiple browsers on both Mac and windows , but I was not able to verify the issue.
    I believe you have already resolved the issue.

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    Thank you so much for responding! Here are answers & below screenshot of my Distiller settings:
    Platform = Windows
    Frame version = 8
    Rendering workflow = I print to .ps and then distill to PDF.
    What settings in Distiller? I tried the "Tag all images for color management" in Distiller with sRGB selected as the color model, but it still came out lime---however, when I chose "Convert All Colors to CMYK" it kept the green color BUT then greyed out my images!!! I have attached a screenshot of the settings---can you see it?
    sRGB = The artist had no idea was sRGB was (he is not really helpful at all...).
    Any suggestions on how to get my images back...? Thanks so much.

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    It's rather fine text, and when you save it as an image, it's alignment to the "pixel grid" may differ (from the same type/size text in similar images) by a fraction of a pixel.
    Fonts have a built-in parameter called "hinting" which helps ensure that varying proximity to the pixel grid doesn't distort the glyphs of live type while they're displayed on-screen. It's a scientifically grizzly little property that dictates which portions of a glyph are always black, versus the portions that are subject to "anti-aliasing." When you rasterize the text as you have, it loses its hinting and becomes subject to "accident" in terms of pixel grid alignment, anti-aliasing, and subsequent perceptual rendering on-screen.
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