My Settings bug

If you go to "My Settings", enter some new info, click the "Set Avatar" link, select an avatar and then return to the "My Settings" page, everything previously entered before going to the avatar selection screen is lost.

Our thread shows that we've found 15+ bugs already in the past 24 hours.
I wouldn't like to post 15 separate threads for each, although if that is what's needed to get them noticed, then perhaps it is something that we should do.
Yes, people should search Discussions before posting. But how many people actually do that? Experienced users do, newbies tend not to...
Kind regards,

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    You have to change it to Photoshop manages color. Make the changes and switch back to Printer Manages Color.
    Yes, I downloaded the current Epson Drivers and tried booting PS in 32 and 64 bit mode.
    This looks like a bug.  If it's been reported previously, I apologize.

    The second Option+Eyeball click is a not a "show hidden layers" command, it goes to the previous state of visible layers... so if you opt+eyeball+click to just see one layer, then for whatever reason make another layer visible, or hide that layer and make another visible, or if you manually hid all but one layer, then that second opt+eyeball+click will appear not to work (if your expectation is to have all the layers become visible)
    Kind of a convoluted answer there!  But try that out and see if that is what you are experiencing.
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  • Adobe Lighroom v5.2 - Develop Module Sync Settings Bug?

    Hello Everyone,
    I`m working on a batch of files (about 200) and I just noticed something weird going on in the Develop module.
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    Choose "Sync"
    Select "Highlights" and like always, "Process Version"
    Logically this should apply the same value for "Highlights" to all other photos but it`s buggy. It does it for several photos but not for all of them, which makes no sense.
    Hardware information:
    Adobe Lighroom v5.2 , Windows 7 64 bit installed on a "beast": 32GB of RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, 3501 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
    Has anyone noticed this bug?
    I chose "Highlights" just as an example because the same thing happens when I try to sync "Contrast", "Whites" or "Blacks".

    Nelu Goia wrote:
    like always, "Process Version"
    I never sync "Process Version".
    Why not? Lr does not properly convert process version upon sync (or at least it didn't used to), and if process versions are already the same, it does no good.
    I recommend instead:
    1. convert all photos to desired process version, if not already.
    2. sync other develop settings (not process version).
    For same reason, I never save process version in presets. YMMV...

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    After installing iTunes v8 I found that when you select your mobile phone from the "Devices" list an additional "Settings" item appears as a tab at the top of the screen. When you select this tab the option to "Convert higher bit rate songs..." appears here. When synched the mobile phone is now populated with songs from the iTunes library containing only mp3 320 kbps songs.
    It would be nice if Apple could update it's support file to help direct users to select the correct "Settings".

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    Hope this can corrected in a future fix.
    Regards and congratulations on the great work on WebOS.
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102ueu (Unlocked EU)

    Palm has logged this in its software issue tracking system. We endeavor to continuously improve our software quality and thank you for bringing this to our attention.  We are grateful to the community and will evaluate options based on customer feedback and software best practices.

  • SecurityDomain/Settings bug?

    Hello all!
    I've encountered a strange situation, when googling does not help at all. :/
    So, I have two swfs, app.swf and p2p.swf.
    The app.swf is on the
    The p2p.swf is on the
    The app.swf loads the second one using the following code:
    public class App {
        // .. some code
        public function load(cb:Function, err:Function):void
            _cb = cb;
            _err = err;
            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onLoaded);
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _onIoError);
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, _onSecurityError);
            // note that context has neither application domain nor security domain
            loader.load(new URLRequest(_url), new LoaderContext());
        private function _onLoaded(e:Event):void
            trace("Loaded. Connecting to the p2p network...");
            _client =;
            _client.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, _onClientReady);
        private function _onClientReady(e:Event):void
        // .. some code
    So, p2p.swf should not be executed from the same security/application domain as app.swf.
    In the p2p.swf i have the main class, which allows access from any domain:
    public class P2P extends Sprite
        public function SqP2P() {
        public function connect():void
              // pops out LSO settings window
             var lso:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("dummy", "/", false);
   ["foo"] = "bar";
             _connection = new NetConnection();
            _connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, _netStatus);
            _connection.connect(CIRRUS_ADDRESS, CIRRUS_KEY);
        private method _loadGroup():void
            var spec:GroupSpecifier = new GroupSpecifier(_name);
            spec.serverChannelEnabled = true;
            spec.objectReplicationEnabled = true;
            // pops out the p2p settings window
            _group = new NetGroup(connection, spec.groupspecWithAuthorizations());
            _group.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, _netStatus);
        private function _netStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
            if ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
             // other code
    Now, when I call
    I have a settings box with P2P settings, but there instead of the i see Why?!!
    The reason why I have some concerns is that I have approximately same architecture with LSO cache that behave correctly.
    Any ideas?
    The settings box with local storage permission:
    So here it is working perfectly.
    Excuse me for my poor English.


  • "Show Photo Settings" Bug

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    This has happened on one,, or several pictures in a row.
    Save,, Save,, Save........

    Not emptying the trash is a terrible solution. As the imovie becomes too big to fit on a DVD unless the trash is gone!
    There's another (better) workaround that's been discovered since this Topic began. It rescues iMovie's own copy of the source image so the image is available later when you want to Update the clip. The workaround also lets you empty the iMovie trash to discard OTHER items.
    When a photo is imported with the Ken Burn checkbox ON, iMovie immediately puts its own copy of the photo in the iMovie Trash. You'll see the Trash bulge by 117K or so. (It shouldn't go in the Trash, but it does.)
    The workaround is to immediately open the iMovie Trash window and drag the image to the Clips pane. It's no longer in the Trash so it won't be discarded when you empty the Trash.
    if you Update the clip later, the Update will (successfully) use the image in the Clips pane to Update the clip.

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    Here is a thread from yesterday.  Apparently, already known.

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      What is going on?
    Moderator Note; subject edited to better reflect subject

    There's a stickied thread at the top of this board which explains / discusses ThinkPad software for Windows 8, hopefully the information you are looking for is there.
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  • Shortcut settings bug in installer setup?

    Has anyone else run across this? I'm trying to make two shortcuts in my installer. One will be in program menu under a subdirectory. The other would be in all user's desktop (no subdirectory). No matter how I input the settings, the installer changes them once I navigate away. It will swap my subdirectory I input in the program menu shortcut with the desktop one. 

    Alright, creating a 2nd shortcut, and changing it's name to the same as the 1st creates an error message, which is wrong, since it's quite normal to want 2 shortcuts with the same name to the same program with an installation. Else it'd need to be an ID and then an extra field for Shortcut text/name.
    Removing the subdirectory from the desktop icon (2) (ofcourse i dont want my desktop shortcuts put in a folder ...) i can then change the name (3) to the same as the 1st shortcut. Mission accomplished, i thought.
    4. In LV2011 if i change e.g. the folder of a shortcut, or even clicked the other it completely messed up and changed the folder for the other shortcut, and so on. I eventually deleted the shortcut and made a new one through the above procedure and it worked, so now it's a "hands off, it'll explode if anyone touches it"
    5. I managed to reproduce it in LV2012 just now, it worked with those 2, so i added a 3rd shortcut. 
    6. Add a 3rd shortcut, point it to the program menu, change the name and get the error. Change the subdirectory to e.g. AddQ\TTS and it accepts it, as above. Now i clicked on the 2nd shortcut, the desktop one, which suddenly has the AddQ\TTS-subdirectory. Select, Cut to paste it in the 3rd, and it still lands on the 2nd. and i get error all around. 
    Feels like a race condition, now i managed to do it correctly twice in a row ...
    LabVIEW 8.2 - 2014
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    G# - Free award winning reference based OOP for LV

  • Album Settings bug

    since upgrading to Revel 2.2 when you access Album Settings and then try to close the window it doesn't leave the screen.
    This is in ipad and iphone.

    Are you tapping on the gear to get in and then the checkmark to get out or are you on another page?

  • Memory handling for big footage, wrong settings, bug?

    I am getting huge time differences in rendering, a full res render takes ca 100 times longer than a half res, where I would normally expect maybe 4 times longer.
    Here's the details:
    I'm making an 30 sec animation in NTSC, the material is high resolution illustrations in .psd format with lots of layers. I parent and animate the layers in after effects, ie no cell animation or sequences.
    A couple of characters with loose limbs and some backgrounds, and the comp is probably a few hundred layers nested within comps etc.
    All this is fine when previewing in half resolution, it takes a little while for the program to load all the layers for every new scene, and then it ticks along good, since it's static illustrations with position and rotation keys.
    Previewing the 30 secs in half res takes a couple of minutes tops. Totally fine.
    But when switching to full res everything goes unbelievably slow. It takes more than 1 hour 30 minutes. The exact same animation that previewed in 1-2 minutes in half res.
    I am using
    AE CS3,
    8-core Mac Pro, Leopard 10.5.3
    10 GB Ram
    Multiprocessor rendering is switched on.
    I see all the AE instances in the Activity Monitor, most of the time they're working on less than 10%.
    So I'm guessing the cache is sufficient for the half res stuff, and for full res it has to load everything for every single frame? Still though, it seems that it's even slower than that. It seems like there's some sort of bottle neck.
    Some good advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, L

    Turn off multiprocessing. Loading and unloading your hunky files may take way longer than the actual processing. For the half res previews, they would be loaded from the cache in many situations, thus not affecting I/O speed at all. Also your math is not really right. Depending on how an effect works, render times can go up indefinitely, e.g. if it works strictly pixel-per-pixel insrtead of a coherent single one-pass buffer. In any case, the res is 2^2 times as high, so a multiplier of 8 is to be expected on memory consumption and possibly processing as well... Not sure where your project goes wrong, though, would require soem more info about footage types, blendmodes, effects and so on.

  • Optimal Settings for my new box

    I've put together a new box, and it would be great if you guys could please give me some guidance on the optimal BIOS settings that I can use to make the most of it.  
    KT6 Delta FISR
    2 x Crucial 512 DDR333 PC2700 DIMM
    Speeze EEA31B2 Coppereagle Amd Cpu Cooler- Xp3200+ Copper
    AMD ATHLON XP2700+ 333MHZ FSB 256Cache CPU - Thoroughbred - OEM
    Case Antec Sonata 380 Watt TruPower
    2 Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm.
    I'm not looking to use this box for games, the case has a 120mm fan as well as psu fan.
    What do you reckon will be the best setup?
    Many thanks in anticipation.

    That crucial RAM should beable to hit 200FSB with longer timings or so.
    (I managed to OC some old PC2100 to PC2700 on same timings so its possible)
    and IF the cpu can be unlocked from bios, change it to about 10x200 settings.
    IF NOT, then try the "pin trick in the socket".
    Tbred-B are pretty tough, it'll do it as long as that ram can do 200FSB.
    If the RAM dosnt do 200FSB, then get the CPU up a few steps in multipliers, hopefully. Do testing with 3DMark03's CPU benchmark, its very fussy on the CPU stability, so you know it runs stable.
    Im using PCI latency at 96 and it holds the bus well for fast disk and perfect sound and "wire on fire" LAN transfers.
    64 works quite good too, but loses a bit with overall transfers speeds and interuptions.
    System Perfomance setting in DRAM Settings - just leave it on Fast (gigabit lan hates the other settings) Bugs???

  • [BUG] Lyrics Size Bug

    OS: Windows 7 EnterpriseSpotify:  Windows Desktop Client When using lyrics using the settings for size of lyrics, I like setting them to small so I can see lyrics on the bottom of one of my monitors so I can see lyrics while alt tabbed.  However, any time Spotify is minimized, the lyric settings bug out and reset to the original, bigger size.   Is this a known bug?  

    Also noticed this bug myself and it annoys me so much. The lyrics font size setting keeps getting reset, whenever I move the Spotify window, minimize or resize it... wonder how people seem to not have seen that or not been bothered by it...

  • Why is it that whenever I update my Mac, my experience as a user diminishes?

    I'm finding more and more lately, every time I install an update, generally being an OS or firmware update, my computer becomes less responsive. ie, my computer takes longer to fully wake from sleep or my brightness or volume settings bug out or my wifi connection drops only to be fixed when I use diagnostics.
    This frustrates me as a Mac user, I've used Mac products since I was say... 12 years old, I'm now 19, and have been experienceing this with all my computers. Within my household I've gone through the classic swivel head iMac, the iBook, several Macbooks and now a Macbook Pro. Every time it's the same story, my computers are not only becoming obsolete (as expected) but are generally performing to a lesser standard every time an update is released. Is there a reason for this? Or are all computers doomed to the same fate to the point where instead of updating my software I'm much better off by buying a new computer?
    It's things like this that make me feel like migrating to Linux (or even Windows).
    I'm aware that this isn't a question for support, but more a topic I would like to hear or read a discussion about, thanks to anyone that reads/responds.

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