Album Settings bug

since upgrading to Revel 2.2 when you access Album Settings and then try to close the window it doesn't leave the screen.
This is in ipad and iphone.

Are you tapping on the gear to get in and then the checkmark to get out or are you on another page?

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    Nelu Goia wrote:
    like always, "Process Version"
    I never sync "Process Version".
    Why not? Lr does not properly convert process version upon sync (or at least it didn't used to), and if process versions are already the same, it does no good.
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    2. sync other develop settings (not process version).
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    I guess this time is needed to render the artwork?
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    Yes there is a major bug here! I cant believe there isn't more people than this complaining about it?
    I have a 5th Generation video iPod. running on a G4 Mac.
    My problem is similar but involves random podcast images/album art taking over my pre existing song album art and not all of the songs from an album either just some of them?
    This really *****! and I don't think that this is going to be fixed with anything other than an iPod update.
    I have decided to not sync my ipod until this is fixed incase it screws with thousands of my songs and is not reversible other than manually re entering album art.
    I too would like to complain and get this new update fast tracked to fix it.
    Where do I do that?
    iPod Video   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    How about settings > apps > all > album > uninstall updates > restart your phone > update the app > check again 
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    Thanks for your post.
    Are you still having trouble with this? If so, could you let us know the version of Spotify that you're running at current?
    Also, could you let us know the version of OS you're using on your device?
    We'd love to forward this onto our team here!

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    Our thread shows that we've found 15+ bugs already in the past 24 hours.
    I wouldn't like to post 15 separate threads for each, although if that is what's needed to get them noticed, then perhaps it is something that we should do.
    Yes, people should search Discussions before posting. But how many people actually do that? Experienced users do, newbies tend not to...
    Kind regards,

  • New Album Update Bug

    error thumbnails on new update...
    -not displaying the right thumbnails
    -does not display right thumbnail
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    If it occurs,you can reset the album app by going into settings-apps-all-album,force stop and clear data.
    All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us - J.R.R. Tolkien

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    StayWhatYouAre2 wrote:
    Am I the only one having this problem?
    no, various users have reported this. looks like this options has been discontinued in iTunes 9
    you can still add artwork by going these routes:
    A) single item
    +get info+ on the item, click on the artwork tab, click on add, navigate to the image on e.g. on your desktop
    B) multiple items
    +get info+ on the files, +right click+ on the image in e.g. Safari and choose copy, paste (cmd-v) the image into the artwork box

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    Movies app:
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    Walkman app:
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    -Sound enhancement effects are not working
    -Long song names when shown on music list is jumbled up with song timing shown, looking really messing
    -Genre option and Year option please!
    Album app:
    -Laggy when loading photos
    -Thumbnails are not accurate after a image file is deleted
    Thank you very much. I love sony and wants it to be the best!

    Facing the same problem all my sony app hang on start.. but other software are fine.. 2 week already and still no feedback from sony??

  • Aperture lost all my album settings!

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    Dual Core 2.0 G5, G4 Laptop   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   2.5Gbyte RAM

    Hi Ken,
    If this is what I think you are referring to Ken, then don't worry, all is not lost.
    This has happened to me once or twice in the past when either installing a new version of iTunes or when I have re-linked my iPod to my other computer.
    One thing to check first though:
    If you open iTunes and look in your Library and select any track you like (you don’t kneed to play it) and make sure that you have the 'Show or Hide Song Artwork' tab at the bottom left of iTunes (its the fourth one in) selected, can you see the Artwork for your track?
    I know you are concerned about the artwork on your iPod, but this is important, if it is showing that’s great. If not, it might just be switched off. If you look at the grey bar that makes the top of the Artwork box that views the image, does it say 'Selected Song' or 'Now Playing'? If it is the latter, then with your mouse just click on it and your Artwork for that track should appear.
    Makes sure this is the case for a few others, and if so, your artwork is not lost and can easily be put back on to your iPod.
    Now Make sure your iPod is connected and showing in the Sources list on the right of iTunes.
    Now go into the iPod options menu by going to the Edit menu and selecting the bottom option 'Preferences' and then opening the iPod tab. You will see an option to show your artwork on your iPod. Select this then click OK out of the Preferences and do an update.
    iTunes will then say its updating your iPod, and when it has confirmed that your music is updated, it will then import all your artwork back into your iPod and it should then be present when you use your iPod.
    Depending how many tracks you have on your iPod and in iTunes, this might take quite some time. For me last time without about 4 tracks on an AMD Athlone this took about 40 minutes.
    I hope this is of help.

  • Regional Settings bug.

    2 week ago I received my Pre2 as part of the Developer Program, thank you for that.
    I am from Brazil.. and we still don't have the Pre avaliable in our market.. hopefully this is something that will be worked out.. so while you guys don't launch it here.. I believe I can help with the local issues I have been facing.
    - The short date Regional Settings for Brazil are wrong: on the home screen the date showed is in the wrong format YY-MM-DD, the Brazil setting should be DD-MM-YY.
    Hope this can corrected in a future fix.
    Regards and congratulations on the great work on WebOS.
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102ueu (Unlocked EU)

    Palm has logged this in its software issue tracking system. We endeavor to continuously improve our software quality and thank you for bringing this to our attention.  We are grateful to the community and will evaluate options based on customer feedback and software best practices.

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