My songs won't play HELP!!!

I just purchased a new nano and installed the itune software. I got to the music store and was able to download a song to my library. I double clicked on the song to hear it but it dosen't work. Also I'm unable to preview any songs before purchasing them. I'm really excited about the ipod but I can't hear any of the songs.
Can someone help me with this problem? I have windows XP.

I have recently had the same problem with my 4G iPod apart from mine said all the files were corrupt and would not even link to my computer.
My recommendations would be:
Connect iPod to computer and if that does not solve the problem try to restore the iPod to it's factory settings. This can be done via iTunes if you have the latest version installed. This will wipe your iPod clean but assuming all your songs are on your computer they will be replaced after the restore.
If that still does not work take a look at this website:
I had to do this to my iPod today and it now works perfectly!
Hope that helps,

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    Try forgetting the network, reboot your iPad and then try joining the network again.
    Settings>WiFi>Your network name>Forget this network. Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.
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    Depending upon what country that you are in (music can't be re-downloaded in all countries) then try deleting the incomplete tracks from your iTunes library and redownload them via the Purchased link under Quick Links on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunes : re-downloading.
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    The steps in this link can help you recover your purchases:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Have a great day,

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    Hi Deb,
    Deauthorizing all is definitely the way to go.  You will just need to authorize your computer again after, as well as your husband's.
    Here's some additional information on deauthorizing all:
    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization
    I hope this helps!
    - Ari

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    If you are in a country that permits redownloads, delete track and go to iTunes Store > purchased and redownload.

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