N80 calendar single entry as synchronisation none ...

Hi all,
I have the following problem with synchronisation of calendar items for the N80.
Setup: N80 and pc suite 6.80.22 (no idea if it happens with earlier versions)
The synchronisation of the calendar works completely for all entries EXCEPT when the synchronisation is set to "none". This is easy to check as I only have to change one entry to "none" for it to fail.
No logs or useful error messages are shown, only "system error " in a popup on the phone itself.
This is quite a useful feature for me, as I would like certain items never to be synchronized with my desktop.
Using private or public works fine, just none fails.
Also interesting is it fails immediately, it doesn't get to any progress bars etc (although this could be because I only have a few calender items on the phone).
Is this a problem with all nokia handsets (i.e. a pc suite issue) or just the n80?
PS (As for everything else the only annoyance I've had is only one alarm wakes up the phone)

wow, someone agreed with you!
What both of you neglected to notice was that as the original poster, I never said the N80 was a "business phone"...you implied it by saying it wasn't (it is in fact a Smartphone and as such there are certain business applications expectations). You then described the calendar basics - as on the 6230i -(again, not a "business phone")as "extra functionality". Hmm, so you feel a facility that came as standard on a phone from early last year is now "extra functionality" on a recent flagship release. It is described on Nokia's N80 flash-site start page as empowering one "to pursue your personal and professional goals" and on the productivity page says "Stay on top of your workload even when you're out of the office. The Nokia N80 comes equipped with calendar, contacts, task list, email and PIM too". I don't think it's too much of a leap to assume from this that this recent phone will have at least the same level of functionality for basics such as calendar that previous non-business phones had and that some level of business use will be had from it.
Your comment on intadon's post describing a usable calendar as an additional application shows me your grasp of the subject.
For those interested and who make appointments with friends and business persons, the Nokia S60 developers site offers no improvements to the calendar as yet. We shall see.

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    Hi Surya,
    Nomally we use to declare Selct options like
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      gv_w_opt_list-options-eq = 'X'.
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      gv_w_***-sg_main = '*'.
      gv_w_***-sg_addy = 'N'.
      gv_w_***-op_main = 'A'. 
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            program                = sy-repid
            restriction            = gv_w_res
            too_late               = 1
            repeated               = 2
            selopt_without_options = 3
            selopt_without_signs   = 4
            invalid_sign           = 5
            empty_option_list      = 6
            invalid_kind           = 7
            repeated_kind_a        = 8
            OTHERS                 = 9.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Please help me if you have any information related to this requirement. Relevant anwers will be surely rewarded.

    I have a code sample I use in a report. Result is only EQ and no intervals and no excludes
        Subscreen: Select Options for delivery                                    *
                                          NO INTERVALS.
      so_dlvno FOR /scwm/s_aspq_tu-docno
                                     MODIF ID dlv .
        Subscreen: Select Options Restrictions                                  *
    Include type pool SSCR
      TYPE-POOLS sscr.
    Define the object to be passed to the RESTRICTION parameter
      DATA restrict TYPE sscr_restrict.
    Auxiliary objects for filling RESTRICT
      DATA t_opt_list TYPE sscr_opt_list.
      DATA ***      TYPE sscr_***.
      CLEAR ***.
      ***-kind    = 'S'.        "Apply only to the named SELECT-OPTION
      ***-name    = 'SO_DLVNO'.  "This is name of the SELECT-OPTION
      ***-sg_main = 'I'.        "I = ONLY Inclusions; * = Both
      ***-op_main = 'NOINTERVALS'. "This must match opt_list-name
      APPEND *** TO restrict-***_tab.
    Create t_opt_list entry to specify capabilities of S_BUKRS.
      CLEAR t_opt_list.
      t_opt_list-name       = 'NOINTERVALS'."This must match ***_tab-op_main
      t_opt_list-options-bt = space.     "Do not permit BETWEEN
      t_opt_list-options-cp = space.     "Do not permit MATCHES-PATTERN
      t_opt_list-options-eq = 'X'.       "       Permit EQUALS
      t_opt_list-options-ge = space.     "Do not permit GREATER-OR-EQUAL
      t_opt_list-options-gt = space.     "Do not permit GREATER-THAN
      t_opt_list-options-le = space.     "Do not permit LESS-OR-EQUAL
      t_opt_list-options-lt = space.     "Do not permit LESS-THAN
      t_opt_list-options-nb = space.     "Do not permit NOT-BETWEEN
      t_opt_list-options-ne = space.     "Do not permit NOT-EQUAL
      t_opt_list-options-np = space.     "Do not permit NO-PATTERN-MATCH
      APPEND t_opt_list TO restrict-opt_list_tab.
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          too_late                   = 1
          repeated                   = 2
          not_during_submit          = 3
          db_call_after_report_call  = 4
          selopt_without_options     = 5
          selopt_without_signs       = 6
          invalid_sign               = 7
          report_call_after_db_error = 8
          empty_option_list          = 9
          invalid_kind               = 10
          repeated_kind_a            = 11
          OTHERS                     = 12.
    Exception handling
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
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    Cust No: Ret.Doc: Cheque No: Amount:
    1234 7999 3331 100
    1234 8999 3332 100
    1234 9999 3333 100
    1235 7777 4444 200
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    1234 7999 3331 100
    1234 8999 3332 100
    1234 9999 3333 100
    Thanks for your help.

    HI Sudhakar,
    It's bit complex but will work.
    Just create a new formuale with this option F= SUMCT(Amount)( This is basiclly the "result" option you get when you try to create a formlae.
    Now make a calculate key figure with the logic CKF=( Amount - F)
    This will give you basically this kind of difference
                        F   CKF
    1234 7999 3331 100 300 -200
    1234 8999 3332 100 300 -200
    1234 9999 3333 100 300 -200
    1235 7777 4444 200 200  0
    Now put a condition on the report level that show only those rows where the CKF!=0
    IT will show only those value which have moer then one rows.
    Also you can hide these additional columns depending upon your need.
    I think it will work
    If helpful assign points.

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    this cant be done
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
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    i would like to use different single entry screen (OPK0) (FOR CO11N TRANSACTION)for different order type or different users.
    can u suggest how to proceed further

    Dear Vijabhaskar,
    It is possible to have different Co11n screen for different user. If the user has not been assigned a confirmation profile in the CORUPROF user parameter ( User Master Data - SU01) or the assigned profile does not exist, then the standard profile for the application (single screen entry, postprocessing) is used. If there is no standard profile, a firmly defined user interface is presented.
    You define a profile in OPK0 and assign it in the individual user master record under 'Parameter' Tab. I could not test this because i do not have sufficient authorisation.
    Hope this will sole your problem
    Sunil Kumar

  • Single entry mode

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    i have enabled single entry mode . That means i should see the tasks under MY timesheet instead of my work in PWA.
    However for some plans this doesnt happen . the tasks apper under MY TASKS instead of MY TIMESHEET
    what could be the problem

    tanveer041989 --
    Pardon me for bumping into this conversation.  When you use Single Entry Mode (SEM) with Project Server, this means that tasks will appear on both the Tasks page AND the Timesheet page in PWA for team members.  If you do not want team members to
    use the Tasks page for entering progress, then I would recommend that your Project Server administrator hide the Tasks link in the Quick Launch Menu and the Tasks button in the Track Your Work carousel at the top of the Home page in PWA (assuming you are using
    Project Server 2013).  This will restrict users to only the Timesheet page.
    To answer your follow up question, you have two choices:
    Delete the timesheet and then recreate it using the Manage Timesheets page.
    Navigate to the Timesheet page for the selected time period. In the Timesheet ribbon, click the Add Row pick list button and select the Select from Existing Assignments item.  In the Add an Existing Task dialog, select the missing tasks and then click
    the OK button.
    I think you can see that the first option is by far the simplest.  Hope this additional information helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

  • Single Entry Mode behavior

    We are currently testing the single entry mode, and we want to understand more about this model.
    During the testing, we found the timesheet entry impacts much on the project plan. For example,
    Supposed the start / end date for the assignment is from 10/1 to 10/20, but if the user starts report hours on 10/10, the end date may be shifted to 10/30 or other date. And sometime the end date may be shorten to an eailer date (e.g. 10/18).
    Is that any document describing the exact behavior on how the timesheet will impact the project plan (start/end date, work, remaining work etc.)
    in our organization, we enable "auto-approval" for timesheet and timesheet lines, that means no approval before the timesheet data is populated into the project plan.
    Can we archive the goal - the start / end date is never shifted due to the timesheet submission.
    Kevin Li

    Hi Kevin,
    In order to understand how the status updates (submitted with the timesheet in Single entry mode) are impacting the project plan you would need to look into the task types:
    Depending on the task type the scheduling engine will behave differently.
    Some more details can be found on this thread:
    In my opinion you have two options:
    1. disconnect the task updates and timesheets and allow the team members to submit the % completed for updates. in this case they will need to submit timesheets and task updates.
    2. enable the "Require line approval before timesheet approval" so the task updates are approved before the timesheet manager/auto-approval kicks in. This can also be support by Rules for status updates where the task update can be automatically
    approved when, let's say, the Assignment Finish date is the same as published value. The rest of the updates can be reviewed by the PM and Approved/Rejected depending on the impact on the project plan.  Once all the task updates have been approved then
    the timesheet can be approved as well.</label>
    Hope this helps

  • [OVS] No popup when single entry

    When the search returns a single entry, is this possible to "cancel" the OVS popup display and react as if this entry has been selected?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Best regards,

    In Event Handler Method of OVS , first fetch the record from data base based on selection criteria. If the no of records is 1 use set_attribute method and set the fetched record. If not then use co_phase=>1 for popup .
    do this in the first line of OVS event handler.
    "fetch the data based on selection criteria.
    if count = 1.
    set value using set_attribute method.
    normal OVS code.. phase 0, 1 2 3.
    hope this helps u.,
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Calendar app entries invisible

    I just upgraded my second generation iPod Touch to the new OS (4.1).
    When I open my Calendar app, the entries appear for a second then disappear. When I go into the Calendars pref menu, it indicates that all of my calendars are there, but when I go back to the app, noting is there.
    If I toggle between 'Hide All Calendars' and 'Show All Calendars', the entries become visible again.
    I've resync'd. Same issue.
    Anyone having a similar problem? Any solution?
    Message was edited by: PDS

    Try this: go to Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Calendars/Sync. Set it to sync events further back or to All Events, as you wish.

  • Dynamic Parent/Child Select List - Parent may have only a single entry

    I have a parent/child select list implemented using APEX only, ie no AJAX.
    The child list always has multiple entries, but the parent may only have a single entry, depending on who is running the application. When the parent has just one entry it can't submit, so the child list remains empty. Also when the parent has multiple entries, the user must select another entry from the parent list to cascade the child list.
    I have put a button to fire the branching to same page submit, but this is a little clunky. Is there a way of cascading the child list when the page opens? Preferably without ajax, but if has to be then ok
    I've looked for an answer to this but all threads I have followed seem to assume parent to have multiple entries, and that child list requires parent selection, but this not so in my application.
    Thanks, Jock

    Even an acknowledgment that this should be obvious to me, or that it is not currently possible would be of assistance.

  • Why does my calendar "lose " entries when using iCloud?

    My calendar "loses" entries when using iCloud.
    How do I fix and or prevent that?

    I have the same issue, both with calendar entries and contacts. as a freelance musician, I can't afford to lose data (can anyone?) 
    As an apple user, I would like to see this problem actually addressed and answered, instead of being dismissed or ignored.
    <Edited By Host>

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