N800 and USB Broadband Card

Does anyone know of a way to use USB Broadband Card (Sprint) with the N800?

i want to know the same thing.
i have a sierra wireless Aircard 595U.
Can i somehow plug the USB connection with it and the N800, and install appropriate drivers if available? Makes sense, I think.
Has anyone heard of this?
Any solution?

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    Message Edited by WhimzicalArtist on 07-16-2007 11:27 AM

    i don't think it would work with the USB card... it is made only for the PCMCIA cards...

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    usb hub is powered, card reader is not.
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    I have three or four different no-name USB cards in my 9600s, and they have all worked fine for years. The key is to be certain they are FIRMLY seated in the PCI slots with a decided "kerplunk" sound!! It takes more force than one reasonably expects to seat PCI cards in a PM9600 (and I suspect in a 9500 as well.)
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    maybe this one? http://www.lacie.com/products/product.htm?pid=10516

    The combo cards (FireWire + USB) apparently work well under 10.x but some combos have problems under 9.x.
    I would consider these points when buying a card:
    - If you have peripherals like an unpowered 2.5" USB or FireWire HD that requires bus power, you will want to buy a card that a supplemental power supply since PC cards do not supply the required voltage. A USB mouse will work fine on an unpowered card and maybe a keyboard but that's about it.
    - Apple added USB 2.0 drivers when 10.2.8 was released, but these drivers only work well with USB 2.0 PC cards that use the NEC-based USB2 chipset, so stick with those cards.
    - FireWire PC cards rated for Macs have had no driver or compatibility problems with any version of OSX, but there are apparently some cheap-o cards that users have had to replace.
    - In both cases of USB or FireWire or combo cards, buy the correct card and it will work perfectly under 10.2.8 or later with no additional drivers.
    - Here are two USB cards that do have the NEC chipset:
    - Here is a FireWire PC card:
    - Unfortunately, I have spent no time trying to find a FW/USB combo card that meets the above requirements. If you cannot find one, you can use two separate cards simultaneously as long as the physical dimensions permit. Almost all FireWire and USB PC cards now have the large "shoulder" for the ports, so two of these will not fit at the same time. The FireWire card I linked to above has a dongle, so it can reside in the lower slot and the bulbous USB card in the top.

  • External Usb Audio Card Popping and Cracking sound with Satellite L500

    My name is Boyan and I am from Bulgaria and about an year ago I've bought a satellite laptop from the l500 series ( i can not state which exactly is the model at the moment because my computer is not currently with me and on my user manual the only thing which is stated is that it is for L500/L505/ L500D / L505D . But by memory I think it was the Satellite L500D-ST5506 which is currently not at my dispossal because I gave it for repair for the same problem which I will state down below)
    The problem with my laptop is that when I plug a Usb Audio card in my laptop I have a cracking sound when live sound is played trough the speakers/headphones from the external card. I've tried numerous audio cards and speakers/headpohnes which work perfectly fine with other computer, including laptops but the same problem keeps on showing up in the headphones/speakers of my laptop when I am using an external audio card to connect them to the laptop.
    The problem is prominent only when the sound signal passes trough an external audio card and it is very annyoing since I use my laptop to create music and i've bought an expenssive audio card and speakers which can not be used with the laptop. I've tried 3 models of audio cards:
    M-Audio Fast Track Pro
    Behringer uca 222
    and a simple external 3d sound usb audio card and the problem still appears.
    At first I thought that the problem should be software and I should install new drivers although windows 7 automaticaly recognizes and intalls the drivers for the devices and I have sound in them (but with cracks and popps) so i tried using the official drivers sold to me with the audio cards but with no luck: The problem was still there. I tried finding new drivers of the audio cards on the official distributors websited and i've downloaded them but the problem was still there. Then i tried to delete every audio driver on my computer and just use the external audio card for sound but this dint help eighter. I've updated my drivers for my build-in audio card as well but again - no luck.
    After that.the frist thing I did when (2 weeks after i bought the laptop) was to contact the store from which i bought my audio card and they stated that the problem may be eighter latency or high voltage from the laptop so they adviced me to try to lower the latency from the settings or to try and see if the problem remains if my laptop is only running on battery. I've tried both things and they didn't help. The audio cards worked without a problem on every other computer I've tried them on except mine. So they said to me that the problem couldnt possibly be from the audio cards .
    What I did next was I gave my laptop to the official distributor of toshiba in my country so they can fix my problem. What they said to me was that the problem is caused from the version of windows which was pre-installed on my laptop and that it wasnt compitable with the audio cards (which was bizzar sounding because I've tried them on the same windows and they've worked, just on other computers). So I got back my laptop and changed my operating sistem from Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit to Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64bit to Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 32bit and on all of those versions the problem was there: whenever I activate a Usb Audio Card and audio signal passes trough it I heard cracks and popps. I even tried isntalling Windows XP but the laptop wants spesific SATA drivers for the installation of Windows XP which although i did find - they didnt help me install XP and I didn't want to go in to the BIOS of the computer to try to put a new one and so on because I am not so sure about that and I could lose my warranty so I said to the official repair store for Toshiba in my town to put XP on my computer to fix the problem but they can't because they are not liscened to operate with software which doesn't have a recipt for its purchase ( which i didnt because i bought my windows xp long ago and i've lost the recipt)
    I gave it for repair for the second time telling them that the change of my operating system did not solve my problem and what they did was they changed the whole motherboard on my computer, stating that the build in realtek audio device on my computer is not good enough to support an usb audio card or it maybe broken and they have to change the whole motherboard because the build in card is glued to it, so they did that but my problem wasn't solved. They told me that although I am using and external usb audio card the signal still passes trough my internal one and I have to disable it so i tried disabling it trough the control panel but this did not solve the problem and i do not have an option from BIOS to disable my build-in audio card. Another thing which I thought maybe causing the problem is that the two audio cards aren't working on the same bit rate and Hertz so I set both cards to 16 bit 48000hz DVD Quality (Also tried other options on the 3 cards i have) but...the same thing happend.
    They told me that this is just my luck and that the build in audio card doesn't support this external audio cards and I should had been more careful when choosing my laptop at first.
    I couldn't accept this awnser for several reasons:
    1) This audio cards work on lower version of windows and are supported by much older models of Realtek and much older computers (one of them was bought 2000!!!!! and my laptop is from 2010!!)
    2) The guys who were fixing the problem apperantley didn't go in so deep in to my problem because they didn't know what actually the problem was they just knew that there is a problem with the audio card and the computer interacting with eachother, they didnt know that there is cracking during live play from the external audio card.
    3) I can not accept the fact that Toshiba is manufacturing models with chipset audio cards which can not support a simple external Usb Audio Card. This is totally unacceptable for me and I truly hope this is not the case!
    4)They didn't try my audiocards on an other laptop from the same series stating that they do not have one at their dispossal at the moment so I will go tomorrow to a local store and try the audio cards by my self on the same computer in the store.
    What I did now was I gave back my laptop for repair asking for a statement of the problem in wrtting with all details of the problem so I can go to court or ask for a new laptop but I will be charged with some money because according to them there is no problem in the laptop and the problem is that my external audio cards arent compitable with the build in internal chipset audio card. If I give my laptop for repair and there is no hardware problem I will have to pay some money. I will do this but I am now mad, since this will not solve my problem and I am loosing time and money.
    What I am asking here is, if you can not help me solve my problem and advice me what to do to fix it, please provide me the details of the chipset build in audiocard on my motherboard, so i can investigate if it is compitable with my external audio cards and contact the audio card dealers to ask them for their opinion. Or if you can tell me with what it is compitable with and with what not, it would be great. I personally think that this laptop should have no problems at all with running a simple external usb audio card but I am asking you, if you know something more about that.
    If the problem is from the build in chipset then Toshiba is manufacturing (or at least selling) audiocards which aren't at a normal standart but sadly I cant do nothing about it except complain to Toshiba and never deal whith such productgs anymore. In the other case if this is not true, then my laptop has a problem which is different and I will have to go to court with the repair mans for not fixing my laptop or not giving a new one when I have warranty which will not be Toshiba's fault and It will in a way solve my problem.
    I hope you understand how Important this is for me and I hope I resolve the problem as soon as possible.
    I would like to state that I am well aware of the grammar mistakes I have made in the text below and I would like to ask for your apologies as I am not a native English language speaker.

    hi i just like to say i had a similar fault though i would be surprised if it causing yours,but you never know,my fault was my laptop lid, [9 months old] it contains the mic ,and when the lid was in a certain angle crackles could be heard worse when i had my external sound card in, it was a faulty membrane [ lid to body] easily missed by engineer because it was the same angle all the time it happened,good luck, PS you English is very good
    Message was edited by: sido1

  • Usb Audio Card - Popps and Cracking Sound.

    My name is Boyan and I am from Bulgaria and about an year ago I've bought a satellite laptop from the l500 series ( i can not state which exactly is the model at the moment because my computer is not currently with me and on my user manual the only thing which is stated is that it is for L500/L505/ L500D / L505D . But by memory I think it was the Satellite L500D-ST5506 which is currently not at my dispossal because I gave it for repair for the same problem which I will state down below)
    The problem with my laptop is that when I plug a Usb Audio card in my laptop I have a cracking sound when live sound is played trough the speakers/headphones from the external card. I've tried numerous audio cards and speakers/headpohnes which work perfectly fine with other computer, including laptops but the same problem keeps on showing up in the headphones/speakers of my laptop when I am using an external audio card to connect them to the laptop.
    The problem is prominent only when the sound signal passes trough an external audio card and it is very annyoing since I use my laptop to create music and i've bought an expenssive audio card and speakers which can not be used with the laptop. I've tried 3 models of audio cards:
    M-Audio Fast Track Pro
    Behringer uca 222
    and a simple external 3d sound usb audio card and the problem still appears.
    At first I thought that the problem should be software and I should install new drivers although windows 7 automaticaly recognizes and intalls the drivers for the devices and I have sound in them (but with cracks and popps) so i tried using the official drivers sold to me with the audio cards but with no luck: The problem was still there. I tried finding new drivers of the audio cards on the official distributors websited and i've downloaded them but the problem was still there. Then i tried to delete every audio driver on my computer and just use the external audio card for sound but this dint help eighter. I've updated my drivers for my build-in audio card as well but again - no luck.
    After that.the frist thing I did when (2 weeks after i bought the laptop) was to contact the store from which i bought my audio card and they stated that the problem may be eighter latency or high voltage from the laptop so they adviced me to try to lower the latency from the settings or to try and see if the problem remains if my laptop is only running on battery. I've tried both things and they didn't help. The audio cards worked without a problem on every other computer I've tried them on except mine. So they said to me that the problem couldnt possibly be from the audio cards .
    What I did next was I gave my laptop to the official distributor of toshiba in my country so they can fix my problem. What they said to me was that the problem is caused from the version of windows which was pre-installed on my laptop and that it wasnt compitable with the audio cards (which was bizzar sounding because I've tried them on the same windows and they've worked, just on other computers). So I got back my laptop and changed my operating sistem from Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit to Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64bit to Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 32bit and on all of those versions the problem was there: whenever I activate a Usb Audio Card and audio signal passes trough it I heard cracks and popps. I even tried isntalling Windows XP but the laptop wants spesific SATA drivers for the installation of Windows XP which although i did find - they didnt help me install XP and I didn't want to go in to the BIOS of the computer to try to put a new one and so on because I am not so sure about that and I could lose my warranty so I said to the official repair store for Toshiba in my town to put XP on my computer to fix the problem but they can't because they are not liscened to operate with software which doesn't have a recipt for its purchase ( which i didnt because i bought my windows xp long ago and i've lost the recipt)
    I gave it for repair for the second time telling them that the change of my operating system did not solve my problem and what they did was they changed the whole motherboard on my computer, stating that the build in realtek audio device on my computer is not good enough to support an usb audio card or it maybe broken and they have to change the whole motherboard because the build in card is glued to it, so they did that but my problem wasn't solved. They told me that although I am using and external usb audio card the signal still passes trough my internal one and I have to disable it so i tried disabling it trough the control panel but this did not solve the problem and i do not have an option from BIOS to disable my build-in audio card. Another thing which I thought maybe causing the problem is that the two audio cards aren't working on the same bit rate and Hertz so I set both cards to 16 bit 48000hz DVD Quality (Also tried other options on the 3 cards i have) but...the same thing happend.
    They told me that this is just my luck and that the build in audio card doesn't support this external audio cards and I should had been more careful when choosing my laptop at first.
    I couldn't accept this awnser for several reasons:
    1) This audio cards work on lower version of windows and are supported by much older models of Realtek and much older computers (one of them was bought 2000!!!!! and my laptop is from 2010!!)
    2) The guys who were fixing the problem apperantley didn't go in so deep in to my problem because they didn't know what actually the problem was they just knew that there is a problem with the audio card and the computer interacting with eachother, they didnt know that there is cracking during live play from the external audio card.
    3) I can not accept the fact that Toshiba is manufacturing models with chipset audio cards which can not support a simple external Usb Audio Card. This is totally unacceptable for me and I truly hope this is not the case!
    4)They didn't try my audiocards on an other laptop from the same series stating that they do not have one at their dispossal at the moment so I will go tomorrow to a local store and try the audio cards by my self on the same computer in the store.
    What I did now was I gave back my laptop for repair asking for a statement of the problem in wrtting with all details of the problem so I can go to court or ask for a new laptop but I will be charged with some money because according to them there is no problem in the laptop and the problem is that my external audio cards arent compitable with the build in internal chipset audio card. If I give my laptop for repair and there is no hardware problem I will have to pay some money. I will do this but I am now mad, since this will not solve my problem and I am loosing time and money.
    What I am asking here is, if you can not help me solve my problem and advice me what to do to fix it, please provide me the details of the chipset build in audiocard on my motherboard, so i can investigate if it is compitable with my external audio cards and contact the audio card dealers to ask them for their opinion. Or if you can tell me with what it is compitable with and with what not, it would be great. I personally think that this laptop should have no problems at all with running a simple external usb audio card but I am asking you, if you know something more about that.
    If the problem is from the build in chipset then Toshiba is manufacturing (or at least selling) audiocards which aren't at a normal standart but sadly I cant do nothing about it except complain to Toshiba and never deal whith such productgs anymore. In the other case if this is not true, then my laptop has a problem which is different and I will have to go to court with the repair mans for not fixing my laptop or not giving a new one when I have warranty which will not be Toshiba's fault and It will in a way solve my problem.
    I hope you understand how Important this is for me and I hope I resolve the problem as soon as possible.
    I would like to state that I am well aware of the grammar mistakes I have made in the text below and I would like to ask for your apologies as I am not a native English language speaker.

    hi i just like to say i had a similar fault though i would be surprised if it causing yours,but you never know,my fault was my laptop lid, [9 months old] it contains the mic ,and when the lid was in a certain angle crackles could be heard worse when i had my external sound card in, it was a faulty membrane [ lid to body] easily missed by engineer because it was the same angle all the time it happened,good luck, PS you English is very good
    Message was edited by: sido1

  • PowerMac 7600 and PCI USB 2 Card

    About a year ago I upgraded my daughter's PowerMac 7600 with 512 of RAM and Sonnet Crescendo G4 1GHz Card. Using XPostFacto 4 I installed MacOS X Tiger. After resolving a few issues it's been a year of nice performance for this machine (with zero manteinance). So I decided to fully upgrade it with another 512 of RAM, add an ATI PCI 7000 Radeon and a PCI Firewire/USB 2 Tango Card. The Hard Drive is a 60GB Maxtor with two partitions: One for Mac OS 9.1 and the other for Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11.
    After the upgrade I've noticed that when connecting devices to the USB ports under Mac OS X Tiger the Finder tends to freeze and even the whole System so I have to force restart. When using the USB ports under Mac OS 9.1 it works fine.
    I've used a generic USB MP3 player (DOS formatted), an Apollo imation USB Drive (Mac formatted) and a USB Flash Wristband (Mac formatted).
    The machine configuration is as follows:
    PowerMac 7600 with Sonnett Crescendo G4 1GHz Card
    8 128 MB RAM Modules for 1GB of Memory (All from OWC, same specs)
    Sonnet Tempo Ultra ATA 66 PCI Card
    ATI Radeon 7000 PCI Card
    Sonnet Tango Firewire/USB 2 PCI Card
    Maxtor 60GB IDE Hard Drive
    LaCie CDRW IDE Drive
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks for all your help!

    The specs on the PCI card state:
    Mac Compatibility
    Power Mac® G3 (Blue & White)(2) and Power Mac G4 (with PCI slots)
    Power Mac G5 (with PCI or PCI-X slots)
    Mac OS® X Version 10.5.2+, 10.4(3), or 10.3(3)
    Mac OS 9 (at USB 1.1 speed)
    However, just because older PM 7600s are not listed, it appears to be hardware compatible. It could be something related to the fact that you used XPostFacto to run OS 10.4. Many older PMs could only use 2-port USB PCI cards. On my old PM 6500, I used a Belkin model F5U005 2-port USB PCI card. I don't know if this card would provide USB 2.0 when running 10.4.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Is there a known conflict between a CalDigit FASTA-GU3 sata/USB 3 card and an ATI Radeon X1900XT video card?

    Hello all.
    I am having trouble with my Mac Pro (circa 2008) not powering up the monitor (an Apple HD Cinema Display 23 inch).
    Here's some history.
    For about two weeks I was having trouble waking up the monitor from sleep. I would have to reboot the computer to see the screen.
    Then the screen wouldn't wake up after many reboots. I tried the Apple Cinema Display on my MacBook Pro laptop an on an older Mac Mini. The display didn’t' work on any of them.
    I then hooked up a Samsung monitor to all three computers in turn. The Samsung worked fine with each.
    From that I deduced that it was Apple HD Cinema Display that was at fault.
    I replaced it with one I bought from a friend - in perfect working condition.
    The new Apple Display worked fine with my Mac Pro.
    Problem solved - or so I thought.
    Now, a few days later, I am having a repeat of the same problem. The Apple Cinema Display won't wake up.
    I removed all the peripheral devices, still no joy.
    I removed and reseated the video card (after blasting all with compressed air).
    Still no joy.
    I then removed the CalDigit FASTA-GU3 sata/USB 3 card I installed about a year ago.
    Now the Apple Display came back to life.
    So my question is, are there know conflicts between a CalDigit FASTA-GU3 and an ATI Radeon X1900XT video card?
    If so - is there a fix?
    Also open to other theories.
    Other tech specs:
    Mac Pro (from around 2008) 2 x 3 GHZ Quad Intel Xeon.
    OSX Lion
    The video card is an ATI Radeon X1900XT (512 MB)
    Apple HD Cinema Display - 23 inch
    Many thanks.

    Thanks for the info on the Expansion Slot Utility. I found it and ran it. It shows no problems. It shows the ATI Radeon X1900XT to be properly installed and running at full capacity.
    I found a reliable dealer of flashed ATI Radeon 5770 cards. A couple of trusted friends have had good luck with cards from the dealer.
    So I will have that on stand-by for when/if the existing card fails completely.
    Thanks everyone for your input.

  • XP SP3, Broadband cards, and domain membership

    In a nutshell, when using a machine with Windows XP SP3, I’m unable to browse/use the internet with Verizon broadband cards.  An identically configured machine with Window Vista works fine.  I’ve tried two different styles of card (760 and 190), and two correlating version of Access Manager.  Access manager sees the card and can activate it, but once I try to connect, it tries to verify the connection for several minutes, before giving the message “Connected – Dormant”.  If I go to the statistics tab, my TX max rate is 5 and by RX max rate is 0.  When in Vista, I connect almost immediately, with full throughput. 
    I’ve taken both cards to several different XP machines – two different laptops and a desktop – all ending up with the same problem.  Regarding hardware, the configurations vary quite a bit from machine to machine.  As far as software, all have Office 2007, but little else – no antivirus or antispam installed, no firewall.  Palm hotspot also does not function with the XP machines.  The connection works fine, but once you try to surf the net, nothing.
    Now for the kicker - if I remove an XP machine for our network domain, the card(s) (and hotspot) work beautifully on that machine.  Add the computer back to the domain, they fail. 
    Any ideas???

    I could not connect to my Droid hotspot with my XP(sp3) machine while XP was manageing the wireless connections. I found that there was "Intel Pro/Set" software on the computer for the Intel wireless card. As soon as I fired up and confiqured this Interl software, it saw the Droid hotspot and
    allowed connection to same.

  • Sleep issue and USB 2.0 card

    I recently installed an Allego 2.0 USB card, recommended by Apple, into my G4 1.25 Dual. The card works great but now I cannot put the computer to sleep. Whether by button or command the monitor goes dark but the G4 is still awake plus I can't bring it back without a cold boot. Tech support said this was an issue, offered some tips and said if all fails get a different card. I bought Iomega's as an experiement and same problem! Anybody else have this issue and could you solve it?

    Hi Joe,
    Yes, my mac usually sleeps just fine. My own sleep is another issue but that is for another forum.
    A couple of years ago I was on another forum and saw a post claiming a fully functional usb2 card for $9. I bought it and it worked slick as could be. It was a no name, no box, no instructions, bare card but the price was good and it came with a usb2 cable. I then posted as many times as I could to others about that site and the card. About a year later the link broke and I went back to the site. The had a card that looked the same, had the same chipset, and was the same price but the manufacturer had changed some components. The second card did not work as well as the first.
    Since then the same thing has happened to all of the makers of usb 2 cards. Something on the card changes and breaks sleep. It's not your fault. It's not the vendor's fault, it is the manufacturers fault. By the way, the manufacturers are usually not the name you see on the box. Companies buy from a manufacturer and slap their lable on the box.
    Keep trying and you will eventually find one.
    One guy went so far as to pay Belkin extra money for one of the older cards but it worked.

  • My iphoto on my MacBook Pro will not let me import my photos from my canon t3i. It is blurred over both import all, and import selected showing that I cant choose those options. I've tried with the memory card and usb cord. Please help!

    My iphoto on my MacBook Pro will not let me import my photos from my canon t3i. It is blurred over both import all, and import selected showing that I cant choose those options. I've tried with the memory card and usb cord. Please help!

    What version of iPhoto?
    Can you access the images with Image Capture (in your Applications Folder) ?

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    Is there any good materials (PDF or PPT) on creating interactive scripts? I "have" only help http://help.sap.com/saphelp_crm40/helpdata/en/d6/84cab18ea711d686f6000086568e5f/frameset.htm But I can not find answer for my question: I want to call ITS-ba

  • Host name is invalid

    I have gone through the setup of my newly installed lion server software.  I setup a server.example.private host name and have turned on file sharing, and VPN.  I bought the server software so I can access my host computer from my IPad and a windows

  • Beginning Internet Sales R/3 Edition

    Hi everybody! I'm about to start a project with Internet Sales R/3 Edition,  and I can't find  documents to know more about this product. Any help? Thanks in advance, Juan

  • Connecting tif image stored in DMS with Material Master

    I am not sure if this is the best forum for this question. If not please let me know. I am storing tif images into DMS. I would like to connect them to the material masters they represent. What would be the best way to go about this process? Thanks m

  • Getdate() and getutcdate()

    HI,  I'm just wondering to know the difference between below Select getdate() 2014-02-21 11:43:08.607 select GETUTCDATE() 2014-02-21 16:43:08.607 Why is the result is different and what is the difference between both? getutcdate() giving as 4:43 feb