Getdate() and getutcdate()

I'm just wondering to know the difference between below
Select getdate()
2014-02-21 11:43:08.607
2014-02-21 16:43:08.607
Why is the result is different and what is the difference between both?
getutcdate() giving as 4:43 feb 21st 2014 which is not yet.. Just wondering what is the difference between them?

GETUTCDATE() returns the current UTC time (Universal Coordinated Time); you should know this standard. Google it! Decades ago, this was called “Greenwich Mean Time” or “Zulu Time”; the Google articles will explain it. If you have a self-adjusting clock,
it looks for a time signal broadcast by NIST and other agencies. 
GETDATE() is a 1970's Sybase function that got the local time from the particular Unix system clock (that is why we have those silly 3 decimal places in the seconds field). We do not use it any more. We have the ANSI/ISO Standard CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
along with DATE, TIME and DATETIME2(n) data type. This last one is the MS version of the ANSI/ISO Standard TIMESTAMP(n) construct. 
The current local time is also called lawful time if it includes time zone value with DST (daylight Saving Time).
--CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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    Is there anybody who can help me?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Federico,
    You're correct, it's not possible to directly use DocTime for date comparisons because it's held as an integer value and not a DateTime value. You can do a little conversion though. Have a look here:
    Re: GetDate() in query generator doesn' return the time!
    Kind Regards,

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    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

    I tried a couple versions of this.
    Declare @StartDate Date, @EndDate Date
    Select @StartDate = convert(varchar, getdate()-28, 112), @EndDate = convert(varchar, getdate()-1, 112)
    declare @fullpath1 varchar(1000)
    select @fullpath1 = '''\\ms\london\FTP\' + ''' between ''' + Convert(Varchar(10), @StartDate, 101) + ''' and ''' + Convert(Varchar(10), @EndDate, 101) + '''_SP.SPC'''
    declare @cmd1 nvarchar(1000)
    print (@cmd1)
    select @cmd1 = 'bulk insert [dbo].[SPBMI_Monthly] from ' + @fullpath1 + ' with (FIELDTERMINATOR = ''\t'', FIRSTROW = 5, LASTROW = 675, ROWTERMINATOR=''0x0a'')'
    exec (@cmd1)
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    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'between'.
    Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
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    I feel like I’m already pushing this thing to the limit. 
    Maybe this last part isn’t possible.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

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    where r.ResourceType in (25,26) and a.Projectuid=@ProjectUID
    select @EV=(ProjectPercentCompleted*@TPC)/100 from MSP_epmProject_userview where ProjectUID=@ProjectUID
    select @EV/@AC as CPI, @PV/@EV as CPI
    Hope this helps

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    Because the default time zone is using day light saving time. To remove this feature, reset your default time zone at the very beginning of your program:
    TimeZone.setDefault( new SimpleTimeZone( TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset(), TimeZone.getDefault().getID() );

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    and Activity.UF_2


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    I would like sorting
    1. consumer sales and
    2. employed sales
    only for the 10 best every day how to make a query,
    because the existing Query Engadget incompatible with the existing results on the sales analysis
    SELECT top 10 T0.Cardcode,max(T0.CardName) as 'Customer',Sum(T0.doctotal) as 'Total Shopping' from dbo.ORDR T0
    WHERE Month(T0.DocDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Year(T0.DocDate) = Year(GetDate())
    Group by T0.Cardcode
    Order by Sum(T0.doctotal) desc

    Hello.. Good Morning Expert
    Gordun thank you for answering my question
    Your query has been working but goordun .. sorry, I mean really that there are 2 questions ..
    A) Customer
    B)  Salesman..
    so get 2 Query
    A) Customer
    SELECT top 10 T0.Cardcode,max(T0.CardName) as 'Customer',Sum(T0.doctotal) as 'Total Shopping' from dbo.ORDR T0
    WHERE Month(T0.DocDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Year(T0.DocDate) = Year(GetDate())
    Group by T0.Cardcode
    Order by Sum(T0.doctotal) desc
    B)  Salesman
    SELECT top 10 T0.Cardcode,max(T0.CardName) as 'Customer',Sum(T0.doctotal) as 'Total Shopping' from dbo.ORDR T0
    WHERE Month(T0.DocDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Year(T0.DocDate) = Year(GetDate())
    Group by T0.Cardcode
    Order by Sum(T0.doctotal) desc
    I want to get the updates ..
    example ...
    I execute the date 10 years 9 months 2009
    will display like this
    Customer/ vendor code || customer || Total day|| DAY || shoping this month || ToTal Shopping
    123456 || LILA || 31 || 9 || 4,291,050.00|| 5,844,472,759.15
    Salesman  || Totalday || DAY || Shopping this month || ToTal Shopping
    mercy || 31 || 9 || 7,020,392.00 || 194,243,452.00

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    can I accomplish this? Thanks!

    IF you only wanted to store the date, then yes you would use
    that as the column default value.
    createDate datetime default convert(datetime,
    convert(varchar, getDate(), 102), 102)
    However, as paross1 cautioned be sure you understand you will
    only be capturing the date from now on. If you change your mind
    later, and decide you need both the created date and time, you will
    be seriously out of luck. A safer choice might be to keep the date
    and time, and use convert in your queries instead.

  • Sales Qty and Days

    Dear Forums,
    If i want to get this report ;
    Item Code / Qty Sales (accumulate this month) / Days (how many days till this month) / Total days in this month
    eg . April 21
    542514 / 2.563 / 21 / 30
    can any one show me the query? thanks

    The "Union" is to list the all the items which has stock >0 and items not in Invoice
    SELECT T0.ItemCode, T0.Dscription,T1.OnHand, convert(varchar,SUM(T0.BaseQty*T1.NumInSale)) AS 'Qty Sales',DAY(GetDate()) as 'Days',
    Case WHEN Month(GetDate()) in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) THEN 31 WHEN Month(GetDate()) in (2,4,6,9,11) THEN 30 ELSE 28 END AS 'Total days'
    ,convert (varchar,(t1.onhand/(SUM(T0.BaseQty*T1.NumInSale)/DAY(GetDate())* Case WHEN Month(GetDate()) in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) THEN 31 WHEN Month(GetDate()) in (2,4,6,9,11) THEN 30 ELSE 28 END)))AS 'TURN OVER IN MONTH'
    FROM DBO.INV1 T0 INNER JOIN DBO.OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode
    WHERE Month(T0.DocDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Year(T0.DocDate) = Year(GetDate())
    GROUP BY T0.ItemCode,T0.Dscription,T1.OnHand
    SELECT T1.ItemCode, T1.itemname,T1.OnHand, '' AS 'Qty Sales',DAY(GetDate()) as 'Days',
    Case WHEN Month(GetDate()) in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) THEN 31 WHEN Month(GetDate()) in (2,4,6,9,11) THEN 30 ELSE 28 END AS 'Total days'
    ,'No Sales' AS 'TURN OVER IN MONTH'
    GROUP BY T1.ItemCode,T1.itemname,T1.OnHand
    ORDER BY 1
    Please let me know whether out is correct. If so i will try to include the A/R Credit Memo also

  • DATEADD excluding weekends and holidays

    select getdate(),dateadd(day,15,Getdate())
    THis gets me today and 15 days from now. However I need 15 business days. I need to exclude weekends and holidays in here so that is looks like this. 
    where fulldate between getdate() and dateadd(day,15,Getdate())
    I have a dim table for dates and have an isholiday = 0 or 1. I just can't figure out how to include this in the DATEADD expression.

    try this link
    Hope will help you,
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    Helpful if it helps to solve your issue. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Add Row Number and use it to calculate other column

    I have below query which I am using to generate a report.
    Select (count(I.Colour)*3) as TotLitres, (count( distinct P.description)) as NumOfMachine,
    (count(I.Colour)*3)/(count( distinct P.description)) as AverageLiter,
    DATEName(MONTH,ShipDate) + ' ' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(year, shipDate)) as [Loaded Date],
    (count(I.Colour)*3)+ ((count(I.Colour)*3)/(count( distinct P.description)))* 4 as FutureSales
    from DATATab I inner join Inktab P on I.SerialNum =P.SerialNum
    I.Colour in ('Cyan','Magenta','Yellow','Black','Light Cyan','Light Magenta','Light Yellow','Light Black','Orange','White','Matte Black')
    and I.ShipDate between dateadd(YY,-1,getdate()) and dateadd(YY,-1,dateadd(mm,6,getdate()))
    group by DATEPART(year, shipDate),DATEName(MONTH,ShipDate),DATEPART(MONTH, shipDate)
    order by DATEPART(year, shipDate),DATEPART(MONTH, shipDate)
    Now I want to add two more columns to my select statement.
    1. Row count
    2. AverageLiter * Row count
    Can someone please guide me on how i can achive that.
    Thanks in advance .

    select *,(v.Row*v.AverageLiter) as Calculatedvalue  from (
    Select ROW_NUMBER() 
            OVER (ORDER BY [CreateDate]) AS Row, (count(I.Colour)*3) as TotLitres, (count( distinct P.description)) as NumOfMachine,
    (count(I.Colour)*3)/(count( distinct P.description)) as AverageLiter,
    DATEName(MONTH,ShipDate) + ' ' +  convert(varchar,DATEPART(year, shipDate)) as [Loaded Date],
    (count(I.Colour)*3)+ ((count(I.Colour)*3)/(count( distinct P.description)))* 4 as FutureSales
    from DATATab I inner join Inktab P on I.SerialNum =P.SerialNum 
     I.Colour in ('Cyan','Magenta','Yellow','Black','Light Cyan','Light Magenta','Light Yellow','Light Black','Orange','White','Matte Black') 
    and I.ShipDate between dateadd(YY,-1,getdate())   and dateadd(YY,-1,dateadd(mm,6,getdate()))  
    group by DATEPART(year, shipDate),DATEName(MONTH,ShipDate),DATEPART(MONTH, shipDate)
     order by DATEPART(year, shipDate),DATEPART(MONTH, shipDate) ) v
    please mark as answered if it helps :)

  • How to remove and add plotted data?

    In my code below I would like to add two buttons and by clicking on a button("Remove") it will remove one by one plotted data,and plot it back by clicking on the button("Add") such as the examples:
    Full data plotted by running the class
    Now by a single click on a Remove button last data point disappear
    another click and again last data point disappear, and so on
    The inverse operation would be performed by clicking on "Add" button: each click will add back a data point
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler; 
    import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
    import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.chart.LineChart;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    public class XYMove extends Application {
    BorderPane pane;
    XYChart.Series series1 = new XYChart.Series();
    SimpleDoubleProperty rectinitX = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
    SimpleDoubleProperty rectX = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
    SimpleDoubleProperty rectY = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
    public void start(Stage stage) {
    final NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(12, 20, 1);
    double max = 12;
    double min = 3;
    max *= (1+((double)3/100));
    min *= (1-((double)3/100));
    final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(min, max, 1);
    yAxis.setTickLabelFormatter(new NumberAxis.DefaultFormatter(yAxis) {
        public String toString(Number object) {
            return String.format("%2.0f", object);
    final LineChart<Number, Number> lineChart = new LineChart<Number, Number>(xAxis, yAxis);
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(1, 3));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(2, 8));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(3, 6));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(4, 7));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(5, 5));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(6, 6));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(7, 4));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(8, 7));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(9, 6));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(10, 7));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(11, 6));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(12, 7));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(13, 6));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(14, 12));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(15, 10));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(16, 11));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(17, 9));
    series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(18, 10));
    pane = new BorderPane();
    Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 800, 600);
    EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
    public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
        if (mouseEvent.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) {            
        else if (mouseEvent.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED || mouseEvent.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED) {
            LineChart<Number, Number> lineChart = (LineChart<Number, Number>) pane.getCenter();
            NumberAxis xAxis = (NumberAxis) lineChart.getXAxis();
            double Tgap = xAxis.getWidth()/(xAxis.getUpperBound() - xAxis.getLowerBound());
            double newXlower=xAxis.getLowerBound(), newXupper=xAxis.getUpperBound();            
            double Delta=0.3;
            if(mouseEvent.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED){
            if(rectinitX.get() < mouseEvent.getX()&& newXlower >= 0){   
        else if(rectinitX.get() > mouseEvent.getX()&& newXupper <= 22){   
            xAxis.setLowerBound( newXlower );
            xAxis.setUpperBound( newXupper );                       
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    I would use an ObservableList (probably backed by a LinkedList) of XYChart.Data to store the collection of "deleted" data points. Create the buttons as usual; your "Remove" button's event handler should remove the last element of the series and add it to the first element of the deleted items data points. The "Add" button should remove the first element of the deleted data points and add it to the end of the series. You can bind the "disable" property of the remove and add button to Bindings.isEmpty(series1.getData()) and Bindings.isEmpty(deletedDataPoints), respectively.
    Something like
    ObservableList<XYChart.Data<Number, Number>> deletedDataPoints = FXCollections.observableList(new LinkedList<XYChart.Data<Number, Number>>());
    removeButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
      public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
        deletedDataPoints.add(0, series1.getData().remove(series1.getData().size()-1));
    addButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
      public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
    addButton.disableProperty().bind(Bindings.isEmpty(deletedDataPoints));The other approach would be to use a separate List for all the data points, and keep an integer variable storing the number of data points displayed. Your "remove" button would decrement the number displayed, and your "add" button would increment the number displayed. Both would also call
    series1.getData().setAll(allDataPoints.sublist(0, numberOfDisplayedPoints));You might even be able to make the numberOfDisplayedPoints an IntegerProperty and bind the data property of the series to it in a nice way. This approach probably doesn't perform as well as the previous approach (using a stack of deleted points), because you are not directly giving the chart as much detailed information about what has changed.
    Both approaches get problematic (in the sense that you need to carefully define your application logic, and then implement it) if the underlying data has the potential to change.

  • Date difference in Days,hours minutes and seconds.

    Hi All,
    I have two date Suppose one is getdate() and other one is gatedate() +1 .I have to show the difference, currently I used a datediff in the stored proc which just shows the difference of the days :( but i need to show the difference in days:hours:minutes:seconds if possible.
    its a countdown with the current date. Like the two fields are sale_start_date and sale_end_date. Hope i am clear.
    Please let me know ASAP thanks in advance.Can anyone help me?all help is great help.
    Say the difference of
    12/6/2007 7:00:00 AM, 12/8/2007 8:00:00 AM  as 2 days 1:00:00)

    One of the problems of using DATEDIFF when dealing with either seconds or milliseconds is that this function will result in execution errors if the start and end dates span then entire domain of possible dates.  Below is an alternative that seems to work over the entire date domain.  A couple of things to note:
    1. This select converts the days and seconds of each date into BIGINT datatypes to avoid the overflow error
    2. This select uses a CROSS APPLY operator; in this case I chose CROSS APPLY to suggest the possibility of converting this select into an inline table function.
    I suspect that if you dig around this forum and the net that you will find a better routine, but here is yet another alternative:
    declare @test table
    ( startDate datetime, endDate datetime)
    insert into @test values
    ('6/1/9', getdate()),
    ('6/9/9 15:15', '6/10/9 19:25:27.122'),
    ('6/9/9 15:15', '6/10/9 13:25:27.122'),
    ('6/9/9', '6/10/9 00:00:01'),
    ('1/1/1760', '12/31/2999')
    from @test
    cross apply
    ( select
        cast((endSecond - startSecond) / 86400 as integer) as [Days],
        cast(((endSecond - startSecond) % 86400) / 3600 as tinyint) as [Hours],
        cast(((endSecond - startSecond) % 3600) / 60 as tinyint) as [Minutes],
        cast((endSecond - startSecond) % 60 as tinyint) as [Seconds]
      ( select
          86400 * cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                        left(convert(binary(8), startDate),4))) as bigint)
            + cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                right(convert(binary(8), startDate),4)))/300 as bigint)
          as startSecond,
          86400 * cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                        left(convert(binary(8), endDate),4))) as bigint)
            + cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                right(convert(binary(8), endDate),4)))/300 as bigint)
          as endSecond
      ) q
    ) p
    /* -------- Sample Output: --------
    startDate               endDate                 Days        Hours Minutes Seconds
    2009-06-01 00:00:00.000 2009-06-22 08:28:36.670 21          8     28      36
    2009-06-09 15:15:00.000 2009-06-10 19:25:27.123 1           4     10      27
    2009-06-09 15:15:00.000 2009-06-10 13:25:27.123 0           22    10      27
    2009-06-09 00:00:00.000 2009-06-10 00:00:01.000 1           0     0       1
    1760-01-01 00:00:00.000 2999-12-31 00:00:00.000 452900      0     0       0
    (5 row(s) affected)
    I based the routine more-or-less on Thilla's reply.
    Kent Waldrop

  • PowerShell and SQL Server Trigger

    I had the following trigger written but apparently our IT department has not set up server/account or whatever needs to be done to use SQL Server's DB Mail.
    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[Faxiles_Trigger]
    ON [dbo].[DummyFQF]
    SET @tableHTML =
    N'<H1>Fax Error Report</H1>' +
    N'<table border="1">' +
    <th>[FilePath]</th></tr>' +
    CAST ( (
    td=T1.[FileID],' ',
    td=T1.[FaxID],' ',
    td=T1.[FilePath],' '
    FaxQueueFiles as T1
    FaxQueue as T2
    T1.[FaxID] = T2.[FaxID]
    T2.[DateAdded] between Dateadd(hour,-1,GETDATE()) and Getdate()
    T1.[FilePath] NOT LIKE 'C:\%'
    FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE
    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +
    N'</table>' ;
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
    @recipients='[email protected]',
    @subject = 'Fax Error Report',
    @body = @tableHTML,
    @body_format = 'HTML';
    How can I instead make the trigger envoke/call a powershell script that can perform the same query and send an e-mail?
    Apparently we do have e-mail functionality for our scripts, so that part I can just copy/paste from a pre-existing script. What I don't know how to do (since I am brand new to powershell scripting) is save the results of a query into a HTML-f0rmatted table
    as the body of the e-mail like I did with SQL.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
    # Connect to the database.
    $dbConnSites = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Main;Integrated Security=SSPI");
    # Open database connection.
    # Query String
    $dbQry_BadTIFs = "
    T1.[FileID], T1.[FaxID], T1.[FilePath]
    Main.FaxQueueFiles as T1
    FaxQueue as T2
    T1.FaxID = T2.FaxID
    T2.[DateAdded] between DATEADD(hour,-1,GETDATE()) and GETDATE()
    T1.[FilePath] NOT LIKE 'C:\%'
    # Create an SQL Command to execute the above query using the database connection object
    $dbGetBadTIFs = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(dbQry_BadTIFs, $dbConnSites);
    # Reader object to read the results of the executed SQL Command
    $dbGetBadTIFsReader = $dbGetBadTIFs.ExecuteReader();
    # Loop through the results of GetBadTIFs
    while ($dbGetBadTFIsReader.Read())
    # Close all the database connections
    The above code is what I've come up with so far.... So within my while loop I presume the E-mail will some how be generated?
    Should I declare a new string object and concatenate within the loop?
    # Start the HTML Table for the e-mail
    $str_EmailBody = "
    <H1>Fax Error Report<H1>
    <TABLE border=`"1`">
    # Loop through the results of GetBadTIFs
    # to fill out the HTML Table
    while ($dbRdr_GetBadTIFs.Read())
    $str_EmailBody += "???";
    # Finish the HTML Table for the e-mail
    $str_EmailBody += "
    -Nothing to see. Move along.

    Hi Blacksaibot,
    If you want to query the sql cmd and send eamil with the result, please refer this script, to save the result of the query, plrease try to create a sql datatable:
    PowerShell Display Table In HTML Email
    If I have any misunderstanding, please let me know.
    Best Regards,

  • Dates and forms with JDBC - there must be a better way...

    I have a backing bean (CustomerBean) extended from class Customer that talks to a DOA for access to a JDBC pooled resource.
    I am having trouble getting an elegant solution for getting dates in and out of the DB using JSF forms.
    My Customer class defines the date as java.sql.Date - passing that through to the form gives errors during validation. The work around I managed to get working is for the CustomerBean to have a method that converts a java.util.Date to a java.sql.Date.
    public void setStartDate(java.util.Date startDate) {
    if (startDate == null)
    super.setStart(new java.sql.Date(startDate.getYear(),startDate.getMonth(),startDate.getDate()));
    public java.util.Date getStartDate() {
    return super.getStart();
    <h:outputLabel value="Start"/>
    <h:inputText id="startDate" value="#{customerBean.startDate}" required="false">
    <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"/>
    <h:message for="startDate" styleClass="message"/>
    the super property 'start' is a java.sql.Date. The line that bothers me is:
    super.setStart(new java.sql.Date(startDate.getYear(),startDate.getMonth(),startDate.getDate()));
    it uses deprecated constructor. (java.sql.Date(int year, int month, int day);
    Where should I be looking for a more elegant solution? (GregorianCalendar? Anything else?)
    Thanks in advance,
    - David

    I did it this way: has...
    private java.sql.Date start;
    and getters and setters... extends Customer, has no field but the getters and setters...
    public java.util.Date getStartDate() {
    return super.getStart();
    public void setStartDate(java.util.Date startDate) {
    if (startDate == null)
    super.setStart(new java.sql.Date(startDate.getTime()));
    seems to work and my customer has it's dates as sql dates (that way I only convert dates when I actually need them updateable on screen rather than each read of a customer record from the DB.)
    To display the date I use
    <h:outputText value="#{customerBean.startDate}">
    <f:convertDateTime dateStyle="full"/>
    To edit it, I use
    <h:inputText id="startDate" value="#{customerBean.startDate}" required="false">
    <f:convertDateTime dateStyle="short"/>
    Is this a valid or recommended way?
    - David

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