N80ie V 4.0707.0.7 important bug

If you key something like *123# (send) to access operator info (like credit balance) sent by special flash message, it doesn't work.
It says "Requesting..." then nothing!!!

Although most people do not use the short code very often, but this is the essensial function of the phone. I am sure nokia engineer is working on it. by the way I just found another bugs with s60 internet radio, I am not sure if it's the nokia or the software. Everytime I am listening to the internet radio and there's a incoming call, an "error not connecting to server code -13" is popup then disappear. It didn't happen when I got the old firmware.
My favorite N80 applications: Nokia Mobile Search, Smart2go Beta,
S60 Internet Radio, Mobile Weather.
N80ie Firmware: V 4.0707.0.7 (March 28, 2007).

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    I myself report the bug on my N80 and I hate Nokia team that luch such a disaster.Moreover, they should stop this firmware because causes many troubles to so many Nokia fans. I can not see my balance, I receive system error..Nokia wake up!! Do something!
    World in zugzwang!

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    bernie3_blue_baby_shopping_walmart-09-2.jpg   - WILL NOT IMPORT

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  • IDML Import Bug?

    Hi All,
    Just wondering if anyone can reproduce what appears to be a CS4/CS5 IDML import bug.
    I typed
    (first 3 digits in bold) then tagged "22" as an XML element before exporting an IDML file.
    When the IDML file is imported, I get
    (all digits in boldface except for the trailing 2.)
    The problem seems to be on the import side of CS4/CS5 since the exported IDML looks okay to me:
    <ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/$ID/NormalParagraphStyle">
         <CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]" FontStyle="Bold">
         <XMLElement Self="di2i7i6" MarkupTag="XMLTag/Story">
              <CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]" FontStyle="Bold">
                   <CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
         <CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
    Comments anyone?

    Hello Larry,
    i am the developer of the IDMLlib http://idmllib.com/ a Java library which is able to read/modify/create IDML.
    I have also noticed some strange behavior regarding the importing of IDML, where the order of elements affect the parsing of the IDML in CS4/CS5.
    My first thought was, i have created an invalid IDML, but the IDML Relax NG compact schema is very explicit, order doesn´t matter.
    The best example i have at hand, which is very easy to reproduce is the TabList. A valid tablist attached to ParagraphStyleRange for example looks like this:
    <TabList type="list">
        <ListItem type="record">
            <Alignment type="enumeration">LeftAlign</Alignment>
            <AlignmentCharacter type="string">,</AlignmentCharacter>
            <Leader type="string"></Leader>
            <Position type="unit">144</Position>
    If you change this by moving the Position to the top, which is no problem regarding the schema which doesn´t enforce a strict order of the elements:
    element Alignment { enum_type, TabStopAlignment_EnumValue }&
    element AlignmentCharacter { string_type, xsd:string }&
    element Leader { string_type, xsd:string }&
    element Position { unit_type, xsd:double })
    So if you change this example to this, and reimport the IDML into CS4/CS5 INDD the <Position/> will not be parsed and you wont see a TabList
    <TabList type="list">
         <ListItem type="record">
            <Position type="unit">144</Position>
             <Alignment type="enumeration">LeftAlign</Alignment>
             <AlignmentCharacter  type="string">,</AlignmentCharacter>
             <Leader type="string"></Leader>
    If you export this again as IDML the <Position/> if set to 0
    I circumvented this problem by forcing the creation of TabList Items with a constructor that will only allow to create TabListItems with all values present and therefore i can force the order of the created childs. But i think this will not be the only problem where parsing doesn´t do what it is supposed to do.
    There has been a posting from a guy complaining about different import results regarding the attribute order of IDML element:
    I will try to reproduce the behavior you decribed.
    Cheers, Andreas

  • FB3 Beta 3 - another organize imports bug

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    import flash.display.Shape;
    public class BaseClass extends Shape {
    public function BaseClass() {
    public function myMethod():void {
    trace("In BaseClass.myMethod()");
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    public class SubClass extends BaseClass {
    public function SubClass() {
    Now, if you try to override myMethod() from BaseClass and
    start typing in subclass something like
    override public function m
    and use Ctrl+Space, FB will insert appropriate method but it
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    So you will end up with sub class which looks like following:
    package test {
    import test.BaseClass.myMethod;
    public class SubClass extends BaseClass {
    public function SubClass() {
    override public function myMethod():void {
    Wrong import is correctly marked as error but issuing
    "organize import" does not remove it so it must be removed
    Damir Murat
    PS: Sorry for bad code formatting but there is no option for
    inserting in-line code and attach code is a little bit

    Damir Murat,
    Did you already file a bug for this? If not, would you mind
    adding it to the public bug base so we can track the issue.

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    2) Double-click that group's name to rename it
    3) Command-Tab from Address Book leaving it in status waiting to enter new smart-group's name
    4) Double click on any .vcf file to import a new contact into Address Book
    5) You'd be forwarded back to Address Book with a window offering to confirm contact's import
    Bug itself:
    Pressing the Add button actually imports a new contact to the Address Book, but does not close this pop-up window. As a result you can create many copies of the same contact before you notice the problem and close this window pressing Cancel button.
    Testing the same sequence on MacMini and iMac caused creation of many Unnamed contacts and did not import a new contact at all.

    I found the solution in a different post in the community.
    You need to go into yr address book on yr MAC. Edit each contact 1 by 1... Cut (Cmd X) and copy (Cmd V) each pix back in... When you synch yr MAC and iPhone again, pix miraculously appear in Contacts and when you get a call from one of them.
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    Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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  • Java SDO API import bug

    There is a bug in the Oracle Java SDO API. It cannot import compound geometries which consist of either 3 or 4 sub-elements. e.g., the following geometry cannot be imported:
    SDO_GEOMETRY(2002, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 9, 2, 2, 13
    , 2, 2, 17, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(278222.37, 179102.519, 278222.37, 179111.223,
    278222.37, 179176.31, 278223.164, 179194.567, 278224.751, 179206.473, 278238.913,
    179237.143, 278262.587, 179261.242, 278288.15, 179273.083, 278316.033, 179277.117,
    278336.935, 179274.471, 278357.997, 179271.272))
    Apparently the API does not validate the SDO_ETYPE when checking the SDO_INTERPRETATION value in the geometry.
    SDO_INTERPRETATION values of 3 and 4 are assumed to be a rectangle and circle, respectively, independent of the SDO_ETYPE value. In fact, these SDO_INTERPRETATION should be handled such only for SDO_ETYPE value of 3.
    For an SDO_ETYPE value of 4 (as in the example above), the SDO_INTERPRETATION value indicates the number of sub-elements in the compound geometry element.
    Any ideas for a workaround or fix for this bug?

    Hi Sunil,
    This is a bug. There doesn't seem to be a workaround.
    Can you contact me via email or post your email?

  • Import Bugs

    Nice work, guys! This is exactly what I've been waiting for, and I'm very excited to put the new app through its paces.
    For starters, I encountered a few bugs with document importing.
    1) I was unable to import a script written in Word 2007 (DOCX file format). After converting the doc into Word 97 - 2003 format (DOC), the document was successfully imported.
    2) There seems to be a problem with conversion of special characters (curly quotes, m-dashes, n-dashes, etc) during a Word document import. This is especially prominent in scene headings (see the screenshot below for details).
    3) Most of the time, the different script elements (scene heading, action, character, dialog) are successfully recognized, but sometimes character names get incorrectly identified as "shot" elements. In fact, as I look through the imported script, it looks like scene headings, parentheticals, transitions, and dialog seem to be 100% correct. But about 90% of the character headings are imported as "shot" elements. The strange thing is that my doc has very good formatting consistency (since I use a Word template to create the doc, and all of my script elements have their own word "styles")
    FYI, in addition to the screenshot attached below, I'm adding a link to the Word 2007 template that I use for auto-formatting my Word docs into screenplay format. (It's a heavily-modified version of the template originally found here; it's a pretty popular template, so I think it'd make a lot of sense for Story to support it, and others like it.) This should give you an idea for how my scripts are formatted before import.
    If you have any questions, let me know.
    (Also, do you plan on opening a public bug database for alpha/beta testers? I'd be happy to log bugs directly if such a database existed.)

    Really looking forward to putting this through a solid working test drive.
    I had one major issue with importing my Final Draft 7 file. All of my apostrophies and quotes were turned into Õ and another O but with a carrot on top (a symbol not readily at my disposal at the moment).
    After an attempt at a simple FIND and REPLACE, it promted me to use my BROWSERS find function, which did me no good when working with my scirpt. Hence I had to manually find and replace all the apostrophes, and quotes in my script. Luckily, it's only a short. Had it been a 120 feature, that would've been an instant dealbreaker.
    Hope this helps.
    Zach G.

  • Wsdl import bug?

    Dear All,
    I have found the following piece of code in the "Import Web Service" Function
    This piece of code strips of the https:// as it does not equal http://
    This then said that my URL was bad (Which it isnt) and stopped me from importing my webservice.
    See NI arent I kind to you!  I have never reported a bug and I dont even know if this is one (Although I am pretty sure it is) so I havent posted anything related to bugs etc.
    I did manage to get my web service imported by short cutting the above piece of code (Hence the TRUE Constant)
    LabVIEW 2012

    Hi Craig,
    Where exactly is this code located? I wasn't able to find the VI this is inside. As a workaround for the issue in LabVIEW 2009, you can do a quick check to see what the protocol is, rather than just accepting it's always correct with a true constant. You can use the following method to implement that:
    If you let me know where this located, I can check whether this has been fixed for the latest build of LabVIEW already.
    Imtiaz Chowdhury
    Head of Digital Technologies
    url_protocol.vi ‏8 KB

  • Custom aac importing bug

    I use itunes on my pc and when I try to import songs in AAC custom form the program returns 2 the AAC default (128KBPS\64KBPS). the custom option does work in MP3 importing and stuff and it used to work in AAC as well but now I cant shake this bug:'(
    plz help me!!!
    I use win XP pro and itunes
    10X 4 Ur help hope U can solve my prob :-?

    Thanks for the lead Buegie, but that was not the problem for me. Neither of those files were read only, and both show having been modified today.
    That feels like a good direction though. It's wierd that no error messages are generated, and it lets you go through all the steps to make the change, nothing grayed out, you click OK, then... no changes are recorded in the "Details" box, although "Custom" is displayed in the drop down menu. It thinks it's doing something, but some part of the process fails further down the line.
    I've only had this computer running for a few months, but I know that I have recorded at a custom AAC setting with it within the past few months. The songs are on the hard drive. I don't know when the problem started happening, and I've made too many changes to the system to pin the cause down.
    btw, path for second file should have been
    ....<username>\Local Settings\Application Data....

  • Static import bug?

    Hey just discovered something new...does this sound like a bug to you guys?
    I have a class with a static method called, say, omgMethod()
    and I have another class with a method (not static) with the same name (omgMethod) but different signature.
    now when I try to use import static classA.omgMethod in the second class, it generates a compiler error:
    cannot find symbol method omgMethod( etc...)
    any thoughts? i'm thinking about adding it to the bug report.

    I'm not so sure about that. I have never used static import so I checked out Sun's tutorial which is here:
    It talks about importing "members" and says you can import "members" individually. And (I had to look this up too in the JLS), "members" means classes, interfaces, fields, and methods.
    So that says to me that you can indeed import a static method from another class, and then use it without qualification. Yeah, I'm surprised too. But you're just importing the method's name, not its signature. So if that name conflicts with a name of a method in your class, then I don't know what is supposed to happen. I looked through the JLS a bit and section says
    "The Identifier must name at least one visible (�6.3.1) method that is in scope at the point where the Identifier appear or a method imported by a single-static-import declaration (�7.5.3) or static-import-on-demand declaration (�7.5.4) within the compilation unit within which the Identifier appears.
    See �15.12 for further discussion of the interpretation of simple method names in method invocation expressions."
    Possibly section 15.12 discusses conflict resolution in this case. But I will let you carry on from there.

  • Import Bug in Bridge

    Hi. I've just spent all day trying to work out why I couldn't import from bridge for various files. I finally worked out that Bridge fails to import to premiere properly when the file is on my external drive. The same file imports fine from my C drive fine. The extrenal drive isn't locked in any way so I guess this is a bug?

    Not an auspicious way to start the year, is it?  
    First, you're posting to the Bridge Macintosh forum but refer to your "C drive", which means you're on Windoze.
    Second, you give absolutely no information about your setup. 
    When you do find your way to the Bridge Windows forum, make sure to give them exact details about your OS, your exact version of Bridge, etc.  There are some clever folks over there, but no mind readers or clairvoyants.
    Happy New Year to you and good luck.
    Wo Tai Lao Le

  • Cannot import Bug Tracker demo app

    Hi. complete newbie
    Have installed Enterprise Edition on a test box at work (we have a license so don't panic).
    Installed Apex 3.1.1 over the top, using PL/SQL gateway.
    All works sweet, and insrtalled partial Production data and created a few simple reports.
    Tried to install Bug Tracker and it fails with a msg "invalid Import file".
    Checked the zip and instructions; we're doing it right.
    Any ideas?

    Tried to install Bug Tracker and it fails with a msg "invalid Import file".
    What are the steps you followed? And what is the actual error message you got? I can't find the message in our product files that you showed, and if there is such a message we clearly need to fix the punctuation and spelling.

Maybe you are looking for