N82 Restart / Reboot *signed* App needed

Does anyone know of or have a SIGNED restart app so I don't have to turn off and back on my phone when I need to reboot?
thanks in advance.

The stand alone reboot-applications I know of are all unsigned, but some filemanagers have this option.
I use Activefile. A great free filemanager. It has 2 tabs, which makes it very usable when moving/copying files AND it has a reboot function. The basic version is signed.
I think the basic version can reboot (but I'm not sure since I use the extended version). If not you'll need the extended version, which isn't signed. But the extended version can easily be signed online without registering. I signed it here with no problems:
Enter IMEI, E-mail, select app and select all under "Capability information". Check your e-mail.That's it.

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    If you are getting the blank app update screen, many, many people are having this problem over the last couple of days. It is a problem that Apple must fix now.
    According to Fly150 in another discussion, this will work.
    If you want to update the Apps while waiting for Apple to fix Updates:
    1. Go to App Store
    2. Select Purchased
    3. Select All
    4. Scroll down to find the Apps showing update
    5. Select update on the Apps
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    Apps are locked to the Apple ID that was used to download them. You will have to sign in as your brother in order to update it.

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    No you should not have to do that. Try quitting the App Store app completely and then reboot your iPad. Go back to the App Store and see if the updates are listed in the updates tab.
    Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the task bar will appear with all of your recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar.
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    Having 50 apps that need to be updated tells me that you don't use your iPad very frequently or you just let the updates build up. IMO - you can save yourself some possible issues by staying up with your app updates. Update them one app at at time. Using "Update All" seems to cause problems for too many users - again , IMO.

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    Are you signed into the Store?
    If the number of updates appeared when you were signed in - and on the same account ID, but now, when you check again you are not signed in, there will be no updates available.

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    The book table would have an int primary key, a title field, a longer description field (explaining the aim of the book in some way), a time to complete field (add to assignment date to get a due date), a repeatability field (The values here would indicate
    a one shot, can repeat, or must repeat), and a repeat frequency field (how long before it has to be repeated - might be a date or a datediff, haven't figured that out yet).
    The topics table would have an ID primary key, a title, and another longer description field for information specific to that topic.
    The objectives table would had an ID primary key, a Topic foreign key, a short description, a long description, a "given" field outlining what the trainee needs and a "denied" field outlining what the trainee can't have (no drawings allowed
    when your describing a system).
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    to actually delete them in case they come back at some later date). If not a deleted field then a "former" employee table that an employee is copied to when they leave.
    Several relations tables would be created when a book is assigned to an employee. I haven't quite figured out exactly what to use which is why I chose now to post this. Some direction from here could save a lot of headache later. The relations tables would
    contain only "current" books - ones that are still in progress.
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    Once a book is completed I was thinking of deleting it from the relational tables and creating an entry in an archive table - no relations, everything would be the full text so if the training data is changed it won't change the completed training records.
    The indexes would be whole names and any reporting would have to be grouped by book name, topic name, etc.
    So thats the general idea. I'd dearly love any suggestions or advice people have. What sounds reasonable to me might be recognized as a fool's errand by someone with actual competence in database programming. I'll work on specifics once I know I'm not running
    full tilt without a flashlight down a blind alley in the dark.
    Thanks for getting through the entire post 8)

    Hi Ghidera,
    From my point of view, there is no need to design the BookTopic table. You can create a EmployeeID filed in the TopicObjective table, then
    create a foreign key on the column EmployeeID
    and reference the column EmployeeID in the EmployeeBook
    table. Also you need to create foreign key relation from EmployeeBook table to Employees table and Books table.
    Besides, you should create a foreign key on a column in Topics table and reference the column ID in the Books table.
    Lydia Zhang
    Lydia Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Tue 07:24:51 PM: Invalid configuration file : {path}\vod\Application.xml
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    This happens when the mobileprovision file does not include the device ID of the device you are attempting to install onto. You need to recreate the .mobileprovision file and make absolutely sure the device ID for the devices are included.

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    How can this be the case when I haven't changed any apps from before updrading to iOS6, and I don't have any music yet on the phone?  Why is it telling me there is not enough local space?

    Hi RileyAvaCadenRiver,
    If you recently updated your iPhone to iOS7, you will need to update iTunes on your computer to iTunes 11.1 or newer for it to correctly recognize the iPhone. You may find the following link helpful:
    Apple: iTunes 11.1.1
    - Brenden

  • My ipod touch is telling me that the skype and twitter apps need updating. When I try to run them they fail. I have tried deleting the apps via itunes but it doesn't work and I have tried updating the apps via itunes and it says they are updated.

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    - Try a reset. It cures amny ills
    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Have you tried deleting them from the iPod and then redownloading them dorectly to the iPod?
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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