N95 delete email client (gmail) help?

I have difficulties with the email client of my N95 8gb. I'm using Gmail via IMAP. It worked great, until I decided to enable all mails instead of the standard 30 emails. No my phones keeps crashing. I tried to delete gmail, but somehow it is still on my phone. Not when you check the mail boxes (it is not there), but I still can select it via personal settings in the standby modus.... and it still uses the memory of the phone.
How can I delete it properly??

Hi - I've just tried doing this on my N95 and in Active Standby mode, I don't see the Gmail link ... it gets deleted when I delete the account.
I'm not sure what file you're referring to when you talk about the "existing" mailfile, but as long as you take a copy so you can put it back if it doesn't work then there shouldn't be any harm in deleting it to see if it solves your problem.
The last thing you can try, although it's a bit drastic, is to take a backup of your phone via the Memory Card program on your phone, then wipe it using the *#7370# code, and then restore the backup from your phone - note that you should also take a backup of your phone using the Content Copier program in PC Suite as well as a double back up. After restoring your data you will have to reconfigure bits of your phone like the security code etc. as they will be reset to the default.
I've done this procedure several times and have had no problems - but it's always best to be safe ! Also depending on what firmware version you're running, if you do the memory card backup it won't save your calendar information so this is another thing to be careful of. You can configure PC Suite to sync this information to Outlook or Outlook Express and then transfer it back though ...
However you need to be aware then essentially when you type the *#7370# code in you are wiping the phone back to factory defaults - so you'll have to reinstall any applications you have installed from the phone etc.
Hope this helps - let me know how you get on.

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    You can delete mails from your handheld as well as from Gmail server which I guess solve the issue for you. To be able to do so check the following options -
    Email Reconciliation
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    Make local folders (On My Mac) and move the mails there, they will delete from the GMail servers but remain accessible in Mail, only in Mail.
    All Mail (in Gmail) is not a folder, it is a label for all your mail, anything in there is also in one of GMails folders, when you delete from All Mail you are deleting the original mail.

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    '''If you have a IMAP mail account:'''
    You are remotely viewing the folders and emails on the server.
    You subscribe to see folders. but this only downloads emailsheaders and downloads the emails upon selection to a temp cache for viewig. They are not stored in your profile.
    If you also synchronise then a copy of the server folder is downloaded and stored in the Thunderbird Profile, but synchronised folders keep synchronising so that the server and TB folders are the same.
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    Unfortunately this didn't work for me (E75). I created an extra label. I also subscribed in imap to this folder. When I want to delete a message, I move it to this folder / label. Every now and then I delete all these mails from gmail on my PC.
    Suyogmh wrote:
    This is well known behavior of Gmail and not problem with Nokia Messaging as such.
    Gmail has different way of handling emails with labels instead of folders. So "All Mails" means all mails except Spam and Trash. Check following link for more details.
    http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en &answer=77657
    Check if following settings are in order in Gmail - settings - forwarding and POP/IMAP in web browser.
    Status: IMAP is enabled
    Auto-Expunge : Do not automatically expunge messages
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    Folder Size Limits: Do not limit the number of messages in an IMAP folder
    Now head over to email.nokia.com and login with your username/pwd
    Under My Email Addresses, for your gmail account , click edit settings
    Now in "Mail folders to sync" Please ensure that you select "All Mail" , "Spam" and " Trash"
    You can also select other labels , max upto 10.
    Click Save changes and log out.
    Now in your Nokia Phone, Open Nokia Messaging and Sync again.
    Go to Gmail and these new labels should appear there.
    If you want to delete a message from all folders, move it to the [Gmail]/Trash folder.
    If you delete a message from [Gmail]/Spam or [Gmail]/Trash, it will be deleted permanently.
    So I know it's little extra effort but we can do it. I hope you find this useful.If yes, don't forget to give me Kudos 

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    Try this:
    I actually have no idea if this will work or not.
    Go to Settings>>Mail and the account. Change the outgoing information to the account you want to send from.
    Worth a shot.

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    In theory, an IMAP server should never present different views of the same inbox to different IMAP clients. (I assume you did verify that the laptop and the older iPad were accessing the server using IMAP; some servers offer both IMAP and POP.) The clients could react differently, but I am not aware of any settings that would cause what you are seeing.
    I know this sounds like a cliche, but have you tried power-cycling or resetting the iPad Mini?

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    Available 4.2 GB
    5000 MB
    - 111.6 MB (the space taken up by the iPad backup)
    - 38.7 MB (the space taken up by the iPhone backup)
    - 3.8 MB (the space taken up by documents backups)
    = 4845.9 MB
    4845.9 MB
    - 4200 MB (the storage space that it says I have left)
    = 645.9 MB
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  • Help finding deleted emails

    I am a new user to Mail 5.
    I had imported all of my mail boxes and emails from Entourage -- several years worth.
    Subsequent to that I have switched ISPs which required some adjustments to how email accounts were accessed.
    I had continuing problems with one account that would not log on and download emails. The only solution was to delete the email account completely and install it new. The new account works.
    However, all of those old emails from that account were deleted.
    Can anyone suggest a way to retreive those old emails?
    I have time machine installed, so in theory, those old emails could be accessed if I knw how.
    What I don't want to do is to reinstate the earlier version of Mail itself since the new settings work and I have also received emails my all my accounts (12) which would be overwriten by such a global change.
    What I am seeking to do is to meld the old emails into the new account so all are accessable now.
    Any suggestions?

    Franklyn Hamsher wrote:
    The account used to be POP, now is IMAP.
    I have always set this account to delete emails from gmail after a period of about a week.
    The emails that I need to recover go back for serveral years and were only kept on my local computer.
    1. Only a POP account can be set to delete from Server after a specified period has elapsed, if you have that option you have not set an Imap account.
    2. Your mail is almost certainly lost unless you had a backup.
    One possibility, do you still have the Entourage data database?

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    lost all email gmail messages deleted by mistake need help thank you.

    Mail 2.x doesn’t store mail in standard mbox format. The only way you might find Mail messages in a “recovered” mbox file is if it was a Mail 1.x file that Mail 2.x left there after the conversion to the new *.emlx format when you upgraded from Mac OS X 10.3 or earlier to Mac OS X 10.4.
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    Beware, however, that anything you do with the computer may cause the deleted *.emlx files to be overwritten if you don’t try to recover them first.

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    You can do this when accessing the account as a POP account on the iPhone only with the correct settings for not removing messages from the server when deleted from the iPhone - if Gmail supports accessing the account as a POP account.
    Accessing the account as a POP account with an email client on one computer or mobile device and as an IMAP or Exchange account on another can cause problems.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community! First off, please check your account/hub settings for "Delete On", and make sure it is NOT set to "Hub Only". If that is set, then change it to either Prompt or Hub and Server. If that does not do it, then please with a strong carrier network signal (e.g., not merely WiFi), I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (step 1 should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
    1) Register HRTKB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless networkPlease wait for one "registration" message to appear2) RebootPre-BB10 Devices ONLY. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes.BB10 Devices. Hold the top button down until the counter reaches zero. Wait for the device to be fully shut down (e.g., nothing at all displayed on the screen, no LED lights, etc.). Hold the top button until the red LED is lit. Wait through the full boot-up process. IF this fails, you can attempt the battery-pull method above, but it is normally NOT recommended unless nothing else works.See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.Hopefully that will get things going again for you! If not, then you should try deleting and re-adding your configurations for the affected email accounts.
    Good luck!

  • Hi my ipad mini keeps deleting emails from the in box I want them left untl I am ready to delete.  Please help!

    hi my ipad mini keeps deleting emails from the in box I want them left untl I am ready to delete.  Please help!

    In theory, an IMAP server should never present different views of the same inbox to different IMAP clients. (I assume you did verify that the laptop and the older iPad were accessing the server using IMAP; some servers offer both IMAP and POP.) The clients could react differently, but I am not aware of any settings that would cause what you are seeing.
    I know this sounds like a cliche, but have you tried power-cycling or resetting the iPad Mini?

Maybe you are looking for