N95-Firmware 12.0.014.

Hi, Can any one tell what are the Pros and Cons Of this firmware?
Any thing New?
Any Problems?

It's the same firmware as the 12.0.13 just it's an Asian version.
Nokia N95
V 20.0.015

Similar Messages

  • N95 - Firmware 12.0.014 is out

    Will update now and post my findings later...
    Ericssson EH 237, Ericsson EH 337, Ericsson GH 388, Siemens S25, Nokia 6210, Nokia 7250, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6280 & O2 Atom , Nokia N95, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

    I haven't had much time to play with my phone yet so here's the preliminary findings:-
    1. Chinese Internet telephony fixed. Now named as "Net tel."
    2. It SEEMS that the missed key press bug has been fixed.
    3. Call log icon still NOT fixed.
    That's all for now.Message Edited by kevineu on 20-Aug-200707:57 PM
    Ericssson EH 237, Ericsson EH 337, Ericsson GH 388, Siemens S25, Nokia 6210, Nokia 7250, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6280 & O2 Atom , Nokia N95, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

  • N95 Firmware Update

    Hi all,
    Just updated my n95 firmware last night to the latest v20.0.015.
    Everything seems fine now, no random restarts, the phone is faster than ever and taking pictures and viewing the gallery is great now!
    The only thing that's gone wrong is the slide for the Media Buttons no longer activates the media player nav screen.
    Does anyone else have this problem?

    ahh thank you for the quick response!
    I guess I'll just have to hit the button for the media player app!
    Cheers again!

  • N95 firmware 21.0.001 : When??

    Do you have some news about release of last N95 firmware 21.0.001?

    No one knows here the exact date. But it will come soon with stuffs except 2.8" screen and bigger battery.
    Garageracing, you said you have "better" battery, I dont know yet nokia made a better battery just for N95, so any other battery attemting to fit in N95-1 in ANYWAY will just void the warrenty.Message Edited by korngear on 21-Nov-200707:23 PM

  • Risk involved in N95 Firmware update

    I want to update my N95 firmware but at the same am frightened that if my internet disconnects during update process, then what would happen. Is there any risk for my N95 if such thing happens. If the update is not complete and my internet didconnects, then would my N95 work properly?
    Is there any way I can download the latest firmare to my PC and then update N95 from PC via cable?

    Do not attempt the update if you use dial-up internet. You need broadband.
    I've read that a lot of people have had phone failures when using dial up.
    If you don't have broadband or a stable connection then visit a care point/service centre and ask them to do it. It's free while the phone is under warranty.

  • N95 firmware v12 and media player problem

    In firmware version 10, when I want to go in Media Player, I pressed and holded shortcut key for once then gone in Media Player. But now, In firmware version 12, for going in to Media Player, Sometimes I should press and hold shortcut key for ONCE and sometimes for TWOICE !!!
    Why ???Message Edited by zoologist1 on 12-Aug-200707:42 PM

    This is a known issue which should be resolved in the next release of the N95 firmware.

  • Lost Greek with the new N95 Firmware!

    I've lost the Greek language and support updating my N95 firmware to v11. Any ideas how can i fix that ?
    Thank you!

    Go to your nearest Nokia service/repair center and ask them for help: http://www.nokia.com/repair
    If you want to know why it happened, then use the search feature to look for key words like "grey" or "gray" or "import" or "greek" or "arabic":

  • N95 firmware 31.0.017

    Prior to installing the new firmware I'd like to know what's new in this.
    I'm struggling to find this info on the Nokia site. Also I've googled it but with no concrete results.
    Does anybody know what are the news there?

    This page should explain why you can't update: http://linux.sgms-centre.com/nokiafaq/branded-phones/
    To say that V20 was the most stable firmware for the N95 is nonsense. V21 was already an improvement and V30 was the most stable IMO with excellent power management. Yes, there was an extremely vociferous minority complaining about V30, and then there were people repeating those complaints as if they accepted them as the gospel truth, and the whole "problems with V30" thing was consequently blown completely out of proportion. There were L10N problems with the original V31.0.014 released in December, and that's why it was withdrawn. V31.0.17 corrected those problems and should be an extremely stable release.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Help about N95 Firmware!!!

    Product Code:
    Nokia N95(12.02)
    New Firmware Version
    What difference v12.0.013 & v12.0.014 ???
    pls reply asap thx!!!

    Compatibility wont allow you, best thing would be to get the compatible version for your N95-2.

  • My review: N95 Firmware v20, one day old!

    Well - I have flashed the firmware and been using my "new" (for it certainly seems like a new phone) N95 all day now. It has only crashed once (curiously enough clicking on the top right link on the http://mosh.nokia.com page, a small green right-facing arrow). I certainly can't claim that level of stability with my desktop PC... so my one crash is par for the course, and very impressive indeed!
    As many people have mentioned, there is a lot more free RAM now. Exactly how much is really immaterial as it is the enhanced capability of the phone which has resulted from this boost that matters. As a pretty exhaustive test I did the following:
    Whilst on speaker phone to my business partner he sent me an email to my Hotmail account.
    I opened up the messaging app and went to my Windows Live mail box.
    I opened the email and downloaded an 85k Word document attachment on it.
    The QuickOffice viewer opened the Word file.
    Within the Word file was a web link - I needed to look at this and so copied it to the clipboard.
    Returning to the menu I opened the browser and navigated to the link from the clipboard. The page was laden with graphics and a tonne of text. I zoomed to 50% and scanned through to read the information I needed.
    Leaving the browser open, and just for the hell of it, I went to the menu and launched Widsets which duly connected to my WLAN and loaded up my widgets. I scrolled to the Darla Mack Mobile blog widget and opened it up, selecting the first story within (about the v20 firmware, of course!). This news post had a 70% of screen sized image on the page too.
    Throughout all of this I changed screen orientation a number of times using both the slider and the option in the browser's menu. I also had a call blacklist application, as well as the excellent MobiGenie voicemail application running in the background at all times.
    Before I closed everything down, I loaded Y-Task's memory module to see how much RAM was free - 6.7M of free RAM!!! Now that's what I'm talking about!!!!
    I'd just like to say to anyone anywhere who has ever harboured or proffered the opinion that "it's a phone, it's not meant to do all that" or some variant thereof - what absolute rubbish! This new firmware has made the phone multi-taskable to such an extent that at last, the N95's slogan "it's what computers have become" can at last ring true!!
    As for battery usage improvements, the fullness of time will reveal whether it really makes an impact. In the mean time, today, I have tested it as follows:
    I have performed a firmware upgrade(!)
    I took three backups on PC Suite via content copier
    Used USB Mass transfer to copy 370MB of data from my memory card, via the phone
    Installed 30 applications to the phone
    Restored data to the phone (and subsequently reformatted the phone!) 3 times
    Played with the web browser for 50+ mins on WiFi.
    Chatted on MSN Messenger for around 30 minutes
    Took 8 photos at 5MP each, most with flash
    Played around in general with the phone for about 3 hours, on and off
    Performed the aforementioned uber-test on the phone
    Spoken in total for (according to my log) 2h09m
    Sent 9 text messages
    Watched one streaming video from my gallery, lasting 6 mins
    My battery has JUST, after all of that, hit the low battery warning. I think that you'll agree that's an impressive performance for the N95. This is all with the phone set to lowest brightness, non 3G mode etc. to conserve maximum power of course, so that extra jolt of power that the N95 8Gb batteries have would still not go amiss... I suspect that I'd have been able to do a lot less if I was using high speed mobile networks for the data tasks I listed above.
    The camera is also very much improved, about 3-4 times faster overall. It seems to produce better quality images with finer resolution of individual pixels. I think (?) they have increased focal length on macro shots from 10-40cm to 60cm (I could be wrong there). The update massively reduced shot-to-shot time and the simple addition of the processing image message really improves the process no end, curiously enough! Also, there is funny gray line grid mode (er, what's this acutally for??).
    There are numerous tweaks here and there, like new sub-folders in the menus (very handy indeed) and new versions of some apps.
    There are some rather glaring omissions however:
    Nothing has been done with the accelerometer functions, no auto-rotate or tilt-navigation (a la RotateMe / Nokmote).
    Videos and photos are still grouped together in the gallery and the 'albums' feature feels a bit like an afterthought (at the very least I would expect folders or album icon or something to show up in the photo/video stream).
    There is still no control over compression of JPEG images from the camera (although this will probably be a minor issue to many).
    The slider menu (which Darla Mack quite rightly commented on) from the N81 which allows you to set up how the slider action causes your phone to behave - where is it? This is such an obvious requirement for the N95 and has been the frequent cause of complaints on many forums since the N95's launch
    There are a number of applications / software features, for example the multimedia menu, which are already present on other phones which have not been included here. Indeed I believe that some of the core apps from the N95 8GB are more advanced still... given the mess Nokia made of the N95-1 it would seem only courteous to have provided a full set of the latest core apps and menus
    There are many other niggles, but I'm going to leave those ones down to personal tastes. That and the fact that I'm a software designer myself, so I'm always likely to think I can see a better way to do it!
    To sum up, this firmware update was very much needed and overdue. Nokia's handling of this issue and of it's customers has been appalling. Making people wait for 5 months without word, having superceded a very flawed and expensive phone was not, under any stretch of the imagination, a good way to go about things.
    Now that it v20 is here, the N95 flies! It is suddenly reborn and I'm so glad I own it now. It works beautifully and is so stable... it really is a pleasure to use now. I'm glad of my memory card slot and camera lens cover - I wouldn't trade this up for an N95 8gb or anything else I've seen on the market now! (yes that includes you iPhone!! ;P )
    My final thought on all of this? Thank Jebus they fixed the infernal keypress bug!!! XD

    To be fair, this update addresses nearly all of the concerns that we've had. It specifically addresses the top 2 concerns - memory handling and the poor performance of the camera application, slow load times and processing times.
    There are a bunch of other updates as well which are just icing on the cake.
    I think through 3rd party programs you can achieve most of what you are trying to do. I'm sure the n95 will recieve yet another update. The attention they have put into updating the phone to support the music store and ngage means that it will recieve additional bug fixes, especially once they begin to get a revenue stream from these new services being launched in december.
    I think the n95 if anything has been shown to be a winning device. I believe it will continue to have Nokia's support due to the fact that it is one of the most capable devices in the lineup. I believe the 5 month development time since the last update is due to how comprehensive the overhaul of the firmware has been. Now that version 20 is out, we will see smaller incremental updates. The tough part (overhauling the memory system and operating system, better battery management etc) is over.
    I'm really enjoying my device now.

  • Updating N95 Firmware! Some important questions

    My N95 is currently running on V20.0.013. A major improvement in update were found in V20.0.015. Now a days the latest firmware is V21.0.016.
    Q1. If I update my N95 to 21.0.016, then would I get all the improved features of V20.0.015 as well or should I update my N95 step wise, i.e., first to 20.0.015 and then 21.0.016 to have all improvements. In V20.0.015, there were improvements in menu structure.
    Q2. I have pre-installed multi language dictionary on microSD card provided in the sale package. If I update my N95 to V21.0.016, would this dictionary still work or I have to re-install it again?
    Q3. Is there any problems which anyone encountered after updating N95 to V21.0.016? Any draw backs of this latest V21.0.016 software?
    I totally depend upon you technical guys, and always get satisfied with the nice cooperation of this forum members. I hope you'll guide me this time as well.
    Regards to all

    Hi erehman,
    Some answers to you here.
    A1. A new firmware will always wipe out everything in the phone memory. Absolutely no need to update first to 20.0.015. Go straight to 21.0.016.
    But the previous firmware to 20.0.15 was 13.0.003.
    A2. After an update of a firmware you need to reinstall everything. The memory card, though, is not affected and you do not even have to keep it in.
    A3. There may be some problems or odd functions, but all together the 21 firmware is better than the 20 firmware.

  • N95.firmware 21.0.016 bugs!

    hi all.
    nokia,thanks for new firmware and flash lite3 and web runtime.
    but old bugs are still stay and didnt solve.
    after auto focus and capturing,screen is black for afew seconds.
    the tone of second camera is broken and crashed.
    standby time dosnt have a appreciable change.
    the menu layer dosnt change.
    n-gage program is like v.20.0.015(it isnt bug)
    map version is still 1.00(it isnt bug)
    we anticipate many new feature and difference from v.20.0.015!!!
    NOKIA means:Night Of King In Alone

    listen n95 users who updated their firmware to v21.
    when i learned yesterday that v21 was out, i didnt wait another second to get the new firmware. like most of you guys would do. i made a back up of my files first and then downloaded the freshly brought out upgrade.
    the flash 3 support was cool and the web runtime. the phone seemed to work faster too.
    but the next 2 thing ill tell you is something what i would call very saddening about this upgrade.
    1. the camera flash lights doesnt work anymore. even if you set it on force flash
    2. today ( 2nd day of v21 in possession) my phone stopped working and the screen went all black. i thought my phone crashed so i did what i usually do when it happens. i pulled the battery out for about 3 mins but the screen remained black. fyi, a phone that's turned off shows a blank screen. i put it back, same story. my phone is dead and i couldnt turn it on anymore. i immediately drive by the nearest nokia point center and ask if they could fix it. i had to leave my phone there for inspection and reparation. that means i would be able to use it for a couple of days. and this is very tragic.
    is there anyone there that encountered the same problem?
    piece of advice to those who havent have theyre phone upgraded: wait a couple of days first, and listen to what those who downloaded v21 on their phone. v21 is what i call DOWNGRADE in this matter. im very disappointed with this new firmware....

  • N95 Firmware update (v13, v20... whatever it's sup...

    Seriously don't hold your breath for too long... Nokia are truly awful at this, they treat the customers who buy their most expensive handsets with such apparent contempt it is nothing short of disgusting.
    I bought an N93 which was quickly superceded and completely forgotten about. To this day it is riddled with bugs and problems, as well as lacking so many features which were added to later models of phone when there was no reason other than Nokia not providing an update or releasing the software as individual updates.
    The N95 is not much different unfortunately. It is unstable and full of bugs, including frequent crashes, abysmal memory availability and management as well as annoying things like the the system ignoring key presses every so often. For all those people who don't experience any of this, lucky you! There are far too many people who do however...
    I'm sure some bright spark will come on here and point out in some way how I'm wrong, that Nokia are too busy working on new phones, that we've had a firmware update or two already for the N95 or something else. The simple fact is that Nokia are marketing the N95 as a computer, even to the point of the having the advertising slogan "It's what computers have become" but in fact they are treating it like a throw away mobile phone. Even Microsoft provide better and more frequent updates to their system than this! And that really is saying something!
    What a shame that they have locked down the system so much, there is a tonne of talent out there in the opensource community who could make this potentially amazing platform truly outstanding. Nokia sure as hell don't seem to have the inclination!
    When will you get your firmware...? It has been over 4 months now since they last updated the N95-1. I am beginning to get the feeling that this one has just been chucked on the heap as the N93 was... the parallels between the N93/N93i release and the N95/N95-8GB situation are rather strong. After 10 years as a loyal Nokia customer I won't be making the mistake of choosing them again!!
    The supposed October 28th deadline has come and gone. I have emailed Nokia 5 times and been ignored, for over 3 months now. I have called everywhere I can and get the stock response "we don't know that" or "we only get told that a few hours in advance". Assuming any of that is actually the honest truth, it makes Nokia look pretty poor in their organisation of information and product support.
    The sad fact is that even IF this firmware comes out, the chances of any further updates are extremely slim. Of course you could argue that there is a lack of commercial incentive for this. The N95 platform is so jammed full of technology that it has the potential to last for 4-5 years as a perfectly decent phone and mobile computing platform, with the right system updates of course. The industry makes no bones about the fact that it wants people to upgrade every 12-18 months, it's how they make their money. This is not conspiracy theory, just a sound bit of reasoning as to why we're not going to get a long stream of support for this phone.
    I read with interest that Google are launching an open platform and SDK soon. Much as I am wary of google, being the corporate giant that they are, this at least is the beginnings of a truly open platform which hopefully users will be able to work with and improve in the way that manufacturers like Nokia simply don't want to. That is of course until the phone manufacturers who move to this system lock it down like Apple have done with the iPhone and prevent free enterprise and development.
    I know we live in a capitalist society, but sometimes consumers are pushed just a bit too far. It is NOT acceptable, nor environmentally friendly to push out and make obsolete technology which costs as much as a reasonable spec entry PC once a year on us.
    I doubt Nokia will read this, even if they do it'll just go ignored like all the other complaints from the customers they have let-down like this.

    I'm sorry but "be patient" is just not sufficient here. It has been over 4 months and these are some MAJOR bugs in the phone.
    Let me detail my day so far with my N95, for those of you who are not familiar with these problems or who think that perhaps this is just a disgruntled customer who has an overinflated sense of importance.
    All of this is on an N95 replacement (the first one's earpiece broke) which I have had for under 2 weeks now. It is the latest firmware and there is NOTHING installed on it, it is as it comes...
    * Full charge overnight with the phone off.
    * Switch the phone on.
    * Check my emails (I was sent a small mpeg video (700k) which I download to the phone.
    - WiFi connection is lost 4 times and I'm within 3 metres of the aerial. N95 fails to find my access point for as long as a minute after losing the connection, when everything else in my house can see it.
    * Check FaceBook mobile in web browser.
    * Read BBC news headlines in web browser.
    - clicked on 3 minute news video headlines, realplayer loads up, runs out of memory to play the video. Realplayer closes, taking the web browser with it.
    * Try to play the video I was emailed. N95 doesn't support uber-standard MPEG files, so...
    * Browse the web again, searching for how to play the MPEG.
    - someone suggests renaming the file to .3gp to make RP load it. I'm dubious but it's worth a go. I go to the menu to access the file manager. I rename the file and click on it, still no joy.
    - I close the file manager and go back to my browser, except not - it closed without warning because the memory ran out (presumably)
    * I give up trying to browse the web and lock the phone.
    * I need to make a call. I press the buttons to unlock it and mess up the timing (my fault completely)
    - I keep pressing the buttons in quick succession in my impatience (which is just pointless I know, but I was in a hurry and fumbling with it).
    - Having pressed the buttons about 8 times the phone unlocks but the screen goes dark.
    - I press the camera focus/shutter button lightly to "un-sleep" the phone. It lights up for 2 seconds and goes dark again.
    - I repeat this 3 times and the phone switches itself off!!
    * The phone restarts automatically but once rebooted is slow and laggy, missing keypresses all over the place so I have to switch off then on again... it is normal (as normal as it gets) after this.
    * I go to my PC and write this!!!!
    Absolutely ALL of this is stuff the phone is supposed to do with its hands tied behind its back. I have not used any 3rd party software and never tried to use more than 2 applications at a time - the N95 IS a multitasking phone and so should handle a lot more than this!!!
    This behaviour was present on the previous handset too, on both the firmware versions it had on it during its life. My current handset came with an 8-point service engineer inspection saying it was in full health...
    Be patient? Even if I was prepared to mutely wait for 4+ months patiently whilst such dreadful bugs plague the phone, I am an N95 user who is concurrently paying off a contract on an N93 phone, costing me £200 ($400 US) in monthly rental for a phone which became unusable (due to signal issues on the network when I moved house to a different part of the country). Be patient? It is now about 14 months since I got the N93 and just over 12 months since the firmware was updated on that (I quote from the firmware date on my N93). Nokia dropped that one like a hot stone and completely screwed everyone who had bought it. Be patient? You must be kidding me! When Nokia, despite an all-singing-all-dancing website cannot ever be bothered to make even the most non-committal of announcements about firmware on it's own forums, why on earth should I be patient? I understand as a programmer myself all to well that things can slide and problems can delay things, but at this point I can't even find solid information to say there will be another update for this, let alone when it MIGHT arrive or what it will HOPEFULLY include... and as I said in my original post, I have telephoned and been fobbed off and had 5 emails ignored (not including the ones about the N93 which were also ignored). And yes, I did get the received message report from Nokia's own system saying someone would come back to me.
    I'm sorry to rant at you, I'm sure it's not your fault but be patient? Just not acceptable any more!

  • N95 firmware upgrade

    would anyone happen to know when nokia will release there next firmware upgrade for the n95 i am currently running 12.0.013....just curious, and whats APAC how do u know if your n95 is APAC>.
    NOKIA N96 rocks

    I thought APAC was the acronym of Asia-Pacific.
    * Australia
    * Brunei
    * Cambodia
    * People's Republic of China
    (including Hong Kong and Macau)
    * Taiwan (Republic of China)
    * Fiji
    * Guam (U.S. territory)
    * Indonesia
    * Japan
    * Kiribati
    * North Korea
    * South Korea
    * Laos
    * Malaysia
    * New Zealand
    * Northern Marianas (U.S. territory)
    * Palau
    * Papua New Guinea
    * Philippines
    * Samoa
    * Singapore
    * Thailand
    * Timor-Leste
    * Tonga
    * Tuvalu
    * Vanuatu
    * Vietnam
    Ericssson EH 237, Ericsson EH 337, Ericsson GH 388, Siemens S25, Nokia 6210, Nokia 7250, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6280 & O2 Atom , Nokia N95, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

  • Remove N-Gage that came with Nokia N95 firmware ve...

    I've noticed that when you uninstall the N-Gage aplication,
    it leaves in the Nokia N95's read only memory (ROM,)
    the aplication ngiinstaller.exe, this causes a death link in the
    aplication menu called Games.
    How do I remove this link, it's no longer needed, they sould'nt even putted the N-Gage standard in the firmware, the link does'nt delete by hand, only says that it is not removable.

    22-Mar-2008 06:49 PM
    imaginarykitten wrote:
    Not based in London so I'm going to have to nmake a 2 hour trek to my closest Care Point.
    How much do they charge to do the upgrade?
    22-Mar-2008 06:49 PM
    imaginarykitten wrote:
    Not based in London so I'm going to have to nmake a 2 hour trek to my closest Care Point.
    If your phone is under warranty then it should be free.
    If my post has helped you please click the white star on the right

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