N96 V12 firmware?

There is a rumor about that there is a version 12 going around for some product codes?
Anybody else herd this? and for what product codes?

13-Nov-2008 08:05 PM
jus71n wrote:
Hey no rush Nokia, I'll just carry on beta testing my £500 phone till you can be bothered to release a firmware to sort all it's problems out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Similar Messages

  • Nokia n96 v12 firmware

    For anyone whos been waiting for the v12 firmware to be come avil for product code 0573802 (CWH) it got released today via software updater.. 
    about time! here hopes it makes this unless phone useable

    You might want to wait for it to be available via FOTA. It's far more reliable than NSU.
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  • N96 v12 firmware replacement - Any Ideas?

    Does anybody have any indication or idea when nokia will release firmware to replace v12?

    Almost 5 months ago there were rumors about v20 and that's it. It is still rumors. Only a couple of people in this forum seems lucky to be end up with the perfect N96. psychomania***** is one of the lucky ones. The minute someone says something wrong with their N96 psychomania***** comes out with his fairytale about his perfect N96. May be he is sponsored by Nokia. Who knows? It is cheaper than making a real phone. 
    I met many people in and out side this forum who are extremely disappointed with their N96. They all feel cheated by the Nokia. I was a Nokia phone fan for many years. I will never buy another Nokia phone again. I paid more than £500 for my N96, sim free and unbranded. I had it replaced 3 times and even with v12 it is still buggy.
    Remember when the N95 came out. It took them years to come up with the firmware that suited the phone. By that time the market value of the phone dropped to very low.
    Considering the current financial status of Nokia and the recent sales figures, I don't think Nokia is keen to bother with firmware upgrades for N96. They got your money and they are not in a hurry to fix your phone. They will be spending all their resources on new scam to generate more cash by launching another new model. May be N97.
    If you bought a N96 then you been DONE. Don't waste your time and move on. I did.

  • N95 V12 firmware withdrawn?

    Has V12 firmware been removed from the Nokia update site. Tried updating my N95 this evening and was only offered the same V11 that I already have to reinstall.

    It probably hasn't been approved by your network operator yet.
    Some networks are much quicker than others at approving new firmware versions.

  • Nokia N96 V12.043

    Just wanted to say, as of 10 minutes ago, I was able to update my N96 over the air to firmware v12.043. First impressions are good....
    FYI mine's generic euro product code 0543712

    Grayburn @ www.nokiausers.net & www.dailymobile.se....come say Hello!!!
    If you appreciate ANY help from a member,then show it by clicking on the Blue Star button, cheers

  • N96 No firmware for RM-247 Product Code 0573563

    It has been more than a month since 2 11.x software updates have been released for the N96 series. I don't seem to be the only one currently stuck on the 10.0.65 firmware which has a few bugs (the handset freezes from time to time).
    I've had sereral Nokia handsets previously, but never seen such a long time to get one.
    Can anyone confirm that it can even take longer to get such an upgrade?
    I have tried via the NSU and the phone updater on PC.
    Go to Solution.

    The latest version of N P C S is V2.2.78
    If you have V7 you are running the OLD Nokia P C SUITE NOT i say again NOT N GAUGE P C Suite which comes on the disk with the N96
    There are 2 versions of P C suite now the Old type and the new N series You can run both on the same PC but I have now removed the old version as N gauge P C Suite does seem backwards compatible and will connect to the 8310 and 6510 which are the oldest phones in current use
    The N 95 also had the N series PC suite but the download of the Nokia site shows V7 as the new version
    this IS LIKE THE SOFTWARE V12 is NEWER THAN V30 as V30 is on N95 and V12 is on N96
    N Series has its OWN updater which shows newer versions than StandARD UPDATER
    ON http://europe.nokia.com/A4577224
    The Post did say i quote
    "ok try through PC Suite
    make sure you have the new N series PC suite
    plug in phone
    go down tools list to update software
    let it run"
    Nokia user / modder since Nokia Orange and Mobira user too before that

  • N96 next firmware?

    I have been very fond of Nokia over the last few years. I am however getting slightly disappointed by the frequency of firmware updates for the n96, they were necessary (v11 and v12) to fix crashes and other messed up things on the device. The latest firmware (v12) did introduce some bugs such as the # shortcut not available anymore... I see plenty of firmwares for the 5800 and E71, so what gives...
    So any rumours about a new version coming out?
    Also, been lurking on the n97 but got slightly put off by that news:  http://www.symbian-freak.com/news/009/04/dream_is_over_n97_processor_details_revealed.htm
    Thoughts anyone?

    My friends tell me soon. Better get out your USB cables and start checking the site.
    Make sure you go through the software upgrade rather than seeing if there is an upgrade for the phone code.Message Edited by sapporobaby on 03-Aug-200704:31 PM
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

  • N96 new firmware vs. pics for contacts

    I have seen, that more people have same problem as me, but nowhere have I found solution.
    After updating my N96 with FW 20.050 I've lost all thumbnails of pictures from my contacts list.
    Is it that in new firmware you need to assign pictures to contacts only manualy? Is this a bug?
    Will be grateful for any answers.

    picaboodre wrote:
    Yeah dude, i had the same problem. Lost all my thumnails after updating. The fullscreen images of my contacts still appear when calling someone, but the contact previews have dissappeared. After trying many methods, i just ended up manually re-assigning them. NO biggie for me really, the firmware works wonderfully for me otherwise
    How do you assign them? I mean I also lost all my thumbnails after updating. But I can't see any "Add Thumbnail" option, when I enter "Edit" option in "Contacts". I used to with V12.043.
    Could it be that my hard disk is now empty, therefore contains no "images." Does you hard disk have to contain a picture in order for "Add Thumbnail" option to appear in "Edit" in "Contacts"???

  • N96 V12 battery issue

    Hello all,
    we have mentioned it somewhere b4 but be aware cause it seems that the battey in the new 12 version is drained considerably faster than in the previous version. I tested that using the exact same settings I had for version 11. It fixes quite a few bugs sure- but the battery issue is worsened..
    N95,N81,N96, N97

    I have the same issue with the v12. I noticed speed improvement(good except for theme using im still slow), but the problems i experieced with this version is one time totaly freeze on menu(had to unmout batt), 1 restart just because...(not new) and the battery life is very bad now.. wont reach 24h!!! Leaving economy activated yesterday, i had 4 bars in the morning, i used 3/4 Text msg, 1 min video and 10 min of a simple java game, the battery popup came up.. all this in 15 minutes.
    For last, i notice random loss of operator network for some seconds.
    i updated from v10 to v12,so i cant understad why not all has same problem, im happy for them

  • N95 - v12 firmware, buzz gone

    Just updated the firmware on my n95 to the newly released v12 and i have to say that the annoying high-pitched buzz/whine in-call has gone for me.
    It was the first thing i noticed when i made a call shortly after.
    GPS lock-on from a cold boot (not having had the in-built gps on for a good week or so) was around 70 seconds
    The augmented GPS seems to work (my phone knows where i am in a building)
    Overall ... the annoying things that have bugged me from day one are gone.
    Have to say ... and not many people do this anymore. THANK YOU NOKIA
    Seems like you did a decent job in polishing the phone os ... keep it up

    10-Jul-200709:22 AM
    kevineu wrote:
    Me Too!

  • Maps 3.0, N96, v30 Firmware, device reboots

    Just upgraded to Maps R3 having had no issues with the beta versions, and having driven it hard (Pun intended).
    Now, when using GPS navigation, the device reboots itself with no warning and no identifiable cause, except that I am using the GPS navigation features. usually it reboots after about 20-30 minutes of using navigation.
    Any thoughts?
    Device is an N96, V30 f/w, and I've checked for Maps updates recently. I'm using the UK maps, but also have France and US maps loaded as well (as I have planned trips).

    Roosta wrote;
    i have this same problem. happens in maps, google maps, and garmin.
    never had this problem on previous firmwares, and this one has added nothing to the phones feature set or usability. its just created problems. it crashed twice in the 4 months i had it before this firmware update, now its crashing 2-3 times A DAY, gps or no gps.
    ive formatted the phone and memory card, reinstalled the firmware using NSU and then tested it with just google maps installed on the phone, same problem. 
    frankly im furious nokia can put out such a buggy firmware update that changes nothing of any use and causes crashes like this. they better sort it soon. 
    the bluetooth connection with my PC is also broken since this firmware. crashes explorer everytime i try ot access the phone, even using the nokia suite. again, never had this problem before. 
    Have you installed applications in your phone?If yes, maybe this cause the crashes.Uninstall all your apps, and do a reset.
    Factory settings reset. In standby, dial *#7780# and the phone's security code (the nokia's default security code is 12345). This reset restores phone's original settings.
    Soft reset. In standby dial *#7370# and the phone's security code (the Nokia's default security code is 12345). Soft reset deletes ALL your phone's data.
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  • N96 v12.043 for pn: 0573313

    When is it comming? If someone know.
    My phone is unbranded as far as I know but still no update yet.
    I wounder.
    Phone Productnr: 0573313
    //Daniel Persson
    //Daniel Persson
    My history: 8210. 7210. 6280. N96. Current: N900.

    V12.043 has been released for most product codes and is in the process of being rolled out for the rest.
    Network branded phones are usually the last to get the update as network approval is required before it can be released.

  • N96-3 Firmware Uodate. When?

    Any idea when new firmware will be out for the NAM N96-3? I see a lot of other models are already at 12.xxx Thanks.

    The N96-3 is the North American version. In Australia, Telstra happens to use the same frequency bands as most North Aperican operators for 3G, which explains why they sell that particular model.
    The N96-3 amd the N96-1 are, however, slightly different models, which explains why the firmware versions won't be the same for them.
    Also, Telstra does operator branding, which will delay updates even further (if they happen at all).
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  • N96 v12 not that good

    i downloaded the new firmware last night, gave it a day and im 50/50 on it
    the phone is a tad bit quicker, camera is slightly better, and best of all i can keep bluetooth on all day and the battery doesnt go down like it has been on previous firmwares
    but when i send a text, it says sending message for at least 10 or 11 seconds, and the outbox symbol doesnt appear for at least 3 or 4 seconds, which is a long time. the older firmwares never did this, anyone know why??
    also, i still cant see the option to have a clock as the power saver like the n95 had, im sure someone said this v12 had the option???

    i also loaded the new firmware yesterday and i noticed when i go to new test message.it takes sometimes up to 7 seconds to load
    and yes it takes over 5 secs jus saying sending.even if it a few lines text message
    old firmware never used to be like this
    hope they can fix it quick.very irritating

  • Nokia N96 New Firmware Version 30.033 and Camera F...

    I updated my Nokia N96 to the new firmware version 30.033 after which my phone camera is not working. When I press on the camera button it gives the message (Camera Feature not Supported). I played many tricks with it but of no use. I reset my phone to the original factory setting through (*#7370#) and Multi-finger process but of no help. I even reinstalled the updated version but the problem still persists. My camera worked fine before the update but now it gives the said message and the phone hanges up on pressing the camera button. I request nokia developers to help fix this problem and check their updates for buge before uploading them to the server to save users from problems & worries. If you found any solution for the problem then please let me know it on my E-Mail ID:  I will be grateful for your response. 
    Message Edited by Kay_Cee on 12-Jan-2010 03:40 AM

    hlepcha wrote:
    You told everything about the firmware upgrades and the non-functional camera features.
    I did everything [firmware re-installation, hard-reset etc. etc.] to get my camera features back. This includes visiting the authorized Nokia service centre and paying them bucks.
    No luck buddy. I may have an ardent brand loyalty to Nokia but Nokia is letting me down every way.
    Any luck buddy? 
    you should not have had to pay a nokia care point for what ammounts to a warenty repair,
    The camera issue with the N96 upgrade is an uncommon but known bug,
    If a hard reset, or a firmware reinstall doesn't fix it then take the phone to a nokia care point and have them fix it for free under the warenty

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